
1 Greetings $username,
3 We are glad to have you join. Here are the training docs:
7 We ask every teammate to hang out with us on $ircserver
8 port 6667 for plaintext, port 6697 for SSL. Please join $ircchannel
9 We can help you there with tech support. You can also sign up
10 to our mailing list at
12 The free sysadmin course will last for one month.
13 We hope you'll enjoy hanging out with our community.
15 You are welcome to use the VPS for personal experiments after training,
16 but you must follow our terms of service:
20 Username: $username
21 Password: $password
22 Hostname: $username.$hostname
23 IPv4: $ipv4
24 IPv6: $ipv6/64
25 IPv4 Default Gateway:
26 IPv6 Default Gateway: 2602:fccf:1::1
27 Routing Prefix Length: 48
28 Port: 22
30 Your root password is the same as your user password.
32 After you log in, you can change your password by typing:
34 $ passwd $username
36 $sshfingerprints
38 IRCNow