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width basic wiki code like user with join blog help hang your http time duty many keep team over find list have get org can own the one and png how out add who by cv to of ll 2 +Znc.Chroot:1724464617: Chroot.Intro Openbsd.Ddos Znc.Install Openbsd.Buyvm Openbsd.Syspatch Znc.Patch Ftp.Usage Tar.Usage Openbsd.Adduser Openbsd.Loginconf Openbsd.Vipw Grep.Usage Tls.Overview Openhttpd.Configure Acme-client.Configure Dns.Vhost Dns.Overview DNS.RDNS Dns.Records Host.Usage Relayd.Acceleration IP.Myaddress Localhost.Intro Openbsd.Relayd Oidentd.ZNC Pf.Intro Bouncer.Bouncer Znc.Webpanel Openbsd.Cron Netcat.Irc Znc.Relayd Znc.Usage Openbsd.Nsd Nsd.Zone : 49396054dc8263b573d11c9c01e43f89ee772f6dc89b3c630e6dffa9acea4a3e 014eab533f25fe65621963f712ecaf3b86fe840859ab6f4c675200c73d02e6d1 protectwebsessions authonlyviamodule configwritedelay troubleshooting serverthrottle ssldhparamfile daemon_pidfile znc_server_ip automatically configuration understanding maxbuffersize misconfigured controlpanel 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console locally command control srvlist foreach default another caching curated failure because machine causing missing taboola getting service restart through support answers version earlier should return google inside blocks enable option domain dnssec change update remote master anchor public lookup 604800 please faster except secure static nobody always sample ignore attach refuse access window marked giving button dnskey bottom rcctl stale again fails there error hosts allow ipv4s trust chain ipv6s while these setup https rrset found order 26496 which 45846 dhcpd tells known cache entry place files lines draft about store users first 10800 false frame ifend zones title pages ipsec comes click clear your data give send they used read this age0 like sure test will doas edit also from find kept want that info then logs make have 2001 oisd such role play view tail does sock aren when uses well with both nsec aaaa 3600 runs hide part base 1200 bind auto root more need old 162 172 175 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Ircnow.Milestones Ircnow.Roadmap2021 Ircnow.Roadmap2022 Ircnow.Roadmap2023 Ircnow.Roadmap Ircnow.Status2022 CodeForce.Deploy Abuse.Code Ambassador.Markets Ircnow.Metrics Ircnow.Nsf Ircnow.Newdeal Ircnow.Daughtersofliberty Netizen.Ellisisland User.Welcome Netizen.Become Netizen.Rights Freedom.Selfadmin Freedom.Independence Freedom.Fork Ircnow.Constitution Freedom.Religion Freedom.Firstamendment Freedom.Software Freedom.Privacy Freedom.Homestead Freedom.Madeonirc Freedom.Unix Freedom.Startupdream Freedom.Openforeveryone Freedom.Dueprocess Freedom.Checks Freedom.Rulebylaw Freedom.Federation Freedom.Union Freedom.Universal Freedom.Radio Ircnow.Education Openbsd.Intro Vmm.Configure Vmm.Install Vmctl.Usage Vmm.Linux Vmm.Sysupgrade Vmctl.Disk Vmctl.Reinstall Vmm.Intro Vmm.DebianIso Vmm.DebianInstall Vmm.Debian Vmm.Optimize Vmm.Ubuntu Vmm.DevuanIso Vmm.Devuan-ISO Vmm.Alpine Vmm.Arch Vmm.Plan9 Vmm.Router Vmm.Homerouter Openbsd.BBB Openbsd.Orangepi3lts Openbsd.Upgrade67 Openbsd.Upgrade68 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Openbsd.PFStable Openbsd.PFTesting Openbsd.Pfbadhost Pf.Vpn Pf.Bittorrent Ddos.Intro Openbsd.SSDP Openbsd.ACKFlood Openbsd.RSTFlood Openbsd.SYNFlood Openbsd.HTTPFlood Openbsd.NTPAmplification Openbsd.UDPFlood Openbsd.Amplification Openbsd.Ping Openbsd.Tcpdump Netcat.Usage Netcat.Irc Netcat.Http Netcat.SMTP Telnet.Http Openssl.Http Openssl.Imap Openssl.Smtp Openssl.Check Openssl.Encryptfile Bgpd.Configure Dns.Overview Dns.Records Dns.FQDN Dns.Registrars Dns.Vhost Vhost.Freedns Vhost.Ircnow Nsd.Configure Nsd.Masterslave Nsd.Troubleshoot DNS.RDNS Dns.Zonefile Nsd.Zone Dns.Troubleshooting Openbsd.Delphinusdnsd DNS.Mail DNS.SPF DNS.DKIM DNS.DMARC DNS.MTA-STS DNS.Ipv6rDNS DNS.Ipv4rDNS Unbound.Configure Host.Usage Dig.Usage Openbsd.Unboundadblock Unbound.Blacklists Rbldnsd.Install Dns.BindResolver Unbound.LAN Unbound.DNSSEC Gpg.Verify Signify.Verify Duplicity.Usage Iked.Configure Vpn.Vpn Iked.Newconfig Vpn.Myipaddress Iked.Sitetosite Tor.Torsocks Tor.Hidden Tor.Irc Tls.Overview Tls.Intro Tls.CA Acme-client.Configure Acme-client.Cron Relayd.Acceleration Relayd.TLSMulti Letsencrypt.Expired Acme-client.AutoRenew Dehydrated.Configure Acmesh.Configure Sshd.Configure Ssh.Client Ssh.Fingerprints Openbsd.Sshbackdoor Sshd.Disablepassword OpenSSH.Keygen Openssh.Skey Openssh.Totp Openbsd.Drawtermssh Openbsd.Two-FactorAuth Openbsd.Sftp Ftpd.Configure Torrent.Configure Cvs.Anoncvs Cvs.Intro Cvs.Cvsweb Cvs.Repo Cvs.Guide Paster.Install Fiche.Install Openbsd.Www Openhttpd.Configure Openhttpd.Hosting Openbsd.Httpopenproxy Openhttpd.Perl Openbsd.Php Openhttpd.Tls Openhttpd.Website Openhttpd.CGI Openhttpd.Chroot Pmwiki.Install Pmwiki.Simpleurl Pmwiki.Replace Debate.Wikistyle Ikiwiki.Install Openbsd.Dokuwiki Squirrelmail.Install Roundcube.Install Wordpress.Install Openbsd.Oscommerce Openbsd.Cumulusclips Openbsd.Fluxbb Openbsd.Question2answer Openbsd.H5ai Openbsd.Easyapp Openbsd.Manna NodeJS.Install Openbsd.Cgit Stagit.Install Got.Repo Gotweb.Install Got.Usage Got.Server Got.Mirror Mariadb.Install Irc.Guide Irc.Chanop Ngircd.Oper Irc.Services Irc.Clients Irc.Easy HostServ.Rules Unrealircd.Install Almanack.TheloungeWebircClient Znc.Install Znc.Chroot ZNC.Admin ZNC.Support Openbsd.ZNCModules Znc.Patch Znc.Usage Znc.Relayd Znc.I18n ZNC.Troubleshoot Znc.Debug Debate.Zncdefense Debate.Zncflaws Soju.Install Psybnc.Install Openbsd.Ilines Ambassador.Ilines Debate.Ircv3defense Identd.Configure Oidentd.Install Oidentd.ZNC Oidentd.Changeident Openbsd.Ii Openbsd.Sic Ngircd.Install Ngircd.Link Ngircd.Ssl Ngircd.Sins Ngircd.Loginconf Hopm.Install Openbsd.Acopm Hopm.Telnet Openbsd.Hopm-NowWithInit Hunchentoot.Install Achurch.Install Anope.Install Atheme.Install Pylink.Install Pylink.Chroot Bitlbee.Install Openbsd.Matterbridge Eggdrop193.Install Eggdrop191.Install Openbsd.Tcltls Eggdrop184.Install Eggdrop.Nickserv Wraith.Chroot Openbsd.Wraith Openbsd.Biblebot Botnow.Install Openbsd.Ircrelayd Category.Perl Openbsd.CPAN Unix101.Unix101 Unix101.Wechall C101.C101 Debate.WhyNotC Almanack.C C.Cprimer Openbsd.Vi Openbsd.Mg Openbsd.Ed Emacs.Emacs Opensmtpd.Configure Openbsd.Opensmtpd-relay Openbsd.Opensmtpd-2 Openbsd.Mailopenproxy Opensmtpd.Troubleshoot Opensmtpd.Openrelay Opensmtpd.Test Rspamd.Configure Opensmtpd.Inbox Dovecot.Install Mlmmj.Install Mlmmj-archivist.Install Mutt.Connect Openbsd.Fdm Openbsd.Newdisk Fdisk.Usage Openbsd.Disklabel Openbsd.Growfs Openbsd.Pkg Openbsd.Ports Pkgadd.CheckUpdates Doas.Configure Syspatch.Syspatch Openbsd.Cron Rcctl.Rcctl Openbsd.Adduser Openbsd.Localtime Dd.Iso Dd.Usage Ln.Intro Tmux.Config Tmux.Share Openbsd.XTerm Openbsd.Backups Openbsd.Dump Openbsd.Restore Openrsync.Usage Rsync.Usage Openbsd.Dmesg Atactl.Usage Almanack.DumpBackupWithSCP Openbsd.Fstab Newfs.Usage Mount.Usage Openbsd.Iplookup Openbsd.Hier Openbsd.Base64 Openbsd.Uim Crontab.Edit Ps.Usage Kill.Usage Vi.Intro Cron.Suppressmail Openbsd.Vipw Tar.Usage Openbsd.Rcctl Syslogd.Configure Syslogd.Remote Openbsd.Panic Openbsd.Sysctl Swapctl.Usage Ffs.Intro Softraid.Install Softraid.Rebuild Disklabel.Usage Disklabel.Partitioning Ksh.Bash Ksh.Redirection Ksh.Autocomplete Shell.Limits Shell.Cronjobs Openbsd.Outofmemory Ln.Shell Openbsd.Freeciv Openbsd.Openttd Olympics.Games Chess.Reading Chess.Chessgogi Chess.Tournament Chess.Limitsbot Fics.Install Fics.Admin Math.Reading Shelllabs.Intro Shelllabs.Reading Shelllabs.Quotes Shelllabs.Manifesto Camping.Gear Openbsd.Minetest Minetest.Addingarenas Minetest.Serverlocations Minetest.Texturestyle Minetest.Updating Minetest.Worldbackup Texlive.Install Texlive.Sinhala Asterisk.Install Sox.Concat Openbsd.Ffmpeg Parec.Record Openbsd.Recordaudio Ffmpeg.Recordscreen Leafnode.Install Webnews.Install Gazette.Gazette Openbsd.INN Openbsd.Gopher Openbsd.Gophernicus Openbsd.Geomyidae Bucky.Install Prosody.Install Biboumi.Install Gomuks.Install Akkoma.Install Openbsd.Misc ISCABBS.ISCABBS Hosting.Hosting Hosting.Providers Hosting.Requirements Openbsd.Security Chroot.Intro Password.Management MITM.Intro Openbsd.Phishing Password.Hashes Password.Schemes Password.Words Openbsd.Dos Openbsd.Spam Openbsd.0days Openbsd.Rootkits Pledge.Intro Unveil.Intro Openbsd.Databaseperms Openbsd.Secureweb Openbsd.Trust Openbsd.Defaultdeny Openbsd.Loginconf Openbsd.Ids Openbsd.Setuid Openbsd.Sa Openbsd.Quota Openbsd.Shell Police.Intro Police.Fingerprints Openbsd.FilePermissions Openbsd.Oath-toolkit Doxing.Defense Team.Security Sheriff.Intro Openbsd.Xenodm Xfce.Install Fvwm.Configure Xdefaults.Configure Synclient.Configure Cwm.Configure TigerVNC.Install TigerVNC.SSH Wsconsctl.Usage Fdroid.Install 9.9 9.Shell 9.Install 9.Partdisk 9.Plan9ini 9.Links 9.Shocase 9.Rcpu 9.Drawterm 9.JSDrawterm 9.101 9.Bootcamp 9.9paste 9.Independent 9.Cheatsheet 9.Sysupdate 9.Packages Rio.Customize 9.Chording 9.Ssh 9.Netcat 9.9gridchan 9.Ideas Cloud9p.Roadmap 9.9pideas 9.Audio 9.Irc 9.Date 9.Reading 9.Acmemail 9.Splinternet 9.FNS 9.PKI 9.IP 9.Why9 9.Inter9 9.Ramfs Unix.Reading BSD.Reading Debate.Linuxflaws Unix.Intro Unix.History Unix.Exhibit SIMH.Install Ircnow.Womenstem Relays.Relays Bots.Bots Code.Code Opsofliberty.Bootcamp Civics.Intro Ircnow.Projects Vnc.Vnc WikiTips.WikiTips License.License Ircnow.Ally Ircnow.Victorycores Ircnow.Opsofliberty Ircnow.Pioneer Ircnow.Codeforce Ircnow.Explorer Ircnow.Ranger Ircnow.Settler Ircnow.Sheriff Ircnow.Servers Codeforce.Training Team.Team Openbsd.Buyvm Buyvm.Routedsubnet Openbsd.Dkimproxy Openbsd.Opensmtpd Ircnow.Goals Openbsd.Rbldns : theloungewebircclient daughtersofliberty dumpbackupwithscp ntpamplification serverlocations question2answer troubleshooting openforeveryone disablepassword filepermissions firstamendment discriminatory wifitoethernet unboundadblock resetpassword authoritative debianinstall configuration databaseperms delphinusdnsd httpopenproxy bind_resolver mailopenproxy addingarenas victorycores sysupgrade73 sysupgrade69 opsofliberty sysupgrade71 acceleration sysupgrade72 sysupgrade74 sysupgrade75 sysupgrade70 requirements cumulusclips sysupgrade68 independence publicdomain partitioning startupdream autocomplete constitution applications fingerprints suppressmail squirrelmail routedsubnet recordscreen orangepi3lts checkupdates bindresolver texturestyle matterbridge cryptography dragonflybsd ircv3defense netizenship independent drawtermssh redirection ellisisland gophernicus splinternet encryptfile sshbackdoor myipaddress outofmemory letsencrypt nowwithinit roadmap2021 roadmap2022 recordaudio changeident roadmap2023 illustrated hunchentoot declaration defaultdeny worldbackup pkglocatedb certificate imagemagick simpletable authorities masterslave screenshare opportunity rebuilding milestones supermicro hostnameif status2022 sourceaddr filesystem beaglebone ambassador unrealircd bittorrent blacklists sitetosite management zncdefense oscommerce federation dueprocess homerouter zncmodules eggdrop184 tournament eggdrop191 eggdrop193 singleuser registrars linuxflaws deployment jsdrawterm accounting networking dehydrated factorauth automating encryption cheatsheet automation signatures historical administer temperance themselves philosophy plan9front brainstorm opensmtpd configure newconfig archivist duplicity httpflood openrelay pfbadhost disklabel pftesting ircrelayd debugging localtime loginconf openrsync openhttpd myaddress wikistyle install75 simpleurl chessgogi install74 install73 roundcube customize autorenew install68 shelllabs install67 manifesto addresses wordpress limitsbot install71 install70 install69 dkimproxy minutemin wsconsctl selfadmin procedure codeforce documents questions geomyidae homestead madeonirc rulebylaw hierarchy synclient religious xdefaults sysupdate womenstem frugality 9gridchan detection fediverse providers hardening intrusion passwords secureweb universal reinstall debianiso upgrade67 languages challenge devuaniso education utilities software accounts wikitips ackflood policing bootcamp security rootkits zonefile flashing zncflaws rstflood religion binaries ipv6rdns dokuwiki almanack bootconf ipv4rdns projects category torsocks synflood biblebot touchpad changing plan9ini showcase acmemail advanced udpflood ifconfig partdisk dhclient packages chording services nickserv overview pfstable identify tigervnc progress licenses minetest congress articles hostserv creating updating olympics pastebin symlinks transfer announce optimize networks chrooted tlsmulti training iplookup webpanel phishing cronjobs syspatch explorer asterisk leafnode softraid bouncers symbolic sortable sysadmin balances firewall torrents netmasks machines blocking industry clients gazette bitlbee openbsd settler webnews achurch anycast icecast sockets servers prosody biboumi unix101 wechall channel sheriff openssl hosting support iscabbs tcpdump texlive freedns camping oidentd sinhala without 6in4nat whynotc freedom privacy welcome reading openttd chinese crontab editing backups restore freeciv swapctl central dogfood markets sending signals newdeal metrics justice syslogd toolkit shocase schemes getting cprimer editors inboxed dovecot digital pkg_add virtual science adduser connect newdisk rbldnsd signing signify mailing pioneer android caching expired ikiwiki exhibit replace windows mariadb desktop easyapp cloud9p 9pideas lessons history routing website proxies ramdisk openssh anoncvs patriot version control ircnow donate middle 9paste rights border police unveil relays shells civics concat setuid netcat xenodm vorbis hashes ranger ffmpeg quotas medals target fdroid matrix pledge social netbsd become sndiod gomuks doxing akkoma debate inter9 denial quotes armory paster acmesh keygen pmwiki create cvsweb static remote sysctl hidden telnet psybnc ilines fluxbb gotweb nodejs stagit verify dnssec ngircd mirror guides irc101 chanop packet tcltls vhosts pylink wraith atheme filter rspamd attack pkgadd growfs botnow base64 atactl netpgp alpine ubuntu higher access kernel censor emails united checks anope usage dmarc goals intro parec fdisk acopm mlmmj xterm union 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specific systems minimal default finally debian ubuntu effort please update should output gunzip msdos1 hosted config normal reboot second select these amd64 enter https false title onovh allow guide linux base only with will next edit this root onto over when able note curl work user want vps run www com and add etc now see you hit kvm set how cdn org pub hd0 30 be rd go we by 10 12 gz 11 7 5 OpenBSD.OnOVH-Draft:1724287687: : grub_hidden_timeout_quiet unfortunately grub_timeout officially following templates supported operating menuentry installer procedure 40_custom countdown provided provides supports kopenbsd ovhcloud minimal systems default finally output please debian select should hosted gunzip effort reboot update config msdos1 second onovh amd64 login fresh https false enter title draft guide linux allow edit root will this only curl user over able next when base note with onto vps hd0 you set the now etc and add com www run kvm pub cdn org see how hit be by 30 go we gz rd 10 2 7 5 -Ircnow.9force:1724129335: Freedom.Freedom Ircnow.Servers : documentation verification interviewed enthusiasts contribute practicing extensions subscribe community marketing madeonirc articles complete training promoted internet personal hardware projects servers mailing sending private methods freedom network provide improve virtual cloud9p qualify contact regular support website ircnow 9force inter9 worked needed coding finish commit duties mutual friend social attach minded deploy rfloat reward resume become using write below refer staff title hours share media weeks first email tasks bonus after learn admin 80pct apply basic width plan blog find duty join your list help wiki user many code hang with team like http keep have time over get one the org and png can add own who out how to by of cv ll 2 Main.HomePage:1724129161: Freedom.Federation Ircnow.Goals Freedom.Freedom Gry.Bio Baytuch.Bio Profiles.Yonle Profiles.Tcache AncientWisdom.Bio Profiles.Jrmu SplinTer.Bio Vps.Vps SplinTer.Hardware Jrmu.Bio Oddprotocol.Hardware Bsdforall.Hardware Izzyb.Bio Thunderirc.Hardware Ircnow.Hardware Lecturify.Hardware Ircnow.Servers Minutemin.Bootcamp : monkeybusiness45 sysop_nitestorm ancientwisdom disconnected simpletable oddprotocol planetofnix libertybell thunderirc luxembourg inspirenet ircforever posterdati federation miniontoby pyritepyro interested themselves bsdforall lecturify minutemin community nastycode anonymity protocols currently shelltalk following bokamosho sysadmins different improving ecosystem excellent combined hardware security sortable messages governor splinter minetest bouncers location whenever profiles hostname monsieur services download multiple networks homepage examples bootcamp internet provides working covered storage servers receive baytuch offline openbsd freeirc cloud9p tomglok freedom ensures agroena reading reasons hosting support bridges account naglfar hotspot channel parties request attach tcache al1r4d yiming ircnow access 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reverse however content suppose section binding bouncer domains servers openbsd records unique vhosts choose psybnc ircnow client notice logged assign rescue custom answer entire anyone single either subnet entry words title since world would money using heart which could binds brown match ident users means often first check aaaa both when ipv4 must need each will upon ipv6 have this from that only give want d00d then such tell 2001 c001 even rdns 3600 arpa rely same with john cost take ptr set org can 192 168 znc and db8 dig way isp had get lot out why 64 by 48 DNS.SPF:1724096299: : introduction simpletable transition 0123456789 pretending temperror temporary addresses permerror determine framework mechanism qualifier softfail sortable phishing megacorp matching stopping matches example account meaning records current unknown becomes useless neutral servers between scammer nothing follows someone policy accept subnet almost domain border sender cannot reject action others result 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appointing amorlatino nationchat banglacafe shadowfire technology digitalirc liberachat characters spiderchat redhispano friendsirc allz4masti superhosts robothive community quartznet viciochat redlatina rootworld canternet puntochat chateamos malaysian swisschat chatgentr ircsource alphachat amicachat siamnarak ircfreakz mindforge minecraft streaming malikania shelltalk freshchat gamesurge darkfasel nastycode freeunibg confirmed chewbakka globalirc pineapple lecturify enjoychat providing desirenet dejatoons successor passwords zandronum hybridirc chatspike volunteer chatzona librairc skychatz slashnet smurfnet freenode romanian simosnap chat4all chatasia zeronode spigotmc darkmyst software irccloud networks frantech europnet provides quakenet external recycled chatopia openjoke telegram oltreirc bouncers buenchat accounts handling scenep2p friendly spotchat afternet geeknode geekshed stormbit greekirc platform irchaven allrednc absoluty trsohbet afterall tweakers swiftirc protocol 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installing completely management automatic hibernate following sometimes partition activated important connected workload handling examples managing included requires openbsd laptops scripts default battery enabled suspend charged getting running servers current minutes saving device easier system useful start usage using rcctl shows could https there which tools power while based handy since sleep state apmd when used they sets take mode note also mins that swap left make acpi very them doas sbcs need zzz aka you org cpu are don but if is of s3 8 Baytuch.RecentChanges:1721055207: : recentchanges february baytuch 2023 bio 17 at 12 00 pm by Rcctl.Rcctl:1721055207: : redirect openbsd status rcctl 301 @@ -205,7 +208,6 @@ Dns.Troubleshooting:1716846936: : troubleshooting aut Nsd.Troubleshoot:1716846908: : troubleshooting authoritative nameservers helpful intodns sites https some for com nsd Bgpd.Configure:1716846259: : implementation configuring exchanging configure machines ordinary protocol openbgpd speaking version routers gateway systems routes border allows other title https with used free org is of as be 4 Lists.Ircnow:1716842860: : codeforce subscribe emailing training archives public ircnow coding https lists with jobs sign org up by -Znc.Chroot:1716841949: Chroot.Intro Openbsd.Ddos Znc.Install Openbsd.Buyvm Openbsd.Syspatch Znc.Patch Ftp.Usage Tar.Usage Openbsd.Adduser Openbsd.Loginconf Openbsd.Vipw Grep.Usage Tls.Overview Openhttpd.Configure Acme-client.Configure Dns.Vhost Dns.Overview DNS.RDNS Dns.Records Host.Usage Relayd.Acceleration IP.Myaddress Localhost.Intro Openbsd.Relayd Oidentd.ZNC Pf.Intro Bouncer.Bouncer Znc.Webpanel Openbsd.Cron Netcat.Irc Znc.Relayd Znc.Usage Openbsd.Nsd Nsd.Zone : 49396054dc8263b573d11c9c01e43f89ee772f6dc89b3c630e6dffa9acea4a3e 014eab533f25fe65621963f712ecaf3b86fe840859ab6f4c675200c73d02e6d1 protectwebsessions authonlyviamodule configwritedelay troubleshooting serverthrottle ssldhparamfile daemon_pidfile znc_server_ip automatically configuration understanding maxbuffersize misconfigured controlpanel service_name service_user alphanumeric dependencies segmentation acceleration connectdelay introduction project_name disconnected mtz5cmce5ijx installation unprivileged service_stop service_pid ipv6_v6only simple_away hideversion anoniplimit ovexwsl50cc checker_znc sslcertfile temporarily incorrectly descriptors dccbindhost recommended configuring certificate connections established loadmodule convention frequently sslkeyfile individual restarting installing nameserver attributes completely saveconfig mistakenly connecting bindhosts following openfiles loginconf generated addresses stacksize listeners hostnames supported resources myaddress plaintext reconnect rc_reload localhost beginning processes something username_ specifies chansaver compiling described sometimes necessary identfile otherwise lockedmem unlimited responses customize openhttpd important libraries protected selecting indicates 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openssl patched however without belongs editing altnick section assumes changed certain confirm pkg_add concept generic nofiles current meaning modules seconds entries because contain reached prevent changes oidentd gettext runtime returns writing ruleset enabled exactly replays extract specify adduser usually compile useradd consult creates options created crashes maxproc initial keeping offline finally account forward earlier encrypt maximum private missing applied looking library attacks testing browser invalid upgrade suppose happens against getting reverse minutes inside sha256 public relayd export stable should tested actual netcat global better powers rehash single launch before signed manage delete unique shared errors allows viewed folder cannot subnet unable locate ircnow supply easily likely values person amount status limits plenty afford causes passwd method je2ecm begins output lookup glines master reason editor edited memory easier update either erbose vhosts number 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sections security building operates internet _unbound contents securely backward controld settings resolver possible tutorial required whenever mitigate practice restart address ideally enabled another failure details lookups present anchors openbsd handled invalid rfc9364 machine helpful assumes rfc3833 however support attacks because working queries current initial deleted badsig dnssec domain failed reload notice server absent crypto should reduce output option verify onward ensure github points create system tools https chain trust fails quad9 files known bogus entry break stuff while rcctl block iana test a880 html doas 2620 host with your 2606 this ietf each that from mail 256e root 2604 have auto zone must been nsec ipv6 b001 also 1a40 aaaa safe name free more uses best used keys org man can 112 149 may doc has var get etc new yes 142 179 www see 400 db of 10 76 go by d0 mx -Unbound.Configure:1696720794: : queryselectorall previoushostname troubleshooting flush_negative configuration intercepting nameservers originates validation forwarders aggressive everything forwarding childnodes javascript addresses interface listening localhost configure innertext innerhtml generated checkconf specified providing regularly available suggested commented otherwise something signature resolver provided outgoing spoofing internal indicate randomly multiple override navigate dhclient document computer building identity priority control because invalid command unbound another example failure section machine causing browser opennic quickly console however srvlist foreach default caching locally queries answers counter support earlier network running missing contain instead include openbsd working through version anchor should enable master google access remote lookup attach except dnssec change inside refuse blocks 604800 update public domain ignore please nobody static option secure button bottom sample giving window faster dnskey marked 10800 rcctl start allow about 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optional contains pkg_add private details virtual article correct section somehow archive require similar starts pastly useful remain verify public target enable editor create things chown chmod onion there cases print least rcctl group torrc owned posts https begin 2019 blog with more boot must path that each note they even also pair used find keys this _tor sure user make most file will same you ssh and has for see etc can 127 net web org var way cat out one may 700 any v3 by Openbsd.FilePermissions:1696385754: Openbsd.Setuid : 148089896932537 filepermissions unfortunately login_lchpass login_passwd login_chpass unauthorized traceroute6 sshd_config unexpected forwarding themselves otherwise processes installed disabling recommend lockspool username2 username1 dangerous teammates _dovecot binaries commands security checking td309339 shutdown downside accounts packages possible openbsd libexec created folders program warning privacy serious _identd archive usermod prevent retired 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priority navigate document identity building indicate unbound contain running opennic section example another command foreach srvlist quickly invalid console browser instead working however failure control because problem machine causing enabled records network queries caching include default counter locally openbsd through version 604800 safely ignore anchor lookup secure inside dnssec nobody giving domain please blocks access option attach should change static refuse master remote faster google dnskey update answer public marked except window sample bottom button ifend store found first cache rcctl start zones users trust there these 10800 lines allow which about https tells draft pages title hosts ipsec stale frame ipv4s 45846 clear click entry again ipv6s files chain while rrset comes false dhcpd send make sure from used they that does want tail your port also 2001 uses this edit will bind age0 hide data logs kept have turn view part base find sock info well more then need auto 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tocqueville masterpiece cybernetics machiavelli revolutions perceptrons buckminster greenberger continental plantations reflections mathematics description declaration variational strangeness engineering electronics thereabouts experiments gettysburg experience schumacher meriwether relativity concerning 1590560402 prosperous copernicus discipline philosophy schumpeter principles heisenberg mismeasure washington huntington government mandelbrot federalist mcclintock everything thucydides discourses capitalism democritus copernican scientific psychology provincial innovation crevecoeur connection functional refinement feyerabend hofstadter biomimicry selections holldobler employment archimedes cathedrals analytical protestant disbanding frédéric researches 0070108986 marinovich continents integrated collective civilizing christiaan societies essential varieties mayflower scientist computing suetonius sociology chemistry rivalries governors mirabilis histories eddington hardcover friedrich religious structure education galbraith bronowski documents discovery universal expanding herodotus democracy thorstein novanglus economics molecular political influence frederick loadstone aristotle cornelius beautiful shoemaker radiotron gustafson mechanics institute inaugural nonlinear montaigne dialogues lightning lavoisier computers whitehead socialism hiroshima roosevelt jefferson wohlleben classical communist manifesto knowledge wonderful treatises descartes leviathan collected goodreads paperback proposals alexander promoting americans designers engelbart ourselves shelllabs bertrand chapters inspired virginia voltaire circular johannes niccolò franklin lederman thoughts aurellem secondat elements frontier vesalius cousteau benjamin literacy infinite machines foucault boosting sketches journals affluent aurelius vannevar gorillas friedman geometry hemenway mattered december movement conquest handbook theodore rothbard humboldt birkhoff patriots circuits saunders baptiste analysis castillo approach immanuel aaronson nicolaus heavenly richness clinical physical magnetic legendre mollison critique harmonic plutarch xenophon masanobu smolenck horowitz lovelock farewell huizinga einstein interest elegance relating november lectures contract infinity mycelium rousseau military hoffmann opinions business universe carnegie congress republic articles classics founding sessions sciences marshall writings edition lincoln reading hiltzik wegener address charles michael network abraham francis desoler stephen chapman bastiat pillars william antoine eiseley greeley mistook dealers schultz laurent huygens bernard feynman galilei general galileo fourier faraday lanczos species sussman postman animals morison letters amusing orality richard malthus dawkins against douglas decline stamets leisure running apology maynard nebulae selfish jacques medawar history british nkrumah georges stewart robbins herbert courant account shannon balance mandela fractal thoreau captain eternal physics russell hamming ecology barrett spheres gilbert systems society tacitus volumes norbert process polanyi algebra garrett origins century maclane ptolemy alberts biology pauling fathers jackson kenneth andreas economy harmony accents enquiry sharing lantern freedom liberty charter citizen updated mumford english western nations audubon fukuoka slavery serfdom inquiry hershey wounded special barbara penrose roberts feeling pilgrim caesars ricardo compact outlook natural friends erasmus quantum emperor stanley planck engels malone rights limits veblen ascent united cities carson states rachel spring hidden watson walter edward gibbon julian seneca jacobs papers milton around anyone europe ronald modern fisher joseph method fabric fuller alfred author silent useful nature theory fossey stuart voyage essays jevons alexis atomic benoit newton nelson optics werner escher cosmic golden hubble 144828 spirit claude ludwig murray cuvier edmund france pieces menger garvey arthur double marcus thomas orwell common dudley advice coffey booker euclid enrico growth keynes autumn empire middle wilson insect beauty kepler janine motion marvin michel prison editor pascal harvey hobbes punish beagle blaise school eyquem people oliver reason minsky worlds livius cosmos prince quarks masses beings darwin wiener revolt ortega cooper gasset action garden popper asimov martin future howard elting storrs divine julius horace flying gallic walden wealth analog steady carver bernal gandhi causes annals survey samuel strunk reform herman praise benyus oceans turner eugene farmer making manual bodies heart brown since other henry david times guide sagan lives adams order https scope north human silva mises might death lewis media where error helix great scott hardy steps hayek clark kwame notes draft money among plato james peace díaz meyer sense clear later youth tales teach paine would style sacks burke locke dewey folly trade taxes press study first baron xerox roman 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connecting configured challenged completing networking 1597224404 1597224116 determine displayed establish something presented encrypted following correctly connected beginning succeeded extremely entering commands identify yourself provides hostname s_client channels networks properly mitigate continue nickserv sysadmin password messages valuable followed diagnose spambots received normally quitting newnick openssl example privmsg replies respond newuser however seconds attempt address details because parting joining writing warning showing sending netcat server should ircnow method record entire either appear prompt coming before signon errors typing cookie ignore format world vhost hello whois check above which means modes using reply shows other title types below often blank 12345 token drone knife swiss gline shown still 2001 this 0db8 f117 6697 3a85 2f18 11eb case list were 2562 used 9812 b8fa from f8fb with will pong like done step 6667 when that nice rdns aaaa test ipv6 code 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element penguin dealers october wozniak michael william ritchie brother robbins hackers raymond machine diamond gertner musings jeffrey addison reprint factory january culture product history society origins waldrop english kembrew 20775th findler shriram economy bentley 9304042 matthew benkler unbound stevens 5900491 0098268 2633296 reading hafner wesley author wayner wright design second alfred owning heroes source ullman august domain famous essays access volume robert amazon bazaar democ1 lessig sr_1_5 joshua dennis pearls prints system reilly series daemon memoir yupnet stripe future kidder arnold dollar wanted valley jeremy codev2 fourth harper wealth yochai graham victor monica malone simon files world linux score sites pages index kevin https tools sethi march human april peter salus ideas draft lions brian suber xerox books first doing flatt shell tracy dream linus david remix where bruce taoup ghost rebel wires xhtml moody basic katie 2006 isbn most 2001 1988 2018 htdp ravi july 2002 1999 2021 2012 from paul june 2010 with unix pike 1983 hall stop john open 2013 asin bret labs bell korn 2020 just 1994 parc 1995 nntp 1174 gary erik text 1996 4bsd 1992 1998 1990 node 1977 data 2019 catb eric safe bach 2003 2008 reed 1986 sicp late stay glyn 2000 levy dawn and may art – web www pdf new von how edu 2nd 1st you joi ito esr big dan fun aho awk gnu 6th 241 ref tcp 580 328 576 400 bay gay lam by gp blob - 389399f5101ae2fde7642af02fc9d2bc5658e4ef blob + 71f7337918894a4937a93611e6bbed476c1dc21f --- wiki.d/Ircnow.9force +++ wiki.d/Ircnow.9force @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ version=pmwiki-2.3.20 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 -agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) QtWebEngine/6.7.2 Chrome/118.0.5993.220 Safari/537.36 -author=mkf +agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/ +author=adi charset=UTF-8 -csum=no abaco doesn't work +csum= ctime=1723643068 -host= +host= name=Ircnow.9force -rev=3 +rev=4 targets=Freedom.Freedom,Ircnow.Servers -text=(:title Join the 9Force:)%0a%0aJoin the 9Force!%0a%25width=80pct rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/madeonirc.png%0a%0a!! Your Reward%0a%0a# '''Become staff on the Inter9'''%0a# Learn [[|Plan 9]] by practicing on servers%0a# Hang out with a community of like-minded Plan 9 enthusiasts%0a# [[freedom|Improve freedom]] on the internet%0a# Write and deploy code for the network%0a# Add your coding projects to your CV/resume%0a%0a!! How to Apply%0a%0a# Join us over on IRC on one of our [[ircnow/servers|servers]] on #inter9%0a# Send an email to Subscribe to the 9force mailing list by sending an email to: If you have your own Plan 9 servers, you can use your own hardware.%0a# We can provide a Plan 9 virtual private server if you can provide verification using '''one''' of the methods below:%0a # Find a mutual friend who can refer you to IRCNow staff, OR%0a # Contribute 2 wiki articles, OR%0a # Share a code project you've worked on, OR%0a # Share a personal social media/website/blog you write for%0a# You get two weeks to complete your first task in the training. As you finish tasks, you get bonus extensions of time.%0a# After you finish training, you'll get interviewed; if you qualify, you'll be promoted to staff!%0a%0a!! Your Duties%0a%0a# Keep in regular contact with us on IRC and email%0a# Commit to help your team as many hours as needed to complete your duty%0a# Finish [[|the training]].%0a# Help with user support, documentation, and basic coding%0a -time=1724129335 +text=(:title Join the 9Force:)%0a%0aJoin the 9Force!%0a%25width=80pct rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/madeonirc.png%0a%0a!! Your Reward%0a%0a# '''Become staff on the Inter9'''%0a# Learn [[|Plan 9]] by practicing on servers%0a# Hang out with a community of like-minded Plan 9 enthusiasts%0a# [[freedom|Improve freedom]] on the internet%0a# Write and deploy code for the network%0a# Add your coding projects to your CV/resume%0a%0a!! How to Apply%0a%0a# Join us over on IRC on one of our [[ircnow/servers|servers]] on #plan9%0a# Send an email to Subscribe to the 9force mailing list by sending an email to: If you have your own Plan 9 servers, you can use your own hardware.%0a# We can provide a Plan 9 virtual private server if you can provide verification using '''one''' of the methods below:%0a # Find a mutual friend who can refer you to IRCNow staff, OR%0a # Contribute 2 wiki articles, OR%0a # Share a code project you've worked on, OR%0a # Share a personal social media/website/blog you write for%0a# You get two weeks to complete your first task in the training. As you finish tasks, you get bonus extensions of time.%0a# After you finish training, you'll get interviewed; if you qualify, you'll be promoted to staff!%0a%0a!! Your Duties%0a%0a# Keep in regular contact with us on IRC and email%0a# Commit to help your team as many hours as needed to complete your duty%0a# Finish [[|the training]].%0a# Help with user support, documentation, and basic coding%0a +time=1724466437 title=Join the 9Force +author:1724466437=adi +diff:1724466437:1724129335:=17c17%0a%3c # Join us over on IRC on one of our [[ircnow/servers|servers]] on #plan9%0a---%0a> # Join us over on IRC on one of our [[ircnow/servers|servers]] on #inter9%0a +host:1724466437= author:1724129335=mkf csum:1724129335=no abaco doesn't work diff:1724129335:1724129299:minor=1,34c1%0a%3c (:title Join the 9Force:)%0a%3c %0a%3c Join the 9Force!%0a%3c %25width=80pct rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/madeonirc.png%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Your Reward%0a%3c %0a%3c # '''Become staff on the Inter9'''%0a%3c # Learn [[|Plan 9]] by practicing on servers%0a%3c # Hang out with a community of like-minded Plan 9 enthusiasts%0a%3c # [[freedom|Improve freedom]] on the internet%0a%3c # Write and deploy code for the network%0a%3c # Add your coding projects to your CV/resume%0a%3c %0a%3c !! How to Apply%0a%3c %0a%3c # Join us over on IRC on one of our [[ircnow/servers|servers]] on #inter9%0a%3c # Send an email to # Subscribe to the 9force mailing list by sending an email to: # If you have your own Plan 9 servers, you can use your own hardware.%0a%3c # We can provide a Plan 9 virtual private server if you can provide verification using '''one''' of the methods below:%0a%3c # Find a mutual friend who can refer you to IRCNow staff, OR%0a%3c # Contribute 2 wiki articles, OR%0a%3c # Share a code project you've worked on, OR%0a%3c # Share a personal social media/website/blog you write for%0a%3c # You get two weeks to complete your first task in the training. As you finish tasks, you get bonus extensions of time.%0a%3c # After you finish training, you'll get interviewed; if you qualify, you'll be promoted to staff!%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Your Duties%0a%3c %0a%3c # Keep in regular contact with us on IRC and email%0a%3c # Commit to help your team as many hours as needed to complete your duty%0a%3c # Finish [[|the training]].%0a%3c # Help with user support, documentation, and basic coding%0a---%0a> (:title Join the 9Force:) Join the 9Force! %25width=80pct rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/madeonirc.png !! Your Reward # '''Become staff on the Inter9''' # Learn [[|Plan 9]] by practicing on servers # Hang out with a community of like-minded Plan 9 enthusiasts # [[freedom|Improve freedom]] on the internet # Write and deploy code for the network # Add your coding projects to your CV/resume !! How to Apply # Join us over on IRC on one of our [[ircnow/servers|servers]] on #inter9 # Send an email to # Subscribe to the 9force mailing list by sending an email to: # If you have your own Plan 9 servers, you can use your own hardware. # We can provide a Plan 9 virtual private server if you can provide verification using '''one''' of the methods below: # Find a mutual friend who can refer you to IRCNow staff, OR # Contribute 2 wiki articles, OR # Share a code project you've worked on, OR # Share a personal social media/website/blog you write for # You get two weeks to complete your first task in the training. As you finish tasks, you get bonus extensions of time. # After you finish training, you'll get interviewed; if you qualify, you'll be promoted to staff! !! Your Duties # Keep in regular contact with us on IRC and email # Commit to help your team as many hours as needed to complete your duty # Finish [[|the training]]. # Help with user support, documentation, and basic coding does abaco work?