Commit Diff

commit - 6ed3b6f85c6cfa25d1607a8efa51a82ad7a8e012
commit + 19cb29da514a397268f2965c08496a7b6ff89aa0
blob - 6889039c72d4ab190807f785a6fbb99150d6079e
blob + f21073abb86d16b12957dd2e2a8dd8743abcd37e
--- doc/Commands.txt
+++ doc/Commands.txt
@@ -373,13 +373,18 @@ Status and Informational Commands
 	 - RFC 2812, 3.4.3 "Version message"
 - WHO
-	WHO [<target> ["o"]]
+	WHO [<mask> ["o"]]
-	Returns a list of users who match <target> (nick, hostmask or channel).
+	Show a list of users who match the <mask>, or all visible users when
+	the <mask> has been omitted. (Special case: the <mask> "0" is
+	equivalent to "*")
 	If the flag "o" is given, the server will only return information about
 	IRC Operators.
+	References:
+	 - RFC 2812, 3.6.1 "Who query"
 	WHOIS [<server>] <nicknames>