Commit Diff

commit - 719e8390448055f4689ac484e88abc7d6ee469b6
commit + 53fbe0a09b5111a50bc46a905a4b432490a6c4b5
blob - 55bac951be50e92a86fb0cd4c299708bf96355d4
blob + 777a4721dd52a7e0753a2a46462a4ea791fe96a4
--- wiki.d/.pageindex
+++ wiki.d/.pageindex
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+Unrealircd.RecentChanges:1694578392:  : recentchanges unrealircd install january 2023 mkf at 07 24 pm by
+WikiTips.RecentChanges:1694578392:  : groupstagscategories wikiformatting recentchanges wikigroups cookbooks wikitips markdown intermap sources markup izzyb other links using 22t04 19t04 22t05 added 22t06 notes 22t16 04t21 2023 data 30z 20z 45z 14z 04z 21z 01z by on to 41 11 12 27
 Hosting.Providers:1694494706:  : colocationamerica restrictions jurisdiction hosthongkong hkcolocation researching sunnyvision cryptocoins filesharing alternative censorship especially simcentric afterwards delegation acceptable guidelines reputation operating endoffice unhelpful questions filtering providers religious important residence dedicated singapore australia microsoft corporate political serverrun offensive community transfers anything software payments customer criteria torrents serverhk required untested continue leaseweb includes purchase friendly shutting supports services servers options already country centers located certain silicon another openbsd freedom privacy respect content systems insists respond replied hosting speech policy valley should subnet allows ignore before strong define easily notify amazon africa google ircnow useful legal email these ifend https often avoid large south needs money false reply trial title where court offer reach vpses their order first check which abuse upon ipv6 have your does rdns team they also data asia that size such cash game fast ddos give time vpns what user will find when this been aren them send bank good long few and usa ask law can org how get day ovh by 3
 Almanack.Almanack:1694457033: Lists.Ircnow Minutemin.Code Minutemin.Server Minutemin.Duty Minutemin.Questions Minutemin.Progress Medals.Intro Team.Welcome Team.Testing Servers.Rights Team.Announce Ircnow.Dogfood Team.Networks Congress.Procedure Congress.Documents Ircnow.Milestones Ircnow.Roadmap2021 Ircnow.Roadmap2022 Ircnow.Roadmap2023 Ircnow.Status2022 CodeForce.Deploy Abuse.Code Ambassador.Markets Ircnow.Metrics Ircnow.Nsf Ircnow.Newdeal Ircnow.Daughtersofliberty Netizen.Ellisisland User.Welcome Netizen.Become Netizen.Rights Freedom.Selfadmin Freedom.Independence Freedom.Fork Ircnow.Constitution Freedom.Religion Freedom.Firstamendment Freedom.Software Freedom.Privacy Freedom.Homestead Freedom.Madeonirc Freedom.Unix Freedom.Startupdream Freedom.Openforeveryone Freedom.Dueprocess Freedom.Checks Freedom.Rulebylaw Freedom.Federation Freedom.Union Freedom.Universal Freedom.Radio Ircnow.Education Openbsd.Intro Vmm.Configure Vmm.Install Vmctl.Usage Vmm.Linux Vmm.DebianIso Vmm.DebianInstall Vmm.Debian Vmm.Optimize Vmm.Ubuntu Openbsd.Buyvm Vmm.DevuanIso Vmm.Devuan-ISO Vmm.Alpine Vmm.Arch Vmm.Plan9 Vmm.Router Vmm.Homerouter Openbsd.BBB Openbsd.Orangepi3lts Openbsd.Upgrade67 Openbsd.Upgrade68 Openbsd.Upgrade69 Openbsd.Sysupgrade68 Openbsd.Sysupgrade69 Openbsd.Sysupgrade70 Openbsd.Sysupgrade71 Openbsd.Install67 Openbsd.Install68 Openbsd.Install69 Openbsd.Install70 Openbsd.Install71 Openbsd.Bsdrd Openbsd.Singleuser Openbsd.Books