
2 ;; dispatch table
4 (define (make-table)
5 (define (assoc key records)
6 (cond ((null? records) false)
7 ((equal? key (caar records)) (car records))
8 (else (assoc key (cdr records)))))
9 (let ((local-table (list '*table*)))
10 (define (lookup key-1 key-2)
11 (let ((subtable (assoc key-1 (cdr local-table))))
12 (if subtable
13 (let ((record (assoc key-2 (cdr subtable))))
14 (if record
15 (cdr record)
16 false))
17 false)))
18 (define (insert! key-1 key-2 value)
19 (let ((subtable (assoc key-1 (cdr local-table))))
20 (if subtable
21 (let ((record (assoc key-2 (cdr subtable))))
22 (if record
23 (set-cdr! record value)
24 (set-cdr! subtable
25 (cons (cons key-2 value)
26 (cdr subtable)))))
27 (set-cdr! local-table
28 (cons (list key-1
29 (cons key-2 value))
30 (cdr local-table)))))
31 'ok)
32 (define (dispatch m)
33 (cond ((eq? m 'lookup-proc) lookup)
34 ((eq? m 'insert-proc!) insert!)
35 (else (error "Unknown operation -- TABLE" m))))
36 dispatch))
37 (define operation-table (make-table))
38 (define get (operation-table 'lookup-proc))
39 (define put (operation-table 'insert-proc!))
41 ;; streams/delayed-evaluation
43 (define (memo-proc proc)
44 (let ((already-run? false) (result false))
45 (lambda ()
46 (if already-run?
47 result
48 (begin (set! already-run? true)
49 (set! result (proc))
50 result)))))
51 (define-syntax mydelay
52 (rsc-macro-transformer
53 (let ((xfmr
54 (lambda (exp)
55 `(memo-proc (lambda () ,exp)))))
56 (lambda (e r)
57 (apply xfmr (cdr e))))))
58 (define (myforce delayed-object)
59 (delayed-object))
60 (define-syntax cons-stream
61 (rsc-macro-transformer
62 (let ((xfmr (lambda (x y) `(cons ,x (mydelay ,y)))))
63 (lambda (e r)
64 (apply xfmr (cdr e))))))
65 (define (stream-car s)
66 (car s))
67 (define (stream-cdr s)
68 (myforce (cdr s)))
69 (define stream-null? null?)
70 (define the-empty-stream '())
71 (define (stream-map proc . argstreams)
72 (if (stream-null? (car argstreams))
73 the-empty-stream
74 (cons-stream
75 (apply proc (map stream-car argstreams))
76 (apply stream-map (cons proc (map stream-cdr argstreams))))))
77 (define (display-stream s)
78 (stream-for-each display-line s))
79 (define (stream-for-each proc s)
80 (if (stream-null? s)
81 'done
82 (begin (proc (stream-car s))
83 (stream-for-each proc (stream-cdr s)))))
84 (define (display-line x)
85 (newline)
86 (display x))
87 (define (display-streams n . streams)
88 (if (> n 0)
89 (begin (newline)
90 (for-each
91 (lambda (s)
92 (display (stream-car s))
93 (newline))
94 streams)
95 (apply display-streams
96 (cons (- n 1) (map stream-cdr streams))))))
97 (define (list->stream list)
98 (if (null? list)
99 the-empty-stream
100 (cons-stream (car list)
101 (list->stream (cdr list)))))
102 (define (stream-fold-left op initial sequence)
103 (define (iter result rest)
104 (if (null? rest)
105 result
106 (iter (op result (stream-car rest))
107 (stream-cdr rest))))
108 (iter initial sequence))
110 ;; query-driver-loop
112 (define input-prompt ";;; Query input:")
113 (define output-prompt ";;; Query results:")
114 (define (query-driver-loop)
115 (prompt-for-input input-prompt)
116 (let ((q (query-syntax-process (read))))
117 (cond ((assertion-to-be-added? q)
118 (add-rule-or-assertion! (add-assertion-body q))
119 (newline)
120 (display "Assertion added to data base.")
