Commit Diff

commit - cafb5cc156a88210bf711220dc275ae3663aaf0e
commit + 834ec23282f69ecbf13c86d56f083ca943042837
blob - ca6a1d39b6e405894d65583f559093a22bad3545
blob + f2521f3c3417a05736a8b6c9447b82c335cbfc3d
--- wiki.d/.pageindex
+++ wiki.d/.pageindex
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+PmWiki.Uploads:1681558394: PmWiki.PmWiki PmWiki.Images PmWiki.UploadsAdmin PmWiki.WikiGroup PmWiki.Links PmWiki.UploadVariables PmWiki.PageDirectives PmWiki.WikiAdministrator PmWiki.Passwords PmWiki.PasswordsAdmin Cookbook.Attachtable Cookbook.AttachLinks Site.PageActions PmWiki.AvailableActions Cookbook.UploadTypes Cookbook.PreventHotlinking Cookbook.LinkIcons : enableuploadversions preventhotlinking wikiadministrator availableactions uploadvariables uploadnamechars pagedirectives passwordsadmin imagetypesend configuration automatically international uploadmaxsize restrictions uploadsadmin unexpectedly intermediate distributed attachlinks information attachtable parentheses attachments executables downloading pageactions replacement uploadtypes individual webservers determines sufficient attachlist characters authorized extensions restricted displaying incomplete configured unsuitable identifier referenced currently displayed following linkicons directory kilobytes attaching beginning organized appending wikigroup uploading replacing otherwise installed depending accessing groupname eliminate file_name customize commented disabled uploaded increase security fragment filetype pagename modified cookbook original instance includes audience received directly notation megabyte followed archives filename existing behavior brackets location displays deletion addition possible special caption options escaped summary listing another removal missing running scratch someone example against enabled correct desired strings further 1000000 whether default viewing browser renamed removed reasons feature instead require present deleted control without whereby authors specify becomes details already office simply others resume spaces images pmwiki allows limits change system markup letter either appear groups symbol offers recipe double should syntax itself common listed files video pmhlt first sizes there about audio their check after cache using clear still note2 local shown delta wants click newer pages store newly https write embed mouse names known edits query false mydoc stuff panel lacks adobe jpeg also same such like make only when that host look have wbmp svgz webp epub text exit does html 50kb flac opus each webm your mpeg both pptx docx over free site user from used area more this than misc been part work them tool sure then fake will blue hide wide can see dox url may why and faq old php abc nix tmp box any 1mb has put xcf png jpg gif pdf txt per dot tip yet odg rtf mdb xls odp ods odt hqx rpm tgz psd zip kmz kml dvi swf css eps mkv mpg mp4 ogv ogg wav mp3 via ftp wmf go 7z qt
+Relayd.RecentChanges:1681558394:  : recentchanges acceleration tlsmulti relayd 31t14 30t15 jrmu 2023 20z 54z 03 by 26 16
 PmWiki.SecurityVariables:1681531028: PmWiki.SecurityVariables PmWiki.PasswordsAdmin PmWiki.AuthUser PmWiki.Functions PmWiki.AvailableActions Cookbook.FailedLoginFunction PmWiki.EditVariables PmWiki.UploadVariables PmWiki.Security PmWiki.PagelistVariables : enablepostattrclearsession settingsitewidepasswords multifactorauthfunction enablerobotcloakactions enablesessionpasswords enablepagelistprotect authldapbindpassword enablecookiehttponly enabledirectdownload failedloginsfunction failedloginfunction denyhtaccesscontent enablecookiesecure enablepublishattr setcookiefunction enablepagevarauth securityvariables authldapreferrals pagelistvariables availableactions defaultpasswords authentications uploadvariables pageattributes passwordsadmin authldapbinddn cookiesamesite sessiondecode authorization authenticated automatically distinguished sessionencode allowpassword techcommunity editvariables robotactions robotpattern implications enabledrafts pmsetcookie controlling directories conjunction transmitted information permissions preference accessible javascript remembered expression handleauth publishing directives authuserid connection specifies upgrading sensitive arguments forgotten necessary microsoft developer following functions bandwidth eliminate otherwise succeeded reachable respected evaluates forbidden disallow disabled sessions encoding decoding changing versions cookbook includes contains affected returned although requests required multiple identity entering username existing history whether further headers mozilla reached binding refused perform follows defined reverse recipes getting article 1156292 support example editing regular encoded strings usually summary forgets entered created allowed without changed instead special crucial browser apache should custom pmwiki longer server nopass config editor causes reduce called robots switch values recent groups accept array world pages check which about saved level above httpd https given files false below under using cache print unset known agent shown links loads older leave order these never empty sites still docs this they both work side time from feed view have your keys flag will even also past true read adds that zero when html need note core sent made send null blog part diff sets want are web rss iis see new lax can via any was may has 2fa php run mfa by 22 t5 23 24 dc 0
