Commit Diff

commit - db0dd6f2c7250ca257652efdfa203134e5f7094e
commit + 0cd29639086e90ded817672d505ab0d009e6a9ab
blob - 0787940b1cd48a055ccb438a0060cf656d5ca77b
blob + b75a4b83b6367cda0746f781ee96956bad41fa8d
--- report
+++ report
@@ -25,46 +25,61 @@ sub debug {
 	if ($verbose >= $level) { print "$msg\n"; }
+# location of local modules
 use lib './';
+# Date string to epock used in init_ip_xref
+use Date::Parse;
 my ($ipTable, $nameTable) = init_ip_xref();
 while (my $username = shift) {  #param 1 should be the name of a user to generate a report from.
-		my $dbFile = '/var/www/botnow/botnow.db';
-		my $dbh = connectdb($dbFile);
-		if (!defined($dbh))  {
-			die "failed to connect to $dbFile";
-		}
-		my $stmt=qq{select * from bnc join irc on (bnc.ircid = where username is ?};
-		my $sth=$dbh->prepare($stmt);
-		$sth->execute($username) or die "execution failed: $dbh->errstr()"; 
-		while (my $row=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
-			my $dossier =qq{
-		Username: $row->{username}
-		Email Address: $row->{email}
-		$row->{hostmask}
-		$row->{ctcpversion}
-		$row->{ctcptime}
-		Registration Date: $row->{date}
-		};
-			print $dossier;
-			print "Same Email [" 
-				. join(', ', @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref(qq\Select username from bnc join irc on (bnc.ircid = where email = ?\,undef,$row->{email})})
-				. "]\n";
-			print "Same Date ["
-				. join(', ', @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref(qq\Select username from bnc join irc on (bnc.ircid = where date = ?\,undef,$row->{date})})
-				. "]\n";
-			print "Same Hostmask ["
-				. join(', ', @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref(qq\Select username from bnc join irc on (bnc.ircid = where hostmask = ?\,undef,$row->{hostmask})})
-				. "]\n";
-			print Dumper($row);
-			print "Frequency of connections from: \n" . Dumper($nameTable->{$username});
-			print "Other Users connecting from: \n";
-			foreach(keys(%{$nameTable->{$username}})) {
-				print "$_ =>[" . join (', ', keys(%{$ipTable->{$_}})) . "]\n";
+	my $dbFile = '/var/www/botnow/botnow.db';
+	my $dbh = connectdb($dbFile);
+	if (!defined($dbh))  {
+		die "failed to connect to $dbFile";
+	}
+	my $stmt=qq{select * from bnc join irc on (bnc.ircid = where username is ?};
+	my $sth=$dbh->prepare($stmt);
+	$sth->execute($username) or die "execution failed: $dbh->errstr()"; 
+	while (my $row=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
+		my $dossier =qq{
+Username: $row->{username}
+Email Address: $row->{email}
+Registration Date: $row->{date}
+	};
+		print $dossier;
+		print "Same Email [" 
+			. join(', ', @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref(qq\Select username from bnc join irc on (bnc.ircid = where email = ?\,undef,$row->{email})})
+			. "]\n";
+		print "Same Date ["
+			. join(', ', @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref(qq\Select username from bnc join irc on (bnc.ircid = where date = ?\,undef,$row->{date})})
+			. "]\n";
+		print "Same Hostmask ["
+			. join(', ', @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref(qq\Select username from bnc join irc on (bnc.ircid = where hostmask = ?\,undef,$row->{hostmask})})
+			. "]\n";
+		print Dumper($row);
+		print "Frequency of connections from: \n" . Dumper($nameTable->{$username});
+		print "Other Users connecting from: \n";
+		foreach my $ip (keys(%{$nameTable->{$username}})) {
+			my $thisLastConnect = @{ $nameTable->{ $row->{username} }->{$ip}->{epoch} }[-1];
+			print "$ip =>[";
+			foreach my $link (keys(%{ $ipTable->{$ip} })) {
+				my $linkLastConnect = @{ $nameTable->{$link}->{$ip}->{epoch} }[-1];
+				if (abs($thisLastConnect - $linkLastConnect) < 300) { # les then 5 min
+					print "**$link**, ";
+				} elsif (abs($thisLastConnect - $linkLastConnect) < 600) { # less then 10 min
+					print "*$link*, ";
+				} else {
+					print "$link, ";
+				}
+			print "]\n";
+	}
@@ -97,23 +112,36 @@ sub init_ip_xref {
 	my $usernames2ip={};
 	open my $zncLog, '<', '/home/znc/home/znc/.znc/moddata/adminlog/znc.log' or die "Can't open znc log file";
 	while (my $line = <$zncLog>) {
-			if( $line =~/.*\[(.*)\] connected to ZNC from (.*)/) {
-					my $name=$1;
-					my $ip=$2;
+			if( $line =~/\[(.*)\].*\[(.*)\] connected to ZNC from (.*)/) {
+					my $timestamp=$1;
+					my $name=$2;
+					my $ip=$3;
 					if (!defined($ip2usernames->{$ip})) {
 						$ip2usernames->{$ip} = {};
 					if (!defined($ip2usernames->{$name})) {
-						$ip2usernames->{$ip}->{$name}=0;
+						$ip2usernames->{$ip}->{$name}={};
+						$ip2usernames->{$ip}->{$name}->{count}=0;
+						$ip2usernames->{$ip}->{$name}->{timestamps}=[];
+						$ip2usernames->{$ip}->{$name}->{epoch}=[];
-					$ip2usernames->{$ip}->{$name}++;
+					$ip2usernames->{$ip}->{$name}->{count}++;
+					push (@{$ip2usernames->{$ip}->{$name}->{timestamps}}, $timestamp);
+					push (@{$ip2usernames->{$ip}->{$name}->{epoch}}, str2time($timestamp));
 					if (!defined($usernames2ip->{$name})) {
 					if (!defined($usernames2ip->{$name}->{$ip})) {
-						$usernames2ip->{$name}->{$ip}=0;
+						$usernames2ip->{$name}->{$ip}={};
+						$usernames2ip->{$name}->{$ip}->{count}=0;
+						$usernames2ip->{$name}->{$ip}->{timestamps}=[];
+						$usernames2ip->{$name}->{$ip}->{epoch}=[];
-					$usernames2ip->{$name}->{$ip}++;
+					$usernames2ip->{$name}->{$ip}->{count}++;
+					push (@{$usernames2ip->{$name}->{$ip}->{timestamps}}, $timestamp);
+					push (@{$usernames2ip->{$name}->{$ip}->{epoch}}, str2time($timestamp));
 	close $zncLog;