121 (query-driver-loop))
122 (else
123 (newline)
124 (display output-prompt)
125 (display-stream
126 (stream-map
127 (lambda (frame)
128 (instantiate q
129 frame
130 (lambda (v f)
131 (contract-question-mark v))))
132 (qeval q (singleton-stream '()))))
133 (query-driver-loop)))))
134 (define (instantiate exp frame unbound-var-handler)
135 (define (copy exp)
136 (cond ((var? exp)
137 (let ((binding (binding-in-frame exp frame)))
138 (if binding
139 (copy (binding-value binding))
140 (unbound-var-handler exp frame))))
141 ((pair? exp)
142 (cons (copy (car exp)) (copy (cdr exp))))
143 (else exp)))
144 (copy exp))
145 (define (qeval query frame-stream)
146 (let ((qproc (get (type query) 'qeval)))
147 (if qproc
148 (qproc (contents query) frame-stream)
149 (simple-query query frame-stream))))
150 (define (simple-query query-pattern frame-stream)
151 (stream-flatmap
152 (lambda (frame)
153 (stream-append-delayed
154 (find-assertions query-pattern frame)
155 (delay (apply-rules query-pattern frame))))
156 frame-stream))
157 (define (conjoin conjuncts frame-stream)
158 (if (empty-conjunction? conjuncts)
159 frame-stream
160 (conjoin (rest-conjuncts conjuncts)
161 (qeval (first-conjunct conjuncts)
162 frame-stream))))
163 (put 'and 'qeval conjoin)
164 (define (disjoin disjuncts frame-stream)
165 (if (empty-disjunction? disjuncts)
166 the-empty-stream
167 (interleave-delayed
168 (qeval (first-disjunct disjuncts) frame-stream)
169 (delay (disjoin (rest-disjuncts disjuncts)
170 frame-stream)))))
171 (put 'or 'qeval disjoin)
172 (define (negate operands frame-stream)
173 (stream-flatmap
174 (lambda (frame)
175 (if (stream-null? (qeval (negated-query operands)
176 (singleton-stream frame)))
177 (singleton-stream frame)
178 the-empty-stream))
179 frame-stream))
180 (put 'not 'qeval negate)
181 (define (lisp-value call frame-stream)
182 (stream-flatmap
183 (lambda (frame)
184 (if (execute
185 (instantiate
186 call
187 frame
188 (lambda (v f)
189 (error "Unknown pat var -- LISP-VALUE" v))))
190 (singleton-stream frame)
191 the-empty-stream))
192 frame-stream))
193 (put 'lisp-value 'qeval lisp-value)
194 (define (execute exp)
195 (apply (eval (predicate exp) user-initial-environment)
196 (args exp)))
197 (define (always-true ignore frame-stream) frame-stream)
198 (put 'always-true 'qeval always-true)
199 (define (find-assertions pattern frame)
200 (stream-flatmap (lambda (datum)
201 (check-an-assertion datum pattern frame))
202 (fetch-assertions pattern frame)))
203 (define (check-an-assertion assertion query-pat query-frame)
204 (let ((match-result
205 (pattern-match query-pat assertion query-frame)))
206 (if (eq? match-result 'failed)
207 the-empty-stream
208 (singleton-stream match-result))))
209 (define (pattern-match pat dat frame)
210 (cond ((eq? frame 'failed) 'failed)
211 ((equal? pat dat) frame)
212 ((var? pat) (extend-if-consistent pat dat frame))
213 ((and (pair? pat) (pair? dat))
214 (pattern-match (cdr pat)
215 (cdr dat)
216 (pattern-match (car pat)
217 (car dat)
218 frame)))
219 (else 'failed)))
220 (define (extend-if-consistent var dat frame)
221 (let ((binding (binding-in-frame var frame)))
222 (if binding
223 (pattern-match (binding-value binding) dat frame)
224 (extend var dat frame))))
225 (define (apply-rules pattern frame)
226 (stream-flatmap (lambda (rule)
227 (apply-a-rule rule pattern frame))
228 (fetch-rules pattern frame)))
229 (define (apply-a-rule rule query-pattern query-frame)
230 (let ((clean-rule (rename-variables-in rule)))
231 (let ((unify-result
232 (unify-match query-pattern
233 (conclusion clean-rule)
234 query-frame)))
235 (if (eq? unify-result 'failed)
236 the-empty-stream
237 (qeval (rule-body clean-rule)
238 (singleton-stream unify-result))))))
239 (define (rename-variables-in rule)
240 (let ((rule-application-id (new-rule-application-id)))
241 (define (tree-walk exp)
242 (cond ((var? exp)
243 (make-new-variable exp rule-application-id))
244 ((pair? exp)
245 (cons (tree-walk (car exp))
246 (tree-walk (cdr exp))))
247 (else exp)))
248 (tree-walk rule)))
249 (define (unify-match p1 p2 frame)
250 (cond ((eq? frame 'failed) 'failed)
251 ((equal? p1 p2) frame)
252 ((var? p1) (extend-if-possible p1 p2 frame))
