Commit Briefs

Izzy Blacklock

bugfix and cleanup

Izzy Blacklock

bug fix

Izzy Blacklock

used package globals as default values in ircnow::IO::IRC::new()

had a bug with $bots pointing to and empty array. updated to use the package globals as the source for default values in the object.

Izzy Blacklock

Added new() and function for socket creation

moved socket creation from botnow script added new to create $irc object maintained compatability with calling functions in object mode or function mode as procausion for legacy code. NOTE TO SELF - should add a warning to output to recommend updating to object mode

Izzy Blacklock

Added debug messages to

Izzy Blacklock

Made our $IRCNOW::IO::backupspath

Izzy Blacklock

corrected missing shared global vars

Izzy Blacklock

added missing our $call;

Izzy Blacklock

added isstaff() to

Izzy Blacklock

Added date/time and email functions from ponbot code

corrected $dbLevel to $verbosity in export_ok list Also added POD documents to

Izzy Blacklock

Moved to doc/


refactor: rename instance to self


docs: fix docs


docs: update docs


ci: linting


feat: allow setting verbosity


docs: update readme


fix: file paths


feat: add logger module

Izzy Blacklock

Added debug() messages to libraries and tested

Seems to work well using exported constants.

Izzy Blacklock

Added debug() and debug level constants

Can now selectively import the debug() function an defined constants like this: use IRCNOW::IO qw(:DEBUG); updated to use it.

Izzy Blacklock

Moved basic io functions from botnow to lib/IRCNOW/

Started moving code from botnow into IRCNOW:: library

Izzy Blacklock

Moved database related functions to

Added as a base class for log parsers. It has stub functions for common database functions to make the code easier to view/manage at the application level.

Izzy Blacklock

Start of a library set for accessing data on ircnow network servers

Current version connects to an botnow database and the parses the znc log file. It can create a database table for the znc log and read the last line from the database table. The test application does a simple dump of the parsed data file. It can skip the records from the dump based on a passed record. Working to abstract some of the code into a IRCNOW::ParseLog and IRCNOW::Database library to make future log parsing tasks easier.