OpenBSD.ResetPassword License.Publicdomain Gpl.Flaws Bsd.Hope Bsd.Labor License.Discriminatory Tcpip.Overview IPv4.Overview IPv6.Overview Tcpip.Sockets Openbsd.Netmask Tcpip.Ports Buyvm.Ipv6 Openbsd.Anycast Hostnameif.Static Hostnameif.Static-v2 Ifconfig.Change IP.Myaddress Almanack.Ifconfig Almanack.Route Openbsd.Wifi Route.Usage Dhcpd.Configure Openbsd.Npppd Openbsd.Pppoe Ntpd.Configure Dhclient.Configure Openbsd.Pf Pf.Guide Openbsd.PFStable Openbsd.PFTesting Openbsd.Pfbadhost Pf.Vpn Ddos.Intro Openbsd.SSDP Openbsd.ACKFlood Openbsd.RSTFlood Openbsd.SYNFlood Openbsd.HTTPFlood Openbsd.NTPAmplification Openbsd.UDPFlood Openbsd.Amplification Openbsd.Ping Openbsd.Tcpdump Netcat.Usage Netcat.Irc Netcat.Http Netcat.SMTP Telnet.Http Openssl.Http Openssl.Imap Openssl.Smtp Openssl.Check Openssl.Encryptfile Bgpd.Configure Dns.Overview Dns.Records Dns.FQDN Dns.Registrars Dns.Vhost Vhost.Freedns Vhost.Ircnow Nsd.Configure Nsd.Masterslave Nsd.Troubleshoot DNS.RDNS Dns.Zonefile Nsd.Zone Openbsd.Delphinusdnsd DNS.Mail DNS.SPF DNS.DKIM DNS.DMARC DNS.Ipv6rDNS DNS.Ipv4rDNS Unbound.Configure Host.Usage Dig.Usage Openbsd.Unboundadblock Unbound.Blacklists Rbldnsd.Install Dns.BindResolver Gpg.Verify Signify.Verify Duplicity.Usage Iked.Configure Vpn.Vpn Iked.Newconfig Vpn.Myipaddress Tor.Torsocks Tor.Hidden Tor.Irc Tls.Overview Tls.Intro Tls.CA Acme-client.Configure Acme-client.Cron Relayd.Acceleration Relayd.TLSMulti Letsencrypt.Expired Acme-client.AutoRenew Dehydrated.Configure Acmesh.Configure Sshd.Configure Ssh.Client Ssh.Fingerprints Openbsd.Sshbackdoor Sshd.Disablepassword OpenSSH.Keygen Openssh.Skey Openbsd.Drawtermssh Openbsd.Two-FactorAuth Openbsd.Sftp Ftpd.Configure Torrent.Configure Cvs.Anoncvs Cvs.Intro Cvs.Cvsweb Cvs.Repo Cvs.Guide Paster.Install Fiche.Install Openbsd.Www Openhttpd.Configure Openhttpd.Hosting Openbsd.Httpopenproxy Openhttpd.Perl Openbsd.Php Openhttpd.Tls Openhttpd.Website Openhttpd.CGI Openhttpd.Chroot Openbsd.Dokuwiki Pmwiki.Install Pmwiki.Simpleurl Pmwiki.Replace Ikiwiki.Install Squirrelmail.Install Roundcube.Install Wordpress.Install Openbsd.Oscommerce Openbsd.Cumulusclips Openbsd.Fluxbb Openbsd.Question2answer Openbsd.H5ai Openbsd.Easyapp Openbsd.Manna NodeJS.Install Openbsd.Cgit Stagit.Install Got.Repo Gotweb.Install Got.Usage Got.Server Got.Mirror Mariadb.Install Irc.Guide Irc.Chanop Ngircd.Oper Irc.Services Irc.Clients Irc.Easy HostServ.Rules Unrealircd.Install Znc.Install Znc.Chroot ZNC.Admin ZNC.Support Openbsd.ZNCModules Znc.Patch Znc.Usage Znc.Relayd Znc.I18n ZNC.Troubleshoot Znc.Debug Debate.Zncdefense Debate.Zncflaws Soju.Install Psybnc.Install Openbsd.Ilines Ambassador.Ilines Debate.Ircv3defense Openbsd.Identd Oidentd.Install Oidentd.ZNC Oidentd.Changeident Openbsd.Ii Openbsd.Sic Ngircd.Install Ngircd.Link Ngircd.Ssl Ngircd.Sins Hopm.Install Openbsd.Acopm Hopm.Telnet Openbsd.Hopm-NowWithInit Achurch.Install Anope.Install Atheme.Install Pylink.Install Pylink.Chroot Bitlbee.Install Openbsd.Matterbridge Eggdrop193.Install Eggdrop191.Install Openbsd.Tcltls Eggdrop184.Install Eggdrop.Nickserv Wraith.Chroot Openbsd.Biblebot Botnow.Install Openbsd.Ircrelayd Category.Perl Openbsd.CPAN Unix101.Unix101 Unix101.Wechall C101.C101 Debate.WhyNotC Almanack.C Openbsd.Vi Openbsd.Mg Emacs.Emacs Opensmtpd.Configure Openbsd.Opensmtpd-relay Openbsd.Opensmtpd-2 Openbsd.Mailopenproxy Opensmtpd.Troubleshoot Opensmtpd.Openrelay Opensmtpd.Test