%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a blob - be99b745cacc2c2373a55fa8551a1a96531fef90 blob + 068e15540b06bc4503a744bfb5783fb6129b012c --- wiki.d/Ircnow.Media +++ wiki.d/Ircnow.Media @@ -1,16 +1,19 @@ -version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 -agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0 +version=pmwiki-2.3.20 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 +agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20230121 author=jrmu charset=UTF-8 csum= ctime=1651551633 -host=2607:fb90:b949:326f:752:7dbe:ed4c:8eb +host= name=Ircnow.Media -rev=23 +rev=24 targets= -text=(:title In the Media:)%0a%0a%25width=300px rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/freepress.png%0a%0a# [[|]]\\%0a[[|The Users' Network]]: An interview with IRCNow's Aaron Lin by Ruben Llorente%0a%0a# %25width=300px%25 [[|]]\\%0a[[|IRCNow Workshop: Of the Users, By the Users, For the Users]] ([[|video]] and [[Attach:libreplanet2022.pdf|slides]])%0a%0a# [[|The Gopher Times]]\\%0a[[|HTTP Proxy]] and gopher:// -time=1657864484 +text=(:title In the Media:)%0a%0a%25width=300px rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/freepress.png%0a%0a# [[|]]\\%0a[[|The Users' Network]]: An interview with IRCNow's Aaron Lin by Ruben Llorente\\%0a[[|Italian translation]]%0a%0a# %25width=300px%25 [[|]]\\%0a[[|IRCNow Workshop: Of the Users, By the Users, For the Users]] ([[|video]] and [[Attach:libreplanet2022.pdf|slides]])%0a%0a# [[|The Gopher Times]]\\%0a[[|HTTP Proxy]] and gopher:// +time=1724394580 title=In the Media +author:1724394580=jrmu +diff:1724394580:1657864484:=6,7c6%0a%3c [[|The Users' Network]]: An interview with IRCNow's Aaron Lin by Ruben Llorente\\%0a%3c [[|Italian translation]]%0a---%0a> [[|The Users' Network]]: An interview with IRCNow's Aaron Lin by Ruben Llorente%0a +host:1724394580= author:1657864484=jrmu diff:1657864484:1657864464:=12c12,13%0a%3c [[|HTTP Proxy]] and gopher://> [[|HTTP Proxy]] and [[gopher://> |Gopher]]%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a host:1657864484=2607:fb90:b949:326f:752:7dbe:ed4c:8eb blob - 2efe763871411d6376f6d56314f212679c3d8087 blob + 7aab913dc5451cbaa6a67631a4fe0c582f594329 --- wiki.d/Ircnow.RecentChanges +++ wiki.d/Ircnow.RecentChanges @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ version=pmwiki-2.3.20 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 -agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) QtWebEngine/6.7.2 Chrome/118.0.5993.220 Safari/537.36 +agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/ charset=UTF-8 ctime=1596181131 -host= +host= name=Ircnow.RecentChanges -rev=1385 -text=* [[Ircnow/9force]] . . . @2024-08-20T04:48:55Z by [[~mkf]]: [=no abaco doesn't work=]%0a* [[Ircnow/Explorer]] . . . @2024-08-14T14:01:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Novem]] . . . @2024-08-14T13:44:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Codeforce]] . . . @2024-08-10T19:43:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/CodeForce]] . . . @2024-08-10T19:38:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Hosting]] . . . @2024-06-20T15:58:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Adminforces]] . . . @2024-06-01T15:57:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Minutemin]] . . . @2024-06-01T15:57:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Team]] . . . @2024-05-29T12:08:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Hardware]] . . . @2024-05-19T21:48:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Services]] . . . @2024-05-10T16:12:29Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Milestones]] . . . @2024-04-11T19:29:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Servers]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:59:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/SSHFingerprints]] . . . @2023-12-17T18:47:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2024]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:33:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:02:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2023]] . . . @2023-09-06T07:48:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Perl]] . . . @2023-07-02T21:08:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Education]] . . . @2023-06-10T06:13:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Pioneer]] . . . August 14, 2022, at 05:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Newdeal]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Daughtersofliberty]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Womenstem]] . . . July 21, 2022, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Media]] . . . July 15, 2022, at 05:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2022]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:04 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Nsf]] . . . June 20, 2022, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Metrics]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Networks]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Ally]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Dogfood]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Status]] . . . January 03, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Projects]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Sonsofliberty]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2021]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Status2022]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 05:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Opsofliberty]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 05:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Victorycpus]] . . . October 30, 2021, at 08:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Settler]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 04:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Oper]] . . . October 12, 2021, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Diversity]] . . . October 09, 2021, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Linux]] . . . October 08, 2021, at 04:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Todo]] . . . August 17, 2021, at 08:41 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/PioneerTldr]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Constitution]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Stable]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/VicePresident]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Sheriff]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Ambassador]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 07:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Goals]] . . . March 06, 2021, at 09:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Chatforce]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 02:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Howtoask]] . . . March 03, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Netizen]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/IRCitizen]] . . . February 15, 2021, at 05:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/OpofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Allies]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/OpsofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 02:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Partners]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Sysadmins]] . . . January 24, 2021, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Ilines]] . . . January 11, 2021, at 09:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Censorship]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Pentesters]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Coders]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Helpers]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Finances]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Testing]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Contact]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 03:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Partners2]] . . . December 29, 2020, at 02:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Helper]] . . . November 28, 2020, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Course]] . . . August 21, 2020, at 05:01 AM by [[~gry]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Training]] . . . August 20, 2020, at 05:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Federation]] . . . August 03, 2020, at 12:19 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a -time=1724129335 +rev=1387 +text=* [[Ircnow/9force]] . . . @2024-08-24T02:27:17Z by [[~adi]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Media]] . . . @2024-08-23T06:29:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Explorer]] . . . @2024-08-14T14:01:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Novem]] . . . @2024-08-14T13:44:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Codeforce]] . . . @2024-08-10T19:43:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/CodeForce]] . . . @2024-08-10T19:38:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Hosting]] . . . @2024-06-20T15:58:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Adminforces]] . . . @2024-06-01T15:57:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Minutemin]] . . . @2024-06-01T15:57:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Team]] . . . @2024-05-29T12:08:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Hardware]] . . . @2024-05-19T21:48:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Services]] . . . @2024-05-10T16:12:29Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Milestones]] . . . @2024-04-11T19:29:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Servers]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:59:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/SSHFingerprints]] . . . @2023-12-17T18:47:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2024]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:33:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:02:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2023]] . . . @2023-09-06T07:48:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Perl]] . . . @2023-07-02T21:08:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Education]] . . . @2023-06-10T06:13:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Pioneer]] . . . August 14, 2022, at 05:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Newdeal]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Daughtersofliberty]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Womenstem]] . . . July 21, 2022, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2022]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:04 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Nsf]] . . . June 20, 2022, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Metrics]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Networks]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Ally]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Dogfood]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Status]] . . . January 03, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Projects]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Sonsofliberty]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2021]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Status2022]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 05:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Opsofliberty]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 05:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Victorycpus]] . . . October 30, 2021, at 08:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Settler]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 04:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Oper]] . . . October 12, 2021, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Diversity]] . . . October 09, 2021, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Linux]] . . . October 08, 2021, at 04:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Todo]] . . . August 17, 2021, at 08:41 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/PioneerTldr]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Constitution]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Stable]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/VicePresident]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Sheriff]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Ambassador]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 07:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Goals]] . . . March 06, 2021, at 09:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Chatforce]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 02:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Howtoask]] . . . March 03, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Netizen]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/IRCitizen]] . . . February 15, 2021, at 05:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/OpofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Allies]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/OpsofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 02:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Partners]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Sysadmins]] . . . January 24, 2021, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Ilines]] . . . January 11, 2021, at 09:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Censorship]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Pentesters]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Coders]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Helpers]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Finances]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Testing]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Contact]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 03:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Partners2]] . . . December 29, 2020, at 02:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Helper]] . . . November 28, 2020, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Course]] . . . August 21, 2020, at 05:01 AM by [[~gry]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Training]] . . . August 20, 2020, at 05:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Federation]] . . . August 03, 2020, at 12:19 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a +time=1724466437 blob - 203ebf4bec914f99d986e5383bd7189e5cb6419d blob + 1ab56f8b5a701d679fae614912b2e219105a1bb6 --- wiki.d/Site.AllRecentChanges +++ wiki.d/Site.AllRecentChanges @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ version=pmwiki-2.3.20 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 -agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0 +agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/ charset=UTF-8 ctime=1596101899 -host= +host= name=Site.AllRecentChanges -rev=13734 -text=* [[Almanack.Almanack]] . . . @2024-08-22T01:26:01Z by [[~LohanG]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.OnOVH]] . . . @2024-08-22T00:54:43Z by [[~entrex]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.9force]] . . . @2024-08-20T04:48:55Z by [[~mkf]]: [=no abaco doesn't work=]%0a* [[Main.HomePage]] . . . @2024-08-20T04:46:01Z by [[~mkf]]: [=oops=]%0a* [[Dns.Vhost]] . . . @2024-08-19T19:54:07Z by [[~barth]]: [=fix redundancy=]%0a* [[DNS.SPF]] . . . @2024-08-19T19:38:19Z by [[~barth]]: [=fix missing word=]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Change]] . . . @2024-08-15T18:12:15Z by [[~barth]]: [=fixed typo in subnet mask hexadecimal representation=]%0a* [[Dhcpd.Configure]] . . . @2024-08-15T16:30:33Z by [[~barth]]: [==]%0a* [[Dig.Usage]] . . . @2024-08-15T15:48:29Z by [[~barth]]: [==]%0a* [[IP.Myaddress]] . . . @2024-08-15T15:29:41Z by [[~barth]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.Acceleration]] . . . @2024-08-14T19:11:18Z by [[~barth]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Explorer]] . . . @2024-08-14T14:01:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Novem]] . . . @2024-08-14T13:44:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Site.SideBar]] . . . @2024-08-14T13:43:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Website]] . . . @2024-08-13T16:38:36Z by [[~barth]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pkg]] . . . @2024-08-11T20:27:50Z by [[~barth]]: [==]%0a* [[SiteAdmin.AuthUser]] . . . @2024-08-11T19:08:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Codeforce]] . . . @2024-08-10T19:43:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.CodeForce]] . . . @2024-08-10T19:38:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshd.Disablepassword]] . . . @2024-08-07T03:52:17Z by [[~LohanG]]: [=corrected a typo=]%0a* [[Iked.Binat]] . . . @2024-08-06T22:30:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[C101.C101]] . . . @2024-08-01T18:05:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tcpbench.Usage]] . . . @2024-07-30T15:34:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Bouncer]] . . . @2024-07-28T22:09:16Z by [[~quiliro]]: [= Summary: Emacs ERC details=]%0a* [[Psybnc.Install]] . . . @2024-07-28T17:44:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Adminforces.Training]] . . . @2024-07-26T20:30:02Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Android]] . . . @2024-07-26T17:22:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Roadwarrior]] . . . @2024-07-26T07:27:19Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Roadwarriorvmm]] . . . @2024-07-25T07:29:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Sitetosite]] . . . @2024-07-25T06:04:47Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Irc]] . . . @2024-07-25T01:47:57Z by [[~entrex]]: [=Update's Tor address=]%0a* [[Email.Email]] . . . @2024-07-20T14:36:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.Vpn]] . . . @2024-07-20T14:35:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Reading]] . . . @2024-07-20T05:08:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Sitetositevmm]] . . . @2024-07-19T05:45:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ospfd.Configure]] . . . @2024-07-18T22:22:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Bootcamp]] . . . @2024-07-17T13:32:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Configure]] . . . @2024-07-17T05:58:47Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Clients]] . . . @2024-07-16T01:09:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Wg]] . . . @2024-07-16T01:06:09Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Usage]] . . . @2024-07-15T14:51:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Configure]] . . . @2024-07-15T06:22:31Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ripd.Configure]] . . . @2024-07-14T01:27:04Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nat.Configure]] . . . @2024-07-13T16:13:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Jrmu]] . . . @2024-07-13T05:55:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Bio]] . . . @2024-07-13T05:54:20Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Static]] . . . @2024-07-12T14:28:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Wordpress.Install]] . . . @2024-07-08T01:02:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=merge changes from matt and mkf from openbsd/wordpress=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wordpress]] . . . @2024-07-08T01:02:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Cert]] . . . @2024-07-07T17:38:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshd.Chroot]] . . . @2024-07-05T15:54:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openrsync.Chroot]] . . . @2024-07-04T06:00:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Loginconf]] . . . @2024-07-04T05:54:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ssh.Chroot]] . . . @2024-07-04T05:42:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rsync.Usage]] . . . @2024-07-04T05:21:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openrsync.Usage]] . . . @2024-07-04T04:57:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Vps]] . . . @2024-07-01T01:20:12Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gre.6in4vmm]] . . . @2024-06-30T15:57:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gre.6in4]] . . . @2024-06-29T08:42:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gre.6in4nat]] . . . @2024-06-29T05:50:45Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Identd]] . . . @2024-06-22T00:11:09Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Identd.Configure]] . . . @2024-06-22T00:10:57Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Buyvm.Routedsubnet]] . . . @2024-06-21T19:14:32Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Hosting]] . . . @2024-06-20T15:58:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Team]] . . . @2024-06-20T15:57:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Password.Words]] . . . @2024-06-19T01:11:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Wifitoethernet]] . . . @2024-06-18T21:23:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Wifi]] . . . @2024-06-18T21:04:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.BBB]] . . . @2024-06-18T16:13:57Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=Update version=]%0a* [[Sftp.Chroot]] . . . @2024-06-18T06:52:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Hostap]] . . . @2024-06-18T06:03:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vlan.Configure]] . . . @2024-06-17T07:47:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Plan9]] . . . @2024-06-16T06:28:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Vlan]] . . . @2024-06-14T21:55:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Configure]] . . . @2024-06-14T00:44:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Radio]] . . . @2024-06-12T17:45:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshd.Configure]] . . . @2024-06-12T00:43:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Federation]] . . . @2024-06-11T04:59:07Z by [[~Yiming]]: [=update=]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Inbox]] . . . @2024-06-09T17:27:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pmwiki]] . . . @2024-06-09T07:24:14Z by [[~LohanG]]: [=Updated the current Pmwiki versoin =]%0a* [[Profiles.Xfnw]] . . . @2024-06-09T02:05:47Z by [[~xfnw]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysctl]] . . . @2024-06-08T22:23:31Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvsweb.Restore]] . . . @2024-06-08T16:40:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Crontab.Edit]] . . . @2024-06-06T18:40:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Cronjobs]] . . . @2024-06-06T17:56:05Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cron.Suppressmail]] . . . @2024-06-06T17:55:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.History]] . . . @2024-06-06T17:00:05Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Editor]] . . . @2024-06-06T16:28:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=Credit to mkf and Naglfar for writing parts of these guides=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpdump]] . . . @2024-06-05T05:50:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Veb]] . . . @2024-06-04T07:44:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Vether]] . . . @2024-06-04T07:25:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MountNfs.Usage]] . . . @2024-06-03T09:52:35Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[FwUpdate.Usage]] . . . @2024-06-03T08:17:01Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Hosting]] . . . @2024-06-02T00:45:01Z by [[~LohanG]]: [=corrected a link to httpd man page=]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Autoconf]] . . . @2024-06-01T23:39:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rad.Configure]] . . . @2024-06-01T20:26:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Patch]] . . . @2024-06-01T16:45:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Adminforces]] . . . @2024-06-01T15:57:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Minutemin]] . . . @2024-06-01T15:57:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Hostnameif]] . . . @2024-05-31T06:17:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Static]] . . . @2024-05-30T23:03:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.LAN]] . . . @2024-05-30T13:02:25Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Recruit]] . . . @2024-05-29T12:39:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Team]] . . . @2024-05-29T12:08:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Usage]] . . . @2024-05-29T11:30:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=thanks to mkf on August 02, 2021, at 12:59 PM=]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Ifconfig]] . . . @2024-05-29T11:29:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Donations.Donations]] . . . @2024-05-28T16:38:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Changeident]] . . . @2024-05-28T00:11:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Support]] . . . @2024-05-28T00:07:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Admin]] . . . @2024-05-28T00:06:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Minetest]] . . . @2024-05-27T22:43:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc101.Irc101]] . . . @2024-05-27T22:41:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Troubleshooting]] . . . @2024-05-27T21:55:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Troubleshoot]] . . . @2024-05-27T21:55:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bgpd.Configure]] . . . @2024-05-27T21:44:19Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Lists.Ircnow]] . . . @2024-05-27T20:47:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Chroot]] . . . @2024-05-27T20:32:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Sourceaddr]] . . . @2024-05-22T23:31:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hosts.Configure]] . . . @2024-05-21T07:59:04Z by [[~mkf]]: [=Promote what is in the base :)=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ed]] . . . @2024-05-21T07:58:21Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Hardware]] . . . @2024-05-19T21:48:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Oddprotocol.Hardware]] . . . @2024-05-19T21:45:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsdforall.Hardware]] . . . @2024-05-19T21:41:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nastycode.Hardware]] . . . @2024-05-19T20:46:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Planetofnix.Hardware]] . . . @2024-05-19T20:45:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Memes]] . . . @2024-05-16T18:05:04Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade75]] . . . @2024-05-11T06:39:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Services]] . . . @2024-05-10T16:12:29Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Biboumi]] . . . @2024-05-10T09:13:51Z by [[~mkf]]: [=udns doesn't seem to work in since upgrade to 7.5, i don't know why.=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Drawtermssh]] . . . @2024-05-10T07:08:07Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Iked]] . . . @2024-05-10T06:58:23Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dump]] . . . @2024-05-07T17:10:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Homestead]] . . . @2024-05-06T05:49:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Restore]] . . . @2024-05-05T22:30:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Providers]] . . . @2024-05-04T04:13:44Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Prosody]] . . . @2024-05-02T13:20:46Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.MTA-STS]] . . . @2024-05-01T17:38:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Fstab]] . . . @2024-04-30T13:00:51Z by [[~mkf]]: [=mention ro=]%0a* [[Ffs.Intro]] . . . @2024-04-30T12:56:49Z by [[~mkf]]: [=hehe=]%0a* [[Gnus.Connect]] . . . @2024-04-30T12:31:49Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Configure]] . . . @2024-04-26T23:56:58Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=fix find command to also lock down dirs=]%0a* [[Dovecot.Install]] . . . @2024-04-26T23:55:07Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=fix find command to also lock down dirs=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mlmmj]] . . . @2024-04-25T18:41:36Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Ln.Shell]] . . . @2024-04-24T16:07:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ssh.Fingerprints]] . . . @2024-04-23T15:02:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.DumpBackupWithSCP]] . . . @2024-04-15T09:27:31Z by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Mariadb.Install]] . . . @2024-04-13T18:06:28Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openbsd]] . . . @2024-04-13T18:02:19Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Fics.Admin]] . . . @2024-04-12T19:01:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade75]] . . . @2024-04-11T20:42:45Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade]] . . . @2024-04-11T19:37:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Milestones]] . . . @2024-04-11T19:29:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Markets]] . . . @2024-04-11T17:15:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Swapctl.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T07:06:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Disklabel.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T06:49:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Newfs.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T06:20:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mount.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T06:19:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fdisk.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T00:09:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Disklabel]] . . . @2024-04-10T23:43:12Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Disklabel.Partitioning]] . . . @2024-04-10T23:22:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Softraid.Install]] . . . @2024-04-09T23:30:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Softraid.Rebuild]] . . . @2024-04-09T21:56:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Backups]] . . . @2024-04-09T21:50:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Fdisk]] . . . @2024-04-09T21:33:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Psybnc]] . . . @2024-04-09T19:14:35Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmctl.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-09T05:30:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Install]] . . . @2024-04-09T05:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Intro]] . . . @2024-04-09T01:30:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Check]] . . . @2024-04-08T20:30:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Snac]] . . . @2024-04-08T16:30:46Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade]] . . . @2024-04-07T23:32:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install75]] . . . @2024-04-07T22:53:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install]] . . . @2024-04-07T22:28:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Atactl.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-07T10:57:16Z by [[~mkf]]: [=add sleep command=]%0a* [[Vmctl.Disk]] . . . @2024-04-06T23:08:15Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmctl.Reinstall]] . . . @2024-04-06T22:59:10Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Outofmemory]] . . . @2024-04-06T21:03:39Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dmesg.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-06T20:15:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dmesg]] . . . @2024-04-06T20:15:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Users]] . . . @2024-04-06T19:10:58Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Yiming]] . . . @2024-04-06T04:59:28Z by [[~Yiming]]: [=Create New Page=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Singleuser]] . . . @2024-04-03T23:51:20Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostname.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-03T23:38:15Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hier]] . . . @2024-04-03T23:23:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Intro]] . . . @2024-04-03T20:32:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dd.Iso]] . . . @2024-04-03T20:30:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Resolv.Conf]] . . . @2024-04-03T20:09:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Localtime]] . . . @2024-04-03T16:39:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bootconf]] . . . @2024-04-03T07:35:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Chess]] . . . @2024-04-01T01:40:42Z by [[~maxxe]]: [==]%0a* [[Router.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T23:16:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sysop.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T22:05:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Servers]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:59:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Thunderbird]] . . . @2024-03-30T12:51:26Z by [[~Yiming]]: [=Update=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Akkoma]] . . . @2024-03-25T04:31:17Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pleroma]] . . . @2024-03-25T04:30:19Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.Wss]] . . . @2024-03-20T22:13:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=Thanks to miniontoby!=]%0a* [[OpenSSH.Connect]] . . . @2024-03-16T21:22:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rcd.Configure]] . . . @2024-03-14T14:14:37Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Link]] . . . @2024-03-14T09:25:10Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Bittorrent]] . . . @2024-03-13T03:17:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Rcctl]] . . . @2024-03-09T18:16:03Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ngircd]] . . . @2024-03-09T16:35:20Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Overview]] . . . @2024-02-20T00:38:00Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Erc]] . . . @2024-02-19T19:25:28Z by [[~kiliro]]: [=Add better format Summary: Add better formatin=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Icecast]] . . . @2024-02-12T17:38:08Z by [[~mkf]]: [=minor changes=]%0a* [[Cwm.Configure]] . . . @2024-02-10T20:34:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Drawterm]] . . . @2024-02-10T17:15:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Wsconsctl.Usage]] . . . @2024-02-10T06:50:02Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Easy]] . . . @2024-02-04T18:52:09Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.TheloungeWebircClient]] . . . @2024-02-01T13:39:12Z by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Panic]] . . . @2024-01-20T22:18:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssh.Totp]] . . . @2024-01-16T07:17:39Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix101.Unix101]] . . . @2024-01-11T17:22:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Atheme.Install]] . . . @2024-01-01T15:24:17Z by [[~rahl]]: [=Atheme is written in C=]%0a* [[Rio.Customize]] . . . @2023-12-30T21:33:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade74]] . . . @2023-12-28T21:05:35Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Lists]] . . . @2023-12-26T20:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Xboard.Connect]] . . . @2023-12-26T01:05:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[I2Pd.Install]] . . . @2023-12-20T06:00:49Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[9C.Exits]] . . . @2023-12-18T15:10:37Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bitlbee]] . . . @2023-12-18T10:06:57Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Authsrv]] . . . @2023-12-18T09:11:44Z by [[~mkf]]: [=delete empty page=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Icechat]] . . . @2023-12-18T09:09:46Z by [[~mkf]]: [=remove duplicate article (see Bouncer.IceChat)=]%0a* [[Ircnow.SSHFingerprints]] . . . @2023-12-17T18:47:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.UbuntuIso]] . . . @2023-12-04T20:16:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Sysupgrade]] . . . @2023-12-02T14:59:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Openaccess]] . . . @2023-12-01T03:16:51Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Tcache]] . . . @2023-11-30T02:41:15Z by [[~Tcache]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wraith]] . . . @2023-11-25T18:49:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Host]] . . . @2023-11-24T22:51:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hunchentoot.Install]] . . . @2023-11-24T19:50:41Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Syspatch.Syspatch]] . . . @2023-11-19T01:33:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install73]] . . . @2023-11-18T05:32:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install74]] . . . @2023-11-18T05:06:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade74]] . . . @2023-11-16T00:15:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcltls]] . . . @2023-11-06T20:19:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Olympics.Games]] . . . @2023-11-05T18:39:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Security]] . . . @2023-11-04T18:45:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Linux.Reading]] . . . @2023-11-01T03:47:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Tools]] . . . @2023-10-28T17:41:59Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Intro]] . . . @2023-10-28T17:04:45Z by [[~redrum88]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.PFStable]] . . . @2023-10-27T19:07:16Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Revise ICMP section in accordance with RFCs. Fix icmp6 syntax issue.=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2024]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:33:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:02:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.DKIM]] . . . @2023-10-19T19:11:28Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Add this note here too (already present in DNS.Mail)=]%0a* [[DNS.Mail]] . . . @2023-10-19T19:09:57Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Change so _dkimsign is used for /etc/mail/dkim. _dovecot never needs to access that folder.=]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Replace]] . . . @2023-10-19T17:19:19Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Fix IndentationError, although the script seems to have other issues (blank output)=]%0a* [[Police.Intro]] . . . @2023-10-08T05:05:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.DNSSEC]] . . . @2023-10-08T02:32:13Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=nitpick: Restart/Reload rather than Restart/reload=]%0a* [[Unbound.Configure]] . . . @2023-10-07T23:19:54Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Edit after revert to include more accurate information, discussed with jrmu=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm-NowWithInit]] . . . @2023-10-07T05:20:56Z by [[~Maddie]]: [=[Minor]: Cleaned ansible code for more efficency.=]%0a* [[C.Cprimer]] . . . @2023-10-05T18:57:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Hidden]] . . . @2023-10-04T18:19:36Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Add authorization section for hidden services=]%0a* [[Openbsd.FilePermissions]] . . . @2023-10-04T02:15:54Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Replace `$ doas` with `#`=]%0a* [[Dns.TroubleshootingDNS]] . . . @2023-10-03T06:23:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Anope]] . . . @2023-10-03T02:51:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ramfs]] . . . @2023-09-27T15:43:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Loginconf]] . . . @2023-09-22T14:40:06Z by [[~Yonle]]: [=Probably need some revertion.=]%0a* [[Hosting.Providers]] . . . @2023-09-12T04:58:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Repo]] . . . @2023-09-10T23:25:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2023]] . . . @2023-09-06T07:48:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.CPAN]] . . . @2023-09-05T03:25:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9pideas]] . . . @2023-09-03T18:58:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9gridchan]] . . . @2023-09-03T06:16:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Acmemail]] . . . @2023-09-01T18:05:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Account]] . . . @2023-09-01T17:09:51Z by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Date]] . . . @2023-09-01T13:46:05Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Shell]] . . . @2023-08-27T18:52:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Why9]] . . . @2023-08-25T17:15:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Splinternet]] . . . @2023-08-24T02:31:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.PKI]] . . . @2023-08-23T19:47:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.IP]] . . . @2023-08-23T00:12:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Inter9]] . . . @2023-08-23T00:11:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Irc]] . . . @2023-08-22T14:15:24Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=spelling=]%0a* [[9.Rcpu]] . . . @2023-08-21T17:21:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.FNS]] . . . @2023-08-19T17:30:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.PNS]] . . . @2023-08-19T17:05:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Reading]] . . . @2023-08-17T18:18:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9C.Intro]] . . . @2023-08-15T22:57:20Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hw.X230]] . . . @2023-08-15T12:46:43Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Reading]] . . . @2023-08-14T02:37:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Irc]] . . . @2023-08-07T01:37:18Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=correct (unused) USER parameters=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade71]] . . . @2023-07-27T20:09:43Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=using both -U and -u at the same time is pointless=]%0a* [[Profiles.Yonle]] . . . @2023-07-17T15:08:57Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCModules]] . . . @2023-07-16T20:56:32Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added links to more modules=]%0a* [[Pbug.Bio]] . . . @2023-07-08T13:53:57Z by [[~pbug]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DebianIso]] . . . @2023-07-05T19:58:36Z by [[~TheLion]]: [==]%0a* [[Certbot.Nginx]] . . . @2023-07-04T13:58:54Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Vpn]] . . . @2023-07-04T05:59:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Perl]] . . . @2023-07-02T21:08:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Manifesto]] . . . @2023-07-02T18:39:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.VpnIos]] . . . @2023-07-01T21:21:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Terms.Terms]] . . . @2023-06-30T14:35:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Announce]] . . . @2023-06-29T23:11:19Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Orangepi3lts]] . . . @2023-06-12T00:06:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Xenodm]] . . . @2023-06-11T16:30:39Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [=OpenBSD, xorg, xenodm, monitors=]%0a* [[Team.Welcome]] . . . @2023-06-10T15:37:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Education]] . . . @2023-06-10T06:13:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.RDNS]] . . . @2023-06-10T05:27:27Z by [[~jacobk]]: [=fix link to Ipv6rdns=]%0a* [[Ngircd.Sins]] . . . @2023-06-09T20:20:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Bugs]] . . . @2023-06-09T19:46:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Jujube]] . . . @2023-06-08T21:38:47Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Update domain name=]%0a* [[Ikiwiki.Install]] . . . @2023-06-07T22:48:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Limits]] . . . @2023-06-06T20:12:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm]] . . . @2023-06-06T05:52:47Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Universal]] . . . @2023-05-31T19:02:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gnost-relay]] . . . @2023-05-31T10:53:55Z by [[~Yonle]]: [=There's a reason why i connect to IPv6 instead of IPv4=]%0a* [[Tmux.Config]] . . . @2023-05-29T03:16:54Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=cleanup and added instructions for changing tmux hotkey from ^b:=]%0a* [[Got.RemoteRepo]] . . . @2023-05-28T04:26:48Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Privacy]] . . . @2023-05-22T19:09:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Psotnic.Install]] . . . @2023-05-22T16:03:20Z by [[~devune]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DevuanIso]] . . . @2023-05-21T18:54:36Z by [[~pbug]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Ircnow]] . . . @2023-05-19T21:54:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Setup to match Ianj's version.