253 ((var? p2) (extend-if-possible p2 p1 frame)) ; ***
254 ((and (pair? p1) (pair? p2))
255 (unify-match (cdr p1)
256 (cdr p2)
257 (unify-match (car p1)
258 (car p2)
259 frame)))
260 (else 'failed)))
261 (define (extend-if-possible var val frame)
262 (let ((binding (binding-in-frame var frame)))
263 (cond (binding
264 (unify-match
265 (binding-value binding) val frame))
266 ((var? val) ; ***
267 (let ((binding (binding-in-frame val frame)))
268 (if binding
269 (unify-match
270 var (binding-value binding) frame)
271 (extend var val frame))))
272 ((depends-on? val var frame) ; ***
273 'failed)
274 (else (extend var val frame)))))
275 (define (depends-on? exp var frame)
276 (define (tree-walk e)
277 (cond ((var? e)
278 (if (equal? var e)
279 true
280 (let ((b (binding-in-frame e frame)))
281 (if b
282 (tree-walk (binding-value b))
283 false))))
284 ((pair? e)
285 (or (tree-walk (car e))
286 (tree-walk (cdr e))))
287 (else false)))
288 (tree-walk exp))
289 (define THE-ASSERTIONS the-empty-stream)
290 (define (fetch-assertions pattern frame)
291 (if (use-index? pattern)
292 (get-indexed-assertions pattern)
293 (get-all-assertions)))
294 (define (get-all-assertions) THE-ASSERTIONS)
295 (define (get-indexed-assertions pattern)
296 (get-stream (index-key-of pattern) 'assertion-stream))
297 (define (get-stream key1 key2)
298 (let ((s (get key1 key2)))
299 (if s s the-empty-stream)))
300 (define THE-RULES the-empty-stream)
301 (define (fetch-rules pattern frame)
302 (if (use-index? pattern)
303 (get-indexed-rules pattern)
304 (get-all-rules)))
305 (define (get-all-rules) THE-RULES)
306 (define (get-indexed-rules pattern)
307 (stream-append
308 (get-stream (index-key-of pattern) 'rule-stream)
309 (get-stream '? 'rule-stream)))
310 (define (add-rule-or-assertion! assertion)
311 (if (rule? assertion)
312 (add-rule! assertion)
313 (add-assertion! assertion)))
314 (define (add-assertion! assertion)
315 (store-assertion-in-index assertion)
316 (let ((old-assertions THE-ASSERTIONS))
318 (cons-stream assertion old-assertions))
319 'ok))
320 (define (add-rule! rule)
321 (store-rule-in-index rule)
322 (let ((old-rules THE-RULES))
323 (set! THE-RULES (cons-stream rule old-rules))
324 'ok))
325 (define (store-assertion-in-index assertion)
326 (if (indexable? assertion)
327 (let ((key (index-key-of assertion)))
328 (let ((current-assertion-stream
329 (get-stream key 'assertion-stream)))
330 (put key
331 'assertion-stream
332 (cons-stream assertion
333 current-assertion-stream))))))
334 (define (store-rule-in-index rule)
335 (let ((pattern (conclusion rule)))
336 (if (indexable? pattern)
337 (let ((key (index-key-of pattern)))
338 (let ((current-rule-stream
339 (get-stream key 'rule-stream)))
340 (put key
341 'rule-stream
342 (cons-stream rule
343 current-rule-stream)))))))
344 (define (indexable? pat)
345 (or (constant-symbol? (car pat))
346 (var? (car pat))))
347 (define (index-key-of pat)
348 (let ((key (car pat)))
349 (if (var? key) '? key)))
350 (define (use-index? pat)
351 (constant-symbol? (car pat)))
352 (define (stream-append s1 s2)
353 (if (stream-null? s1)
354 s2
355 (cons-stream (stream-car s1)
356 (stream-append (stream-cdr s1) s2))))
357 (define (stream-append-delayed s1 delayed-s2)
358 (if (stream-null? s1)
359 (force delayed-s2)
360 (cons-stream
361 (stream-car s1)
362 (stream-append-delayed (stream-cdr s1) delayed-s2))))
363 (define (interleave-delayed s1 delayed-s2)
364 (if (stream-null? s1)
365 (force delayed-s2)
366 (cons-stream
367 (stream-car s1)
368 (interleave-delayed (force delayed-s2)
369 (delay (stream-cdr s1))))))
370 (define (stream-flatmap proc s)
371 (flatten-stream (stream-map proc s)))
372 (define (flatten-stream stream)
373 (if (stream-null? stream)
374 the-empty-stream
375 (interleave-delayed
376 (stream-car stream)
377 (delay (flatten-stream (stream-cdr stream))))))
378 (define (singleton-stream x)
379 (cons-stream x the-empty-stream))
380 (define (type exp)
381 (if (pair? exp)
382 (car exp)
383 (error "Unknown expression TYPE" exp)))
384 (define (contents exp)
385 (if (pair? exp)
386 (cdr exp)
387 (error "Unknown expression CONTENTS" exp)))
388 (define (assertion-to-be-added? exp)
389 (eq? (type exp) 'assert!))
