commit 40bea95c0896433fe07c7d4fe210200e50bddace from: Alexander Barton date: Mon Jan 04 20:15:05 2016 UTC Commands.txt, PRIVMSG: Fix "server mask" description commit - 7c7d03b7309062995583595cfbdbd0f356d7a23b commit + 40bea95c0896433fe07c7d4fe210200e50bddace blob - d350e8d3af5ec2cee87bcaf8b652dad53a3f9a7d blob + c4bd3a111852c0178077d64e911a9877a9762845 --- doc/Commands.txt +++ doc/Commands.txt @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ General Commands In addition, IRC Ops can use these two forms to specify the : . - # - - # + - $ . The can contain the wildcard characters "*" and "?", but must contain at least one dot (".") and no wildcard after the last one.