
1 ;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrScheme. They record metadata
2 ;; about the language level of this file in a form that our tools can easily process.
3 #reader(lib "" "lang")((modname 14.1.1) (read-case-sensitive #t) (teachpacks ((lib "" "teachpack" "htdp") (lib "" "teachpack" "htdp"))) (htdp-settings #(#t constructor repeating-decimal #f #t none #f ((lib "" "teachpack" "htdp") (lib "" "teachpack" "htdp")))))
4 ;A child structure is
5 ;(make-child father mother name date eyes) where
6 ;
7 ;1. name and eyes are symbols,
8 ;2. date is a number,
9 ;3. and father and mother are either
10 ;a. child structures or
11 ;b. empty.
12 ;
13 (define-struct child (father mother name date eyes))
14 ;
15 ;A family tree node (ftn) is either
16 ;1. empty or
17 ;2. (make-child father mother name date eyes) where
18 ;a. father and mother are ftn,
19 ;b. name and eyes are symbols,
20 ;c. and date is a number.
21 ;
23 (define Carl (make-child empty empty 'Carl 1926 'green))
24 (define Bettina (make-child empty empty 'Bettina 1926 'green))
25 (define Adam (make-child Carl Bettina 'Adam 1950 'yellow))
26 (define Dave (make-child Carl Bettina 'Dave 1955 'black))
27 (define Eva (make-child Carl Bettina 'Eva 1965 'blue))
28 (define Fred (make-child empty empty 'Fred 1966 'pink))
29 (define Gustav (make-child Fred Eva 'Gustav 1988 'brown))
31 ;Template
32 ;fun-for-ftn : ftn -> ???
33 ;(define (fun-for-ftn a-ftree)
34 ; (cond
35 ; [(empty? a-ftree) ...]
36 ; [else
37 ; ... (fun-for-ftn (child-father a-ftree)) ...
38 ; ... (fun-for-ftn (child-mother a-ftree)) ...
39 ; ... (child-name a-ftree) ...
40 ; ... (child-date a-ftree) ...
41 ; ... (child-eyes a-ftree) ...]))
43 ;blue-eyed-ancestor? : ftn -> boolean
44 ;Given a-ftree, determine if there is
45 ;a child in a-ftree with 'blue in eyes field.
46 (define (blue-eyed-ancestor? a-ftree)
47 (cond
48 [(empty? a-ftree) false]
49 [else
50 (or
51 (symbol=? (child-eyes a-ftree) 'blue)
52 (blue-eyed-ancestor? (child-father a-ftree))
53 (blue-eyed-ancestor? (child-mother a-ftree)))]))
55 ;count-persons : ftn -> number
56 ;Given a-ftree, determines the number of people in the
57 ;family tree.
59 ;Examples:
60 ;(count-persons Carl)
61 ;1
62 ;(count-persons Dave)
63 ;3
65 (define (count-persons a-ftree)
66 (cond
67 [(empty? a-ftree) 0]
68 [else
69 (+ 1
70 (count-persons (child-father a-ftree))
71 (count-persons (child-mother a-ftree)))]))
72 ;
73 ;average-age : ftn -> number
74 ;Computes the average age of all the people
75 ;in a family tree. Sums the ages
76 ;and divides by the count of persons.
78 (define (average-age a-ftree)
79 (/ (sum-of-ages a-ftree)
80 (count-persons a-ftree)))
81 ;
82 ;sum-of-ages : ftn -> number
83 ;Computes the sum of the ages of
84 ;the people in a family tree.
85 ;
86 ;Examples:
87 ;(sum-of-ages Carl)
88 ;83
89 ;(sum-of-ages Eva)
90 ;210
92 (define CURRENTYEAR 2009)
94 (define (sum-of-ages a-ftree)
95 (cond
96 [(empty? a-ftree) 0]
97 [else
98 (+ (- CURRENTYEAR (child-date a-ftree))
99 (sum-of-ages (child-father a-ftree))
100 (sum-of-ages (child-mother a-ftree)))]))
102 ;A list-of-eye-colors is either
103 ;1. an empty list or
104 ;2. (cons ec loec) where ec is a symbol and
105 ;loec is a list-of-eye-colors.
106 ;(alternatively written as (list ec1 ec2 ... empty)
107 ;where each argument represents a symbol).
109 ;eye-colors : ftn -> list-of-eye-colors
111 (define (eye-colors a-ftree)
112 (cond
113 [(empty? a-ftree) empty]
114 [else (append
115 (list (child-eyes a-ftree))
116 (eye-colors (child-father a-ftree))
117 (eye-colors (child-mother a-ftree)))]))
119 ;proper-blue-eyed-ancestor? : ftn -> boolean
120 ;Given a-ftree, determine if the person
121 ;has a proper blue eyed ancestor
122 ;(someone in the family tree with blue eyes
123 ; who is not the person in question)
125 (define (proper-blue-eyed-ancestor? a-ftree)
126 (cond
127 [(empty? a-ftree) false]
128 [else (or (blue-eyed-ancestor? (child-father a-ftree))
129 (blue-eyed-ancestor? (child-mother a-ftree)))]))