Commit Diff

commit - e29e15ca27b7ede90415fddaf3406974cf634a95
commit + bb4101cd6c1149cbb9a8b7e886c67f637de22541
blob - a5270981aec66c865e4326e02afb33a363ddaa4b
blob + 909aa56b388ef20e40d4bcbb5597b9ea81f6d648
--- doc/HowToRelease.txt
+++ doc/HowToRelease.txt
@@ -65,13 +65,16 @@ h) Run "./" to update the ./configure script
 i) Run "./configure" to rebuild all generated Makefiles.
-j) Run "make distcheck" to generate the distribution archives.
+j) Run "make distcheck" (and "make dist-tarZ dist-xz") to generate all of the
+   distribution archives.
 k) Sign the distribution archive(s) using GnuPG: "gpg -b <archivefile>"
 l) Upload and distribute the newly generated ngIRCd release archive(s)
-   and GnuPG signatures.
+   and GnuPG signatures (to the website, its mirrors, and GitHub).
-m) Write an announcement to the mailing list, Twitter, ...
+m) Update the ngIRCd website and its mirrors!
-n) Relax :-)
+n) Write an announcement to the mailing list, Twitter, ...
+o) Relax :-)