Commit Diff

commit - 8d01be7bbd2bbfd2524384af3cb9bdefaa87ea48
commit + 086cf3a2723e2dcc8e1acf49d166e254fe22e7cf
blob - ae290dd1d86f09d8f1ea971a0730ab7f7152e214
blob + 6b3cfbcf3892b0cefa098177ed65ad4c32ba5bfa
--- doc/Protocol.txt
+++ doc/Protocol.txt
@@ -225,11 +225,11 @@ new server link", <serverflag> "M"), even if it doesn'
 The following <key> names are defined:
  - "accountname": the account name of a client (can't be empty)
- - "host": the hostname of a client (can't be empty)
+ - "certfp": the certificate fingerprint of a client (can't be empty)
  - "cloakhost": the cloaked hostname of a client
+ - "host": the hostname of a client (can't be empty)
  - "info": info text ("real name") of a client
  - "user": the user name of a client (can't be empty)
- - "certfp": the cert fingerprint of a client
 III. Numerics used by IRC+ Protocol