
1 (define (make-machine register-names ops controller-text)
2 (let ((machine (make-new-machine)))
3 (for-each (lambda (register-name)
4 ((machine 'allocate-register) register-name))
5 register-names)
6 ((machine 'install-operations) ops)
7 ((machine 'install-instruction-sequence)
8 (assemble controller-text machine))
9 machine))
10 (define (make-register name)
11 (let ((contents '*unassigned*))
12 (define (dispatch message)
13 (cond ((eq? message 'get) contents)
14 ((eq? message 'set)
15 (lambda (value) (set! contents value)))
16 (else
17 (error "Unknown request -- REGISTER" message))))
18 dispatch))
19 (define (get-contents register)
20 (register 'get))
21 (define (set-contents! register value)
22 ((register 'set) value))
23 (define (make-stack)
24 (let ((s '())
25 (number-pushes 0)
26 (max-depth 0)
27 (current-depth 0))
28 (define (push x)
29 (set! s (cons x s))
30 (set! number-pushes (+ 1 number-pushes))
31 (set! current-depth (+ 1 current-depth))
32 (set! max-depth (max current-depth max-depth)))
33 (define (pop)
34 (if (null? s)
35 (error "Empty stack -- POP")
36 (let ((top (car s)))
37 (set! s (cdr s))
38 (set! current-depth (- current-depth 1))
39 top)))
40 (define (initialize)
41 (set! s '())
42 (set! number-pushes 0)
43 (set! max-depth 0)
44 (set! current-depth 0)
45 'done)
46 (define (print-statistics)
47 (newline)
48 (display (list 'total-pushes '= number-pushes
49 'maximum-depth '= max-depth)))
50 (define (dispatch message)
51 (cond ((eq? message 'push) push)
52 ((eq? message 'pop) (pop))
53 ((eq? message 'initialize) (initialize))
54 ((eq? message 'print-statistics)
55 (print-statistics))
56 (else
57 (error "Unknown request -- STACK" message))))
58 dispatch))
59 (define (pop stack)
60 (stack 'pop))
61 (define (push stack value)
62 ((stack 'push) value))
63 (define (make-new-machine)
64 (let ((pc (make-register 'pc))
65 (flag (make-register 'flag))
66 (stack (make-stack))
67 (the-instruction-sequence '()))
68 (let ((the-ops
69 (list (list 'initialize-stack
70 (lambda () (stack 'initialize)))
71 (list 'print-stack-statistics
72 (lambda () (stack 'print-statistics)))))
73 (register-table
74 (list (list 'pc pc) (list 'flag flag))))
75 (define (allocate-register name)
76 (if (assoc name register-table)
77 (error "Multiply defined register: " name)
78 (set! register-table
79 (cons (list name (make-register name))
80 register-table)))
81 'register-allocated)
82 (define (lookup-register name)
83 (let ((val (assoc name register-table)))
84 (if val
85 (cadr val)
86 (error "Unknown register:" name))))
87 (define (execute)
88 (let ((insts (get-contents pc)))
89 (if (null? insts)
90 'done
91 (begin
92 ((instruction-execution-proc (car insts)))
93 (execute)))))
94 (define (dispatch message)
95 (cond ((eq? message 'start)
96 (set-contents! pc the-instruction-sequence)
97 (execute))
98 ((eq? message 'install-instruction-sequence)
99 (lambda (seq) (set! the-instruction-sequence seq)))
100 ((eq? message 'allocate-register) allocate-register)
101 ((eq? message 'get-register) lookup-register)
102 ((eq? message 'install-operations)
103 (lambda (ops) (set! the-ops (append the-ops ops))))
104 ((eq? message 'stack) stack)
105 ((eq? message 'operations) the-ops)
106 (else (error "Unknown request -- MACHINE" message))))
107 dispatch)))
108 (define (start machine)
109 (machine 'start))
110 (define (get-register-contents machine register-name)
111 (get-contents (get-register machine register-name)))
112 (define (set-register-contents! machine register-name value)
113 (set-contents! (get-register machine register-name) value)
114 'done)
115 (define (get-register machine reg-name)
116 ((machine 'get-register) reg-name))
117 (define (assemble controller-text machine)
118 (extract-labels controller-text
119 (lambda (insts labels)
120 (update-insts! insts labels machine)
121 insts)))
122 (define (extract-labels text receive)
123 (if (null? text)
124 (receive '() '())
125 (extract-labels (cdr text)
126 (lambda (insts labels)
127 (let ((next-inst (car text)))
128 (if (symbol? next-inst)
129 (receive insts
130 (cons (make-label-entry next-inst
131 insts)
132 labels))
133 (receive (cons (make-instruction next-inst)
134 insts)
135 labels)))))))
136 (define (update-insts! insts labels machine)
137 (let ((pc (get-register machine 'pc))
138 (flag (get-register machine 'flag))
139 (stack (machine 'stack))
140 (ops (machine 'operations)))
141 (for-each
142 (lambda (inst)
143 (set-instruction-execution-proc!