=]%0a* [[NewsNow.NewsNow]] . . . @2023-05-18T12:51:42Z by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Masterslave]] . . . @2023-05-18T10:44:43Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Configure]] . . . @2023-05-17T19:46:17Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [=add url to Nsd.Masterslave=]%0a* [[Botnow.Install]] . . . @2023-05-09T19:17:22Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=added bots tag=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Ircrc]] . . . @2023-05-09T04:40:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.Cookbooks]] . . . @2023-05-04T21:30:21Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.MlmmjWebArchiver]] . . . @2023-05-04T00:33:10Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added missing instructions for installing mhonarc=]%0a* [[Bots.Basicbot]] . . . @2023-04-30T21:47:44Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=fixed missing ; in my $mod={}=]%0a* [[Bots.BasicbotWiki]] . . . @2023-04-30T02:59:37Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Initial post=]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Perl]] . . . @2023-04-29T22:38:05Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Perl101.Perl101]] . . . @2023-04-29T22:34:22Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Tmux]] . . . @2023-04-29T21:32:15Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Initial wikigroup page with pagelist and links to other related tools=]%0a* [[Hardware.Ps2]] . . . @2023-04-28T08:01:37Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hardware.Ethernet]] . . . @2023-04-26T04:23:15Z by [[~mkf]]: [=importing this new found information, thanks cinap.=]%0a* [[9.Cheatsheet]] . . . @2023-04-26T04:06:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mutt.Connect]] . . . @2023-04-23T20:19:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.GroupsTagsCategories]] . . . @2023-04-22T16:12:01Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiFormatting]] . . . @2023-04-22T06:27:30Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiGroups]] . . . @2023-04-22T06:04:14Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiTips]] . . . @2023-04-22T05:11:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.InterMap]] . . . @2023-04-22T04:41:45Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Tips for using interMap links to other data sources=]%0a* [[Cherry.Cherry]] . . . @2023-04-22T03:53:28Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Botnow.Botnow]] . . . @2023-04-22T02:20:54Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Irssi]] . . . @2023-04-22T00:51:13Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Translator]] . . . @2023-04-21T15:29:21Z by [[~forero]]: [==]%0a* [[Course-unix100.Course-unix100]] . . . @2023-04-21T04:08:32Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Sylpheed.Connect]] . . . @2023-04-20T06:21:36Z by [[~initfree]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop191.Install]] . . . @2023-04-19T16:03:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=updated version number=]%0a* [[WikiTips.Markup]] . . . @2023-04-19T04:01:20Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added notes on markdown cookbook=]%0a* [[OpenSSH.Keygen]] . . . @2023-04-19T00:30:11Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=softened the language on setting a passphrase to 'should set' instead of 'always set'=]%0a* [[Password.Schemes]] . . . @2023-04-17T20:46:42Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.KnownIssues]] . . . @2023-04-10T22:02:38Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Fics.Install]] . . . @2023-04-08T01:47:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Limitsbot]] . . . @2023-04-02T01:49:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.TLSMulti]] . . . @2023-03-31T14:16:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Tournament]] . . . @2023-03-28T00:50:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Ilines]] . . . @2023-03-26T07:00:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Bots]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:16:10Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Eggdrop]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:12:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.DuckHunt]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:11:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.BotZNC]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:10:26Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop184.Install]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:04:13Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Botnow]] . . . @2023-03-24T17:57:43Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added redirect link for botnow=]%0a* [[9.9p]] . . . @2023-03-23T12:00:13Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade72]] . . . @2023-03-22T02:48:07Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Simple stub to upgrade68=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade69]] . . . @2023-03-22T02:45:25Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Doas.Configure]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:29:02Z by [[~boxette]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade71]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:24:24Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade70]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:23:31Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade68]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:19:01Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added drop screen definitions and info re sysupgrade=]%0a* [[Terms.Privacy]] . . . @2023-03-21T20:09:01Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Test]] . . . @2023-03-21T16:12:17Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.TCLErorrWhileExecutingPackage]] . . . @2023-03-21T03:01:23Z by [[~GuardiaN]]: [==]%0a* [[Xmpp.Xmpp]] . . . @2023-03-20T16:59:36Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Letsencrypt.Expired]] . . . @2023-03-19T03:46:41Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=add command for counting certs=]%0a* [[Hardware.Psp]] . . . @2023-03-16T18:44:50Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Cloud9p.Roadmap]] . . . @2023-03-16T09:29:23Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pgp.Create]] . . . @2023-03-13T14:54:27Z by [[~baytuch]]: [=Added export pub key=]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Cheatsheet]] . . . @2023-03-12T09:52:16Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[9front.Netsurf]] . . . @2023-03-10T15:08:21Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Dovecot.SharedMailboxes]] . . . @2023-03-10T14:16:57Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Squirrelmail.Install]] . . . @2023-03-10T00:33:25Z by [[~pos]]: [==]%0a* [[FreeIRC.About]] . . . March 05, 2023, at 03:51 PM by [[~kilroy]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.OpenTracker]] . . . March 03, 2023, at 04:37 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.ZNC]] . . . February 28, 2023, at 02:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Acme-client.Configure]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 10:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert as I'm not sure if /etc/daily.local is better=]%0a* [[Stagit.Install]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 05:24 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gotweb]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 05:04 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Install]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 01:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert erroneous change=]%0a* [[Baytuch.Bio]] . . . February 17, 2023, at 12:00 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Plermoa]] . . . February 16, 2023, at 04:52 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [=Redirect=]%0a* [[Akkoma.Install]] . . . February 09, 2023, at 12:49 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Google.Sins]] . . . February 08, 2023, at 05:13 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Googledanger]] . . . February 08, 2023, at 05:01 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Outreachkids]] . . . February 08, 2023, at 04:34 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mosh]] . . . February 07, 2023, at 11:30 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Usage]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:38 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Mkf.Wikiv1]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Openweb]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:15 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Youtubedanger]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:10 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Paster.Install]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 10:22 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Anope.Install]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 09:46 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Password.Hashes]] . . . February 04, 2023, at 07:27 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=formatting fixes=]%0a* [[Chess.Chessgogi]] . . . February 04, 2023, at 03:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Passwords]] . . . February 03, 2023, at 07:49 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Password.Management]] . . . February 03, 2023, at 07:44 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.Ipv4rDNS]] . . . February 01, 2023, at 08:31 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [=added note to clarify what address needs to be specified.=]%0a* [[Dovecot.SharedFolders]] . . . January 31, 2023, at 06:03 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=renaming to sharedMailboxes=]%0a* [[Soju.Install]] . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=minor changes on style=]%0a* [[Lilywhitebot.Install]] . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:23 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[SendMoneyToSplinter0616Outlook.Com]] . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:19 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Biboumi.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:10 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Texlive.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Rcctl.Rcctl]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:00 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hopm.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:32 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unrealircd]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:27 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Unrealircd.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pleroma.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:18 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gomuks.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:08 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gotweb.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:02 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Webnews.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:57 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Php.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Mlmmj.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Fiche.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:44 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Prosody.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:42 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bitlbee.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:36 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[TigerVNC.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:30 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[NodeJS.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:27 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Xfce.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:17 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:08 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vipw]] . . . January 18, 2023, at 11:01 PM by [[~zen]]: [=added two spaces=]%0a* [[Grep.Usage]] . . . January 18, 2023, at 10:54 PM by [[~zen]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Networks]] . . . January 12, 2023, at 06:36 PM by [[~kilroy]]: [=Updated Sturtz IRC=]%0a* [[Znc.Install]] . . . January 07, 2023, at 11:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rspamd.Configure]] . . . January 03, 2023, at 04:55 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Dovecot.Pigeonhole]] . . . December 30, 2022, at 04:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=style 2=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Quota]] . . . December 29, 2022, at 06:51 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Miniontoby]] . . . December 26, 2022, at 07:26 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Created=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Minetest]] . . . December 26, 2022, at 07:23 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Added more ways to install=]%0a* [[Splinter0616Outlook.Com]] . . . December 25, 2022, at 02:37 AM by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Oper]] . . . December 25, 2022, at 12:03 AM by [[~forero]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Honk]] . . . December 17, 2022, at 08:45 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Yonle.Bio]] . . . December 13, 2022, at 05:18 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Camping.Gear]] . . . December 12, 2022, at 04:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vhost.Vhost]] . . . December 12, 2022, at 03:36 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [==]%0a* [[Vhost.Ircnow]] . . . December 12, 2022, at 03:13 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [ is not an ircnow domain=]%0a* [[I2Pd.Tunnels]] . . . December 06, 2022, at 02:52 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [=There we go. =]%0a* [[I2pd.Tunnels]] . . . December 06, 2022, at 02:45 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Unwind.Configure]] . . . November 26, 2022, at 09:23 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=add unwind=]%0a* [[Debian.Install]] . . . November 13, 2022, at 11:43 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [=writing=]%0a* [[Lemon.Lemon]] . . . November 10, 2022, at 01:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.JmIRC]] . . . November 04, 2022, at 06:18 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [=Added screenshots about setup=]%0a* [[Bouncer.XChat]] . . . October 16, 2022, at 11:09 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=XChat is unmaintained=]%0a* [[Eggdrop.VHost]] . . . October 02, 2022, at 01:05 PM by [[~sulieztya]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.VhostTCL]] . . . October 02, 2022, at 07:06 AM by [[~sulieztya]]: [==]%0a* [[He.IPv6Certification]] . . . September 16, 2022, at 05:32 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=create page=]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Education]] . . . September 14, 2022, at 07:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[About.AboutUs]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 06:42 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAndSafety.LegalAndSafety]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:19 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAndSafety.LegalAmpSafety]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:17 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAmpSafety.Subheading]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:15 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[Acmesh.Configure]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:03 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Added (currently a WIP)=]%0a* [[Dehydrated.Configure]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 02:52 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Add dehydrated=]%0a* [[Profiles.Izzyb]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:28 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Site.EditForm]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:22 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=Make Author none editable field=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Geomyidae]] . . . September 10, 2022, at 02:31 AM by [[~akoizumi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.INN]] . . . September 10, 2022, at 02:23 AM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Fix some types=]%0a* [[Heading.Subheading]] . . . September 07, 2022, at 07:23 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop193.Install]] . . . September 07, 2022, at 04:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Pioneer]] . . . August 14, 2022, at 05:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.VsFTP]] . . . August 10, 2022, at 03:18 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=snipped unneeded output=]%0a* [[C.Scanf]] . . . August 10, 2022, at 09:51 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.CertsReissue]] . . . August 08, 2022, at 05:35 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Pgp.Upload]] . . . August 01, 2022, at 01:21 PM by [[~jan6]]: [ uses a superior implementation, less vulnerable to various issues=]%0a* [[Lemon.Packages]] . . . July 30, 2022, at 07:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Ellisisland]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 07:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Newdeal]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Daughtersofliberty]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Womenstem]] . . . July 21, 2022, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.RC]] . . . July 20, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Troubleshoot]] . . . July 20, 2022, at 03:58 PM by [[~jlj]]: [=Added notes about how I resolved the first two errors, on nastycode=]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Nickserv]] . . . July 19, 2022, at 10:05 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Chroot.Intro]] . . . July 18, 2022, at 04:23 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Media]] . . . July 15, 2022, at 05:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Linuxstrongswan]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Acme-client.AutoRenew]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:50 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Apmd]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:36 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2022]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:04 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.Myipaddress]] . . . June 30, 2022, at 09:51 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.Blacklists]] . . . June 25, 2022, at 06:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Linux]] . . . June 23, 2022, at 07:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Nsf]] . . . June 20, 2022, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Debate]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Metrics]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Records]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 05:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Alpine]] . . . June 13, 2022, at 05:42 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Arch]] . . . June 12, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~g1n]]: [=Added article about Arch Linux setup on VMM=]%0a* [[Unveil.Intro]] . . . June 12, 2022, at 12:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pledge.Intro]] . . . June 12, 2022, at 12:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bsdrd]] . . . June 09, 2022, at 07:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vnc.Vnc]] . . . June 08, 2022, at 04:04 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Added RealVNC Viewer to the list (might need some more extra stuff, but yeah its fine)=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Growfs]] . . . June 01, 2022, at 12:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Static-v2]] . . . May 23, 2022, at 06:29 AM by [[~theguest]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Minetest]] . . . May 10, 2022, at 10:48 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Emoji]] . . . May 10, 2022, at 10:23 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Nsd]] . . . May 10, 2022, at 12:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opsofliberty.Bootcamp]] . . . May 09, 2022, at 08:38 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ports]] . . . May 09, 2022, at 05:54 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Ssl]] . . . May 08, 2022, at 03:30 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=fixed the text=]%0a* [[Codeforce.Training]] . . . May 03, 2022, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Civics.Intro]] . . . May 03, 2022, at 01:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.EdgeRouter-Lite]] . . . April 28, 2022, at 02:50 PM by [[~pufferf]]: [==]%0a* [[Math.Reading]] . . . April 27, 2022, at 08:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install71]] . . . April 24, 2022, at 09:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Botnow]] . . . April 24, 2022, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Buyvm.Ipv6]] . . . April 24, 2022, at 06:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Rss]] . . . April 23, 2022, at 04:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Testing]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 09:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Registrars]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 09:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gopher]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 08:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Adduser]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 08:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Signify.Verify]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Route]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:23 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ntpd.Configure]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ntpd]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmmlinux]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Linux]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Iked]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Team]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 04:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Networks]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Announce]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ally]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Chroot]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install70]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 06:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[CodeForce.Bootcamp]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 06:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Vmm]] . . . April 15, 2022, at 12:20 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Update: report from PiRATA=]%0a* [[Minutemin.Minutemin]] . . . April 06, 2022, at 02:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.CGI]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~gtlsgamr]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Censord]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dns]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Zncflaws]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 05:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Debiandanger]] . . . April 04, 2022, at 04:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Tls]] . . . April 04, 2022, at 04:25 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Soju.Guide]] . . . April 02, 2022, at 03:46 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Nitter.Install]] . . . April 02, 2022, at 01:08 AM by [[~fallback]]: [=first nitter install page=]%0a* [[Debiankaios.Bio]] . . . April 01, 2022, at 05:10 PM by [[~debiankaios]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Reading]] . . . March 29, 2022, at 10:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Services]] . . . March 25, 2022, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syslogd.Configure]] . . . March 25, 2022, at 04:07 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ddos]] . . . March 24, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ddos.Intro]] . . . March 24, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.ZNC]] . . . March 19, 2022, at 07:31 AM by [[~fallback]]: [==]%0a* [[ISCABBS.DownloadingAndInstalling]] . . . March 15, 2022, at 10:42 PM by [[~Mandarax]]: [==]%0a* [[ISCABBS.ISCABBS]] . . . March 15, 2022, at 09:24 PM by [[~Mandarax]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.History]] . . . March 14, 2022, at 06:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Exhibit]] . . . March 13, 2022, at 11:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Dogfooding]] . . . March 10, 2022, at 05:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Doxing.Defense]] . . . March 05, 2022, at 08:54 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mlmmj-archivist.Install]] . . . March 03, 2022, at 05:26 AM by [[~error]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.IRCBridge]] . . . February 28, 2022, at 02:59 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix101.Vi]] . . . February 27, 2022, at 08:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vi.Intro]] . . . February 27, 2022, at 04:16 PM by [[~Limits]]: [=Add Introduction to Vi=]%0a* [[Irc201.Irc201]] . . . February 27, 2022, at 04:21 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ideas]] . . . February 23, 2022, at 05:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.WikiSandbox]] . . . February 22, 2022, at 11:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wesnothd]] . . . February 21, 2022, at 06:28 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=Wesnothd=]%0a* [[9.Audio]] . . . February 20, 2022, at 08:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Xonotic]] . . . February 20, 2022, at 07:43 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=A xonotic server has apperad! pt.2=]%0a* [[PuTTY.PuTTYgen]] . . . February 16, 2022, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ircnowd]] . . . February 14, 2022, at 06:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Stopm.Stopm]] . . . February 14, 2022, at 06:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Police.Fingerprints]] . . . February 12, 2022, at 02:09 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=ip addresses should be sorted with sort -V=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Police]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:36 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Dns]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:39 AM by [[~nixdork]]: [=Fix typo=]%0a* [[Dns.BindResolver]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:30 AM by [[~nixdork]]: [=First draft of bind resolver howto=]%0a* [[Botnow.SqliteViews]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 02:00 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [==]%0a* [[AncientWisdom.Bio]] . . . February 07, 2022, at 01:18 PM by [[~AncientWisdom]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Questions]] . . . February 05, 2022, at 09:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Server]] . . . February 05, 2022, at 08:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.SlackwareIso]] . . . February 03, 2022, at 10:53 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Slackware 15.0 x86 stable is released=]%0a* [[Duplicity.Usage]] . . . February 02, 2022, at 10:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Encryptfile]] . . . February 02, 2022, at 09:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpip]] . . . January 24, 2022, at 05:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Synclient.Configure]] . . . January 24, 2022, at 06:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Install]] . . . January 22, 2022, at 06:57 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Asterisk.Install]] . . . January 19, 2022, at 05:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ndb]] . . . January 16, 2022, at 06:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.U9fs]] . . . January 16, 2022, at 06:23 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.FQDN]] . . . January 15, 2022, at 10:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.DNSSec]] . . . January 14, 2022, at 02:53 AM by [[~pyr3x]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Locale]] . . . January 12, 2022, at 01:23 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Autocomplete]] . . . January 11, 2022, at 01:44 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=updated url=]%0a* [[Gpg.Verify]] . . . January 08, 2022, at 09:48 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Add description=]%0a* [[Mlmmj.Archive]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 10:52 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Hostowner]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 11:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Dogfood]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Chording]] . . . January 03, 2022, at 02:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Status]] . . . January 03, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Server]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 05:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Census.Census]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bncnow.Bncnow]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Projects]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircfs.Intro]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 10:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnowd.Ircnowd]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Marketing]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sonsofliberty]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pkgadd.CheckUpdates]] . . . January 01, 2022, at 04:29 AM by [[~pyr3x]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2021]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sftp]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Status2022]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 05:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.UTF8]] . . . December 28, 2021, at 08:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Uim]] . . . December 26, 2021, at 01:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshwifty.Install]] . . . December 23, 2021, at 02:49 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=created=]%0a* [[Nsd.Zone]] . . . December 23, 2021, at 10:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenSSH.RSAkeys]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wifi]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 02:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Recordaudio]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 01:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 11:30 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [=fix some grammatical errors=]%0a* [[Parec.Record]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sox.Concat]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ffmpeg.Recordscreen]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[JuiceSSH.Connect]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 01:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Independent]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MacScreenSharing.Connect]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 11:57 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Partdisk]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 11:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Usage]] . . . December 17, 2021, at 04:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Federation]] . . . December 17, 2021, at 02:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Chanop]] . . . December 14, 2021, at 04:58 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Todo]] . . . December 03, 2021, at 07:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pylink.Chroot]] . . . December 02, 2021, at 02:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pylink.Install]] . . . December 02, 2021, at 02:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Marriage]] . . . December 02, 2021, at 06:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hosting.Hosting]] . . . December 01, 2021, at 02:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mc.Usage]] . . . November 29, 2021, at 07:53 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[PuTTY.Connect]] . . . November 29, 2021, at 12:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Texlive.Sinhala]] . . . November 28, 2021, at 06:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MailWindows.Connect]] . . . November 27, 2021, at 03:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gajim.Biboumi]] . . . November 27, 2021, at 01:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mcabber.Connect]] . . . November 26, 2021, at 01:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ChatSecure.Connect]] . . . November 26, 2021, at 11:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9pfs]] . . . November 24, 2021, at 02:00 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DebianInstall]] . . . November 24, 2021, at 11:44 AM by [[~nicoz]]: [==]%0a* [[Siskin.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 04:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dino.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 02:10 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Monal.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 10:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Xabber.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 10:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.DMARC]] . . . November 22, 2021, at 10:52 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[StorkIM.Connect]] . . . November 21, 2021, at 05:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Conversations.Connect]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 05:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Yaxim.Connect]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 05:09 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Adium.Connect]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 07:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.AlmaLinux]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 06:47 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Psi.Connect]] . . . November 17, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pidgin.Connect]] . . . November 17, 2021, at 10:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gajim.Connect]] . . . November 17, 2021, at 08:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Training]] . . . November 16, 2021, at 03:30 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[Opera.Connect]] . . . November 16, 2021, at 12:12 AM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[0dev.0dev]] . . . November 12, 2021, at 03:00 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.RockyLinux]] . . . November 11, 2021, at 10:51 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Openrelay]] . . . November 11, 2021, at 10:37 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Sandbox.0dev]] . . . November 11, 2021, at 01:45 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Mirror]] . . . November 07, 2021, at 05:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.OpenIKED]] . . . November 07, 2021, at 03:45 PM by [[~gloNO]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Got]] . . . November 07, 2021, at 03:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Opsofliberty]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 05:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Emacs.Emacs]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 04:39 PM by [[~LohanG]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Support]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 03:53 PM by [[~LohanG]]: [=added libera=]%0a* [[9.Stone]] . . . November 04, 2021, at 04:09 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Zuke]] . . . November 04, 2021, at 04:01 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Http]] . . . November 03, 2021, at 02:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Telnet.Http]] . . . November 03, 2021, at 02:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Relayd]] . . . November 03, 2021, at 10:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Admin]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 05:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Debug]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Usage]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:09 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Rewrite]] . . . October 31, 2021, at 10:30 PM by [[~hydragyrum]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Sysupdate]] . . . October 31, 2021, at 10:21 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Debian]] . . . October 31, 2021, at 12:34 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Victorycpus]] . . . October 30, 2021, at 08:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Settler]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 04:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Nginxphpfpm]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 12:26 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Nginx]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 12:18 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Homerouter]] . . . October 26, 2021, at 05:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Netcat]] . . . October 25, 2021, at 03:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Plan9ini]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 04:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Newconfig]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~tool]]: [==]%0a* [[Lua.Minetest-1]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 10:30 AM by [[~debiankaios]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Links]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 06:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Keybindings]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 06:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=heheheheheh=]%0a* [[Xdefaults.Configure]] . . . October 23, 2021, at 02:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[TigerVNC.SSH]] . . . October 23, 2021, at 11:56 AM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ssh]] . . . October 22, 2021, at 12:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan4Iso]] . . . October 21, 2021, at 04:29 PM by [[~debiankaios]]: [=changed beowulf_3.1.1 to chimaera_4.0.0=]%0a* [[9.101]] . . . October 20, 2021, at 04:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fvwm.Configure]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 10:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.KISSmo]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:58 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.Download]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:53 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.About]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:52 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.Install]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:44 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Repo]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 08:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Anoncvs]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 04:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Commit]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 03:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Cvsweb]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 03:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Cvsfs]] . . . October 15, 2021, at 12:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade70]] . . . October 15, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=humans are easily confused.=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ilines]] . . . October 15, 2021, at 02:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan-ISO]] . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:50 AM by [[~siva]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan-Simple]] . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:48 AM by [[~siva]]: [=Tutorial Created=]%0a* [[Cvs.Intro]] . . . October 13, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Synapse.Install]] . . . October 12, 2021, at 02:49 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Created=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Oper]] . . . October 12, 2021, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Diversity]] . . . October 09, 2021, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Linux]] . . . October 08, 2021, at 04:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.ResetPassword]] . . . October 07, 2021, at 03:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Terms.Vps]] . . . October 06, 2021, at 12:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.JSDrawterm]] . . . September 30, 2021, at 06:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Fonts]] . . . September 28, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install69]] . . . September 27, 2021, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Guide]] . . . September 26, 2021, at 02:28 PM by [[~Miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[License.IrcnowV2]] . . . September 21, 2021, at 03:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Router]] . . . September 14, 2021, at 12:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Weechat.Relay]] . . . September 11, 2021, at 05:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gry.Bio]] . . . September 11, 2021, at 02:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hopm.Telnet]] . . . September 10, 2021, at 06:13 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Wraith.Chroot]] . . . September 10, 2021, at 06:11 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Skins]] . . . September 06, 2021, at 07:58 AM by [[~mkf]]: [="Huh, pmwiki has a bug." no numbered list if use monospaced text. :(=]%0a* [[Seamonkey.Connect]] . . . August 28, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Wikistyle]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 03:29 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.EmailAndroidEmailApp]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 02:37 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Shortcuts]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Haiku]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mailopenproxy]] . . . August 25, 2021, at 08:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Two-FactorAuth]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:39 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=login.db compiling is no longer recommended.