Commit Diff

commit - e3a2a6c44d30a68f3afeab17ba19a5559e09f3a5
commit + e5cdd61fe3d78fa976836192dbca64874160a493
blob - e049f5ef88f2e3434d6cbe00995db70f0bbfe7b0
blob + dde1498d47b49b5d70302d0bb60a8d84e04cd53e
--- doc/Commands.txt
+++ doc/Commands.txt
@@ -668,10 +668,13 @@ Administrative Commands
 	 - RFC 2812, 3.4.7 "Connect message"
 - DIE
+	DIE [<message>]
 	Instructs the server to shut down.
+	The optional (and non-standard) <message> text is sent to each client
+	connected to this server before all connections are closed.
+	.
 	To use this command, the user must be an IRC Operator.