144 inst
145 (make-execution-procedure
146 (instruction-text inst) labels machine
147 pc flag stack ops)))
148 insts)))
149 (define (make-instruction text)
150 (cons text '()))
151 (define (instruction-text inst)
152 (car inst))
153 (define (instruction-execution-proc inst)
154 (cdr inst))
155 (define (set-instruction-execution-proc! inst proc)
156 (set-cdr! inst proc))
157 (define (make-label-entry label-name insts)
158 (cons label-name insts))
159 (define (lookup-label labels label-name)
160 (let ((val (assoc label-name labels)))
161 (if val
162 (cdr val)
163 (error "Undefined label -- ASSEMBLE" label-name))))
164 (define (make-execution-procedure inst labels machine
165 pc flag stack ops)
166 (cond ((eq? (car inst) 'assign)
167 (make-assign inst machine labels ops pc))
168 ((eq? (car inst) 'test)
169 (make-test inst machine labels ops flag pc))
170 ((eq? (car inst) 'branch)
171 (make-branch inst machine labels flag pc))
172 ((eq? (car inst) 'goto)
173 (make-goto inst machine labels pc))
174 ((eq? (car inst) 'save)
175 (make-save inst machine stack pc))
176 ((eq? (car inst) 'restore)
177 (make-restore inst machine stack pc))
178 ((eq? (car inst) 'perform)
179 (make-perform inst machine labels ops pc))
180 (else (error "Unknown instruction type -- ASSEMBLE"
181 inst))))
182 (define (make-assign inst machine labels operations pc)
183 (let ((target
184 (get-register machine (assign-reg-name inst)))
185 (value-exp (assign-value-exp inst)))
186 (let ((value-proc
187 (if (operation-exp? value-exp)
188 (make-operation-exp
189 value-exp machine labels operations)
190 (make-primitive-exp
191 (car value-exp) machine labels))))
192 (lambda () ; execution procedure for assign
193 (set-contents! target (value-proc))
194 (advance-pc pc)))))
195 (define (assign-reg-name assign-instruction)
196 (cadr assign-instruction))
197 (define (assign-value-exp assign-instruction)
198 (cddr assign-instruction))
199 (define (advance-pc pc)
200 (set-contents! pc (cdr (get-contents pc))))
201 (define (make-test inst machine labels operations flag pc)
202 (let ((condition (test-condition inst)))
203 (if (operation-exp? condition)
204 (let ((condition-proc
205 (make-operation-exp
206 condition machine labels operations)))
207 (lambda ()
208 (set-contents! flag (condition-proc))
209 (advance-pc pc)))
210 (error "Bad TEST instruction -- ASSEMBLE" inst))))
211 (define (test-condition test-instruction)
212 (cdr test-instruction))
213 (define (make-branch inst machine labels flag pc)
214 (let ((dest (branch-dest inst)))
215 (if (label-exp? dest)
216 (let ((insts
217 (lookup-label labels (label-exp-label dest))))
218 (lambda ()
219 (if (get-contents flag)
220 (set-contents! pc insts)
221 (advance-pc pc))))
222 (error "Bad BRANCH instruction -- ASSEMBLE" inst))))
223 (define (branch-dest branch-instruction)
224 (cadr branch-instruction))
225 (define (make-goto inst machine labels pc)
226 (let ((dest (goto-dest inst)))
227 (cond ((label-exp? dest)
228 (let ((insts
229 (lookup-label labels
230 (label-exp-label dest))))
231 (lambda () (set-contents! pc insts))))
232 ((register-exp? dest)
233 (let ((reg
234 (get-register machine
235 (register-exp-reg dest))))
236 (lambda ()
237 (set-contents! pc (get-contents reg)))))
238 (else (error "Bad GOTO instruction -- ASSEMBLE"
239 inst)))))
240 (define (goto-dest goto-instruction)
241 (cadr goto-instruction))
242 (define (make-save inst machine stack pc)
243 (let ((reg (get-register machine
244 (stack-inst-reg-name inst))))
245 (lambda ()
246 (push stack (get-contents reg))
247 (advance-pc pc))))
248 (define (make-restore inst machine stack pc)
249 (let ((reg (get-register machine
250 (stack-inst-reg-name inst))))
251 (lambda ()
252 (set-contents! reg (pop stack))
253 (advance-pc pc))))
254 (define (stack-inst-reg-name stack-instruction)
255 (cadr stack-instruction))
256 (define (make-perform inst machine labels operations pc)
257 (let ((action (perform-action inst)))
258 (if (operation-exp? action)
259 (let ((action-proc
260 (make-operation-exp
261 action machine labels operations)))
262 (lambda ()
263 (action-proc)
264 (advance-pc pc)))
265 (error "Bad PERFORM instruction -- ASSEMBLE" inst))))
266 (define (perform-action inst) (cdr inst))