=]%0a* [[Vmm.DragonflyBSD]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=logs=]%0a* [[Vmm.NetBSD]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:01 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=better logs?=]%0a* [[DNS.Ipv6rDNS]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 11:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pipes.Redirection]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 03:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Redirection]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 03:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rbldnsd.Install]] . . . August 22, 2021, at 07:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=wiki-ish.=]%0a* [[Netcat.Smtp]] . . . August 22, 2021, at 06:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=byebye=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Npppd]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 01:43 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Shell]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 11:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tls.CA]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 11:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Imap]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 04:05 AM by [[~AncientWisdom]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Todo]] . . . August 17, 2021, at 08:41 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.GuixIso]] . . . August 16, 2021, at 05:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.VoidIso]] . . . August 16, 2021, at 06:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gophernicus]] . . . August 15, 2021, at 02:06 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gazette.Gazette]] . . . August 15, 2021, at 01:14 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=a bit polishing=]%0a* [[EmailTray.Connect]] . . . August 15, 2021, at 12:11 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Konversation]] . . . August 14, 2021, at 02:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Squirrelmail.Connect]] . . . August 14, 2021, at 04:47 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Termius.Connect]] . . . August 14, 2021, at 04:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openhttpd]] . . . August 13, 2021, at 07:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ConnectBot.Keys]] . . . August 12, 2021, at 06:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Monopolydanger]] . . . August 11, 2021, at 07:01 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[ConnectBot.Connect]] . . . August 11, 2021, at 04:34 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Termux.Connect]] . . . August 11, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Web101.Web101]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 04:20 PM by [[~craziness]]: [=started web101=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pppoe]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 11:56 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[MacTerminal.Connect]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 10:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fdroid.Install]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 09:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Sshfingerprints]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 08:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sshkeys]] . . . August 09, 2021, at 04:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.9front]] . . . August 09, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.WinIRC]] . . . August 09, 2021, at 06:03 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[SerFISH.Connect]] . . . August 06, 2021, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshwifty.Connect]] . . . August 06, 2021, at 05:00 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Squirrelmail]] . . . August 06, 2021, at 10:32 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.NickServ]] . . . August 05, 2021, at 07:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Medals.Intro]] . . . August 04, 2021, at 08:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dnszones]] . . . August 03, 2021, at 09:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Zonefile]] . . . August 03, 2021, at 09:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Ifconfig]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 12:59 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Matterbridge]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 12:33 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.I18n]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 09:12 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Alt]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 07:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Simple]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 07:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Install]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 05:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vhost]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 02:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Thunderirc.Hardware]] . . . August 01, 2021, at 01:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Lecturify.Hardware]] . . . August 01, 2021, at 01:27 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Congress.Procedure]] . . . August 01, 2021, at 06:41 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Chroot]] . . . July 31, 2021, at 02:47 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syslogd.Remote]] . . . July 30, 2021, at 03:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmmuser]] . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmminstall]] . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmm]] . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCAdmin]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCSupport]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Troubleshoot]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Troubleshoot]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Kill.Usage]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ps.Usage]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Host.Usage]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 01:57 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Php]] . . . July 27, 2021, at 02:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.IRCFreeHomesteadVPS]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.PioneerTldr]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Pioneer]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 04:22 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dig]] . . . July 25, 2021, at 06:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.RDNS]] . . . July 23, 2021, at 06:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.All]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:37 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Lemon.Todo]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:21 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Guide]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:02 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=client -> clients=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sic]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 05:57 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=first edit.=]%0a* [[Minutemin.Progress]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 08:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openrsync]] . . . July 18, 2021, at 02:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Znc]] . . . July 16, 2021, at 10:43 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Become]] . . . July 14, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Bearcode]] . . . July 14, 2021, at 09:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Staticnet]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 05:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dovecot]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 02:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Relayd]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 02:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Spf]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 03:08 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Eggdrop]] . . . July 02, 2021, at 03:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Http]] . . . June 30, 2021, at 04:44 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Oldsoftware]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:56 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Xmlflaws]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:54 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Wikipediadanger]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:51 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.DCC]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Matrixflaws]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Webirc]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Nodejstrap]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ircv3defense]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:45 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Newdisk]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[AndroidEmail.AndroidEmail]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unbound]] . . . June 27, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Religion]] . . . June 27, 2021, at 02:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Union]] . . . June 26, 2021, at 01:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Firstamendment]] . . . June 26, 2021, at 11:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dkimproxy]] . . . June 25, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MIF.Test]] . . . June 25, 2021, at 12:42 PM by [[~nsturtz]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade69]] . . . June 25, 2021, at 05:46 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Opensmtpd]] . . . June 23, 2021, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.NgircdLink]] . . . June 22, 2021, at 07:50 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=delete=]%0a* [[File.File]] . . . June 22, 2021, at 07:43 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=linking=]%0a* [[Debate.Linuxflaws]] . . . June 20, 2021, at 08:03 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=making hyperlinks=]%0a* [[Freedom.Destiny]] . . . June 18, 2021, at 05:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Doas]] . . . June 13, 2021, at 01:19 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Freedom]] . . . June 13, 2021, at 09:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Press]] . . . June 13, 2021, at 09:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Shell]] . . . June 11, 2021, at 09:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Constitution]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Rights]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[IPv4.Overview]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Bash]] . . . June 09, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[PowerShell.Connect]] . . . June 09, 2021, at 11:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Code.Code]] . . . June 08, 2021, at 05:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=better formating=]%0a* [[Grape.DonateUs]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 03:41 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Books]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 12:46 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Grape]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 11:39 AM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pfa]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 03:49 AM by [[~navic]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Debian]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 07:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [="LOL"=]%0a* [[DNS.Dnswl]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.SMTP]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 09:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dkim.Dkimsign]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 09:07 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Torsocks]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.VpnMac]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 05:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[HostServ.Rules]] . . . June 01, 2021, at 08:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ACKFlood]] . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:20 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.SSDP]] . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:18 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Anycast]] . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Networks]] . . . May 27, 2021, at 04:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Rules]] . . . May 26, 2021, at 06:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Power]] . . . May 26, 2021, at 04:38 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Money]] . . . May 25, 2021, at 03:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Takeover]] . . . May 25, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Freenode]] . . . May 25, 2021, at 01:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Atomic]] . . . May 24, 2021, at 03:22 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=spacing=]%0a* [[Minetest.Updating]] . . . May 24, 2021, at 08:10 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=monospaced commands=]%0a* [[Shell.Putty]] . . . May 24, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dmarc]] . . . May 21, 2021, at 09:22 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Optimize]] . . . May 19, 2021, at 04:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Stable]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.VicePresident]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sheriff]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ambassador]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 07:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Guide]] . . . May 17, 2021, at 03:37 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Install]] . . . May 16, 2021, at 06:49 AM by [[~mkf]]: [="$"=]%0a* [[Tmux.Share]] . . . May 15, 2021, at 02:27 AM by [[~mistera]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Security]] . . . May 14, 2021, at 03:14 AM by [[~caesar]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Vision]] . . . May 13, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=added home page, removed "..."s=]%0a* [[Minetest.Worldbackup]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Texturestyle]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 11:00 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Serverlocations]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Addingarenas]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 10:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relay.Relay]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 09:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Install-bej]] . . . May 11, 2021, at 05:26 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm-Arthur]] . . . May 07, 2021, at 12:28 PM by [[~Arthur]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Chroot69]] . . . May 06, 2021, at 03:36 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [=back to 6.9 to see real changes=]%0a* [[Freedom.Unix]] . . . April 29, 2021, at 03:39 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Simpleurl]] . . . April 29, 2021, at 02:46 PM by [[~punk]]: [==]%0a* [[Gpl.Flaws]] . . . April 24, 2021, at 04:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Windows]] . . . April 18, 2021, at 07:38 PM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Libertyordeath]] . . . April 17, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Economy]] . . . April 15, 2021, at 02:32 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vim.Vim]] . . . April 11, 2021, at 11:14 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Duty]] . . . April 11, 2021, at 04:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.License]] . . . April 04, 2021, at 02:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[EthicalSource.HolierThanThou]] . . . April 04, 2021, at 01:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Rmsboycott]] . . . April 03, 2021, at 01:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Libertyordeath]] . . . April 02, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fig.Fig]] . . . March 31, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~chewy]]: [==]%0a* [[Coconut.Coconut]] . . . March 29, 2021, at 12:28 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ClawsMail.Connect]] . . . March 29, 2021, at 08:42 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Madeonirc]] . . . March 27, 2021, at 11:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Devs]] . . . March 27, 2021, at 11:41 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Code]] . . . March 24, 2021, at 03:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cherry.Todo]] . . . March 23, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~Oz]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Independence]] . . . March 22, 2021, at 01:13 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Founders]] . . . March 20, 2021, at 01:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Teams]] . . . March 18, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=banana=]%0a* [[Vhost.Freedns]] . . . March 16, 2021, at 12:22 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Freedom]] . . . March 15, 2021, at 01:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsd.Labor]] . . . March 15, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Discriminatory]] . . . March 15, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsd.Hope]] . . . March 14, 2021, at 11:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Publicdomain]] . . . March 14, 2021, at 10:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Linux.Flaws]] . . . March 14, 2021, at 05:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Browser]] . . . March 12, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Abuse.Code]] . . . March 09, 2021, at 03:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Congress.Documents]] . . . March 07, 2021, at 04:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Goals]] . . . March 06, 2021, at 09:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Chatforce]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 02:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Bash]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 10:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[User.Welcome]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 07:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Immigrant.Welcome]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 06:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mail.Openrelay]] . . . March 04, 2021, at 03:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mail.Test]] . . . March 04, 2021, at 03:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Game]] . . . March 04, 2021, at 10:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Howtoask]] . . . March 03, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Netizen]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Servers.Rights]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 12:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Enterprise]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 11:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Creed]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ln.Intro]] . . . February 25, 2021, at 12:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Leafnode.Install]] . . . February 25, 2021, at 10:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Todo]] . . . February 23, 2021, at 10:47 AM by [[~quofan]]: [==]%0a* [[Relays.Relays]] . . . February 22, 2021, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[PSFTP.Connect]] . . . February 21, 2021, at 03:57 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Outlook.Connect]] . . . February 21, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[AppleMail.Connect]] . . . February 20, 2021, at 04:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Thunderbird.Pgp]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 04:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Ircnow]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:45 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=2021=]%0a* [[Thunderbird.Connect]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Mac]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Training]] . . . February 18, 2021, at 06:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Openforeveryone]] . . . February 16, 2021, at 04:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.IRCitizen]] . . . February 15, 2021, at 05:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[IPv6.Overview]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tcpip.Overview]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Syspatch]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Netadmin]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 10:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Religion]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 10:37 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Independence]] . . . February 13, 2021, at 04:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Leafnode]] . . . February 12, 2021, at 01:40 PM by [[~chewy]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Pylink]] . . . February 12, 2021, at 01:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Opportunity]] . . . February 11, 2021, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Republic]] . . . February 11, 2021, at 06:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Achurch.Install]] . . . February 10, 2021, at 04:33 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pylink]] . . . February 08, 2021, at 08:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.OpofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Allies]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Dueprocess]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Checks]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Rulebylaw]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Startupdream]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Federation]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 11:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Selfadmin]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 11:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.OpsofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 02:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Software]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Opportunity]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Workethic]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Ethic]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Privacy]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 07:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Policy]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 04:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Serversrights]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:43 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Serverrights]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Fork]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:39 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Lanofopportunity]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 01:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Opentoall]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 01:17 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Refuge]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 09:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Providers]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 04:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Guava]] . . . February 03, 2021, at 02:30 AM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Stable]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 02:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Base64]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 06:37 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unboundadblock]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pfbadhost]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Delphinusdnsd]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 01:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Mango]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:01 PM by [[~nix]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Abuse]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Censorship]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:23 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Firstamendment]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Phishing]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Audit]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 04:46 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ongoing]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 01:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Partners]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Todo]] . . . January 30, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pear.Pear]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 06:09 PM by [[~dennis]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Httpopenproxy]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 11:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Zncadmin]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 10:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Rbldns]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 05:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Setuid]] . . . January 28, 2021, at 06:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.PFTesting]] . . . January 25, 2021, at 03:28 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCDaily]] . . . January 25, 2021, at 11:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Irssi]] . . . January 25, 2021, at 07:08 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sysadmins]] . . . January 24, 2021, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.UnixPhilosophy]] . . . January 18, 2021, at 05:05 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.XTerm]] . . . January 17, 2021, at 01:48 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=copyright=]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Statement]] . . . January 17, 2021, at 02:44 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Outlook]] . . . January 16, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~Zouheir]]: [==]%0a* [[Plum.Todo]] . . . January 16, 2021, at 12:09 AM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ipsec]] . . . January 13, 2021, at 10:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Plum.Plum]] . . . January 12, 2021, at 03:02 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Slrn]] . . . January 12, 2021, at 02:40 PM by [[~Noxturnix]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.CPAN]] . . . January 12, 2021, at 01:48 PM by [[~Dima]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Todo]] . . . January 11, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ilines]] . . . January 11, 2021, at 09:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Netcat]] . . . January 09, 2021, at 02:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Perl]] . . . January 09, 2021, at 02:04 PM by [[~dima]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Perl]] . . . January 09, 2021, at 01:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fig.Log]] . . . January 07, 2021, at 11:23 AM by [[~dima]]: [=test=]%0a* [[Fig.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pear.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Team]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Censorship]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Pentesters]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Coders]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Banana.Todo]] . . . January 04, 2021, at 09:41 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=znc=]%0a* [[Users.CategoryMirrory]] . . . January 04, 2021, at 01:10 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Test]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 08:17 PM by [[~category_mirrory]]: [==]%0a* [[Users.Categorymirrory]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 08:12 PM by [[~category_mirrory]]: [=wrong caps=]%0a* [[Banana.Banana]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 02:39 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Orange]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 02:10 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Backup]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 01:46 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Appledanger]] . . . January 02, 2021, at 01:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Tasks]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 07:52 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Helpers]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Finances]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tutorial.Tutorial]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 03:25 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Testing]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sshbackdoor]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Packages]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 10:48 AM by [[~nix]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Contact]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 03:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pf-bnc]] . . . December 29, 2020, at 06:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Partners2]] . . . December 29, 2020, at 02:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Mozilladanger]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Controlcomputer]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Facebookdanger]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Slackdanger]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Freespeech]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ethicalflaws]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Hatespeech]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Monero]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.WhyNotC]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:43 PM by [[~searchsocial]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Python]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Cash]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Uberdanger]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Microsoftdanger]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Accessibility]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Zoomdanger]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Applications]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 06:21 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Dillo]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Basilisk]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Directory]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Packages]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Amplification]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 05:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.UDPFlood]] . . . December 18, 2020, at 10:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpackflood]] . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.RSTFlood]] . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpresetflood]] . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ssdp]] . . . December 15, 2020, at 12:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Igloo]] . . . December 14, 2020, at 09:39 AM by [[~Noxturnix]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.Terms]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 01:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pf]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 12:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install68]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade67]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 04:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade68]] . . . December 11, 2020, at 10:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dokuwiki]] . . . December 10, 2020, at 02:23 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=code blocks fixed=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Acme-client]] . . . December 09, 2020, at 06:47 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=fixed troubleshooting links=]%0a* [[Freedom.Christian]] . . . December 08, 2020, at 01:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Finances]] . . . December 08, 2020, at 01:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Sshkeys]] . . . December 07, 2020, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install67]] . . . December 06, 2020, at 11:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Buyvm]] . . . December 06, 2020, at 02:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opernbsd.Buyvm]] . . . December 04, 2020, at 12:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.WeeChat]] . . . December 02, 2020, at 12:43 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.SimpleIRC]] . . . December 02, 2020, at 12:31 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Militia]] . . . December 02, 2020, at 04:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Third]] . . . December 01, 2020, at 01:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Oidentd]] . . . November 30, 2020, at 11:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Helper]] . . . November 28, 2020, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Hexchat]] . . . November 27, 2020, at 12:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloud]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.AdiIRC]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.RevolutionIRC]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.KiwiIRC]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.KVIrc]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IceChat]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudiOS]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudAndroid]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudWeb]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Catalog]] . . . November 23, 2020, at 07:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Checklist]] . . . November 20, 2020, at 12:44 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Acopm]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 03:32 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Achurch]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 02:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vi]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 12:51 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sudo]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 12:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Denomination]] . . . October 23, 2020, at 09:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Intro]] . . . October 10, 2020, at 08:22 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircweb.Ircweb]] . . . October 05, 2020, at 01:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Http2irc.Http2irc]] . . . October 05, 2020, at 01:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Easyapp]] . . . September 29, 2020, at 12:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Nl]] . . . September 17, 2020, at 08:43 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Dutch correct page=]%0a* [[Grape.Guide]] . . . September 16, 2020, at 08:42 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Id]] . . . September 08, 2020, at 09:51 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Orange.Ru]] . . . September 07, 2020, at 11:29 PM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Bouncer.MIRC]] . . . September 06, 2020, at 03:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Bncnow]] . . . September 04, 2020, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Cgit]] . . . September 01, 2020, at 05:51 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Notes]] . . . August 27, 2020, at 03:38 AM by [[~gry]]: [=expanded=]%0a* [[Shell.ShellSSHKEYS]] . . . August 25, 2020, at 10:00 PM by [[~gry]]: [=permissions added=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Irccloud]] . . . August 24, 2020, at 12:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[GrapeTeam.Tracker]] . . . August 24, 2020, at 10:16 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[GrapeTeam.GrapeTeam]] . . . August 24, 2020, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Course]] . . . August 21, 2020, at 05:01 AM by [[~gry]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bchs]] . . . August 20, 2020, at 07:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Todo]] . . . August 20, 2020, at 06:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: on_is_active php_session_active squirrelmailing sqsession_start troubleshooting authentication session_status config_default webmail_access modifications configuration unfortunately accessibility administrator webmail_error compatibility acceleration default_pref organization replacement disposition alternative information sourceforge permissions certificate interactive configuring preferences letsencrypt development compatible javascript configtest connection additional nameserver configured afterwards extracting attempting installing documents complains openhttpd functions localhost opensmtpd challenge supported subdomain receiving databases recommend necessary following languages delimiter directory debugging fusername essential addresses installed chrooted smtphost projects browsers normally location provides tlsmulti 26214400 required remember original security listener optional settings sendmail properly software specific licensed messages brackets instance writable services browsing defaults drawback continue opening control dovecot fastcgi already contact defines example initial unbound folders unusual request plugins general command servers defined private options however records contrib include restart because nologin disable exiting keypair baytuch strings misused charset appears content instead openbsd release sending mt_rand another subject version tarball warning charlie without changes resolve foxtrot uploads written client relayd needed return logout syntax longer cannot latest htdocs braces rather offset typing before themes ircnow frames across making should switch please detect secure invert readme global create update system locale report serial delete femail myname daemon lookup socket number errors trying issues actual stable inline attach master reload touch could color chown check chmod needs first intro shell rcctl php74 mkdir books hosts write above https there false using might every ascii happy delta curly array fatal bravo query where since which setup exist works notes saved files press alpha enter means class block title index chain strip lines known worry based ifend about zones this doas 2001 imap will well page your real acme make sure that aaaa ipv4 does fccf want 1008 2602 than sbin chsh help bind body some copy runs both must logs like when ctrl type echo xvzf find uses html many wiki easy fees more exec text once were have made mime done next move into ipv6 pop3 menu sign quit full motd hide give edit time www ssl etc var 127 day see has 162 bad gpl 451 fix ksh 644 zip its 755 ftp net way crt 634 usr 403 src nsd fpm dns max few db8 143 via by gz 22 cd rx 38 87 mv 80 9 -time=1724289961 +rev=13738 +text=* [[Ircnow.9force]] . . . @2024-08-24T02:27:17Z by [[~adi]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Chroot]] . . . @2024-08-24T01:56:57Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.Configure]] . . . @2024-08-23T18:48:55Z by [[~barth]]: [=Add adblock section=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Media]] . . . @2024-08-23T06:29:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Almanack]] . . . @2024-08-22T01:26:01Z by [[~LohanG]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.OnOVH]] . . . @2024-08-22T00:54:43Z by [[~entrex]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.HomePage]] . . . @2024-08-20T04:46:01Z by [[~mkf]]: [=oops=]%0a* [[Dns.Vhost]] . . . @2024-08-19T19:54:07Z by [[~barth]]: [=fix redundancy=]%0a* [[DNS.SPF]] . . . @2024-08-19T19:38:19Z by [[~barth]]: [=fix missing word=]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Change]] . . . @2024-08-15T18:12:15Z by [[~barth]]: [=fixed typo in subnet mask hexadecimal representation=]%0a* [[Dhcpd.Configure]] . . . @2024-08-15T16:30:33Z by [[~barth]]: [==]%0a* [[Dig.Usage]] . . . @2024-08-15T15:48:29Z by [[~barth]]: [==]%0a* [[IP.Myaddress]] . . . @2024-08-15T15:29:41Z by [[~barth]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.Acceleration]] . . . @2024-08-14T19:11:18Z by [[~barth]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Explorer]] . . . @2024-08-14T14:01:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Novem]] . . . @2024-08-14T13:44:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Site.SideBar]] . . . @2024-08-14T13:43:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Website]] . . . @2024-08-13T16:38:36Z by [[~barth]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pkg]] . . . @2024-08-11T20:27:50Z by [[~barth]]: [==]%0a* [[SiteAdmin.AuthUser]] . . . @2024-08-11T19:08:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Codeforce]] . . . @2024-08-10T19:43:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.CodeForce]] . . . @2024-08-10T19:38:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshd.Disablepassword]] . . . @2024-08-07T03:52:17Z by [[~LohanG]]: [=corrected a typo=]%0a* [[Iked.Binat]] . . . @2024-08-06T22:30:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[C101.C101]] . . . @2024-08-01T18:05:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tcpbench.Usage]] . . . @2024-07-30T15:34:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Bouncer]] . . . @2024-07-28T22:09:16Z by [[~quiliro]]: [= Summary: Emacs ERC