390 (define (add-assertion-body exp)
391 (car (contents exp)))
392 (define (empty-conjunction? exps) (null? exps))
393 (define (first-conjunct exps) (car exps))
394 (define (rest-conjuncts exps) (cdr exps))
395 (define (empty-disjunction? exps) (null? exps))
396 (define (first-disjunct exps) (car exps))
397 (define (rest-disjuncts exps) (cdr exps))
398 (define (negated-query exps) (car exps))
399 (define (predicate exps) (car exps))
400 (define (args exps) (cdr exps))
401 (define (rule? statement)
402 (tagged-list? statement 'rule))
403 (define (conclusion rule) (cadr rule))
404 (define (rule-body rule)
405 (if (null? (cddr rule))
406 '(always-true)
407 (caddr rule)))
408 (define (query-syntax-process exp)
409 (map-over-symbols expand-question-mark exp))
410 (define (map-over-symbols proc exp)
411 (cond ((pair? exp)
412 (cons (map-over-symbols proc (car exp))
413 (map-over-symbols proc (cdr exp))))
414 ((symbol? exp) (proc exp))
415 (else exp)))
416 (define (expand-question-mark symbol)
417 (let ((chars (symbol->string symbol)))
418 (if (string=? (substring chars 0 1) "?")
419 (list '?
420 (string->symbol
421 (substring chars 1 (string-length chars))))
422 symbol)))
423 (define (var? exp)
424 (tagged-list? exp '?))
425 (define (constant-symbol? exp) (symbol? exp))
426 (define rule-counter 0)
427 (define (new-rule-application-id)
428 (set! rule-counter (+ 1 rule-counter))
429 rule-counter)
430 (define (make-new-variable var rule-application-id)
431 (cons '? (cons rule-application-id (cdr var))))
432 (define (contract-question-mark variable)
433 (string->symbol
434 (string-append "?"
435 (if (number? (cadr variable))
436 (string-append (symbol->string (caddr variable))
437 "-"
438 (number->string (cadr variable)))
439 (symbol->string (cadr variable))))))
440 (define (make-binding variable value)
441 (cons variable value))
442 (define (binding-variable binding)
443 (car binding))
444 (define (binding-value binding)
445 (cdr binding))
446 (define (binding-in-frame variable frame)
447 (assoc variable frame))
448 (define (extend variable value frame)
449 (cons (make-binding variable value) frame))
450 (define (tagged-list? exp tag)
451 (and (pair? exp) (eq? (car exp) tag)))
453 ;; test procedures
455 (define (eval-queries queries)
456 (if (null? queries)
457 'done
458 (begin (eval-query (car queries))
459 (eval-queries (cdr queries)))))
460 (define (eval-query query)
461 (let ((q (query-syntax-process query)))
462 (if (assertion-to-be-added? q)
463 (add-rule-or-assertion! (add-assertion-body q))
464 (stream-map
465 (lambda (frame)
466 (instantiate q
467 frame
468 (lambda (v f)
469 (contract-question-mark v))))
470 (qeval q (singleton-stream '()))))))
471 (define (eval-display-query q)
472 (display-stream (eval-query q)))
473 (define (test-case actual expected)
474 (newline)
475 (display "Actual: ")
476 (display actual)
477 (newline)
478 (display "Expected: ")
479 (display expected)
480 (newline))
481 (define (test-query query . expected)
482 (if (null? expected)
483 (let ((result (eval-query query)))
484 (if (symbol? result)
485 (begin (display "Assertion added") (newline))
486 (display-stream (eval-query query))))
487 (let ((list (car expected)))
488 (let ((result
489 (stream-fold-left
490 (lambda (x y)
491 (and x y))
492 #t
493 (stream-map
494 (lambda (e1 e2)
495 (equal? e1 e2))
496 (eval-query query)
497 (list->stream list)))))
498 (if result
499 (display "Passed -- ")
500 (display "Failed! -- "))
501 (display query)
502 (newline)))))
504 ;; (let ((result (eval-query query)))
505 ;; (if (pair? result)
506 ;; (display-stream (eval-query query))
507 ;; result))
509 ;;I suspect that (eval-query query) is 'ok and that we are trying to print it as a steam
511 ;; (display-streams
512 ;; (length list)
513 ;; (eval-query query)
514 ;; (list->stream list)))))
516 ;; (display-stream
517 ;; (stream-map
518 ;; (lambda (e1 e2)
519 ;; (equal? e1 e2))
520 ;; (eval-query query)
521 ;; (list->stream list))))))
522 ;; test-suite
525 (eval-queries
526 '((assert! (address (Bitdiddle Ben) (Slumerville (Ridge Road) 10)))