Rspamd.Configure Dovecot.Install Mlmmj.Install Mlmmj-archivist.Install Mutt.Connect Openbsd.Fdm Openbsd.Newdisk Openbsd.Fdisk Openbsd.Disklabel Openbsd.Growfs Openbsd.Pkg Openbsd.Ports Pkgadd.CheckUpdates Doas.Configure Syspatch.Syspatch Openbsd.Cron Rcctl.Rcctl Openbsd.Adduser Ln.Intro Tmux.Config Tmux.Share Openbsd.XTerm Openbsd.Backups Openbsd.Dump Openbsd.Restore Openrsync.Usage Rsync.Usage Fdisk.Usage Openbsd.Iplookup Openbsd.Base64 Openbsd.Uim Crontab.Edit Ps.Usage Kill.Usage Vi.Intro Openbsd.Vipw Tar.Usage Openbsd.Rcctl Syslogd.Configure Syslogd.Remote Ksh.Bash Ksh.Redirection Ksh.Autocomplete Shell.Limits Shell.Cronjobs Openbsd.Freeciv Openbsd.Openttd Olympics.Games Chess.Reading Chess.Chessgogi Chess.Tournament Chess.Limitsbot Fics.Install Math.Reading Shelllabs.Intro Shelllabs.Reading Shelllabs.Quotes Shelllabs.Manifesto Camping.Gear Openbsd.Minetest Minetest.Addingarenas Minetest.Serverlocations Minetest.Texturestyle Minetest.Updating Minetest.Worldbackup Texlive.Install Texlive.Sinhala Asterisk.Install Sox.Concat Openbsd.Ffmpeg Parec.Record Openbsd.Recordaudio Ffmpeg.Recordscreen Leafnode.Install Webnews.Install Gazette.Gazette Openbsd.INN Openbsd.Gopher Openbsd.Gophernicus Openbsd.Geomyidae Bucky.Install Prosody.Install Biboumi.Install Gomuks.Install Akkoma.Install Openbsd.Misc ISCABBS.ISCABBS Hosting.Hosting Hosting.Providers Openbsd.Security Chroot.Intro Password.Management MITM.Intro Openbsd.Phishing Password.Hashes Password.Schemes Openbsd.Dos Openbsd.Spam Openbsd.0days Openbsd.Rootkits Pledge.Intro Unveil.Intro Openbsd.Databaseperms Openbsd.Secureweb Openbsd.Trust Openbsd.Defaultdeny Openbsd.Loginconf Openbsd.Ids Openbsd.Setuid Openbsd.Sa Openbsd.Quota Openbsd.Shell Police.Intro Police.Fingerprints Openbsd.FilePermissions Openbsd.Oath-toolkit Doxing.Defense Team.Security Sheriff.Intro Openbsd.Xenodm Xfce.Install Fvwm.Configure Xdefaults.Configure Synclient.Configure TigerVNC.Install TigerVNC.SSH Fdroid.Install 9.9 9.Shell 9.Install 9.Partdisk 9.Plan9ini 9.Links 9.Shocase 9.Rcpu 9.Drawterm 9.JSDrawterm 9.101 9.Bootcamp 9.9paste 9.Independent 9.Cheatsheet 9.Sysupdate 9.Packages Rio.Customize 9.Chording 9.Ssh 9.Netcat 9.9gridchan 9.Ideas Cloud9p.Roadmap 9.9pideas 9.Audio 9.Irc 9.Date 9.Reading 9.Acmemail 9.Splinternet 9.FNS 9.PKI 9.IP 9.Why9 9.Inter9 Debate.Linuxflaws Linux.Reading Unix.Intro Unix.History Unix.Exhibit Unix.Reading SIMH.Install Ircnow.Womenstem Openbsd.Dkimproxy Openbsd.Opensmtpd Opsofliberty.Bootcamp Ircnow.Goals Openbsd.Rbldns : daughtersofliberty ntpamplification serverlocations question2answer troubleshooting openforeveryone disablepassword filepermissions firstamendment discriminatory unboundadblock resetpassword bind_resolver mailopenproxy httpopenproxy delphinusdnsd databaseperms debianinstall authoritative configuration sysupgrade70 sysupgrade71 checkupdates cumulusclips fingerprints publicdomain constitution sysupgrade69 autocomplete opsofliberty matterbridge acceleration independence dragonflybsd sysupgrade68 orangepi3lts squirrelmail ircv3defense addingarenas recordscreen texturestyle cryptography bindresolver startupdream applications nowwithinit roadmap2023 sshbackdoor changeident letsencrypt drawtermssh encryptfile ellisisland imagemagick defaultdeny independent splinternet gophernicus recordaudio worldbackup netizenship roadmap2021 roadmap2022 redirection opportunity pkglocatedb