details=]%0a* [[Psybnc.Install]] . . . @2024-07-28T17:44:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Adminforces.Training]] . . . @2024-07-26T20:30:02Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Android]] . . . @2024-07-26T17:22:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Roadwarrior]] . . . @2024-07-26T07:27:19Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Roadwarriorvmm]] . . . @2024-07-25T07:29:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Sitetosite]] . . . @2024-07-25T06:04:47Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Irc]] . . . @2024-07-25T01:47:57Z by [[~entrex]]: [=Update's Tor address=]%0a* [[Email.Email]] . . . @2024-07-20T14:36:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.Vpn]] . . . @2024-07-20T14:35:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Reading]] . . . @2024-07-20T05:08:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Sitetositevmm]] . . . @2024-07-19T05:45:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ospfd.Configure]] . . . @2024-07-18T22:22:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Bootcamp]] . . . @2024-07-17T13:32:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Configure]] . . . @2024-07-17T05:58:47Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Clients]] . . . @2024-07-16T01:09:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Wg]] . . . @2024-07-16T01:06:09Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Usage]] . . . @2024-07-15T14:51:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Configure]] . . . @2024-07-15T06:22:31Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ripd.Configure]] . . . @2024-07-14T01:27:04Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nat.Configure]] . . . @2024-07-13T16:13:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Jrmu]] . . . @2024-07-13T05:55:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Bio]] . . . @2024-07-13T05:54:20Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Static]] . . . @2024-07-12T14:28:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Wordpress.Install]] . . . @2024-07-08T01:02:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=merge changes from matt and mkf from openbsd/wordpress=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wordpress]] . . . @2024-07-08T01:02:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Cert]] . . . @2024-07-07T17:38:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshd.Chroot]] . . . @2024-07-05T15:54:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openrsync.Chroot]] . . . @2024-07-04T06:00:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Loginconf]] . . . @2024-07-04T05:54:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ssh.Chroot]] . . . @2024-07-04T05:42:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rsync.Usage]] . . . @2024-07-04T05:21:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openrsync.Usage]] . . . @2024-07-04T04:57:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Vps]] . . . @2024-07-01T01:20:12Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gre.6in4vmm]] . . . @2024-06-30T15:57:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gre.6in4]] . . . @2024-06-29T08:42:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gre.6in4nat]] . . . @2024-06-29T05:50:45Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Identd]] . . . @2024-06-22T00:11:09Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Identd.Configure]] . . . @2024-06-22T00:10:57Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Buyvm.Routedsubnet]] . . . @2024-06-21T19:14:32Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Hosting]] . . . @2024-06-20T15:58:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Team]] . . . @2024-06-20T15:57:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Password.Words]] . . . @2024-06-19T01:11:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Wifitoethernet]] . . . @2024-06-18T21:23:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Wifi]] . . . @2024-06-18T21:04:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.BBB]] . . . @2024-06-18T16:13:57Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=Update version=]%0a* [[Sftp.Chroot]] . . . @2024-06-18T06:52:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Hostap]] . . . @2024-06-18T06:03:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vlan.Configure]] . . . @2024-06-17T07:47:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Plan9]] . . . @2024-06-16T06:28:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Vlan]] . . . @2024-06-14T21:55:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Configure]] . . . @2024-06-14T00:44:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Radio]] . . . @2024-06-12T17:45:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshd.Configure]] . . . @2024-06-12T00:43:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Federation]] . . . @2024-06-11T04:59:07Z by [[~Yiming]]: [=update=]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Inbox]] . . . @2024-06-09T17:27:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pmwiki]] . . . @2024-06-09T07:24:14Z by [[~LohanG]]: [=Updated the current Pmwiki versoin =]%0a* [[Profiles.Xfnw]] . . . @2024-06-09T02:05:47Z by [[~xfnw]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysctl]] . . . @2024-06-08T22:23:31Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvsweb.Restore]] . . . @2024-06-08T16:40:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Crontab.Edit]] . . . @2024-06-06T18:40:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Cronjobs]] . . . @2024-06-06T17:56:05Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cron.Suppressmail]] . . . @2024-06-06T17:55:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.History]] . . . @2024-06-06T17:00:05Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Editor]] . . . @2024-06-06T16:28:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=Credit to mkf and Naglfar for writing parts of these guides=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpdump]] . . . @2024-06-05T05:50:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Veb]] . . . @2024-06-04T07:44:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Vether]] . . . @2024-06-04T07:25:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MountNfs.Usage]] . . . @2024-06-03T09:52:35Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[FwUpdate.Usage]] . . . @2024-06-03T08:17:01Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Hosting]] . . . @2024-06-02T00:45:01Z by [[~LohanG]]: [=corrected a link to httpd man page=]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Autoconf]] . . . @2024-06-01T23:39:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rad.Configure]] . . . @2024-06-01T20:26:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Patch]] . . . @2024-06-01T16:45:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Adminforces]] . . . @2024-06-01T15:57:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Minutemin]] . . . @2024-06-01T15:57:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Hostnameif]] . . . @2024-05-31T06:17:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Static]] . . . @2024-05-30T23:03:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.LAN]] . . . @2024-05-30T13:02:25Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Recruit]] . . . @2024-05-29T12:39:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Team]] . . . @2024-05-29T12:08:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Usage]] . . . @2024-05-29T11:30:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=thanks to mkf on August 02, 2021, at 12:59 PM=]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Ifconfig]] . . . @2024-05-29T11:29:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Donations.Donations]] . . . @2024-05-28T16:38:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Changeident]] . . . @2024-05-28T00:11:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Support]] . . . @2024-05-28T00:07:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Admin]] . . . @2024-05-28T00:06:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Minetest]] . . . @2024-05-27T22:43:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc101.Irc101]] . . . @2024-05-27T22:41:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Troubleshooting]] . . . @2024-05-27T21:55:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Troubleshoot]] . . . @2024-05-27T21:55:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bgpd.Configure]] . . . @2024-05-27T21:44:19Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Lists.Ircnow]] . . . @2024-05-27T20:47:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Sourceaddr]] . . . @2024-05-22T23:31:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hosts.Configure]] . . . @2024-05-21T07:59:04Z by [[~mkf]]: [=Promote what is in the base :)=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ed]] . . . @2024-05-21T07:58:21Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Hardware]] . . . @2024-05-19T21:48:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Oddprotocol.Hardware]] . . . @2024-05-19T21:45:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsdforall.Hardware]] . . . @2024-05-19T21:41:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nastycode.Hardware]] . . . @2024-05-19T20:46:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Planetofnix.Hardware]] . . . @2024-05-19T20:45:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Memes]] . . . @2024-05-16T18:05:04Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade75]] . . . @2024-05-11T06:39:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Services]] . . . @2024-05-10T16:12:29Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Biboumi]] . . . @2024-05-10T09:13:51Z by [[~mkf]]: [=udns doesn't seem to work in since upgrade to 7.5, i don't know why.=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Drawtermssh]] . . . @2024-05-10T07:08:07Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Iked]] . . . @2024-05-10T06:58:23Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dump]] . . . @2024-05-07T17:10:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Homestead]] . . . @2024-05-06T05:49:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Restore]] . . . @2024-05-05T22:30:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Providers]] . . . @2024-05-04T04:13:44Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Prosody]] . . . @2024-05-02T13:20:46Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.MTA-STS]] . . . @2024-05-01T17:38:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Fstab]] . . . @2024-04-30T13:00:51Z by [[~mkf]]: [=mention ro=]%0a* [[Ffs.Intro]] . . . @2024-04-30T12:56:49Z by [[~mkf]]: [=hehe=]%0a* [[Gnus.Connect]] . . . @2024-04-30T12:31:49Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Configure]] . . . @2024-04-26T23:56:58Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=fix find command to also lock down dirs=]%0a* [[Dovecot.Install]] . . . @2024-04-26T23:55:07Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=fix find command to also lock down dirs=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mlmmj]] . . . @2024-04-25T18:41:36Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Ln.Shell]] . . . @2024-04-24T16:07:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ssh.Fingerprints]] . . . @2024-04-23T15:02:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.DumpBackupWithSCP]] . . . @2024-04-15T09:27:31Z by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Mariadb.Install]] . . . @2024-04-13T18:06:28Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openbsd]] . . . @2024-04-13T18:02:19Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Fics.Admin]] . . . @2024-04-12T19:01:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade75]] . . . @2024-04-11T20:42:45Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade]] . . . @2024-04-11T19:37:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Milestones]] . . . @2024-04-11T19:29:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Markets]] . . . @2024-04-11T17:15:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Swapctl.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T07:06:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Disklabel.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T06:49:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Newfs.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T06:20:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mount.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T06:19:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fdisk.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T00:09:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Disklabel]] . . . @2024-04-10T23:43:12Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Disklabel.Partitioning]] . . . @2024-04-10T23:22:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Softraid.Install]] . . . @2024-04-09T23:30:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Softraid.Rebuild]] . . . @2024-04-09T21:56:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Backups]] . . . @2024-04-09T21:50:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Fdisk]] . . . @2024-04-09T21:33:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Psybnc]] . . . @2024-04-09T19:14:35Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmctl.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-09T05:30:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Install]] . . . @2024-04-09T05:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Intro]] . . . @2024-04-09T01:30:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Check]] . . . @2024-04-08T20:30:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Snac]] . . . @2024-04-08T16:30:46Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade]] . . . @2024-04-07T23:32:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install75]] . . . @2024-04-07T22:53:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install]] . . . @2024-04-07T22:28:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Atactl.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-07T10:57:16Z by [[~mkf]]: [=add sleep command=]%0a* [[Vmctl.Disk]] . . . @2024-04-06T23:08:15Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmctl.Reinstall]] . . . @2024-04-06T22:59:10Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Outofmemory]] . . . @2024-04-06T21:03:39Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dmesg.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-06T20:15:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dmesg]] . . . @2024-04-06T20:15:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Users]] . . . @2024-04-06T19:10:58Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Yiming]] . . . @2024-04-06T04:59:28Z by [[~Yiming]]: [=Create New Page=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Singleuser]] . . . @2024-04-03T23:51:20Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostname.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-03T23:38:15Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hier]] . . . @2024-04-03T23:23:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Intro]] . . . @2024-04-03T20:32:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dd.Iso]] . . . @2024-04-03T20:30:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Resolv.Conf]] . . . @2024-04-03T20:09:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Localtime]] . . . @2024-04-03T16:39:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bootconf]] . . . @2024-04-03T07:35:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Chess]] . . . @2024-04-01T01:40:42Z by [[~maxxe]]: [==]%0a* [[Router.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T23:16:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sysop.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T22:05:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Servers]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:59:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Thunderbird]] . . . @2024-03-30T12:51:26Z by [[~Yiming]]: [=Update=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Akkoma]] . . . @2024-03-25T04:31:17Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pleroma]] . . . @2024-03-25T04:30:19Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.Wss]] . . . @2024-03-20T22:13:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=Thanks to miniontoby!=]%0a* [[OpenSSH.Connect]] . . . @2024-03-16T21:22:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rcd.Configure]] . . . @2024-03-14T14:14:37Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Link]] . . . @2024-03-14T09:25:10Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Bittorrent]] . . . @2024-03-13T03:17:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Rcctl]] . . . @2024-03-09T18:16:03Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ngircd]] . . . @2024-03-09T16:35:20Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Overview]] . . . @2024-02-20T00:38:00Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Erc]] . . . @2024-02-19T19:25:28Z by [[~kiliro]]: [=Add better format Summary: Add better formatin=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Icecast]] . . . @2024-02-12T17:38:08Z by [[~mkf]]: [=minor changes=]%0a* [[Cwm.Configure]] . . . @2024-02-10T20:34:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Drawterm]] . . . @2024-02-10T17:15:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Wsconsctl.Usage]] . . . @2024-02-10T06:50:02Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Easy]] . . . @2024-02-04T18:52:09Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.TheloungeWebircClient]] . . . @2024-02-01T13:39:12Z by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Panic]] . . . @2024-01-20T22:18:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssh.Totp]] . . . @2024-01-16T07:17:39Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix101.Unix101]] . . . @2024-01-11T17:22:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Atheme.Install]] . . . @2024-01-01T15:24:17Z by [[~rahl]]: [=Atheme is written in C=]%0a* [[Rio.Customize]] . . . @2023-12-30T21:33:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade74]] . . . @2023-12-28T21:05:35Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Lists]] . . . @2023-12-26T20:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Xboard.Connect]] . . . @2023-12-26T01:05:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[I2Pd.Install]] . . . @2023-12-20T06:00:49Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[9C.Exits]] . . . @2023-12-18T15:10:37Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bitlbee]] . . . @2023-12-18T10:06:57Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Authsrv]] . . . @2023-12-18T09:11:44Z by [[~mkf]]: [=delete empty page=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Icechat]] . . . @2023-12-18T09:09:46Z by [[~mkf]]: [=remove duplicate article (see Bouncer.IceChat)=]%0a* [[Ircnow.SSHFingerprints]] . . . @2023-12-17T18:47:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.UbuntuIso]] . . . @2023-12-04T20:16:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Sysupgrade]] . . . @2023-12-02T14:59:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Openaccess]] . . . @2023-12-01T03:16:51Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Tcache]] . . . @2023-11-30T02:41:15Z by [[~Tcache]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wraith]] . . . @2023-11-25T18:49:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Host]] . . . @2023-11-24T22:51:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hunchentoot.Install]] . . . @2023-11-24T19:50:41Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Syspatch.Syspatch]] . . . @2023-11-19T01:33:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install73]] . . . @2023-11-18T05:32:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install74]] . . . @2023-11-18T05:06:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade74]] . . . @2023-11-16T00:15:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcltls]] . . . @2023-11-06T20:19:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Olympics.Games]] . . . @2023-11-05T18:39:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Security]] . . . @2023-11-04T18:45:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Linux.Reading]] . . . @2023-11-01T03:47:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Tools]] . . . @2023-10-28T17:41:59Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Intro]] . . . @2023-10-28T17:04:45Z by [[~redrum88]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.PFStable]] . . . @2023-10-27T19:07:16Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Revise ICMP section in accordance with RFCs. Fix icmp6 syntax issue.=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2024]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:33:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:02:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.DKIM]] . . . @2023-10-19T19:11:28Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Add this note here too (already present in DNS.Mail)=]%0a* [[DNS.Mail]] . . . @2023-10-19T19:09:57Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Change so _dkimsign is used for /etc/mail/dkim. _dovecot never needs to access that folder.=]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Replace]] . . . @2023-10-19T17:19:19Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Fix IndentationError, although the script seems to have other issues (blank output)=]%0a* [[Police.Intro]] . . . @2023-10-08T05:05:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.DNSSEC]] . . . @2023-10-08T02:32:13Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=nitpick: Restart/Reload rather than Restart/reload=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm-NowWithInit]] . . . @2023-10-07T05:20:56Z by [[~Maddie]]: [=[Minor]: Cleaned ansible code for more efficency.=]%0a* [[C.Cprimer]] . . . @2023-10-05T18:57:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Hidden]] . . . @2023-10-04T18:19:36Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Add authorization section for hidden services=]%0a* [[Openbsd.FilePermissions]] . . . @2023-10-04T02:15:54Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Replace `$ doas` with `#`=]%0a* [[Dns.TroubleshootingDNS]] . . . @2023-10-03T06:23:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Anope]] . . . @2023-10-03T02:51:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ramfs]] . . . @2023-09-27T15:43:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Loginconf]] . . . @2023-09-22T14:40:06Z by [[~Yonle]]: [=Probably need some revertion.=]%0a* [[Hosting.Providers]] . . . @2023-09-12T04:58:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Repo]] . . . @2023-09-10T23:25:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2023]] . . . @2023-09-06T07:48:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.CPAN]] . . . @2023-09-05T03:25:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9pideas]] . . . @2023-09-03T18:58:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9gridchan]] . . . @2023-09-03T06:16:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Acmemail]] . . . @2023-09-01T18:05:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Account]] . . . @2023-09-01T17:09:51Z by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Date]] . . . @2023-09-01T13:46:05Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Shell]] . . . @2023-08-27T18:52:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Why9]] . . . @2023-08-25T17:15:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Splinternet]] . . . @2023-08-24T02:31:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.PKI]] . . . @2023-08-23T19:47:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.IP]] . . . @2023-08-23T00:12:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Inter9]] . . . @2023-08-23T00:11:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Irc]] . . . @2023-08-22T14:15:24Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=spelling=]%0a* [[9.Rcpu]] . . . @2023-08-21T17:21:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.FNS]] . . . @2023-08-19T17:30:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.PNS]] . . . @2023-08-19T17:05:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Reading]] . . . @2023-08-17T18:18:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9C.Intro]] . . . @2023-08-15T22:57:20Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hw.X230]] . . . @2023-08-15T12:46:43Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Reading]] . . . @2023-08-14T02:37:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Irc]] . . . @2023-08-07T01:37:18Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=correct (unused) USER parameters=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade71]] . . . @2023-07-27T20:09:43Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=using both -U and -u at the same time is pointless=]%0a* [[Profiles.Yonle]] . . . @2023-07-17T15:08:57Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCModules]] . . . @2023-07-16T20:56:32Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added links to more modules=]%0a* [[Pbug.Bio]] . . . @2023-07-08T13:53:57Z by [[~pbug]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DebianIso]] . . . @2023-07-05T19:58:36Z by [[~TheLion]]: [==]%0a* [[Certbot.Nginx]] . . . @2023-07-04T13:58:54Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Vpn]] . . . @2023-07-04T05:59:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Perl]] . . . @2023-07-02T21:08:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Manifesto]] . . . @2023-07-02T18:39:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.VpnIos]] . . . @2023-07-01T21:21:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Terms.Terms]] . . . @2023-06-30T14:35:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Announce]] . . . @2023-06-29T23:11:19Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Orangepi3lts]] . . . @2023-06-12T00:06:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Xenodm]] . . . @2023-06-11T16:30:39Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [=OpenBSD, xorg, xenodm, monitors=]%0a* [[Team.Welcome]] . . . @2023-06-10T15:37:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Education]] . . . @2023-06-10T06:13:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.RDNS]] . . . @2023-06-10T05:27:27Z by [[~jacobk]]: [=fix link to Ipv6rdns=]%0a* [[Ngircd.Sins]] . . . @2023-06-09T20:20:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Bugs]] . . . @2023-06-09T19:46:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Jujube]] . . . @2023-06-08T21:38:47Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Update domain name=]%0a* [[Ikiwiki.Install]] . . . @2023-06-07T22:48:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Limits]] . . . @2023-06-06T20:12:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm]] . . . @2023-06-06T05:52:47Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Universal]] . . . @2023-05-31T19:02:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gnost-relay]] . . . @2023-05-31T10:53:55Z by [[~Yonle]]: [=There's a reason why i connect to IPv6 instead of IPv4=]%0a* [[Tmux.Config]] . . . @2023-05-29T03:16:54Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=cleanup and added instructions for changing tmux hotkey from ^b:=]%0a* [[Got.RemoteRepo]] . . . @2023-05-28T04:26:48Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Privacy]] . . . @2023-05-22T19:09:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Psotnic.Install]] . . . @2023-05-22T16:03:20Z by [[~devune]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DevuanIso]] . . . @2023-05-21T18:54:36Z by [[~pbug]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Ircnow]] . . . @2023-05-19T21:54:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Setup to match Ianj's version.=]%0a* [[NewsNow.NewsNow]] . . . @2023-05-18T12:51:42Z by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Masterslave]] . . . @2023-05-18T10:44:43Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Configure]] . . . @2023-05-17T19:46:17Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [=add url to Nsd.Masterslave=]%0a* [[Botnow.Install]] . . . @2023-05-09T19:17:22Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=added bots tag=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Ircrc]] . . . @2023-05-09T04:40:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.Cookbooks]] . . . @2023-05-04T21:30:21Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.MlmmjWebArchiver]] . . . @2023-05-04T00:33:10Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added missing instructions for installing mhonarc=]%0a* [[Bots.Basicbot]] . . . @2023-04-30T21:47:44Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=fixed missing ; in my $mod={}=]%0a* [[Bots.BasicbotWiki]] . . . @2023-04-30T02:59:37Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Initial post=]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Perl]] . . . @2023-04-29T22:38:05Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Perl101.Perl101]] . . . @2023-04-29T22:34:22Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Tmux]] . . . @2023-04-29T21:32:15Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Initial wikigroup page with pagelist and links to other related tools=]%0a* [[Hardware.Ps2]] . . . @2023-04-28T08:01:37Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hardware.Ethernet]] . . . @2023-04-26T04:23:15Z by [[~mkf]]: [=importing this new found information, thanks cinap.=]%0a* [[9.Cheatsheet]] . . . @2023-04-26T04:06:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mutt.Connect]] . . . @2023-04-23T20:19:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.GroupsTagsCategories]] . . . @2023-04-22T16:12:01Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiFormatting]] . . . @2023-04-22T06:27:30Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiGroups]] . . . @2023-04-22T06:04:14Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiTips]] . . . @2023-04-22T05:11:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.InterMap]] . . . @2023-04-22T04:41:45Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Tips for using interMap links to other data sources=]%0a* [[Cherry.Cherry]] . . . @2023-04-22T03:53:28Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Botnow.Botnow]] . . . @2023-04-22T02:20:54Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Irssi]] . . . @2023-04-22T00:51:13Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Translator]] . . . @2023-04-21T15:29:21Z by [[~forero]]: [==]%0a* [[Course-unix100.Course-unix100]] . . . @2023-04-21T04:08:32Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Sylpheed.Connect]] . . . @2023-04-20T06:21:36Z by [[~initfree]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop191.Install]] . . . @2023-04-19T16:03:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=updated version number=]%0a* [[WikiTips.Markup]] . . . @2023-04-19T04:01:20Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added notes on markdown cookbook=]%0a* [[OpenSSH.Keygen]] . . . @2023-04-19T00:30:11Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=softened the language on setting a passphrase to 'should set' instead of 'always set'=]%0a* [[Password.Schemes]] . . . @2023-04-17T20:46:42Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.KnownIssues]] . . . @2023-04-10T22:02:38Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Fics.Install]] . . . @2023-04-08T01:47:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Limitsbot]] . . . @2023-04-02T01:49:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.TLSMulti]] . . . @2023-03-31T14:16:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Tournament]] . . . @2023-03-28T00:50:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Ilines]] . . . @2023-03-26T07:00:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Bots]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:16:10Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Eggdrop]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:12:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.DuckHunt]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:11:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.BotZNC]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:10:26Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop184.Install]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:04:13Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Botnow]] . . . @2023-03-24T17:57:43Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added redirect link for botnow=]%0a* [[9.9p]] . . . @2023-03-23T12:00:13Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade72]] . . . @2023-03-22T02:48:07Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Simple stub to upgrade68=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade69]] . . . @2023-03-22T02:45:25Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Doas.Configure]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:29:02Z by [[~boxette]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade71]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:24:24Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade70]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:23:31Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade68]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:19:01Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added drop screen definitions and info re sysupgrade=]%0a* [[Terms.Privacy]] . . . @2023-03-21T20:09:01Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Test]] . . . @2023-03-21T16:12:17Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.TCLErorrWhileExecutingPackage]] . . . @2023-03-21T03:01:23Z by [[~GuardiaN]]: [==]%0a* [[Xmpp.Xmpp]] . . . @2023-03-20T16:59:36Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Letsencrypt.Expired]] . . . @2023-03-19T03:46:41Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=add command for counting certs=]%0a* [[Hardware.Psp]] . . . @2023-03-16T18:44:50Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Cloud9p.Roadmap]] . . . @2023-03-16T09:29:23Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pgp.Create]] . . . @2023-03-13T14:54:27Z by [[~baytuch]]: [=Added export pub key=]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Cheatsheet]] . . . @2023-03-12T09:52:16Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[9front.Netsurf]] . . . @2023-03-10T15:08:21Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Dovecot.SharedMailboxes]] . . . @2023-03-10T14:16:57Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Squirrelmail.Install]] . . . @2023-03-10T00:33:25Z by [[~pos]]: [==]%0a* [[FreeIRC.About]] . . . March 05, 2023, at 03:51 PM by [[~kilroy]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.OpenTracker]] . . . March 03, 2023, at 04:37 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.ZNC]] . . . February 28, 2023, at 02:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Acme-client.Configure]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 10:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert as I'm not sure if /etc/daily.local is better=]%0a* [[Stagit.Install]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 05:24 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gotweb]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 05:04 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Install]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 01:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert erroneous change=]%0a* [[Baytuch.Bio]] . . . February 17, 2023, at 12:00 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Plermoa]] . . . February 16, 2023, at 04:52 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [=Redirect=]%0a* [[Akkoma.Install]] . . . February 09, 2023, at 12:49 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Google.Sins]] . . . February 08, 2023, at 05:13 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Googledanger]] . . . February 08, 2023, at 05:01 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Outreachkids]] . . . February 08, 2023, at 04:34 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mosh]] . . . February 07, 2023, at 11:30 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Usage]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:38 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Mkf.Wikiv1]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Openweb]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:15 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Youtubedanger]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:10 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Paster.Install]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 10:22 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Anope.Install]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 09:46 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Password.Hashes]] . . . February 04, 2023, at 07:27 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=formatting fixes=]%0a* [[Chess.Chessgogi]] . . . February 04, 2023, at 03:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Passwords]] . . . February 03, 2023, at 07:49 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Password.Management]] . . . February 03, 2023, at 07:44 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.Ipv4rDNS]] . . . February 01, 2023, at 08:31 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [=added note to clarify what address needs to be specified.=]%0a* [[Dovecot.SharedFolders]] . . . January 31, 2023, at 06:03 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=renaming to sharedMailboxes=]%0a* [[Soju.Install]] . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=minor changes on style=]%0a* [[Lilywhitebot.Install]] . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:23 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[SendMoneyToSplinter0616Outlook.Com]] . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:19 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Biboumi.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:10 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Texlive.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Rcctl.Rcctl]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:00 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hopm.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:32 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unrealircd]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:27 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Unrealircd.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pleroma.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:18 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gomuks.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:08 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gotweb.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:02 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Webnews.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:57 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Php.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Mlmmj.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Fiche.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:44 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Prosody.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:42 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bitlbee.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:36 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[TigerVNC.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:30 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[NodeJS.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:27 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Xfce.