527 (assert! (job (Bitdiddle Ben) (computer wizard)))
528 (assert! (salary (Bitdiddle Ben) 60000))
529 (assert! (address (Hacker Alyssa P) (Cambridge (Mass Ave) 78)))
530 (assert! (job (Hacker Alyssa P) (computer programmer)))
531 (assert! (salary (Hacker Alyssa P) 40000))
532 (assert! (supervisor (Hacker Alyssa P) (Bitdiddle Ben)))
533 (assert! (address (Fect Cy D) (Cambridge (Ames Street) 3)))
534 (assert! (job (Fect Cy D) (computer programmer)))
535 (assert! (salary (Fect Cy D) 35000))
536 (assert! (supervisor (Fect Cy D) (Bitdiddle Ben)))
537 (assert! (address (Tweakit Lem E) (Boston (Bay State Road) 22)))
538 (assert! (job (Tweakit Lem E) (computer technician)))
539 (assert! (salary (Tweakit Lem E) 25000))
540 (assert! (supervisor (Tweakit Lem E) (Bitdiddle Ben)))
541 (assert! (address (Reasoner Louis) (Slumerville (Pine Tree Road) 80)))
542 (assert! (job (Reasoner Louis) (computer programmer trainee)))
543 (assert! (salary (Reasoner Louis) 30000))
544 (assert! (supervisor (Reasoner Louis) (Hacker Alyssa P)))
545 (assert! (supervisor (Bitdiddle Ben) (Warbucks Oliver)))
546 (assert! (address (Warbucks Oliver) (Swellesley (Top Heap Road))))
547 (assert! (job (Warbucks Oliver) (administration big wheel)))
548 (assert! (salary (Warbucks Oliver) 150000))
549 (assert! (address (Scrooge Eben) (Weston (Shady Lane) 10)))
550 (assert! (job (Scrooge Eben) (accounting chief accountant)))
551 (assert! (salary (Scrooge Eben) 75000))
552 (assert! (supervisor (Scrooge Eben) (Warbucks Oliver)))
553 (assert! (address (Cratchet Robert) (Allston (N Harvard Street) 16)))
554 (assert! (job (Cratchet Robert) (accounting scrivener)))
555 (assert! (salary (Cratchet Robert) 18000))
556 (assert! (supervisor (Cratchet Robert) (Scrooge Eben)))
557 (assert! (address (Aull DeWitt) (Slumerville (Onion Square) 5)))
558 (assert! (job (Aull DeWitt) (administration secretary)))
559 (assert! (salary (Aull DeWitt) 25000))
560 (assert! (supervisor (Aull DeWitt) (Warbucks Oliver)))
561 (assert! (can-do-job (computer wizard) (computer programmer)))
562 (assert! (can-do-job (computer wizard) (computer technician)))
563 (assert! (can-do-job (computer programmer)
564 (computer programmer trainee)))
565 (assert! (can-do-job (administration secretary)
566 (administration big wheel)))))
568 (eval-query
569 '(assert! (rule (same ?x ?x))))
571 (newline)
572 (test-query
573 '(supervisor ?employee (Bitdiddle Ben))
574 '((supervisor (tweakit lem e) (bitdiddle ben))
575 (supervisor (fect cy d) (bitdiddle ben))
576 (supervisor (hacker alyssa p) (bitdiddle ben))))
577 (test-query
578 '(job ?x (accounting . ?title))
579 '((job (cratchet robert) (accounting scrivener))
580 (job (scrooge eben) (accounting chief accountant))))
581 (test-query
582 '(address ?person (Slumerville . ?rest))
583 '((address (aull dewitt) (slumerville (onion square) 5))
584 (address (reasoner louis) (slumerville (pine tree road) 80))
585 (address (bitdiddle ben) (slumerville (ridge road) 10))))
586 (test-query
587 '(and (supervisor ?x (Bitdiddle Ben))
588 (address ?x ?address))
589 '((and (supervisor (tweakit lem e) (bitdiddle ben)) (address (tweakit lem e) (boston (bay state road) 22)))
590 (and (supervisor (fect cy d) (bitdiddle ben)) (address (fect cy d) (cambridge (ames street) 3)))
591 (and (supervisor (hacker alyssa p) (bitdiddle ben)) (address (hacker alyssa p) (cambridge (mass ave) 78)))))
592 (test-query
593 '(and (salary (Bitdiddle Ben) ?ben-salary)
594 (salary ?x ?x-salary)
595 (lisp-value < ?x-salary ?ben-salary))
596 '((and (salary (bitdiddle ben) 60000) (salary (aull dewitt) 25000) (lisp-value < 25000 60000))
597 (and (salary (bitdiddle ben) 60000) (salary (cratchet robert) 18000) (lisp-value < 18000 60000))
598 (and (salary (bitdiddle ben) 60000) (salary (reasoner louis) 30000) (lisp-value < 30000 60000))
599 (and (salary (bitdiddle ben) 60000) (salary (tweakit lem e) 25000) (lisp-value < 25000 60000))
600 (and (salary (bitdiddle ben) 60000) (salary (fect cy d) 35000) (lisp-value < 35000 60000))
601 (and (salary (bitdiddle ben) 60000) (salary (hacker alyssa p) 40000) (lisp-value < 40000 60000))))
