commit 78027c33011cf145ce6adf49d4e7baf37fcd2533 from: jrmu date: Mon Mar 06 23:07:52 2023 UTC fix permissions bugs commit - 77bde4fdaf467666a3f21edbea76de2b4fbfaf68 commit + 78027c33011cf145ce6adf49d4e7baf37fcd2533 blob - 1d899ac615100c029b18e007fb58cf96fe26e16d blob + bac78cb1e93f46600b1497b2e9b9a8d73b3278e3 --- +++ @@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ sub init { unveil($passwdpath, "rwc") or die "Unable to unveil $!"; unveil($virtualspath, "rwc") or die "Unable to unveil $!"; unveil($senderspath, "rwc") or die "Unable to unveil $!"; + unveil($passwdpath.bak, "rwc") or die "Unable to unveil $!"; + unveil($virtualspath.bak, "rwc") or die "Unable to unveil $!"; + unveil($senderspath.bak, "rwc") or die "Unable to unveil $!"; unveil("/usr/lib/", "r") or die "Unable to unveil $!"; unveil("/bin/sh", "rx") or die "Unable to unveil $!"; }