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@@ -340,7 +342,6 @@ Math.RecentChanges:1650810778:  : recentchanges readin
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 Buyvm.Ipv6:1650780644: Hostnameif.Static Nsd.Configure DNS.Ipv6rDNS Nsd.Zone : routedsubnet2 routedsubnet1 responsible nameservers networking hostnameif convention addresses configure delegated replaced ifconfig ipv6rdns assuming nexthop changes subnets already example ability records digits static fewest actual create choose attach longer adding gives where using guide every buyvm click which right have your sure from zone will save need just able plan make with type then icon this gear well pick each api png use and run vps nsd new tab own for how now set may ns1 com hex ns2 to 48 be by up
 Eggdrop.Rss:1650730817:  : eggdrop xfnw need your help rss we
-Relayd.RecentChanges:1650654562:  : recentchanges acceleration forwarding listening february tlsmulti naglfar relayd https 2022 port fix 08 by 27 am 06 45
 Psybnc.RecentChanges:1650654562:  : recentchanges install between psybnc extra space march 2022 kei and uid at 09 41 pm 30 by
 Pmwiki.RecentChanges:1650654562:  : recentchanges simpleurl baytuch install pmwiki april 2021 punk 2022 am by 59 08 at 12 29 46
 Vmctl.RecentChanges:1650654562:  : recentchanges attachment miniontoby february vmctl usage fixed 2022 03 06 24 pm
@@ -903,7 +904,6 @@ PmWiki.Installation:1632736037: PmWiki.Requirements Pm
 Site.Search:1632736037:  : searchinfostart searchinfoend searchresults configuration cellpadding punctuation cellspacing insensitive characters containing including beginning sitegroup searchbox quotation contains searches examples omitting enclosed followed special content default summary pmwiki string border phrase double single equals quotes groups accent apple words those width slash enter pages marks whose limit colon tasty sign with than less food that find more need will some case name text list also your both same the all pie and for but one use not 100 are to of ù by
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 PmWiki.Forms:1632736037: Cookbook.InputDefault PmWiki.OtherVariables Cookbook.FormValidation Cookbook.FormExtensions Cookbook.InputFormsAndJavaScript PmWiki.PageLists Cookbook.PmForm Cookbook.Fox Cookbook.Input Cookbook.WikiForms Cookbook.ProcessForm : inputformsandjavascript standardinputcontrols enableinputdataattr id_of_the_datalist field_attributes othervariables formvalidation formextensions formnovalidate accessibility autocomplete inputdefault positionally enhancements counterparts description suggestions alternative processform placeholder immediately unsupported describedby definitions convenience processing characters parameters specifying compatible explicitly additional directives labelledby formatting checkboxes different reference invisible libraries displayed specified separator lowercase arguments markupend pagelists following wikiforms maxlength accesskey searchbox suggested selection including dlist_id contains fullname expanded browsers password previous selected wrapping sequence attached franklin anywhere disabled included existing multiple textarea cookbook allowing newlines tabindex optional readonly supplied required advanced explains username actually creation clicking authorid formname pagename detailed directly elements enclose example current setting pressed checked general between receive letters enctype options initial 0beta45 onwards pattern uncheck written creates summary firefox replace caniuse omitted assumes assumed notably accepts another recipes applied correct appears feature filters shouldn output action ensure chrome quotes starts custom typing safari having inline method spaces simply recent hidden values usable pmwiki pmform opened inside submit allows causes handle prompt inputs fields common second dashes config button number tables syntax little terms focus title first later class their alpha basic needs latin typed opera https types radio html5 named after these gamma links using begin doing state below group fully reset knows image doesn pages email login often block found embed note when that size this will with your post menu most ends addr also have give them down like drop nbsp even null step file what fill ones item cols then must dl_2 used jane same bold dl_1 more into from site some lynx edge msie role see two url tag how via bit get abc 808 src has w3c its css php min org www yes 30
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