602 (test-query
603 '(and (supervisor ?employee ?supervisor)
604 (job ?supervisor ?job)
605 (not (job ?supervisor (computer . ?title))))
606 '((and (supervisor (aull dewitt) (warbucks oliver)) (job (warbucks oliver) (administration big wheel)) (not (job (warbucks oliver) (computer . ?title))))
607 (and (supervisor (cratchet robert) (scrooge eben)) (job (scrooge eben) (accounting chief accountant)) (not (job (scrooge eben) (computer . ?title))))
608 (and (supervisor (scrooge eben) (warbucks oliver)) (job (warbucks oliver) (administration big wheel)) (not (job (warbucks oliver) (computer . ?title))))
609 (and (supervisor (bitdiddle ben) (warbucks oliver)) (job (warbucks oliver) (administration big wheel)) (not (job (warbucks oliver) (computer . ?title))))))
611 (eval-query
612 '(assert! (rule (can-replace? ?p1 ?p2)
613 (and (or (and (job ?p1 ?job)
614 (job ?p2 ?job))
615 (and (job ?p1 ?j1)
616 (job ?p2 ?j2)
617 (can-do-job ?j1 ?j2)))
618 (not (same ?p1 ?p2))))))
619 (test-query
620 '(can-replace? ?x (Fect Cy D))
621 '((can-replace? (bitdiddle ben) (fect cy d))
622 (can-replace? (hacker alyssa p) (fect cy d))))
623 (test-query
624 '(and (salary ?low ?low-salary)
625 (salary ?high ?high-salary)
626 (can-replace? ?low ?high)
627 (lisp-value < ?low-salary ?high-salary))
628 '((and (salary (aull dewitt) 25000) (salary (warbucks oliver) 150000) (can-replace? (aull dewitt) (warbucks oliver)) (lisp-value < 25000 150000))
629 (and (salary (fect cy d) 35000) (salary (hacker alyssa p) 40000) (can-replace? (fect cy d) (hacker alyssa p)) (lisp-value < 35000 40000))))
630 (eval-query
631 '(assert! (rule (big-shot ?bigshot)
632 (and (job ?bigshot (?dept . ?job-title))
633 (or (not (supervisor ?bigshot ?boss))
634 (and (supervisor ?bigshot ?boss)
635 (not (job ?boss (?dept . ?boss-title)))))))))
636 (test-query
637 '(big-shot ?x)
638 '((big-shot (warbucks oliver))
639 (big-shot (scrooge eben))
640 (big-shot (bitdiddle ben))))
641 (eval-queries
642 '((assert! (meeting accounting (Monday 9am)))
643 (assert! (meeting administration (Monday 10am)))
644 (assert! (meeting computer (Wednesday 3pm)))
645 (assert! (meeting administration (Friday 1pm)))
646 (assert! (meeting whole-company (Wednesday 4pm)))))
647 (test-query '(meeting ?div (Friday ?time))
648 '((meeting administration (friday 1pm))))
649 (eval-query
650 '(assert! (rule (meeting-time ?person ?day-and-time)
651 (or (and (job ?person (?dept . ?title))
652 (meeting ?dept ?day-and-time))
653 (meeting whole-company ?day-and-time)))))
655 (test-query '(meeting-time (Hacker Alyssa P) (Wednesday ?time))
656 '((meeting-time (hacker alyssa p) (wednesday 3pm))
657 (meeting-time (hacker alyssa p) (wednesday 4pm))))
659 (define (name<? name1 name2)
660 (let ((str1 (fold-left
661 (lambda (str sym)
662 (string-append str (symbol->string sym)))
663 ""
664 name1))
665 (str2 (fold-left
666 (lambda (str sym)
667 (string-append str (symbol->string sym)))
668 ""
669 name2)))
670 (string<? str1 str2)))
672 (eval-query '(assert! (rule (lives-near ?person-1 ?person-2)
673 (and (address ?person-1 (?town . ?rest-1))
674 (address ?person-2 (?town . ?rest-2))
675 (not (same ?person-1 ?person-2))
676 (lisp-value name<? ?person-1 ?person-2)))))
678 (test-query '(lives-near ?person-1 ?person-2)
679 '((lives-near (aull dewitt) (reasoner louis))
680 (lives-near (aull dewitt) (bitdiddle ben))
681 (lives-near (fect cy d) (hacker alyssa p))
682 (lives-near (bitdiddle ben) (reasoner louis))))
683 (eval-query '(assert! (rule (?x next-to ?y in (?x ?y . ?u)))))
684 (eval-query '(assert! (rule (?x next-to ?y in (?v . ?z))
685 (?x next-to ?y in ?z))))
686 (test-query '(?x next-to ?y in (1 (2 3) 4))
687 '(((2 3) next-to 4 in (1 (2 3) 4))
688 (1 next-to (2 3) in (1 (2 3) 4))))
689 (test-query '(?x next-to 1 in (2 1 3 1))
690 '((3 next-to 1 in (2 1 3 1))
691 (2 next-to 1 in (2 1 3 1))))
692 (eval-queries
693 '((assert! (rule (last-pair (?x) (?x))))
694 (assert! (rule (last-pair (?x . ?y) (?z))
695 (last-pair ?y (?z))))))
696 (test-query '(last-pair (3) ?x)
