
Cleaned up some code, fixed help message

Revised README/LICENSE and other errata

Reorganized parts of code, deleted useless tests

Cleaned up some variable naming and diagnostic messages

Moved the readnetworks subroutine into

Cleaned up some conf values

The timestamp of the connect times is now recorded in its original string and epoch seconds. The names linked by ip are now flagged in the IP links list at the bottom of the report. **username** less then 5 min between connections *username* between 5 min and 10 min between connections. It only checks the last connections for each user currently. This will help identify links that aren't simply someone got the same ip -- Commit by izzyb

Rename to botnow

Only connect to active nets

Only connect to active networks

Tool for publishing reports by izzyb

Cleaned up configuration options

Use php 7 due to compatibility issues

Imported sources