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:17 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:08 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vipw]] . . . January 18, 2023, at 11:01 PM by [[~zen]]: [=added two spaces=]%0a* [[Grep.Usage]] . . . January 18, 2023, at 10:54 PM by [[~zen]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Networks]] . . . January 12, 2023, at 06:36 PM by [[~kilroy]]: [=Updated Sturtz IRC=]%0a* [[Znc.Install]] . . . January 07, 2023, at 11:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rspamd.Configure]] . . . January 03, 2023, at 04:55 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Dovecot.Pigeonhole]] . . . December 30, 2022, at 04:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=style 2=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Quota]] . . . December 29, 2022, at 06:51 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Miniontoby]] . . . December 26, 2022, at 07:26 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Created=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Minetest]] . . . December 26, 2022, at 07:23 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Added more ways to install=]%0a* [[Splinter0616Outlook.Com]] . . . December 25, 2022, at 02:37 AM by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Oper]] . . . December 25, 2022, at 12:03 AM by [[~forero]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Honk]] . . . December 17, 2022, at 08:45 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Yonle.Bio]] . . . December 13, 2022, at 05:18 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Camping.Gear]] . . . December 12, 2022, at 04:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vhost.Vhost]] . . . December 12, 2022, at 03:36 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [==]%0a* [[Vhost.Ircnow]] . . . December 12, 2022, at 03:13 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [ is not an ircnow domain=]%0a* [[I2Pd.Tunnels]] . . . December 06, 2022, at 02:52 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [=There we go. =]%0a* [[I2pd.Tunnels]] . . . December 06, 2022, at 02:45 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Unwind.Configure]] . . . November 26, 2022, at 09:23 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=add unwind=]%0a* [[Debian.Install]] . . . November 13, 2022, at 11:43 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [=writing=]%0a* [[Lemon.Lemon]] . . . November 10, 2022, at 01:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.JmIRC]] . . . November 04, 2022, at 06:18 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [=Added screenshots about setup=]%0a* [[Bouncer.XChat]] . . . October 16, 2022, at 11:09 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=XChat is unmaintained=]%0a* [[Eggdrop.VHost]] . . . October 02, 2022, at 01:05 PM by [[~sulieztya]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.VhostTCL]] . . . October 02, 2022, at 07:06 AM by [[~sulieztya]]: [==]%0a* [[He.IPv6Certification]] . . . September 16, 2022, at 05:32 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=create page=]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Education]] . . . September 14, 2022, at 07:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[About.AboutUs]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 06:42 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAndSafety.LegalAndSafety]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:19 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAndSafety.LegalAmpSafety]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:17 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAmpSafety.Subheading]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:15 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[Acmesh.Configure]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:03 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Added (currently a WIP)=]%0a* [[Dehydrated.Configure]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 02:52 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Add dehydrated=]%0a* [[Profiles.Izzyb]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:28 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Site.EditForm]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:22 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=Make Author none editable field=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Geomyidae]] . . . September 10, 2022, at 02:31 AM by [[~akoizumi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.INN]] . . . September 10, 2022, at 02:23 AM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Fix some types=]%0a* [[Heading.Subheading]] . . . September 07, 2022, at 07:23 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop193.Install]] . . . September 07, 2022, at 04:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Pioneer]] . . . August 14, 2022, at 05:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.VsFTP]] . . . August 10, 2022, at 03:18 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=snipped unneeded output=]%0a* [[C.Scanf]] . . . August 10, 2022, at 09:51 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.CertsReissue]] . . . August 08, 2022, at 05:35 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Pgp.Upload]] . . . August 01, 2022, at 01:21 PM by [[~jan6]]: [ uses a superior implementation, less vulnerable to various issues=]%0a* [[Lemon.Packages]] . . . July 30, 2022, at 07:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Ellisisland]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 07:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Newdeal]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Daughtersofliberty]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Womenstem]] . . . July 21, 2022, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.RC]] . . . July 20, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Troubleshoot]] . . . July 20, 2022, at 03:58 PM by [[~jlj]]: [=Added notes about how I resolved the first two errors, on nastycode=]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Nickserv]] . . . July 19, 2022, at 10:05 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Chroot.Intro]] . . . July 18, 2022, at 04:23 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Linuxstrongswan]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Acme-client.AutoRenew]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:50 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Apmd]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:36 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2022]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:04 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.Myipaddress]] . . . June 30, 2022, at 09:51 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.Blacklists]] . . . June 25, 2022, at 06:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Linux]] . . . June 23, 2022, at 07:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Nsf]] . . . June 20, 2022, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Debate]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Metrics]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Records]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 05:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Alpine]] . . . June 13, 2022, at 05:42 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Arch]] . . . June 12, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~g1n]]: [=Added article about Arch Linux setup on VMM=]%0a* [[Unveil.Intro]] . . . June 12, 2022, at 12:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pledge.Intro]] . . . June 12, 2022, at 12:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bsdrd]] . . . June 09, 2022, at 07:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vnc.Vnc]] . . . June 08, 2022, at 04:04 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Added RealVNC Viewer to the list (might need some more extra stuff, but yeah its fine)=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Growfs]] . . . June 01, 2022, at 12:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Static-v2]] . . . May 23, 2022, at 06:29 AM by [[~theguest]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Minetest]] . . . May 10, 2022, at 10:48 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Emoji]] . . . May 10, 2022, at 10:23 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Nsd]] . . . May 10, 2022, at 12:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opsofliberty.Bootcamp]] . . . May 09, 2022, at 08:38 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ports]] . . . May 09, 2022, at 05:54 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Ssl]] . . . May 08, 2022, at 03:30 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=fixed the text=]%0a* [[Codeforce.Training]] . . . May 03, 2022, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Civics.Intro]] . . . May 03, 2022, at 01:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.EdgeRouter-Lite]] . . . April 28, 2022, at 02:50 PM by [[~pufferf]]: [==]%0a* [[Math.Reading]] . . . April 27, 2022, at 08:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install71]] . . . April 24, 2022, at 09:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Botnow]] . . . April 24, 2022, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Buyvm.Ipv6]] . . . April 24, 2022, at 06:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Rss]] . . . April 23, 2022, at 04:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Testing]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 09:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Registrars]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 09:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gopher]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 08:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Adduser]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 08:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Signify.Verify]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Route]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:23 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ntpd.Configure]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ntpd]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmmlinux]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Linux]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Iked]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Team]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 04:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Networks]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Announce]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ally]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Chroot]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install70]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 06:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[CodeForce.Bootcamp]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 06:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Vmm]] . . . April 15, 2022, at 12:20 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Update: report from PiRATA=]%0a* [[Minutemin.Minutemin]] . . . April 06, 2022, at 02:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.CGI]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~gtlsgamr]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Censord]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dns]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Zncflaws]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 05:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Debiandanger]] . . . April 04, 2022, at 04:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Tls]] . . . April 04, 2022, at 04:25 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Soju.Guide]] . . . April 02, 2022, at 03:46 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Nitter.Install]] . . . April 02, 2022, at 01:08 AM by [[~fallback]]: [=first nitter install page=]%0a* [[Debiankaios.Bio]] . . . April 01, 2022, at 05:10 PM by [[~debiankaios]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Reading]] . . . March 29, 2022, at 10:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Services]] . . . March 25, 2022, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syslogd.Configure]] . . . March 25, 2022, at 04:07 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ddos]] . . . March 24, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ddos.Intro]] . . . March 24, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.ZNC]] . . . March 19, 2022, at 07:31 AM by [[~fallback]]: [==]%0a* [[ISCABBS.DownloadingAndInstalling]] . . . March 15, 2022, at 10:42 PM by [[~Mandarax]]: [==]%0a* [[ISCABBS.ISCABBS]] . . . March 15, 2022, at 09:24 PM by [[~Mandarax]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.History]] . . . March 14, 2022, at 06:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Exhibit]] . . . March 13, 2022, at 11:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Dogfooding]] . . . March 10, 2022, at 05:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Doxing.Defense]] . . . March 05, 2022, at 08:54 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mlmmj-archivist.Install]] . . . March 03, 2022, at 05:26 AM by [[~error]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.IRCBridge]] . . . February 28, 2022, at 02:59 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix101.Vi]] . . . February 27, 2022, at 08:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vi.Intro]] . . . February 27, 2022, at 04:16 PM by [[~Limits]]: [=Add Introduction to Vi=]%0a* [[Irc201.Irc201]] . . . February 27, 2022, at 04:21 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ideas]] . . . February 23, 2022, at 05:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.WikiSandbox]] . . . February 22, 2022, at 11:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wesnothd]] . . . February 21, 2022, at 06:28 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=Wesnothd=]%0a* [[9.Audio]] . . . February 20, 2022, at 08:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Xonotic]] . . . February 20, 2022, at 07:43 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=A xonotic server has apperad! pt.2=]%0a* [[PuTTY.PuTTYgen]] . . . February 16, 2022, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ircnowd]] . . . February 14, 2022, at 06:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Stopm.Stopm]] . . . February 14, 2022, at 06:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Police.Fingerprints]] . . . February 12, 2022, at 02:09 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=ip addresses should be sorted with sort -V=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Police]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:36 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Dns]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:39 AM by [[~nixdork]]: [=Fix typo=]%0a* [[Dns.BindResolver]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:30 AM by [[~nixdork]]: [=First draft of bind resolver howto=]%0a* [[Botnow.SqliteViews]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 02:00 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [==]%0a* [[AncientWisdom.Bio]] . . . February 07, 2022, at 01:18 PM by [[~AncientWisdom]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Questions]] . . . February 05, 2022, at 09:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Server]] . . . February 05, 2022, at 08:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.SlackwareIso]] . . . February 03, 2022, at 10:53 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Slackware 15.0 x86 stable is released=]%0a* [[Duplicity.Usage]] . . . February 02, 2022, at 10:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Encryptfile]] . . . February 02, 2022, at 09:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpip]] . . . January 24, 2022, at 05:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Synclient.Configure]] . . . January 24, 2022, at 06:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Install]] . . . January 22, 2022, at 06:57 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Asterisk.Install]] . . . January 19, 2022, at 05:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ndb]] . . . January 16, 2022, at 06:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.U9fs]] . . . January 16, 2022, at 06:23 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.FQDN]] . . . January 15, 2022, at 10:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.DNSSec]] . . . January 14, 2022, at 02:53 AM by [[~pyr3x]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Locale]] . . . January 12, 2022, at 01:23 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Autocomplete]] . . . January 11, 2022, at 01:44 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=updated url=]%0a* [[Gpg.Verify]] . . . January 08, 2022, at 09:48 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Add description=]%0a* [[Mlmmj.Archive]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 10:52 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Hostowner]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 11:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Dogfood]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Chording]] . . . January 03, 2022, at 02:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Status]] . . . January 03, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Server]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 05:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Census.Census]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bncnow.Bncnow]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Projects]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircfs.Intro]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 10:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnowd.Ircnowd]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Marketing]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sonsofliberty]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pkgadd.CheckUpdates]] . . . January 01, 2022, at 04:29 AM by [[~pyr3x]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2021]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sftp]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Status2022]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 05:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.UTF8]] . . . December 28, 2021, at 08:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Uim]] . . . December 26, 2021, at 01:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshwifty.Install]] . . . December 23, 2021, at 02:49 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=created=]%0a* [[Nsd.Zone]] . . . December 23, 2021, at 10:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenSSH.RSAkeys]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wifi]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 02:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Recordaudio]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 01:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 11:30 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [=fix some grammatical errors=]%0a* [[Parec.Record]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sox.Concat]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ffmpeg.Recordscreen]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[JuiceSSH.Connect]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 01:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Independent]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MacScreenSharing.Connect]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 11:57 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Partdisk]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 11:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Usage]] . . . December 17, 2021, at 04:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Federation]] . . . December 17, 2021, at 02:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Chanop]] . . . December 14, 2021, at 04:58 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Todo]] . . . December 03, 2021, at 07:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pylink.Chroot]] . . . December 02, 2021, at 02:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pylink.Install]] . . . December 02, 2021, at 02:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Marriage]] . . . December 02, 2021, at 06:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hosting.Hosting]] . . . December 01, 2021, at 02:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mc.Usage]] . . . November 29, 2021, at 07:53 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[PuTTY.Connect]] . . . November 29, 2021, at 12:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Texlive.Sinhala]] . . . November 28, 2021, at 06:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MailWindows.Connect]] . . . November 27, 2021, at 03:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gajim.Biboumi]] . . . November 27, 2021, at 01:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mcabber.Connect]] . . . November 26, 2021, at 01:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ChatSecure.Connect]] . . . November 26, 2021, at 11:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9pfs]] . . . November 24, 2021, at 02:00 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DebianInstall]] . . . November 24, 2021, at 11:44 AM by [[~nicoz]]: [==]%0a* [[Siskin.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 04:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dino.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 02:10 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Monal.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 10:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Xabber.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 10:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.DMARC]] . . . November 22, 2021, at 10:52 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[StorkIM.Connect]] . . . November 21, 2021, at 05:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Conversations.Connect]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 05:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Yaxim.Connect]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 05:09 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Adium.Connect]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 07:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.AlmaLinux]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 06:47 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Psi.Connect]] . . . November 17, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pidgin.Connect]] . . . November 17, 2021, at 10:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gajim.Connect]] . . . November 17, 2021, at 08:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Training]] . . . November 16, 2021, at 03:30 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[Opera.Connect]] . . . November 16, 2021, at 12:12 AM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[0dev.0dev]] . . . November 12, 2021, at 03:00 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.RockyLinux]] . . . November 11, 2021, at 10:51 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Openrelay]] . . . November 11, 2021, at 10:37 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Sandbox.0dev]] . . . November 11, 2021, at 01:45 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Mirror]] . . . November 07, 2021, at 05:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.OpenIKED]] . . . November 07, 2021, at 03:45 PM by [[~gloNO]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Got]] . . . November 07, 2021, at 03:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Opsofliberty]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 05:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Emacs.Emacs]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 04:39 PM by [[~LohanG]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Support]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 03:53 PM by [[~LohanG]]: [=added libera=]%0a* [[9.Stone]] . . . November 04, 2021, at 04:09 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Zuke]] . . . November 04, 2021, at 04:01 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Http]] . . . November 03, 2021, at 02:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Telnet.Http]] . . . November 03, 2021, at 02:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Relayd]] . . . November 03, 2021, at 10:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Admin]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 05:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Debug]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Usage]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:09 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Rewrite]] . . . October 31, 2021, at 10:30 PM by [[~hydragyrum]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Sysupdate]] . . . October 31, 2021, at 10:21 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Debian]] . . . October 31, 2021, at 12:34 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Victorycpus]] . . . October 30, 2021, at 08:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Settler]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 04:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Nginxphpfpm]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 12:26 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Nginx]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 12:18 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Homerouter]] . . . October 26, 2021, at 05:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Netcat]] . . . October 25, 2021, at 03:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Plan9ini]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 04:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Newconfig]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~tool]]: [==]%0a* [[Lua.Minetest-1]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 10:30 AM by [[~debiankaios]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Links]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 06:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Keybindings]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 06:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=heheheheheh=]%0a* [[Xdefaults.Configure]] . . . October 23, 2021, at 02:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[TigerVNC.SSH]] . . . October 23, 2021, at 11:56 AM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ssh]] . . . October 22, 2021, at 12:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan4Iso]] . . . October 21, 2021, at 04:29 PM by [[~debiankaios]]: [=changed beowulf_3.1.1 to chimaera_4.0.0=]%0a* [[9.101]] . . . October 20, 2021, at 04:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fvwm.Configure]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 10:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.KISSmo]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:58 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.Download]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:53 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.About]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:52 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.Install]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:44 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Repo]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 08:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Anoncvs]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 04:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Commit]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 03:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Cvsweb]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 03:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Cvsfs]] . . . October 15, 2021, at 12:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade70]] . . . October 15, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=humans are easily confused.=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ilines]] . . . October 15, 2021, at 02:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan-ISO]] . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:50 AM by [[~siva]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan-Simple]] . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:48 AM by [[~siva]]: [=Tutorial Created=]%0a* [[Cvs.Intro]] . . . October 13, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Synapse.Install]] . . . October 12, 2021, at 02:49 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Created=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Oper]] . . . October 12, 2021, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Diversity]] . . . October 09, 2021, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Linux]] . . . October 08, 2021, at 04:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.ResetPassword]] . . . October 07, 2021, at 03:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Terms.Vps]] . . . October 06, 2021, at 12:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.JSDrawterm]] . . . September 30, 2021, at 06:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Fonts]] . . . September 28, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install69]] . . . September 27, 2021, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Guide]] . . . September 26, 2021, at 02:28 PM by [[~Miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[License.IrcnowV2]] . . . September 21, 2021, at 03:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Router]] . . . September 14, 2021, at 12:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Weechat.Relay]] . . . September 11, 2021, at 05:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gry.Bio]] . . . September 11, 2021, at 02:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hopm.Telnet]] . . . September 10, 2021, at 06:13 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Wraith.Chroot]] . . . September 10, 2021, at 06:11 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Skins]] . . . September 06, 2021, at 07:58 AM by [[~mkf]]: [="Huh, pmwiki has a bug." no numbered list if use monospaced text. :(=]%0a* [[Seamonkey.Connect]] . . . August 28, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Wikistyle]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 03:29 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.EmailAndroidEmailApp]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 02:37 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Shortcuts]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Haiku]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mailopenproxy]] . . . August 25, 2021, at 08:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Two-FactorAuth]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:39 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=login.db compiling is no longer recommended.=]%0a* [[Vmm.DragonflyBSD]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=logs=]%0a* [[Vmm.NetBSD]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:01 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=better logs?=]%0a* [[DNS.Ipv6rDNS]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 11:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pipes.Redirection]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 03:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Redirection]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 03:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rbldnsd.Install]] . . . August 22, 2021, at 07:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=wiki-ish.=]%0a* [[Netcat.Smtp]] . . . August 22, 2021, at 06:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=byebye=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Npppd]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 01:43 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Shell]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 11:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tls.CA]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 11:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Imap]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 04:05 AM by [[~AncientWisdom]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Todo]] . . . August 17, 2021, at 08:41 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.GuixIso]] . . . August 16, 2021, at 05:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.VoidIso]] . . . August 16, 2021, at 06:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gophernicus]] . . . August 15, 2021, at 02:06 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gazette.Gazette]] . . . August 15, 2021, at 01:14 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=a bit polishing=]%0a* [[EmailTray.Connect]] . . . August 15, 2021, at 12:11 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Konversation]] . . . August 14, 2021, at 02:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Squirrelmail.Connect]] . . . August 14, 2021, at 04:47 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Termius.Connect]] . . . August 14, 2021, at 04:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openhttpd]] . . . August 13, 2021, at 07:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ConnectBot.Keys]] . . . August 12, 2021, at 06:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Monopolydanger]] . . . August 11, 2021, at 07:01 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[ConnectBot.Connect]] . . . August 11, 2021, at 04:34 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Termux.Connect]] . . . August 11, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Web101.Web101]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 04:20 PM by [[~craziness]]: [=started web101=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pppoe]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 11:56 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[MacTerminal.Connect]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 10:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fdroid.Install]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 09:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Sshfingerprints]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 08:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sshkeys]] . . . August 09, 2021, at 04:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.9front]] . . . August 09, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.WinIRC]] . . . August 09, 2021, at 06:03 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[SerFISH.Connect]] . . . August 06, 2021, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshwifty.Connect]] . . . August 06, 2021, at 05:00 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Squirrelmail]] . . . August 06, 2021, at 10:32 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.NickServ]] . . . August 05, 2021, at 07:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Medals.Intro]] . . . August 04, 2021, at 08:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dnszones]] . . . August 03, 2021, at 09:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Zonefile]] . . . August 03, 2021, at 09:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Ifconfig]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 12:59 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Matterbridge]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 12:33 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.I18n]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 09:12 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Alt]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 07:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Simple]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 07:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Install]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 05:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vhost]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 02:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Thunderirc.Hardware]] . . . August 01, 2021, at 01:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Lecturify.Hardware]] . . . August 01, 2021, at 01:27 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Congress.Procedure]] . . . August 01, 2021, at 06:41 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Chroot]] . . . July 31, 2021, at 02:47 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syslogd.Remote]] . . . July 30, 2021, at 03:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmmuser]] . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmminstall]] . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmm]] . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCAdmin]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCSupport]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Troubleshoot]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Troubleshoot]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Kill.Usage]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ps.Usage]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Host.Usage]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 01:57 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Php]] . . . July 27, 2021, at 02:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.IRCFreeHomesteadVPS]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.PioneerTldr]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Pioneer]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 04:22 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dig]] . . . July 25, 2021, at 06:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.RDNS]] . . . July 23, 2021, at 06:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.All]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:37 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Lemon.Todo]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:21 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Guide]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:02 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=client -> clients=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sic]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 05:57 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=first edit.=]%0a* [[Minutemin.Progress]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 08:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openrsync]] . . . July 18, 2021, at 02:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Znc]] . . . July 16, 2021, at 10:43 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Become]] . . . July 14, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Bearcode]] . . . July 14, 2021, at 09:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Staticnet]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 05:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dovecot]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 02:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Relayd]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 02:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Spf]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 03:08 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Eggdrop]] . . . July 02, 2021, at 03:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Http]] . . . June 30, 2021, at 04:44 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Oldsoftware]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:56 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Xmlflaws]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:54 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Wikipediadanger]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:51 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.DCC]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Matrixflaws]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Webirc]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Nodejstrap]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ircv3defense]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:45 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Newdisk]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[AndroidEmail.AndroidEmail]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unbound]] . . . June 27, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Religion]] . . . June 27, 2021, at 02:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Union]] . . . June 26, 2021, at 01:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Firstamendment]] . . . June 26, 2021, at 11:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dkimproxy]] . . . June 25, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MIF.Test]] . . . June 25, 2021, at 12:42 PM by [[~nsturtz]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade69]] . . . June 25, 2021, at 05:46 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Opensmtpd]] . . . June 23, 2021, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.NgircdLink]] . . . June 22, 2021, at 07:50 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=delete=]%0a* [[File.File]] . . . June 22, 2021, at 07:43 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=linking=]%0a* [[Debate.Linuxflaws]] . . . June 20, 2021, at 08:03 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=making hyperlinks=]%0a* [[Freedom.Destiny]] . . . June 18, 2021, at 05:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Doas]] . . . June 13, 2021, at 01:19 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Freedom]] . . . June 13, 2021, at 09:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Press]] . . . June 13, 2021, at 09:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Shell]] . . . June 11, 2021, at 09:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Constitution]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Rights]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[IPv4.Overview]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Bash]] . . . June 09, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[PowerShell.Connect]] . . . June 09, 2021, at 11:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Code.Code]] . . . June 08, 2021, at 05:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=better formating=]%0a* [[Grape.DonateUs]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 03:41 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Books]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 12:46 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Grape]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 11:39 AM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pfa]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 03:49 AM by [[~navic]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Debian]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 07:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [="LOL"=]%0a* [[DNS.Dnswl]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.SMTP]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 09:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dkim.Dkimsign]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 09:07 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Torsocks]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.VpnMac]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 05:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[HostServ.Rules]] . . . June 01, 2021, at 08:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ACKFlood]] . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:20 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.SSDP]] . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:18 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Anycast]] . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Networks]] . . . May 27, 2021, at 04:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Rules]] . . . May 26, 2021, at 06:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Power]] . . . May 26, 2021, at 04:38 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Money]] . . . May 25, 2021, at 03:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Takeover]] . . . May 25, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Freenode]] . . . May 25, 2021, at 01:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Atomic]] . . . May 24, 2021, at 03:22 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=spacing=]%0a* [[Minetest.Updating]] . . . May 24, 2021, at 08:10 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=monospaced commands=]%0a* [[Shell.Putty]] . . . May 24, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dmarc]] . . . May 21, 2021, at 09:22 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Optimize]] . . . May 19, 2021, at 04:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Stable]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.VicePresident]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sheriff]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ambassador]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 07:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Guide]] . . . May 17, 2021, at 03:37 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Install]] . . . May 16, 2021, at 06:49 AM by [[~mkf]]: [="$"=]%0a* [[Tmux.Share]] . . . May 15, 2021, at 02:27 AM by [[~mistera]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Security]] . . . May 14, 2021, at 03:14 AM by [[~caesar]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Vision]] . . . May 13, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=added home page, removed "..."s=]%0a* [[Minetest.Worldbackup]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Texturestyle]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 11:00 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Serverlocations]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Addingarenas]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 10:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relay.Relay]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 09:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Install-bej]] . . . May 11, 2021, at 05:26 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm-Arthur]] . . . May 07, 2021, at 12:28 PM by [[~Arthur]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Chroot69]] . . . May 06, 2021, at 03:36 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [=back to 6.9 to see real changes=]%0a* [[Freedom.Unix]] . . . April 29, 2021, at 03:39 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Simpleurl]] . . . April 29, 2021, at 02:46 PM by [[~punk]]: [==]%0a* [[Gpl.Flaws]] . . . April 24, 2021, at 04:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Windows]] . . . April 18, 2021, at 07:38 PM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Libertyordeath]] . . . April 17, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Economy]] . . . April 15, 2021, at 02:32 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vim.Vim]] . . . April 11, 2021, at 11:14 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Duty]] . . . April 11, 2021, at 04:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.License]] . . . April 04, 2021, at 02:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[EthicalSource.HolierThanThou]] . . . April 04, 2021, at 01:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Rmsboycott]] . . . April 03, 2021, at 01:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Libertyordeath]] . . . April 02, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fig.Fig]] . . . March 31, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~chewy]]: [==]%0a* [[Coconut.Coconut]] . . . March 29, 2021, at 12:28 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ClawsMail.Connect]] . . . March 29, 2021, at 08:42 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Madeonirc]] . . . March 27, 2021, at 11:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Devs]] . . . March 27, 2021, at 11:41 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Code]] . . . March 24, 2021, at 03:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cherry.Todo]] . . . March 23, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~Oz]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Independence]] . . . March 22, 2021, at 01:13 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Founders]] . . . March 20, 2021, at 01:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Teams]] . . . March 18, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=banana=]%0a* [[Vhost.Freedns]] . . . March 16, 2021, at 12:22 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Freedom]] . . . March 15, 2021, at 01:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsd.Labor]] . . . March 15, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Discriminatory]] . . . March 15, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsd.Hope]] . . . March 14, 2021, at 11:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Publicdomain]] . . . March 14, 2021, at 10:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Linux.Flaws]] . . . March 14, 2021, at 05:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Browser]] . . . March 12, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Abuse.Code]] . . . March 09, 2021, at 03:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Congress.Documents]] . . . March 07, 2021, at 04:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Goals]] . . . March 06, 2021, at 09:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Chatforce]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 02:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Bash]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 10:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[User.Welcome]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 07:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Immigrant.Welcome]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 06:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mail.Openrelay]] . . . March 04, 2021, at 03:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mail.Test]] . . . March 04, 2021, at 03:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Game]] . . . March 04, 2021, at 10:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Howtoask]] . . . March 03, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Netizen]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Servers.Rights]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 12:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Enterprise]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 11:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Creed]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ln.Intro]] . . . February 25, 2021, at 12:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Leafnode.Install]] . . . February 25, 2021, at 10:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Todo]] . . . February 23, 2021, at 10:47 AM by [[~quofan]]: [==]%0a* [[Relays.Relays]] . . . February 22, 2021, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[PSFTP.Connect]] . . . February 21, 2021, at 03:57 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Outlook.Connect]] . . . February 21, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[AppleMail.Connect]] . . . February 20, 2021, at 04:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Thunderbird.Pgp]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 04:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Ircnow]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:45 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=2021=]%0a* [[Thunderbird.Connect]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Mac]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Training]] . . . February 18, 2021, at 06:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Openforeveryone]] . . . February 16, 2021, at 04:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.IRCitizen]] . . . February 15, 2021, at 05:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[IPv6.Overview]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tcpip.Overview]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Syspatch]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Netadmin]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 10:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Religion]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 10:37 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Independence]] . . . February 13, 2021, at 04:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Leafnode]] . . . February 12, 2021, at 01:40 PM by [[~chewy]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Pylink]] . . . February 12, 2021, at 01:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Opportunity]] . . . February 11, 2021, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Republic]] . . . February 11, 2021, at 06:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Achurch.Install]] . . . February 10, 2021, at 04:33 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pylink]] . . . February 08, 2021, at 08:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.OpofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Allies]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Dueprocess]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Checks]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Rulebylaw]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Startupdream]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Federation]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 11:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Selfadmin]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 11:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.OpsofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 02:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Software]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Opportunity]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Workethic]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Ethic]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Privacy]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 07:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Policy]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 04:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Serversrights]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:43 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Serverrights]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Fork]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:39 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Lanofopportunity]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 01:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Opentoall]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 01:17 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Refuge]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 09:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Providers]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 04:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Guava]] . . . February 03, 2021, at 02:30 AM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Stable]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 02:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Base64]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 06:37 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unboundadblock]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pfbadhost]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Delphinusdnsd]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 01:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Mango]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:01 PM by [[~nix]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Abuse]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Censorship]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:23 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Firstamendment]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Phishing]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Audit]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 04:46 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ongoing]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 01:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Partners]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Todo]] . . . January 30, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pear.Pear]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 06:09 PM by [[~dennis]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Httpopenproxy]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 11:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Zncadmin]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 10:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Rbldns]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 05:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Setuid]] . . . January 28, 2021, at 06:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.PFTesting]] . . . January 25, 2021, at 03:28 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCDaily]] . . . January 25, 2021, at 11:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Irssi]] . . . January 25, 2021, at 07:08 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sysadmins]] . . . January 24, 2021, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.UnixPhilosophy]] . . . January 18, 2021, at 05:05 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.XTerm]] . . . January 17, 2021, at 01:48 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=copyright=]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Statement]] . . . January 17, 2021, at 02:44 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Outlook]] . . . January 16, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~Zouheir]]: [==]%0a* [[Plum.Todo]] . . . January 16, 2021, at 12:09 AM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ipsec]] . . . January 13, 2021, at 10:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Plum.Plum]] . . . January 12, 2021, at 03:02 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Slrn]] . . . January 12, 2021, at 02:40 PM by [[~Noxturnix]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.CPAN]] . . . January 12, 2021, at 01:48 PM by [[~Dima]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Todo]] . . . January 11, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ilines]] . . . January 11, 2021, at 09:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Netcat]] . . . January 09, 2021, at 02:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Perl]] . . . January 09, 2021, at 02:04 PM by [[~dima]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Perl]] . . . January 09, 2021, at 01:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fig.Log]] . . . January 07, 2021, at 11:23 AM by [[~dima]]: [=test=]%0a* [[Fig.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pear.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Team]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Censorship]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Pentesters]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Coders]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Banana.Todo]] . . . January 04, 2021, at 09:41 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=znc=]%0a* [[Users.CategoryMirrory]] . . . January 04, 2021, at 01:10 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Test]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 08:17 PM by [[~category_mirrory]]: [==]%0a* [[Users.Categorymirrory]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 08:12 PM by [[~category_mirrory]]: [=wrong caps=]%0a* [[Banana.Banana]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 02:39 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Orange]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 02:10 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Backup]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 01:46 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Appledanger]] . . . January 02, 2021, at 01:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Tasks]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 07:52 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Helpers]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Finances]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tutorial.Tutorial]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 03:25 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Testing]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sshbackdoor]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Packages]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 10:48 AM by [[~nix]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Contact]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 03:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pf-bnc]] . . . December 29, 2020, at 06:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Partners2]] . . . December 29, 2020, at 02:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Mozilladanger]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Controlcomputer]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Facebookdanger]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Slackdanger]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Freespeech]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ethicalflaws]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Hatespeech]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Monero]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.WhyNotC]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:43 PM by [[~searchsocial]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Python]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Cash]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Uberdanger]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Microsoftdanger]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Accessibility]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Zoomdanger]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Applications]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 06:21 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Dillo]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Basilisk]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Directory]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Packages]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Amplification]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 05:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.UDPFlood]] . . . December 18, 2020, at 10:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpackflood]] . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.RSTFlood]] . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpresetflood]] . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ssdp]] . . . December 15, 2020, at 12:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Igloo]] . . . December 14, 2020, at 09:39 AM by [[~Noxturnix]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.Terms]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 01:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pf]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 12:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install68]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade67]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 04:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade68]] . . . December 11, 2020, at 10:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dokuwiki]] . . . December 10, 2020, at 02:23 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=code blocks fixed=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Acme-client]] . . . December 09, 2020, at 06:47 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=fixed troubleshooting links=]%0a* [[Freedom.Christian]] . . . December 08, 2020, at 01:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Finances]] . . . December 08, 2020, at 01:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Sshkeys]] . . . December 07, 2020, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install67]] . . . December 06, 2020, at 11:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Buyvm]] . . . December 06, 2020, at 02:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opernbsd.Buyvm]] . . . December 04, 2020, at 12:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.WeeChat]] . . . December 02, 2020, at 12:43 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.SimpleIRC]] . . . December 02, 2020, at 12:31 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Militia]] . . . December 02, 2020, at 04:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Third]] . . . December 01, 2020, at 01:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Oidentd]] . . . November 30, 2020, at 11:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Helper]] . . . November 28, 2020, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Hexchat]] . . . November 27, 2020, at 12:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloud]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.AdiIRC]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.RevolutionIRC]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.KiwiIRC]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.KVIrc]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IceChat]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudiOS]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudAndroid]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudWeb]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Catalog]] . . . November 23, 2020, at 07:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Checklist]] . . . November 20, 2020, at 12:44 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Acopm]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 03:32 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Achurch]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 02:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vi]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 12:51 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sudo]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 12:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Denomination]] . . . October 23, 2020, at 09:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Intro]] . . . October 10, 2020, at 08:22 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircweb.Ircweb]] . . . October 05, 2020, at 01:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Http2irc.Http2irc]] . . . October 05, 2020, at 01:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Easyapp]] . . . September 29, 2020, at 12:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Nl]] . . . September 17, 2020, at 08:43 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Dutch correct page=]%0a* [[Grape.Guide]] . . . September 16, 2020, at 08:42 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Id]] . . . September 08, 2020, at 09:51 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Orange.Ru]] . . . September 07, 2020, at 11:29 PM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Bouncer.MIRC]] . . . September 06, 2020, at 03:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Bncnow]] . . . September 04, 2020, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Cgit]] . . . September 01, 2020, at 05:51 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Notes]] . . . August 27, 2020, at 03:38 AM by [[~gry]]: [=expanded=]%0a* [[Shell.ShellSSHKEYS]] . . . August 25, 2020, at 10:00 PM by [[~gry]]: [=permissions added=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Irccloud]] . . . August 24, 2020, at 12:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[GrapeTeam.Tracker]] . . . August 24, 2020, at 10:16 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[GrapeTeam.GrapeTeam]] . . . August 24, 2020, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Course]] . . . August 21, 2020, at 05:01 AM by [[~gry]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bchs]] . . . August 20, 2020, at 07:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Todo]] . . . August 20, 2020, at 06:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: on_is_active php_session_active squirrelmailing sqsession_start troubleshooting authentication session_status config_default webmail_access modifications configuration unfortunately accessibility administrator webmail_error compatibility acceleration default_pref organization replacement disposition alternative information sourceforge permissions certificate interactive configuring preferences letsencrypt development compatible javascript configtest connection additional nameserver configured afterwards extracting attempting installing documents complains openhttpd functions localhost opensmtpd challenge supported subdomain receiving databases recommend necessary following languages delimiter directory debugging fusername essential addresses installed chrooted smtphost projects browsers normally location provides tlsmulti 26214400 required remember original security listener optional settings sendmail properly software specific licensed messages brackets instance writable services browsing defaults drawback continue opening control dovecot fastcgi already contact defines example initial unbound folders unusual request plugins general command servers defined private options however records contrib include restart because nologin disable exiting keypair baytuch strings misused charset appears content instead openbsd release sending mt_rand another subject version tarball warning charlie without changes resolve foxtrot uploads written client relayd needed return logout syntax longer cannot latest htdocs braces rather offset typing before themes ircnow frames across making should switch please detect secure invert readme global create update system locale report serial delete femail myname daemon lookup socket number errors trying issues actual stable inline attach master reload touch could color chown check chmod needs first intro shell rcctl php74 mkdir books hosts write above https there false using might every ascii happy delta curly array fatal bravo query where since which setup exist works notes saved files press alpha enter means class block title index chain strip lines known worry based ifend about zones this doas 2001 imap will well page your real acme make sure that aaaa ipv4 does fccf want 1008 2602 than sbin chsh help bind body some copy runs both must logs like when ctrl type echo xvzf find uses html many wiki easy fees more exec text once were have made mime done next move into ipv6 pop3 menu sign quit full motd hide give edit time www ssl etc var 127 day see has 162 bad gpl 451 fix ksh 644 zip its 755 ftp net way crt 634 usr 403 src nsd fpm dns max few db8 143 via by gz 22 cd rx 38 87 mv 80 9 +time=1724466437 Relayd.TLSMulti:1628325508: Relayd.Acceleration Openhttpd.Hosting Acme-client.Configure Pf.Guide Openssl.Http : troubleshooting acknowledgments configuration acceleration dramatically remote_addr server_port permissions server_addr connections simpletable certificate commentary configured especially consulting forwarding foreground plaintext correctly debugging fullchain openhttpd available forwarded verbosity splitting listening challenge following selective remaining instances directory stacksize newsyslog openfiles service1 service2 searches increase database disabled protocol symlinks starting services tlsmulti sortable requests complete template filtered properly networks rotation addition location listener expanded multiple messages concepts example keypair listens finally backlog running private www6tls warning openbsd respond content produce provide verbose replace hosting devices android earlier maximum inspect enabled another domains openssl syslogd reverse headers td76656 without archive default already missing labeled records address option actual relayd handle relays create nabble wwwtls define packet turned before client please border append serves common public errors either cannot number blocks syntax bottom daemon assume entire typing failed simply sample second notice output https certs class there check rcctl first pfctl width guide login fails queue where names large which value match avoid above ports using based wrong entry lines close title below doesn three users index known third proxy while strip 8020 sure 8001 8002 icmp 4096 have make 2001 need will both that ipv6 them this want acme they ipv4 your edit what sack time doas then must logs html 7691 into send busy wish from real upon look test like stop ones auto when well root load last says also ddos etc 443 crt sub see are any ip4 ios tcp org man cur 96m 128 its won var may nsd set dns how pem 100 dvv 127 168 192 ip6 db8 of n7 by ln= Relayd.Acceleration:1628324627: Pf.Guide Leafnode.Install Tcpip.Sockets Openbsd.Znc Openhttpd.Configure Openhttpd.Hosting Telnet.Http Znc.Chroot Openbsd.Netcat Acme-client.Configure Openssl.Http : troubleshooting acknowledgments eavesdropping configuration dramatically introduction acceleration permissions server_addr connections simpletable server_port remote_addr certificate integration application transparent forwarding encryption webhosting configured foreground indication afterwards especially commentary splitting openhttpd plaintext challenge openfiles forwarded stacksize listening selective necessary directory fullchain providing debugging correctly sometimes following newsyslog verbosity available instances location service1 service2 symlinks protocol possible searches template requests listener filtered bouncers sortable database rotation addition increase messages balancer networks properly features plumbing normally exposing leafnode starting disabled complete private example produce keypair openbsd missing warning running replace address labeled default records openssl sockets install android devices verbose td76656 archiv= blob - 65939d11c4ea86c100288e77ba192674dd60111d blob + 083565061674f1fda9975582d887af4a921ec47a --- wiki.d/SiteAdmin.Blocklist-MoinMaster +++ wiki.d/SiteAdmin.Blocklist-MoinMaster @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ version=pmwiki-2.3.20 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 -agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 +agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20230121 charset=UTF-8 ctime=1596101899 -host= +host= name=SiteAdmin.Blocklist-MoinMaster passwdread=@lock -rev=902 +rev=903 text=%0a [@%0a## blocklist-note: NOTE: This page is automatically generated by blocklist.php%0a## blocklist-note: NOTE: Any edits to this page may be lost!%0a## blocklist-url: blocklist-when: 2020-07-30T09:38:19%0a# blocklist-format: regex%0a#### Unable to download blocklist (allow_url_fopen=)%0a @]%0a -time=1724247727 +time=1724394536 blob - 70021beb85fa563b41ea4b0ffcc30e66c505d22b blob + 6cf855dfd4c4438af964a81f6d8ecf0f1d7cd2bb --- wiki.d/Unbound.Configure +++ wiki.d/Unbound.Configure @@ -1,15 +1,23 @@ version=pmwiki-2.3.20 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 -agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0 -author=sylv1a +agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0 +author=barth charset=UTF-8 -csum=Edit after revert to include more accurate information, discussed with jrmu +csum=Add adblock section ctime=1616122566 -host=2602:2da:0:30::1 +host= name=Unbound.Configure -rev=16 +rev=18 targets= -text=Unbound is a caching DNS resolver that comes as a part of OpenBSD base. You can use this to provide faster as well as more secure DNS lookup for the users on your network.%0a%0aPlease read through the [[|unbound(8)]], [[|unbound.conf(5)]], [[|unbound-checkconf(8)]] and [[|nsd(8)]] man pages.%0a%0aHere's a sample /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf:%0a%0a[@%0aserver:%0a interface: # listen on localhost%0a interface: ::1%0a #interface: # provide DNS for users on the IPSec internal network%0a #do-ip6: no%0a%0a access-control: refuse # block all users by default%0a access-control: allow # allow users on the internal network to use unbound%0a access-control: allow # allow localhost to use unbound%0a access-control: ::0/0 refuse # block all IPv6 users by default%0a access-control: ::1 allow # allow IPv6 localhost to use unbound%0a%0a hide-identity: yes%0a hide-version: yes%0a%0aremote-control:%0a control-enable: yes%0a control-interface: /var/run/unbound.sock%0a%0aforward-zone:%0a name: "."%0a forward-addr: forward-addr: forward-addr: forward-addr: forward-addr:]%0a%0aThe forward-addr lines indicate which nameserver unbound will query. You can find a list of public servers on [[|OpenNIC]].%0a%0a'''Tip''': To quickly get the IPs from OpenNIC, navigate to, click on the OK button at the top, then open up your web browser's javascript console window and run this command:%0a%0a[@%0adocument.clear();data=document.querySelectorAll("html body div#frame div#view div#srvlist div p");document.body.innerText="forward-addr:";data.forEach(line=>{%0aif (line.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].title == "No logs kept"){%0adocument.body.innerHTML+=`%3cbr>forward-addr: ${line.childNodes[2].childNodes[0].data}`;%0a}%0a});%0a@]%0a%0aYou can also run these command:%0aAttach:unbound.txt%0a%0a(:if false:)%0aif you are using another server as a master, set forwarding from this server as a priority:%0a[@%0aforward-zone:%0a name: ""%0a forward-addr: forward-first: no%0a forward-no-cache: no%0a@]%0a(:ifend:)%0a%0aIf you need to store local zones, add a block to the "server" section about it:%0a[@%0a local-zone: "localhost." static%0a local-data: "localhost. 10800 IN NS localhost."%0a local-data: "localhost. 10800 IN SOA localhost. nobody.invalid. 1 3600 1200 604800 10800"%0a local-data: "localhost. 10800 IN A"%0a local-data: "localhost. 10800 IN AAAA ::1"%0a@]%0a%0aTo start unbound:%0a[@%0a$ doas rcctl enable unbound%0a$ doas rcctl start unbound%0a@]%0a%0aFor the computer that runs unbound, you'll want to make sure /etc/resolv.conf uses as the nameserver (that is, you query unbound running on port 53). In /etc/resolv.conf:%0a%0a[@%0anameserver file bind%0a@]%0a%0aCheck to make sure /etc/resolv.conf.tail does not contain any other name servers except All your nameservers should instead be specified in /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf.%0a%0aIf the computer running unbound uses DHCP for network configuration, you will want to include this line in /etc/dhclient.conf:%0a%0a[@%0aignore domain-name-servers;%0a@]%0a%0aThis tells OpenBSD's dhclient to ignore the name server provided by the dhcp server.%0a%0aIf the computer running unbound is also providing a dhcp server for your local network, you will want to add this line inside your /etc/dhcpd.conf blocks:%0a%0a[@%0aoption domain-name-servers;%0a@]%0a%0a%0aHere's how to use unbound as a local caching resolver:%0a%0aEdit /etc/resolv.conf so it queries localhost on port 53:%0a%0a[@%0a# Generated by age0 dhclient%0anameserver file bind%0a@]%0a%0aInside /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf, you will see this at the top:%0a%0a[@%0aserver:%0a interface: interface: ::1%0a%0a # override the default "any" address to send queries; if multiple%0a # addresses are available, they are used randomly to counter spoofing%0a #outgoing-interface: #outgoing-interface: 2001:db8::53%0a%0a access-control: refuse%0a access-control: allow%0a access-control: ::0/0 refuse%0a access-control: ::1 allow%0a@]%0a%0aMake sure you are listening on (for localhost) so that your VPS can query localhost on port 53, and also ::1 on port 53 (for IPv6).%0a%0aFor access control, you want to refuse (all IPv4s) but allow (everything that originates locally). Again, refuse ::0/0 (all IPv6s) but allow ::1 (localhost).%0a%0aPut this at the bottom of the file:%0a%0a[@%0aforward-zone:%0a name: "." # use for ALL queries%0aforward-addr:]%0a%0aThese are IP addresses for DNS servers which I got from [[]]. However, the servers change regularly so make sure you update the list.%0a%0aTo start unbound:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas rcctl enable unbound%0a$ doas rcctl start unbound%0a@]%0a%0aTo test if unbound is working:%0a%0a[@%0a$ dig @]%0a%0aYou should see something like this:%0a%0a[@%0a;; ANSWER 29 IN A]%0a%0a!! DNSSEC%0a%0aIn @@/var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf@@, there are these two lines:%0a%0a[@%0a# auto-trust-anchor-file: "/var/unbound/db/root.key"%0a# aggressive-nsec: no%0a@]%0a%0aBoth should be commented to turn off DNSSEC when using forwarders that aren't known to support DNSSEC (the OpenNIC public servers suggested earlier are one example). Otherwise Unbound may refuse to serve answers to DNS queries because it fails to build a chain of trust.%0a%0a[@%0aMar 31 03:27:44 hostname unbound: [26496:0] info: validation failure A IN>: signature missing from for trust anchor . while building chain of trust%0a@]%0a%0a!! Stale hostname%0a%0aIf you ever change your host's IP address, /etc/hosts may be intercepting the name lookup and giving you the old IP address.%0a%0aMake sure there is no entry in the /etc/hosts files that is causing your machine to use the old IP.%0a%0a!! Troubleshooting%0a[@%0aMar 8 01:34:41 hostname unbound: [45846:0] info: validation failure A IN>: key for validation . is marked as invalid because of a previous validation failure A IN>: no DNSKEY rrset for trust anchor . while building chain of trust%0a@]%0a%0aFlush all negative cache.%0a%0a[@%0a# unbound-control flush_negative%0a@]%0a -time=1696720794 +text=Unbound is a caching DNS resolver that comes as a part of OpenBSD base. You can use this to provide faster as well as more secure DNS lookup for the users on your network.%0a%0aPlease read through the [[|unbound(8)]], [[|unbound.conf(5)]], [[|unbound-checkconf(8)]] and [[|nsd(8)]] man pages.%0a%0aHere's a sample /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf:%0a%0a[@%0aserver:%0a interface: # listen on localhost%0a interface: ::1%0a #interface: # provide DNS for users on the IPSec internal network%0a #do-ip6: no%0a%0a access-control: refuse # block all users by default%0a access-control: allow # allow users on the internal network to use unbound%0a access-control: allow # allow localhost to use unbound%0a access-control: ::0/0 refuse # block all IPv6 users by default%0a access-control: ::1 allow # allow IPv6 localhost to use unbound%0a%0a hide-identity: yes%0a hide-version: yes%0a%0aremote-control:%0a control-enable: yes%0a control-interface: /var/run/unbound.sock%0a%0aforward-zone:%0a name: "."%0a forward-addr: forward-addr: forward-addr: forward-addr: forward-addr:]%0a%0aThe forward-addr lines indicate which nameserver unbound will query. You can find a list of public servers on [[|OpenNIC]].%0a%0a'''Tip''': To quickly get the IPs from OpenNIC, navigate to, click on the OK button at the top, then open up your web browser's javascript console window and run this command:%0a%0a[@%0adocument.clear();data=document.querySelectorAll("html body div#frame div#view div#srvlist div p");document.body.innerText="forward-addr:";data.forEach(line=>{%0aif (line.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].title == "No logs kept"){%0adocument.body.innerHTML+=`%3cbr>forward-addr: ${line.childNodes[2].childNodes[0].data}`;%0a}%0a});%0a@]%0a%0aYou can also run these command:%0aAttach:unbound.txt%0a%0a(:if false:)%0aif you are using another server as a master, set forwarding from this server as a priority:%0a[@%0aforward-zone:%0a name: ""%0a forward-addr: forward-first: no%0a forward-no-cache: no%0a@]%0a(:ifend:)%0a%0aIf you need to store local zones, add a block to the "server" section about it:%0a[@%0a local-zone: "localhost." static%0a local-data: "localhost. 10800 IN NS localhost."%0a local-data: "localhost. 10800 IN SOA localhost. nobody.invalid. 1 3600 1200 604800 10800"%0a local-data: "localhost. 10800 IN A"%0a local-data: "localhost. 10800 IN AAAA ::1"%0a@]%0a%0aTo start unbound:%0a[@%0a$ doas rcctl enable unbound%0a$ doas rcctl start unbound%0a@]%0a%0aFor the computer that runs unbound, you'll want to make sure /etc/resolv.conf uses as the nameserver (that is, you query unbound running on port 53). In /etc/resolv.conf:%0a%0a[@%0anameserver file bind%0a@]%0a%0aCheck to make sure /etc/resolv.conf.tail does not contain any other name servers except All your nameservers should instead be specified in /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf.%0a%0aIf the computer running unbound uses DHCP for network configuration, you will want to include this line in /etc/dhclient.conf:%0a%0a[@%0aignore domain-name-servers;%0a@]%0a%0aThis tells OpenBSD's dhclient to ignore the name server provided by the dhcp server.%0a%0aIf the computer running unbound is also providing a dhcp server for your local network, you will want to add this line inside your /etc/dhcpd.conf blocks:%0a%0a[@%0aoption domain-name-servers;%0a@]%0a%0a%0aHere's how to use unbound as a local caching resolver:%0a%0aEdit /etc/resolv.conf so it queries localhost on port 53:%0a%0a[@%0a# Generated by age0 dhclient%0anameserver file bind%0a@]%0a%0aInside /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf, you will see this at the top:%0a%0a[@%0aserver:%0a interface: interface: ::1%0a%0a # override the default "any" address to send queries; if multiple%0a # addresses are available, they are used randomly to counter spoofing%0a #outgoing-interface: #outgoing-interface: 2001:db8::53%0a%0a access-control: refuse%0a access-control: allow%0a access-control: ::0/0 refuse%0a access-control: ::1 allow%0a@]%0a%0aMake sure you are listening on (for localhost) so that your VPS can query localhost on port 53, and also ::1 on port 53 (for IPv6).%0a%0aFor access control, you want to refuse (all IPv4s) but allow (everything that originates locally). Again, refuse ::0/0 (all IPv6s) but allow ::1 (localhost).%0a%0aPut this at the bottom of the file:%0a%0a[@%0aforward-zone:%0a name: "." # use for ALL queries%0aforward-addr:]%0a%0aThese are IP addresses for DNS servers which I got from [[]]. However, the servers change regularly so make sure you update the list.%0a%0aTo start unbound:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas rcctl enable unbound%0a$ doas rcctl start unbound%0a@]%0a%0aTo test if unbound is working:%0a%0a[@%0a$ dig @]%0a%0aYou should see something like this:%0a%0a[@%0a;; ANSWER 29 IN A]%0a%0a!! DNSSEC%0a%0aIn @@/var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf@@, there are these two lines:%0a%0a[@%0a# auto-trust-anchor-file: "/var/unbound/db/root.key"%0a# aggressive-nsec: no%0a@]%0a%0aBoth should be commented to turn off DNSSEC when using forwarders that aren't known to support DNSSEC (the OpenNIC public servers suggested earlier are one example). Otherwise Unbound may refuse to serve answers to DNS queries because it fails to build a chain of trust.%0a%0a[@%0aMar 31 03:27:44 hostname unbound: [26496:0] info: validation failure A IN>: signature missing from for trust anchor . while building chain of trust%0a@]%0a%0a!! Stale hostname%0a%0aIf you ever change your host's IP address, /etc/hosts may be intercepting the name lookup and giving you the old IP address.%0a%0aMake sure there is no entry in the /etc/hosts files that is causing your machine to use the old IP.%0a%0a!! Troubleshooting%0a[@%0aMar 8 01:34:41 hostname unbound: [45846:0] info: validation failure A IN>: key for validation . is marked as invalid because of a previous validation failure A IN>: no DNSKEY rrset for trust anchor . while building chain of trust%0a@]%0a%0aFlush all negative cache.%0a%0a[@%0a# unbound-control flush_negative%0a@]%0a%0a!! Unbound as an adblocker%0aUnbound, by using blacklists, can play the role of an adblocker. Such curated list can be found on [[]]. In order to use it, you have to:%0a%0a# download one of the lists, for example [[]]%0a# give it a suitable name like unbound-bl.conf%0a# place it in /var/unbound/etc%0a# add this line in unbound.conf:%0a%0a[@%0ainclude: "/var/unbound/etc/unbound"%0a@]%0a%0aAs always, check that the config file is valid with%0a%0a[@%0a$ unbound-checkconf%0a@]%0a%0aIf this produces no error, you can restart the service with rcctl. To check that the blacklist prevents the name resolver from getting an IP, the "dig" command of a blacklisted domain should return %0a%0aFor example:%0a%0a[@%0a$ dig;; ANSWER 3600 IN A] +time=1724438935 +author:1724438935=barth +csum:1724438935=Add adblock section +diff:1724438935:1724438615:=208,214c208%0a%3c Unbound, by using blacklists, can play the role of an adblocker. Such curated list can be found on [[]]. In order to use it, you have to:%0a%3c %0a%3c # download one of the lists, for example [[]]%0a%3c # give it a suitable name like unbound-bl.conf%0a%3c # place it in /var/unbound/etc%0a%3c # add this line in unbound.conf:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Unbound, by using blacklists, can play the role of an adblocker. Such curated list can be found on [[]]. In order to use it, you have to download the file, give it a suitable name like unbound-bl.conf, place it in /var/unbound/etc, and add this line in unbound.conf:%0a218d211%0a%3c %0a220d212%0a%3c %0a224,228c216%0a%3c %0a%3c If this produces no error, you can restart the service with rcctl. To check that the blacklist prevents the name resolver from getting an IP, the "dig" command of a blacklisted domain should return %0a%3c %0a%3c For example:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> If this produces no error, you can restart the service with rcctl. To check that, the blacklist prevents the name resolver from getting an IP, the "dig" command should return For example:%0a +host:1724438935= +author:1724438615=barth +csum:1724438615=add blacklist section +diff:1724438615:1696720794:=206,223d205%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Unbound as an adblocker%0a%3c Unbound, by using blacklists, can play the role of an adblocker. Such curated list can be found on [[]]. In order to use it, you have to download the file, give it a suitable name like unbound-bl.conf, place it in /var/unbound/etc, and add this line in unbound.conf:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c include: "/var/unbound/etc/unbound"%0a%3c @]%0a%3c As always, check that the config file is valid with%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ unbound-checkconf%0a%3c @]%0a%3c If this produces no error, you can restart the service with rcctl. To check that, the blacklist prevents the name resolver from getting an IP, the "dig" command should return For example:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c $ dig ...