697 '((last-pair (3) (3))))
698 (test-query '(last-pair (1 2 3))
699 '((last-pair (1 2 3) (3))))
700 (test-query '(last-pair (2 ?x) (3))
701 '((last-pair (2 3) (3))))
702 (eval-queries
703 '((assert! (son Adam Cain))
704 (assert! (son Cain Enoch))
705 (assert! (son Enoch Irad))
706 (assert! (son Irad Mehujael))
707 (assert! (son Mehujael Methushael))
708 (assert! (son Methushael Lamech))
709 (assert! (wife Lamech Ada))
710 (assert! (son Ada Jabal))
711 (assert! (son Ada Jubal))))
712 (eval-queries
713 '((assert! (rule (grandson ?g ?s)
714 (and (son ?g ?f)
715 (son ?f ?s))))
716 (assert! (rule (son ?f ?s)
717 (and (wife ?f ?m)
718 (son ?m ?s))))))
719 (test-query
720 '(grandson Cain ?grandson)
721 '((grandson cain irad)))
722 (test-query
723 '(son Lamech ?son)
724 '((son lamech jubal)
725 (son lamech jabal)))
726 (test-query
727 '(grandson Methushael ?grandson)
728 '((grandson methushael jubal)
729 (grandson methushael jabal)))
731 (eval-queries
732 '((assert! (rule (append-to-form () ?y ?y)))
733 (assert! (rule (append-to-form (?u . ?v) ?y (?u . ?z))
734 (append-to-form ?v ?y ?z)))
735 (assert! (rule (reverse () ())))
736 (assert! (rule (reverse (?x . ?y) ?rev)
737 (and (reverse ?y ?rev-y)
738 (append-to-form ?rev-y (?x) ?rev))))))
739 (test-query '(reverse (1 2 3) ?x)
740 '((reverse (1 2 3) (3 2 1))))
742 ;; Exercise 4.69. Beginning with the data base and the rules you formulated in exercise 4.63, devise a rule for adding ``greats'' to a grandson relationship. This should enable the system to deduce that Irad is the great-grandson of Adam, or that Jabal and Jubal are the great-great-great-great-great-grandsons of Adam. (Hint: Represent the fact about Irad, for example, as ((great grandson) Adam Irad). Write rules that determine if a list ends in the word grandson. Use this to express a rule that allows one to derive the relationship ((great . ?rel) ?x ?y), where ?rel is a list ending in grandson.) Check your rules on queries such as ((great grandson) ?g ?ggs) and (?relationship Adam Irad).
744 (eval-queries
745 '((assert! (rule (ends-in-grandson? (grandson))))
746 (assert! (rule (ends-in-grandson? (?x . ?y))
747 (ends-in-grandson? ?y)))))
748 ;; (test-query '(ends-in-grandson? (father)))
749 ;; (test-query '(ends-in-grandson? (son mother father)))
750 ;; (test-query '(ends-in-grandson? (grandson)))
751 ;; (test-query '(ends-in-grandson? (father son grandson mother)))
752 ;; (test-query '(ends-in-grandson? (father mother brother sister grandson)))
754 (eval-queries
755 '((assert! (rule ((great . ?rel) ?x ?y)
756 (and (ends-in-grandson? ?rel)
757 (son ?x ?z)
758 (?rel ?z ?y))))
759 (assert! (rule ((grandson) ?x ?y)
760 (grandson ?x ?y)))))
762 ;; ((great great great grandson) Adam ?somebody)
763 ;; ((great . ?rel) ?x ?y)
765 ;; ?rel -> (great great grandson)
766 ;; ?x -> Adam
767 ;; ?somebody -> ?y
769 ;; (and (ends-in-grandson? ?rel)
770 ;; (son ?x ?z)
771 ;; (?rel ?z ?y))
772 ;; (and (son Adam ?z)
773 ;; ((great great grandson) ?z ?y))
775 ;; (son Adam ?z)
776 ;; (son Adam Cain)
777 ;; ?z -> Cain
779 ;; ((great great grandson) Cain ?y)
780 ;; ((great . ?rel1) ?x1 ?y1)
781 ;; ?rel1 -> (great grandson)
782 ;; ?x1 -> Cain
783 ;; ?y -> ?y1
784 ;; (and (son Cain ?z1)
785 ;; ((great grandson) ?z1 ?y1))
786 ;; ?z1 -> Enoch
787 ;; ((great grandson) Enoch ?y1)
788 ;; ((great . ?rel2) ?x2 ?y2)
789 ;; ?rel2 -> (grandson)
790 ;; ?x2 -> Enoch
791 ;; ?y1 -> ?y2
792 ;; (and (son Enoch ?z2)
793 ;; ((grandson) ?z2 ?y2))
794 ;; ?z2 -> Irad
795 ;; ((grandson) Irad ?y2)
797 ;; (assert! (son Adam Cain))
798 ;; (assert! (son Cain Enoch))
799 ;; (assert! (son Enoch Irad))
800 ;; (assert! (son Irad Mehujael))
801 ;; (assert! (son Mehujael Methushael))
802 ;; (assert! (son Methushael Lamech))
803 ;; (assert! (wife Lamech Ada))
804 ;; (assert! (son Ada Jabal))
805 ;; (assert! (son Ada Jubal))
807 (test-query '((great grandson) ?great-grandfather Irad)
808 '(((great grandson) Adam Irad)))
809 (test-query '((great great great great great grandson) Adam ?x)
810 '(((great great great great great grandson) Adam Jubal)
