
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 #Write a program that acts like cat, but reverses the order of the output
4 #lines. (Some systems have a utility like this named tac.) If you run yours as
5 #./tac fred barney betty, the output should be all of file betty from last line
6 #to first, then barney, and then fred, also from last line to first. (Be sure
7 #to use the ./ in your program's invocation if you call it tac so that you
8 #don't get the system's utility instead!)
11 use v5.10;
12 use warnings;
13 use strict;
14 use utf8;
16 #my @lines;
17 #foreach (@ARGV) {
18 # open my $fh, '<', $_;
19 # push @lines, <$fh>;
20 # close $fh;
21 #}
22 #print reverse @lines;
23 print reverse <>;