267 (define (make-primitive-exp exp machine labels)
268 (cond ((constant-exp? exp)
269 (let ((c (constant-exp-value exp)))
270 (lambda () c)))
271 ((label-exp? exp)
272 (let ((insts
273 (lookup-label labels
274 (label-exp-label exp))))
275 (lambda () insts)))
276 ((register-exp? exp)
277 (let ((r (get-register machine
278 (register-exp-reg exp))))
279 (lambda () (get-contents r))))
280 (else
281 (error "Unknown expression type -- ASSEMBLE" exp))))
282 (define (tagged-list? exp tag)
283 (and (pair? exp) (eq? (car exp) tag)))
284 (define (register-exp? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'reg))
285 (define (register-exp-reg exp) (cadr exp))
286 (define (constant-exp? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'const))
287 (define (constant-exp-value exp) (cadr exp))
288 (define (label-exp? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'label))
289 (define (label-exp-label exp) (cadr exp))
290 (define (make-operation-exp exp machine labels operations)
291 (let ((op (lookup-prim (operation-exp-op exp) operations))
292 (aprocs
293 (map (lambda (e)
294 (make-primitive-exp e machine labels))
295 (operation-exp-operands exp))))
296 (lambda ()
297 (apply op (map (lambda (p) (p)) aprocs)))))
298 (define (operation-exp? exp)
299 (and (pair? exp) (tagged-list? (car exp) 'op)))
300 (define (operation-exp-op operation-exp)
301 (cadr (car operation-exp)))
302 (define (operation-exp-operands operation-exp)
303 (cdr operation-exp))
304 (define (lookup-prim symbol operations)
305 (let ((val (assoc symbol operations)))
306 (if val
307 (cadr val)
308 (error "Unknown operation -- ASSEMBLE" symbol))))
310 ;; test suite
312 (define (test-case actual expected)
313 (newline)
314 (display "Actual: ")
315 (display actual)
316 (newline)
317 (display "Expected: ")
318 (display expected)
319 (newline))
321 (define gcd-machine
322 (make-machine
323 '(a b t)
324 (list (list 'rem remainder) (list '= =))
325 '(test-b
326 (test (op =) (reg b) (const 0))
327 (branch (label gcd-done))
328 (assign t (op rem) (reg a) (reg b))
329 (assign a (reg b))
330 (assign b (reg t))
331 (goto (label test-b))
332 gcd-done)))
333 (set-register-contents! gcd-machine 'a 206)
334 (set-register-contents! gcd-machine 'b 40)
335 (start gcd-machine)
336 (test-case (get-register-contents gcd-machine 'a) 2)
338 (define fib-machine
339 (make-machine
340 '(n val continue)
341 `((< ,<) (- ,-) (+ ,+))
342 '(controller
343 (assign continue (label fib-done))
344 fib-loop
345 (test (op <) (reg n) (const 2))
346 (branch (label immediate-answer))
347 (save continue)
348 (assign continue (label afterfib-n-1))
349 (save n)
350 (assign n (op -) (reg n) (const 1))
351 (goto (label fib-loop))
352 afterfib-n-1
353 (restore n)
354 (restore continue)
355 (assign n (op -) (reg n) (const 2))
356 (save continue)
357 (assign continue (label afterfib-n-2))
358 (save val)
359 (goto (label fib-loop))
360 afterfib-n-2
361 (assign n (reg val))
362 (restore val)
363 (restore continue)
364 (assign val
365 (op +) (reg val) (reg n))
366 (goto (reg continue))
367 immediate-answer
368 (assign val (reg n))
369 (goto (reg continue))
370 fib-done)))
371 (set-register-contents! fib-machine 'val 0)
372 (set-register-contents! fib-machine 'n 15)
373 (start fib-machine)
374 (test-case (get-register-contents fib-machine 'val) 610)
377 ;; Exercise 5.1. Design a register machine to compute factorials using the iterative algorithm specified by the following procedure. Draw data-path and controller diagrams for this machine.
379 (define (factorial n)
380 (define (iter product counter)
381 (if (> counter n)
382 product
383 (iter (* counter product)
384 (+ counter 1))))
385 (iter 1 1))
387 (define fact-iter
388 (make-machine
389 '(product counter n)
390 `((> ,>) (* ,*) (+ ,+))
391 '((assign product (const 1))
392 (assign counter (const 1))
393 fact-loop
394 (test (op >) (reg counter) (reg n))
395 (branch (label fact-end))
396 (assign product (op *) (reg counter) (reg product))
397 (assign counter (op +) (reg counter) (const 1))
398 (goto (label fact-loop))
399 fact-end)))
400 (set-register-contents! fact-iter 'n 10)
401 (start fact-iter)
402 (test-case (get-register-contents fact-iter 'product) 3628800)