811 ((great great great great great grandson) Adam Jabal)))
813 (test-query '((great grandson) ?g ?ggs)
814 '(((great grandson) mehujael jubal)
815 ((great grandson) irad lamech)
816 ((great grandson) mehujael jabal)
817 ((great grandson) enoch methushael)
818 ((great grandson) cain mehujael)
819 ((great grandson) adam irad)))
821 ;; (test-query '(?relationship Adam Irad))
822 ;; this goes into an infinite loop
823 (define (simple-stream-flatmap proc s)
824 (simple-flatten (stream-map proc s)))
826 (define (simple-flatten stream)
827 (stream-map stream-car
828 (stream-filter (lambda (x) (not (stream-null? x))) stream)))
831 ;; Exercise 4.75. Implement for the query language a new special form called unique. Unique should succeed if there is precisely one item in the data base satisfying a specified query. For example,
833 (define (uniquely-asserted operands frame-stream)
834 (stream-flatmap
835 (lambda (frame)
836 (let ((results-stream
837 (qeval (unique-query operands)
838 (singleton-stream frame))))
839 (if (singleton-stream? results-stream)
840 results-stream
841 the-empty-stream)))
842 frame-stream))
843 (define (unique-query operands)
844 (car operands))
845 (define (singleton-stream? s)
846 (and (not (stream-null? s))
847 (stream-null? (stream-cdr s))))
848 (put 'unique 'qeval uniquely-asserted)
852 (test-query '(unique (job ?x (computer wizard)))
853 '((unique (job (Bitdiddle Ben) (computer wizard)))))
855 ;; should print the one-item stream
856 ;; since Ben is the only computer wizard, and
858 (test-query '(unique (job ?x (computer programmer)))
859 '())
861 ;; should print the empty stream, since there is more than one computer programmer. Moreover,
863 (test-query '(and (job ?x ?j)
864 (unique (job ?anyone ?j)))
865 '((and (job (aull dewitt) (administration secretary)) (unique (job (aull dewitt) (administration secretary))))
866 (and (job (cratchet robert) (accounting scrivener)) (unique (job (cratchet robert) (accounting scrivener))))
867 (and (job (scrooge eben) (accounting chief accountant)) (unique (job (scrooge eben) (accounting chief accountant))))
868 (and (job (warbucks oliver) (administration big wheel)) (unique (job (warbucks oliver) (administration big wheel))))
869 (and (job (reasoner louis) (computer programmer trainee)) (unique (job (reasoner louis) (computer programmer trainee))))
870 (and (job (tweakit lem e) (computer technician)) (unique (job (tweakit lem e) (computer technician))))
871 (and (job (bitdiddle ben) (computer wizard)) (unique (job (bitdiddle ben) (computer wizard))))))
873 ;; should list all the jobs that are filled by only one person, and the people who fill them.
875 ;; There are two parts to implementing unique. The first is to write a procedure that handles this special form, and the second is to make qeval dispatch to that procedure. The second part is trivial, since qeval does its dispatching in a data-directed way. If your procedure is called uniquely-asserted, all you need to do is
878 ;; and qeval will dispatch to this procedure for every query whose type (car) is the symbol unique.
880 ;; The real problem is to write the procedure uniquely-asserted. This should take as input the contents (cdr) of the unique query, together with a stream of frames. For each frame in the stream, it should use qeval to find the stream of all extensions to the frame that satisfy the given query. Any stream that does not have exactly one item in it should be eliminated. The remaining streams should be passed back to be accumulated into one big stream that is the result of the unique query. This is similar to the implementation of the not special form.
882 ;; Test your implementation by forming a query that lists all people who supervise precisely one person.
884 (test-query '(and (supervisor ?sub ?sup)
885 (unique (supervisor ?anyone ?sup)))
886 '((and (supervisor (cratchet robert) (scrooge eben)) (unique (supervisor (cratchet robert) (scrooge eben))))
887 (and (supervisor (reasoner louis) (hacker alyssa p)) (unique (supervisor (reasoner louis) (hacker alyssa p))))))