declaration masterslave myipaddress certificate simpletable illustrated authorities hostnameif supermicro factorauth beaglebone blacklists themselves status2022 bittorrent historical singleuser administer ambassador brainstorm linuxflaws federation signatures dueprocess automation dehydrated homerouter automating management tournament milestones encryption jsdrawterm philosophy unrealircd plan9front eggdrop184 networking eggdrop193 zncdefense zncmodules eggdrop191 deployment oscommerce accounting cheatsheet registrars temperance providers configure secureweb openhttpd newconfig xdefaults shelllabs manifesto duplicity detection hardening intrusion loginconf upgrade67 documents httpflood geomyidae fediverse 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pfstable ackflood training netmasks sysadmin firewall machines sortable balances industry tcpdump gazette openbsd toolkit prosody schemes biboumi iscabbs hosting sheriff clients freedom newdeal metrics markets dogfood servers welcome privacy desktop shocase android cloud9p windows exhibit virtual reading history 9pideas webnews sinhala ramdisk license dovecot pkg_add newdisk connect editors bitlbee achurch whynotc unix101 wechall channel icecast camping science justice texlive openttd restore chinese backups adduser crontab syslogd freeciv editing signals sending mailing lessons anycast sockets openssl central oidentd easyapp ikiwiki replace support mariadb digital signify rbldnsd freedns expired website anoncvs openssh control version without routing caching signing proxies ircnow hidden pkgadd paster chanop ffmpeg irc101 growfs netcat target acmesh remote concat debate pmwiki base64 keygen quotes static sndiod vorbis cvsweb inter9 ngircd fluxbb setuid alpine pylink quotas system 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@@ -586,7 +587,6 @@ Pylink.RecentChanges:1642631202:  : recentchanges dece
 Openhttpd.RecentChanges:1642631202:  : recentchanges openhttpd configure december october naglfar hosting perl jrmu 2021 08 pm 04 at by 14 11 28 18 am 06 23 03
 PuTTY.Connect:1642631202: Shell.Sshfingerprints PuTTY.PuTTYgen : sshfingerprints application connecting invisible alternate greenend username password properly sgtatham terminal keyboard function download puttygen features disable logging private example records consult address install windows version ircnow attach config verify bottom fixing latest change chiark keypad server please https sshfp shell login shift order guide vt100 check paste fruit click title fill host with keys work mode ctrl john page does open then must your type note html port org png and www see for dns esc fpr can get 22 go uk of
 Telnet.RecentChanges:1642631202:  : recentchanges november telnet http 2021 jrmu 03 at 18 pm by
-Unrealircd.RecentChanges:1642631202:  : recentchanges unrealircd install october 2021 more mkf and 24 at 06 25 am by
 Irc.Federation:1642631202: Relay.Relay Census.Census : subnetworks centralized federation redundancy namespace fediverse together services username complete distinct maximize ensuring approach federate policies channel example control prevent similar freedom relayed affect unique should matrix domain census better these while email title does each will true have also able team bans this that form from take then irc its own now run and not set can of if
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