%0a%3c ;; ANSWER SECTION:%0a%3c 3600 IN A ...%0a%3c @]%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a +host:1724438615= author:1696720794=sylv1a csum:1696720794=Edit after revert to include more accurate information, discussed with jrmu diff:1696720794:1696718766:=175,179c175,178%0a%3c !! DNSSEC%0a%3c %0a%3c In @@/var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf@@, there are these two lines:%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a---%0a> !! DNSSec%0a> %0a> In /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf, there are these two lines:%0a> %0a182,188c181,184%0a%3c @]%0a%3c %0a%3c Both should be commented to turn off DNSSEC when using forwarders that aren't known to support DNSSEC (the OpenNIC public servers suggested earlier are one example). Otherwise Unbound may refuse to serve answers to DNS queries because it fails to build a chain of trust.%0a%3c %0a%3c [@%0a%3c Mar 31 03:27:44 hostname unbound: [26496:0] info: validation failure A IN>: signature missing from for trust anchor . while building chain of trust%0a%3c @]%0a---%0a> %0a> Both should be commented to turn off DNSSEC. %0a> %0a> I have not yet found out how to turn on DNSSEC safely. The problem is that if you turn on DNSSEC it will refuse to serve DNS records that don't have DNSSEC enabled.%0a blob - 16de7f7b3f19ba566b88c2989f45a5e310ec3600 blob + a499e124524677b5b07764405216f198726051c0 --- wiki.d/Unbound.RecentChanges +++ wiki.d/Unbound.RecentChanges @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ version=pmwiki-2.3.20 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 -agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0 +agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0 charset=UTF-8 ctime=1616122566 -host= +host= name=Unbound.RecentChanges -rev=24 -text=* [[Unbound/LAN]] . . . @2024-05-30T13:02:25Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound/DNSSEC]] . . . @2023-10-08T02:32:13Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=nitpick: Restart/Reload rather than Restart/reload=]%0a* [[Unbound/Configure]] . . . @2023-10-07T23:19:54Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Edit after revert to include more accurate information, discussed with jrmu=]%0a* [[Unbound/Blacklists]] . . . June 25, 2022, at 06:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a -time=1717074145 +rev=25 +text=* [[Unbound/Configure]] . . . @2024-08-23T18:48:55Z by [[~barth]]: [=Add adblock section=]%0a* [[Unbound/LAN]] . . . @2024-05-30T13:02:25Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound/DNSSEC]] . . . @2023-10-08T02:32:13Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=nitpick: Restart/Reload rather than Restart/reload=]%0a* [[Unbound/Blacklists]] . . . June 25, 2022, at 06:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a +time=1724438935 blob - ade44e59a2c2c7209a3bab84e7d120135ae56762 blob + 9a3cb8f01b6e338ad367f21045ea66ac85b43342 --- wiki.d/Znc.Chroot +++ wiki.d/Znc.Chroot @@ -4,13 +4,16 @@ author=jrmu charset=UTF-8 csum= ctime=1614444529 -host= +host= name=Znc.Chroot -rev=80 +rev=81 targets=Chroot.Intro,Openbsd.Ddos,Znc.Install,Openbsd.Buyvm,Openbsd.Syspatch,Znc.Patch,Ftp.Usage,Tar.Usage,Openbsd.Adduser,Openbsd.Loginconf,Openbsd.Vipw,Grep.Usage,Tls.Overview,Openhttpd.Configure,Acme-client.Configure,Dns.Vhost,Dns.Overview,DNS.RDNS,Dns.Records,Host.Usage,Relayd.Acceleration,IP.Myaddress,Localhost.Intro,Openbsd.Relayd,Oidentd.ZNC,Pf.Intro,Bouncer.Bouncer,Znc.Webpanel,Openbsd.Cron,Netcat.Irc,Znc.Relayd,Znc.Usage,Openbsd.Nsd,Nsd.Zone -text=(:title Chroot ZNC:)%0a%0aIn this guide, we will install ZNC inside a [[chroot/intro|chroot]].%0a%0a[[|ZNC]] is an IRC bouncer. It runs on a server and stays%0aconnected after you turn off your computer or phone. It saves chat messages%0aand replays them when you reconnect, and also helps to hide your IP address.%0aIf you have a [[openbsd/ddos|DDoS protected IP address]], it can protect you%0aagainst attacks. Finally, it allows you to customize your hostmask.%0a%0a!! Before You Begin%0a%0aYou will want to set up [[Znc/Install|ZNC]] once without a chroot, as a%0anormal user without root powers. This will give you a better understanding of%0ahow ZNC works before you attempt a more complex, chrooted install.%0a%0aNext, read the [[chroot/intro|introduction to chroots]] to get familiar with%0athe concept of chroots. In this guide, we use a chroot for extra security.%0a%0a!! Public ZNCs%0a%0aIf you are offering a public ZNC service for many users, you will want to get%0aa [[openbsd/ddos|ddos-filtered IPv4 address]] and an IPv6 subnet from your%0ainternet provider ([[openbsd/buyvm|BuyVM guide]]).%0a%0a!! Installing Dependencies%0a%0aThe installation below was tested on [[openbsd/syspatch|OpenBSD 7.5 stable]].%0aZNC will run inside a chroot at /home/znc.%0a%0aBefore beginning the installation, check to make sure you are using OpenBSD 7.5 and that your system is patched:%0a%0a[@%0a$ uname -a%0aOpenBSD 7.5 GENERIC#79 amd64%0a$ doas syspatch%0a@]%0a%0aNext, we install needed dependencies:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas pkg_add icu4c boost cmake gettext-runtime gettext-tools%0a@]%0a%0a!! Installing from Packages%0a%0a'''WARNING''': OpenBSD 7.5 (and later) may contain a bug that causes ZNC to crash with a segmentation fault. To avoid this, we recommend applying a [[znc/patch|custom patch to ZNC]].%0a%0aIf you are running on a single core server, you can install znc from packages:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas pkg_add znc%0a@]%0a%0a!! Compiling from Source%0a%0a!!! Patched Source%0a%0aDue to a bug in OpenBSD 7.5, we have applied a [[znc/patch|custom patch to ZNC]]:%0a%0a[@%0a$ cd ~%0a$ ftp]%0a%0aOn OpenBSD, [[ftp/usage|ftp]] can also be used to download files from the web.%0a%0aNext, [[tar/usage|extract and unzip]] the files:%0a%0a[@%0a$ tar xvzf znc-1.9.0a.tar.gz%0a@]%0a%0aFor [[tar/usage|tar]], the options xvzf stand for e(x)tract, (v)erbose, un(z)ip, and (f)ile.%0a%0aNext, we build ZNC:%0a%0a[@%0a$ cd znc-1.9.0%0a$ cmake -B build%0a$ cd build%0a$ make%0a$ doas make install%0a@]%0a%0a!! Configuring the Chroot%0a%0aWe want to [[openbsd/adduser|create a new unprivileged user account]] for security:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas useradd -m -d /home/znc -s /sbin/nologin znc%0a@]%0a%0a@@-m@@ tells [[|useradd]] to create a home folder; @@-d@@ says the home folder is @@/home/znc@@; @@-s@@ specifies the default shell as @@/sbin/nologin@@, meaning no user can login. The username created is znc.%0a%0a!!! Login Class%0a%0aAdd the following lines to the end of [[|/etc/login.conf]]:%0a%0a[@%0aznc:\%0a :openfiles-cur=4096:\%0a :openfiles-max=8182:\%0a :openfiles=4096:\%0a :stacksize-cur=48M:\%0a :stacksize-max=48M:\%0a :maxproc-max=infinity:\%0a :maxproc-cur=4096:\%0a :tc=daemon:%0a@]%0a%0a'''WARNING''': Use tabs and '''not''' spaces. Spaces will fail and as a result, znc will not get the file resources it needs.%0a%0aThe [[openbsd/loginconf|login.conf]] guide explains the attributes in more detail.%0a%0aEach time znc creates a new connection for a user, it requires at least one%0afile descriptor. So, if your file descriptor limit is set too low, znc will%0abe unable to make new connections to networks. openfiles sets the maximum%0anumber of open file descriptors per process. -cur specifies the current limit%0aand -max specifies the maximum limit.%0a%0aThe current and maximum stack size controls how much stack memory a user can use. We set it at 48M to give ZNC plenty of room.%0a%0a@@maxproc@@ limits how many processes a user in this class can create. We set%0athe maximum to infinity and the current amount to 4096. @@tc=daemon@@ means%0athat the default values will come from the @@daemon@@ login class.%0a%0aNow we change znc's default login class to znc:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas usermod -L znc znc%0a@]%0a%0aThis can also be edited with a text editor using [[openbsd/vipw]].%0a%0aTo confirm that the login class has been changed, check [[|/etc/master.passwd]].%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas grep '^znc' /etc/master.passwd%0aznc:*:1001:1001:znc:0:0:znc:/home/znc:/sbin/nologin%0a@]%0a%0a[[grep/usage|grep]] searches for the line that begins with @@znc@@ in [[|/etc/passwd]].%0a%0aThe 5th field needs to say znc:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas grep '^znc' /etc/master.passwd | cut -d : -f 5%0aznc%0a@]%0a%0a'''NOTE''': If /etc/login.conf.db exists, make sure to delete it (or recreate the database), otherwise login.conf changes won't apply.%0a%0aTo delete:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas rm /etc/login.conf.db%0a@]%0a%0aNext, we temporarily change znc's shell to ksh:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas chsh -s /bin/ksh znc%0a@]%0a%0aNext, we login with the username znc, with the login class znc:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas su -c znc znc%0a$ ulimit -a%0atime(cpu-seconds) unlimited%0afile(blocks) unlimited%0acoredump(blocks) unlimited%0adata(kbytes) 33554432%0astack(kbytes) 32768%0alockedmem(kbytes) 329478%0amemory(kbytes) 985092%0anofiles(descriptors) 4096%0aprocesses 1310%0a@]%0a%0a@@ulimit -a@@ displays all process limits for our current user.%0a%0a'''WARNING''': If nofiles(descriptors) is not 4096, you may have an error in your configuration!%0a%0aPress ctrl+d to signal the end of file to logout and change znc's login shell back to /sbin/nologin. Then, while inside znc-1.9.0, run the script as root:%0a%0a[@%0a$ ^D%0a$ doas chsh -s /sbin/nologin znc%0a$ cd ~/znc-1.9.0%0a$ doas sh]%0a%0a!! Configuring ZNC%0a%0a!!! Makeconf%0a%0aAt first, you will need to create a conf file:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas su%0a# export HOME=/home/znc/%0a# chroot -u znc -g znc /home/znc znc --makeconf%0a[ .. ] Checking for list of available modules...%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ** ] -- Global settings --%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ?? ] Listen on port (1025 to 65534): 31337%0a[ ?? ] Listen using SSL (yes/no) [no]: yes%0a[ ?? ] Listen using both IPv4 and IPv6 (yes/no) [yes]: no%0a[ .. ] Verifying the listener...%0a[ ** ] Unable to locate pem file: [/home/znc/.znc/znc.pem], creating it%0a[ .. ] Writing Pem file [/home/znc/.znc/znc.pem]...%0a[ ** ] Enabled global modules [webadmin]%0a[ ** ]%0a@]%0a%0aWe're going to configure ZNC to listen on ports 1337 and 31337. Port 1337 will be plaintext, port 31337 will be SSL. This convention is followed by IRCNow's public servers.%0a%0a'''WARNING''': Do '''not''' listen to both IPv4 and IPv6. On OpenBSD, selecting 'yes' will cause IPv4 to stop working. Instead, as shown later in the guide, you can create separate listeners to allow listening to both IPv4 and IPv6. ([[|OpenBSD's IPv6 sockets are v6-only]])%0a%0aYou will want to enable connecting both with and without [[tls/overview|SSL]]. Although SSL helps to encrypt messages, some older IRC programs don't support it, so it is important to offer ZNC in plaintext.%0a%0aZNC will automatically create its own SSL certificate. This certificate, however, will be self-signed and hence will show up as invalid or untrusted by your IRC client. To get a properly signed SSL certificate, you will need to configure [[openhttpd/configure|openhttpd]] and request the certificate with [[acme-client/configure|acme-client]].%0a%0a[@%0a[ ** ] -- Admin user settings --%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ?? ] Username (alphanumeric): username%0a[ ?? ] Enter password:%0a[ ?? ] Confirm password:%0a[ ?? ] Nick [username]:%0a[ ?? ] Alternate nick [username_]:%0a[ ?? ] Ident [username]:%0a[ ?? ] Real name (optional):%0a@]%0a%0a!!! Bindhosts%0a%0aNext, you'll be asked to specify an optional bindhost. For now, we will leave this blank.%0a%0a[@%0a[ ?? ] Bind host (optional):%0a@]%0a%0a'''WARNING''': You cannot pick any arbitrary [[dns/vhost|bindhost]] that you want. If the bindhost does not work, your vhost will not show up properly, and you may not be able to connect at all!%0a%0aThe bindhost is used to pick which IP address to use for a server with multiple IP addresses. It can allow you to pick a nice-looking vhost, like, once [[dns/overview|DNS]] has been properly set up.%0a%0aA [[dns/vhost|vhost]] must have proper [[dns/overview|forward]] and [[DNS/rDNS|reverse DNS]] [[dns/records|records]] to work. If these have not been configured properly, first leave the bindhost blank.%0a%0aTo test if your bindhost works properly, check the [[host/usage|host]] guide. You will want to run host on your hostname and IP address to make sure they both match.%0a%0a[@%0a[ ** ] Enabled user modules [chansaver, controlpanel]%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ?? ] Set up a network? (yes/no) [yes]:%0a[ ** ]%0a@]%0a%0aWe will turn on the chansaver and controlpanel modules and set up a network.%0a%0a[@%0a[ ** ] -- Network settings --%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ?? ] Name [freenode]: example%0a[ ?? ] Server host (host only):[ ?? ] Server uses SSL? (yes/no) [no]: yes%0a[ ?? ] Server port (1 to 65535) [6697]:%0a[ ?? ] Server password (probably empty):%0a[ ?? ] Initial channels: #channel%0a[ ** ] Enabled network modules [simple_away]%0a@]%0a%0aConfigure a network. The network name is usually just a single word; it is not the same as the server host. IRC normally uses port 6667 if there is no SSL, and 6697 if there is SSL.%0a%0a[@%0a[ ** ]%0a[ .. ] Writing config [/home/znc//.znc/configs/znc.conf]...%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ** ] To connect to this ZNC you need to connect to it as your IRC server%0a[ ** ] using the port that you supplied. You have to supply your login info%0a[ ** ] as the IRC server password like this: user/network:pass.%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ** ] Try something like this in your IRC client...%0a[ ** ] /server %3cznc_server_ip> +31337 username:%3cpass>%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ** ] To manage settings, users and networks, point your web browser to%0a[ ** ] https://%3cznc_server_ip>:31337/%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ?? ] Launch ZNC now? (yes/no) [yes]: no%0a@]%0a%0aFor now, avoid setting up the web server on port 31337. We will instead use [[relayd/acceleration|relayd]] so that the web server can viewed on the default port for https: port 443.%0a%0a!! Configuring SSL%0a%0aIn order to provide SSL for the bouncer, you must first configure [[openhttpd/configure|OpenHTTPd]] and request a certificate with [[acme-client/configure|acme-client]].%0a%0aOnce that is done, you can copy the certificate:%0a%0a[@%0a# cp /etc/ssl/ /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/%0a# cp /etc/ssl/private/ /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/%0a# chown znc:znc /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/{crt,key}%0a@]%0a%0aIn the above commands, replace with your real hostname.%0a%0aNext, we create dhparam:%0a%0a[@%0a$ openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 2048%0a$ doas chown znc:znc dhparam.pem%0a$ doas mv dhparam.pem /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/%0a@]%0a%0aNext, edit [[|/home/znc/home/znc/.znc/configs/znc.conf]] to use this configuration:%0a%0a[@%0a// WARNING%0a//%0a// Do NOT edit this file while ZNC is running!%0a// Use webadmin or *controlpanel instead.%0a//%0a// Read up on /znc saveconfig and /znc rehash.%0a// Also check = 10000%0aAuthOnlyViaModule = false%0aConfigWriteDelay = 60%0aConnectDelay = 1%0aHideVersion = false%0aLoadModule = chansaver%0aLoadModule = lastseen%0aLoadModule = adminlog%0aLoadModule = identfile%0aLoadModule = webadmin%0aLoadModule = certauth%0aMaxBufferSize = 10000%0aProtectWebSessions = true%0aSSLCertFile = /home/znc/.znc/ = /home/znc/.znc/dhparam.pem%0aSSLKeyFile = /home/znc/.znc/ = /home/znc/.znc/ = 1%0aVersion = 1.9.0%0a%0a%3cListener listener0>%0a AllowIRC = true%0a AllowWeb = false%0a Host = IPv4 = true%0a IPv6 = false%0a Port = 1337%0a SSL = false%0a URIPrefix = /%0a%3c/Listener>%0a%0a%3cListener listener1>%0a AllowIRC = true%0a AllowWeb = false%0a Host = IPv4 = true%0a IPv6 = false%0a Port = 31337%0a SSL = true%0a URIPrefix = /%0a%3c/Listener>%0a%0a%3cListener listener2>%0a AllowIRC = true%0a AllowWeb = false%0a Host = 2001:db8::%0a IPv4 = false%0a IPv6 = true%0a Port = 1337%0a SSL = false%0a URIPrefix = /%0a%3c/Listener>%0a%0a%3cListener listener3>%0a AllowIRC = true%0a AllowWeb = false%0a Host = 2001:db8::%0a IPv4 = false%0a IPv6 = true%0a Port = 31337%0a SSL = true%0a URIPrefix = /%0a%3c/Listener>%0a%0a%3cListener listener4>%0a AllowIRC = true%0a AllowWeb = false%0a Host = IPv4 = true%0a IPv6 = false%0a Port = 1337%0a SSL = false%0a URIPrefix = /%0a%3c/Listener>%0a%0a%3cListener listener5>%0a AllowIRC = false%0a AllowWeb = true%0a Host = IPv4 = true%0a IPv6 = false%0a Port = 1338%0a SSL = false%0a URIPrefix = /%0a%3c/Listener>%0a%0a%3cUser username>%0a Pass = sha256#014eab533f25fe65621963f712ecaf3b86fe840859ab6f4c675200c73d02e6d1#ytZ8/L,:MtZ5cMCe5IJX#%0a Admin = true%0a Nick = username%0a AltNick = username_%0a Ident = username%0a LoadModule = chansaver%0a LoadModule = controlpanel%0a%0a %3cNetwork example>%0a LoadModule = simple_away%0a Server = +6697 %0a %3cChan #channel>%0a %3c/Chan>%0a %3c/Network>%0a%3c/User>%0a@]%0a%0aMake sure you read the [[|ZNC wiki]] to understand the meaning of each option.%0a%0aYou must replace with your actual hostname.%0a%0aIn the listeners, you must replace @@ and @@2001:db8::@@ with your server's [[IP/myaddress|public IPv4 and IPv6 address]].%0a%0a'''NOTE''': Do '''not''' replace @@ This is [[localhost/intro|localhost]] and must not be changed.%0a%0aWe recommended you use ports 1337 for plaintext, 31337 for SSL, and 1338 for web. This convention is followed on the public servers on IRCNow. Note that znc binds to port 1338 without SSL for the web server. We later use [[openbsd/relayd|relayd]] to provide TLS acceleration on port 443.%0a%0a'''WARNING''': Within the same listener, do '''not''' listen to both IPv4 and IPv6. You need separate listeners for each.%0a%0aFor the username block, use the defaults that ZNC's makeconf generated. Don't edit or delete the values that ZNC generated automatically.%0a%0aPlease read the [[|ZNC wiki]] to understand the meaning of each option.%0a%0a!! Ident%0a%0aNotice the above config loads the identfile module by default. This is necessary to provide proper ident using [[oidentd/ZNC|oidentd]]. You will need to configure [[oidentd/ZNC|oidentd]] for the module to work.%0a%0a!! Packet Filter%0a%0aIf [[pf/intro|packet filter]] is set to deny all incoming connects, you can add this rule to /etc/pf.conf:%0a%0a[@%0apass in log quick proto tcp to port {http https} keep state (max-src-conn 300, max-src-conn-rate 300/60) #relayd web%0apass in log quick proto tcp to port {1337 31337} keep state (max 3000, max-src-conn 300) #bnc%0a@]%0a%0aTo load the new ruleset:%0a%0a[@%0a# pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf%0a@]%0a%0a!! Starting ZNC%0a%0aTo run znc:%0a%0a[@%0a# export HOME=/home/znc%0a# /usr/sbin/chroot -u znc -g znc /home/znc znc >>/var/log/znc.log 2>&1 &%0a@]%0a%0a!! Recreate znc.conf%0a%0aIf at any time you mess up the configuration, move your current znc.conf to%0aa new location (to back it up), then rerun the makeconf command again:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas mv /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/configs/{znc.conf,znc.conf.bak}%0a$ doas chroot -u znc -g znc /home/znc znc --makeconf%0a@]%0a%0a!! Changing Password%0aIf you forget the password you set during the --makeconf, you can generate a new one like this:%0a%0a[@%0a# /usr/sbin/chroot -u znc -g znc /home/znc znc --makepass %0a[ ** ] Type your new password.%0a[ ?? ] Enter password: %0a[ ?? ] Confirm password: %0a[ ** ] Kill ZNC process, if it's running.%0a[ ** ] Then replace password in the %3cUser> section of your config with this:%0a%3cPass password>%0a Method = sha256%0a Hash = 49396054dc8263b573d11c9c01e43f89ee772f6dc89b3c630e6dffa9acea4a3e%0a Salt = ovexwSL50cC?jE2eCM?x%0a %3c/Pass>%0a[ ** ] After that start ZNC again, and you should be able to login with the new password.%0a@]%0a%0aThe example output above shows the hash generated for a password of "password". This gives you the password block you need to add to your [[|/home/znc/home/znc/.znc/configs/znc.conf]] file. %0a'''NOTE:''' You'll need to replace the original generated Pass = line. The new user section of your config will look something like this:%0a%0a[@%0a%3cUser username>%0a %3cPass password>%0a Method = sha256%0a Hash = 49396054dc8263b573d11c9c01e43f89ee772f6dc89b3c630e6dffa9acea4a3e%0a Salt = ovexwSL50cC?jE2eCM?x%0a %3c/Pass>%0a Admin = true%0a Nick = username%0a AltNick = username_%0a Ident = username%0a LoadModule = chansaver%0a LoadModule = controlpanel%0a%0a %3cNetwork example>%0a LoadModule = simple_away%0a Server = +6697 %0a %3cChan #channel>%0a %3c/Chan>%0a %3c/Network>%0a%3c/User>%0a@]%0a%0a!! Editing Config%0a%0aThe best way to edit the conf file is by [[bouncer/bouncer|logging in to znc]] with your IRC client, then using the *status or *controlpanel module. You can also use the [[znc/webpanel|webpanel]] once it has been set up.%0a%0aSometimes, however, it may be necessary to edit your configuration file directly and then reload it (rehash).%0a%0a!!! Shutting down and restarting%0a%0aIf the only person using ZNC is yourself, you can easily shut down ZNC, edi the conf, then restart ZNC.%0a%0a[@%0a# pkill -U znc%0a@]%0a%0aThis will kill all processes run by the user znc, which should kill the bouncer. Then edit the znc.conf file, and restart ZNC as described above.%0a%0a!!! Live rehash%0a%0aIf you have other users connected to a public ZNC, or you cannot afford to take ZNC offline, you may need to rehash ZNC. First, [[bouncer/bouncer|log in to znc]] with your IRC client, then save the config:%0a%0a[@%0a/msg *status saveconfig%0a@]%0a%0aNext, edit [[|/home/znc/home/znc/.znc/configs/znc.conf]]. Finally, send a rehash message over IRC to ZNC:%0a%0a[@%0a/msg *status rehash%0a@]%0a%0aWe add a [[openbsd/cron|cron job]] to have ZNC restart every 5 minutes. ZNC will only start if no other ZNC instance is running, so this is safe:%0a%0a[@%0a# echo "HOME=/home/znc" >> /var/cron/tabs/root%0a# echo "*/5 * * * * /usr/sbin/chroot -u znc -g znc /home/znc znc >>/var/log/znc.log 2>&1 &" >> /var/cron/tabs/root%0a@]%0a%0a!! Testing ZNC%0a%0aTo test the connection in plaintext ('''warning''': insecure), consult the [[netcat/irc|netcat irc guide]].%0a%0aTo test the connection using SSL, run:%0a%0a[@%0a$ openssl s_client -connect]%0a%0aReplace with your actual hostname. Check to make sure you have the proper SSL cert configured. Once an SSL session has been established, consult the [[netcat/irc|netcat irc guide]].%0a%0a!! Web Panel%0a%0aUse [[znc/relayd|relayd]] to allow visitors to use port 443 to access the ZNC web panel.%0a%0a!! Control Panel%0a%0aSee [[znc/usage]] for help on how to use the controlpanel.%0a%0a(:if false:)%0a!! rc.d script%0a%0aCreate /etc/rc.d/znc:%0a%0a[@%0a#!/bin/ksh%0a#%0a# $OpenBSD: znc,v 1.2 2020/01/21 19:27:07 rpe Exp $%0a%0adaemon_pidfile="/home/znc/home/znc/.znc/"%0adaemon="env HOME=/home/znc /usr/sbin/chroot -u znc -g znc /home/znc znc"%0a%0aservice_stop() {%0a if [ -f $daemon_pidfile ]; then%0a pid=$(sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' $daemon_pidfile)%0a kill $pid%0a fi%0a}%0a%0acase "$1" in%0a stop)%0a service_stop%0a ;;%0aesac%0a%0a. /etc/rc.d/rc.subr%0a%0arc_reload=NO%0a%0arc_cmd $1%0a@]%0a%0a[@%0adoas chmod +x /etc/rc.d/znc%0a@]%0a%0a!! Automatic start%0a%0aThis script will automatically restart znc in case it crashes.%0a%0a[@%0adoas mkdir /usr/local/project_name/%0adoas touch /usr/local/project_name/ chmod +x /usr/local/project_name/]%0a%0a[@%0a#!/bin/sh%0a%0aSERVICE_NAME="znc"%0aSERVICE_USER="znc"%0aSERVICE_PID="/home/znc/home/znc/.znc/"%0a%0aif ! pgrep -u $SERVICE_USER -x "$SERVICE_NAME" > /dev/null%0athen%0a if [ -f $SERVICE_PID ]; then%0a rm -f $SERVICE_PID%0a rcctl -d restart $SERVICE_NAME%0a fi%0afi%0a@]%0a%0a# echo "*/2 * * * * /usr/local/project_name/ 2>&1 &" >> /var/cron/tabs/root%0a%0a(:ifend:)%0a%0a!! Custom vhosts%0a%0a'''WARNING''': do '''not''' set individual IPv6 addresses for a user's%0abindhost. Do not set a user's bindhost to be something like 2605:6400:10::.%0aIf you specify an IPv6 address for the bindhost, that user can *only* connect%0ato networks that support IPv6. IPv4-only networks completely fail.%0a%0aIt is better to set the bindhost to be Then, for%0athe [[openbsd/nsd|nameserver]], create an AAAA record and an A record. That%0away, the bindhost will use IPv6 if the network is IPv6-only, and IPv4 if it%0ais an IPv4-only network. This solution is more flexible and allows your user%0ato fall back to IPv4 when IPv6 is not supported.%0a%0aIf a user requests to change their vhost, do not edit the bindhost -- all you need to do is update the rDNS record (see the [[openbsd/buyvm|buyvm web panel]]. Don't delete the bindhost or the DNS A/AAAA records.%0a%0aFor example, suppose the vhost was formerly If the%0auser wants to change it to, you just need to update the rDNS, but leave the znc bindhost as and keep%0athe A/AAAA records for's AAAA record is working, and the rDNS has been configured properly, you can reconnect the user (either the user types @@/znc connect@@ or you type @@/msg *controlpanel reconnect %3cusername> %3cnetwork>@@), and the vhost will update properly.%0a%0aKeeping the old A/AAAA record and bindhost working will make it easier if the%0auser changes vhosts or if their 3rd party dns server for fails%0afor whatever reason. This method will allow the user to still connect.%0aOtherwise, if the 3rd party dns server fails for (which%0afrequently happens with cheap, free dns services), users will be unable to%0aconnect and blame you. %0a!! Troubleshooting%0a%0aIf your user is getting disconnected, these are the most likely causes:%0a%0a# mismatch of ports or SSL (using plaintext on 6697 or SSL on 6667)%0a# SSL is not supported%0a# user has a server password where none belongs (most likely he confused server password with nickserv password)%0a# ident is not working%0a# ircd bans a certain username or ident for no good reason (the ircd mistakenly assumes your connection is a bot and glines it)%0a# typo of server name or IP address%0a# dns lookup error%0a%0aYou may be need to install icu4c-68.2v0.%0a%0a!!! IPv4/IPv6 mismatch%0a%0aIf a znc user has a bindhost that is IPv6 only but the network is IPv4 only, or vice versa, it will not connect.%0a%0aTo prevent this, you '''must''' use a symbolic hostname (such as for the bindhost. Each hostname needs a single [[dns/records|A record]] and a single [[dns/records|AAAA record]] in the [[nsd/zone|DNS zone]]. If any part is misconfigured, users will be unable to connect.%0a%0aTo check if any bindhosts are incorrectly using fixed IPv6 or IPv4 addresses, run:%0a%0a[@%0a# sed -nE '/.*(\%3cBindHost|\%3cDCCBindHost) = (.*:.*|[0-9.]+)/s//\2/p' /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/configs/znc.conf%0a@]%0a%0aIf you see IP addresses like the following, then your bindhosts are incorrectly set to use IPv4 or IPv6 addreses directly instead of symbolic hostnames:%0a%0a[@%0a192.168.1.1%0a2001:db8::%0a@]%0a%0a!!! Bindhost Errors%0a%0aA quick way to check if there are DNS errors is to run%0athe following two commands:%0a%0a[@%0a# sed -nE '/.*(\%3cBindHost|\%3cDCCBindHost) = (.*)/s//\2/p' /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/configs/znc.conf | xargs -n 1 -t host%0a@]%0a%0aEvery hostname should have both an IPv4 and IPv6 address. The IPv4 address should match your [[openbsd/ddos|DDoS-filtered]] public address. Each IPv6 address should be unique.%0a%0aIf you see duplicate entries (the same hostname returns multiple IPv6 addresses), you must delete the duplicate [[dns/vhost|DNS entries]].%0a%0aHere are error messages that indicate there are DNS problems with the bindhost:%0a%0a[@%0ahost;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached%0a@]%0a%0aThere is an error because means that the DNS server could not be reached.%0a%0a[@%0ahost not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)%0a@]%0a%0aThis indicates there are no DNS records for the bindhost.%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas grep -i host /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/configs/znc.conf | grep -v > ~/bindhost%0a$ vi ~/bindhost%0a@]%0a%0aThen with vi:%0a%0a[@%0a:%25s_.* = _host _g%0a@]%0a%0aThen:%0a%0a[@%0a$ sh ~/bindhost%0a@]%0a%0aIf you see any records there with only a single IPv4 address but no IPv6, or a single IPv6 but no IPv4, or any NXDOMAIN responses, you need to fix your DNS records. There should be exactly one shared IPv4 and one unique IPv6 for each hostname, and zero NXDOMAIN responses.%0a%0a!!! Missing libraries%0a%0aIf you are get errors such as:%0a%0a[ znc: can't load library ''%0a@]%0a%0aThen you may be on the wrong OpenBSD version (6.9 or earlier); or you did not apply [[openbsd/syspatch|syspatch]]; or you did not upgrade all dependencies:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas syspatch%0a$ doas pkg_add -Uu%0a@]%0a%0aDelete the build folder and compile again.%0a -time=1716841949 +text=(:title Chroot ZNC:)%0a%0aIn this guide, we will install ZNC inside a [[chroot/intro|chroot]].%0a%0a[[|ZNC]] is an IRC bouncer. It runs on a server and stays%0aconnected after you turn off your computer or phone. It saves chat messages%0aand replays them when you reconnect, and also helps to hide your IP address.%0aIf you have a [[openbsd/ddos|DDoS protected IP address]], it can protect you%0aagainst attacks. Finally, it allows you to customize your hostmask.%0a%0a!! Before You Begin%0a%0aYou will want to set up [[Znc/Install|ZNC]] once without a chroot, as a%0anormal user without root powers. This will give you a better understanding of%0ahow ZNC works before you attempt a more complex, chrooted install.%0a%0aNext, read the [[chroot/intro|introduction to chroots]] to get familiar with%0athe concept of chroots. In this guide, we use a chroot for extra security.%0a%0a!! Public ZNCs%0a%0aIf you are offering a public ZNC service for many users, you will want to get%0aa [[openbsd/ddos|ddos-filtered IPv4 address]] and an IPv6 subnet from your%0ainternet provider ([[openbsd/buyvm|BuyVM guide]]).%0a%0a!! Installing Dependencies%0a%0aThe installation below was tested on [[openbsd/syspatch|OpenBSD 7.5 stable]].%0aZNC will run inside a chroot at /home/znc.%0a%0aBefore beginning the installation, check to make sure you are using OpenBSD 7.5 and that your system is patched:%0a%0a[@%0a$ uname -a%0aOpenBSD 7.5 GENERIC#79 amd64%0a$ doas syspatch%0a@]%0a%0aNext, we install needed dependencies:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas pkg_add icu4c boost cmake gettext-runtime gettext-tools%0a@]%0a%0a!! Installing from Packages%0a%0a'''WARNING''': OpenBSD 7.5 (and later) may contain a bug that causes ZNC to crash with a segmentation fault. To avoid this, we recommend applying a [[znc/patch|custom patch to ZNC]].%0a%0aIf you are running on a single core server, you can install znc from packages:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas pkg_add znc%0a@]%0a%0a!! Compiling from Source%0a%0a!!! Patched Source%0a%0aDue to a bug in OpenBSD 7.5, we have applied a [[znc/patch|custom patch to ZNC]]:%0a%0a[@%0a$ cd ~%0a$ ftp]%0a%0aOn OpenBSD, [[ftp/usage|ftp]] can also be used to download files from the web.%0a%0aNext, [[tar/usage|extract and unzip]] the files:%0a%0a[@%0a$ tar xvzf znc-1.9.0a.tar.gz%0a@]%0a%0aFor [[tar/usage|tar]], the options xvzf stand for e(x)tract, (v)erbose, un(z)ip, and (f)ile.%0a%0aNext, we build ZNC:%0a%0a[@%0a$ cd znc-1.9.0%0a$ cmake -B build%0a$ cd build%0a$ make%0a$ doas make install%0a@]%0a%0a!! Configuring the Chroot%0a%0aWe want to [[openbsd/adduser|create a new unprivileged user account]] for security:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas useradd -m -d /home/znc -s /sbin/nologin znc%0a@]%0a%0a@@-m@@ tells [[|useradd]] to create a home folder; @@-d@@ says the home folder is @@/home/znc@@; @@-s@@ specifies the default shell as @@/sbin/nologin@@, meaning no user can login. The username created is znc.%0a%0a!!! Login Class%0a%0aAdd the following lines to the end of [[|/etc/login.conf]]:%0a%0a[@%0aznc:\%0a :openfiles-cur=4096:\%0a :openfiles-max=8182:\%0a :openfiles=4096:\%0a :stacksize-cur=256M:\%0a :stacksize-max=256M:\%0a :maxproc-max=infinity:\%0a :maxproc-cur=4096:\%0a :tc=daemon:%0a@]%0a%0a'''WARNING''': Use tabs and '''not''' spaces. Spaces will fail and as a result, znc will not get the file resources it needs.%0a%0aThe [[openbsd/loginconf|login.conf]] guide explains the attributes in more detail.%0a%0aEach time znc creates a new connection for a user, it requires at least one%0afile descriptor. So, if your file descriptor limit is set too low, znc will%0abe unable to make new connections to networks. openfiles sets the maximum%0anumber of open file descriptors per process. -cur specifies the current limit%0aand -max specifies the maximum limit.%0a%0aThe current and maximum stack size controls how much stack memory a user can use. We set it at 256M to give ZNC plenty of room.%0a%0a@@maxproc@@ limits how many processes a user in this class can create. We set%0athe maximum to infinity and the current amount to 4096. @@tc=daemon@@ means%0athat the default values will come from the @@daemon@@ login class.%0a%0aNow we change znc's default login class to znc:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas usermod -L znc znc%0a@]%0a%0aThis can also be edited with a text editor using [[openbsd/vipw]].%0a%0aTo confirm that the login class has been changed, check [[|/etc/master.passwd]].%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas grep '^znc' /etc/master.passwd%0aznc:*:1001:1001:znc:0:0:znc:/home/znc:/sbin/nologin%0a@]%0a%0a[[grep/usage|grep]] searches for the line that begins with @@znc@@ in [[|/etc/passwd]].%0a%0aThe 5th field needs to say znc:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas grep '^znc' /etc/master.passwd | cut -d : -f 5%0aznc%0a@]%0a%0a'''NOTE''': If /etc/login.conf.db exists, make sure to delete it (or recreate the database), otherwise login.conf changes won't apply.%0a%0aTo delete:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas rm /etc/login.conf.db%0a@]%0a%0aNext, we temporarily change znc's shell to ksh:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas chsh -s /bin/ksh znc%0a@]%0a%0aNext, we login with the username znc, with the login class znc:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas su -c znc znc%0a$ ulimit -a%0atime(cpu-seconds) unlimited%0afile(blocks) unlimited%0acoredump(blocks) unlimited%0adata(kbytes) 33554432%0astack(kbytes) 32768%0alockedmem(kbytes) 329478%0amemory(kbytes) 985092%0anofiles(descriptors) 4096%0aprocesses 1310%0a@]%0a%0a@@ulimit -a@@ displays all process limits for our current user.%0a%0a'''WARNING''': If nofiles(descriptors) is not 4096, you may have an error in your configuration!%0a%0aPress ctrl+d to signal the end of file to logout and change znc's login shell back to /sbin/nologin. Then, while inside znc-1.9.0, run the script as root:%0a%0a[@%0a$ ^D%0a$ doas chsh -s /sbin/nologin znc%0a$ cd ~/znc-1.9.0%0a$ doas sh]%0a%0a!! Configuring ZNC%0a%0a!!! Makeconf%0a%0aAt first, you will need to create a conf file:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas su%0a# export HOME=/home/znc/%0a# chroot -u znc -g znc /home/znc znc --makeconf%0a[ .. ] Checking for list of available modules...%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ** ] -- Global settings --%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ?? ] Listen on port (1025 to 65534): 31337%0a[ ?? ] Listen using SSL (yes/no) [no]: yes%0a[ ?? ] Listen using both IPv4 and IPv6 (yes/no) [yes]: no%0a[ .. ] Verifying the listener...%0a[ ** ] Unable to locate pem file: [/home/znc/.znc/znc.pem], creating it%0a[ .. ] Writing Pem file [/home/znc/.znc/znc.pem]...%0a[ ** ] Enabled global modules [webadmin]%0a[ ** ]%0a@]%0a%0aWe're going to configure ZNC to listen on ports 1337 and 31337. Port 1337 will be plaintext, port 31337 will be SSL. This convention is followed by IRCNow's public servers.%0a%0a'''WARNING''': Do '''not''' listen to both IPv4 and IPv6. On OpenBSD, selecting 'yes' will cause IPv4 to stop working. Instead, as shown later in the guide, you can create separate listeners to allow listening to both IPv4 and IPv6. ([[|OpenBSD's IPv6 sockets are v6-only]])%0a%0aYou will want to enable connecting both with and without [[tls/overview|SSL]]. Although SSL helps to encrypt messages, some older IRC programs don't support it, so it is important to offer ZNC in plaintext.%0a%0aZNC will automatically create its own SSL certificate. This certificate, however, will be self-signed and hence will show up as invalid or untrusted by your IRC client. To get a properly signed SSL certificate, you will need to configure [[openhttpd/configure|openhttpd]] and request the certificate with [[acme-client/configure|acme-client]].%0a%0a[@%0a[ ** ] -- Admin user settings --%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ?? ] Username (alphanumeric): username%0a[ ?? ] Enter password:%0a[ ?? ] Confirm password:%0a[ ?? ] Nick [username]:%0a[ ?? ] Alternate nick [username_]:%0a[ ?? ] Ident [username]:%0a[ ?? ] Real name (optional):%0a@]%0a%0a!!! Bindhosts%0a%0aNext, you'll be asked to specify an optional bindhost. For now, we will leave this blank.%0a%0a[@%0a[ ?? ] Bind host (optional):%0a@]%0a%0a'''WARNING''': You cannot pick any arbitrary [[dns/vhost|bindhost]] that you want. If the bindhost does not work, your vhost will not show up properly, and you may not be able to connect at all!%0a%0aThe bindhost is used to pick which IP address to use for a server with multiple IP addresses. It can allow you to pick a nice-looking vhost, like, once [[dns/overview|DNS]] has been properly set up.%0a%0aA [[dns/vhost|vhost]] must have proper [[dns/overview|forward]] and [[DNS/rDNS|reverse DNS]] [[dns/records|records]] to work. If these have not been configured properly, first leave the bindhost blank.%0a%0aTo test if your bindhost works properly, check the [[host/usage|host]] guide. You will want to run host on your hostname and IP address to make sure they both match.%0a%0a[@%0a[ ** ] Enabled user modules [chansaver, controlpanel]%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ?? ] Set up a network? (yes/no) [yes]:%0a[ ** ]%0a@]%0a%0aWe will turn on the chansaver and controlpanel modules and set up a network.%0a%0a[@%0a[ ** ] -- Network settings --%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ?? ] Name [freenode]: example%0a[ ?? ] Server host (host only):[ ?? ] Server uses SSL? (yes/no) [no]: yes%0a[ ?? ] Server port (1 to 65535) [6697]:%0a[ ?? ] Server password (probably empty):%0a[ ?? ] Initial channels: #channel%0a[ ** ] Enabled network modules [simple_away]%0a@]%0a%0aConfigure a network. The network name is usually just a single word; it is not the same as the server host. IRC normally uses port 6667 if there is no SSL, and 6697 if there is SSL.%0a%0a[@%0a[ ** ]%0a[ .. ] Writing config [/home/znc//.znc/configs/znc.conf]...%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ** ] To connect to this ZNC you need to connect to it as your IRC server%0a[ ** ] using the port that you supplied. You have to supply your login info%0a[ ** ] as the IRC server password like this: user/network:pass.%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ** ] Try something like this in your IRC client...%0a[ ** ] /server %3cznc_server_ip> +31337 username:%3cpass>%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ** ] To manage settings, users and networks, point your web browser to%0a[ ** ] https://%3cznc_server_ip>:31337/%0a[ ** ]%0a[ ?? ] Launch ZNC now? (yes/no) [yes]: no%0a@]%0a%0aFor now, avoid setting up the web server on port 31337. We will instead use [[relayd/acceleration|relayd]] so that the web server can viewed on the default port for https: port 443.%0a%0a!! Configuring SSL%0a%0aIn order to provide SSL for the bouncer, you must first configure [[openhttpd/configure|OpenHTTPd]] and request a certificate with [[acme-client/configure|acme-client]].%0a%0aOnce that is done, you can copy the certificate:%0a%0a[@%0a# cp /etc/ssl/ /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/%0a# cp /etc/ssl/private/ /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/%0a# chown znc:znc /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/{crt,key}%0a@]%0a%0aIn the above commands, replace with your real hostname.%0a%0aNext, we create dhparam:%0a%0a[@%0a$ openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 2048%0a$ doas chown znc:znc dhparam.pem%0a$ doas mv dhparam.pem /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/%0a@]%0a%0aNext, edit [[|/home/znc/home/znc/.znc/configs/znc.conf]] to use this configuration:%0a%0a[@%0a// WARNING%0a//%0a// Do NOT edit this file while ZNC is running!%0a// Use webadmin or *controlpanel instead.%0a//%0a// Read up on /znc saveconfig and /znc rehash.%0a// Also check = 10000%0aAuthOnlyViaModule = false%0aConfigWriteDelay = 60%0aConnectDelay = 1%0aHideVersion = false%0aLoadModule = chansaver%0aLoadModule = lastseen%0aLoadModule = adminlog%0aLoadModule = identfile%0aLoadModule = webadmin%0aLoadModule = certauth%0aMaxBufferSize = 10000%0aProtectWebSessions = true%0aSSLCertFile = /home/znc/.znc/ = /home/znc/.znc/dhparam.pem%0aSSLKeyFile = /home/znc/.znc/ = /home/znc/.znc/ = 1%0aVersion = 1.9.0%0a%0a%3cListener listener0>%0a AllowIRC = true%0a AllowWeb = false%0a Host = IPv4 = true%0a IPv6 = false%0a Port = 1337%0a SSL = false%0a URIPrefix = /%0a%3c/Listener>%0a%0a%3cListener listener1>%0a AllowIRC = true%0a AllowWeb = false%0a Host = IPv4 = true%0a IPv6 = false%0a Port = 31337%0a SSL = true%0a URIPrefix = /%0a%3c/Listener>%0a%0a%3cListener listener2>%0a AllowIRC = true%0a AllowWeb = false%0a Host = 2001:db8::%0a IPv4 = false%0a IPv6 = true%0a Port = 1337%0a SSL = false%0a URIPrefix = /%0a%3c/Listener>%0a%0a%3cListener listener3>%0a AllowIRC = true%0a AllowWeb = false%0a Host = 2001:db8::%0a IPv4 = false%0a IPv6 = true%0a Port = 31337%0a SSL = true%0a URIPrefix = /%0a%3c/Listener>%0a%0a%3cListener listener4>%0a AllowIRC = true%0a AllowWeb = false%0a Host = IPv4 = true%0a IPv6 = false%0a Port = 1337%0a SSL = false%0a URIPrefix = /%0a%3c/Listener>%0a%0a%3cListener listener5>%0a AllowIRC = false%0a AllowWeb = true%0a Host = IPv4 = true%0a IPv6 = false%0a Port = 1338%0a SSL = false%0a URIPrefix = /%0a%3c/Listener>%0a%0a%3cUser username>%0a Pass = sha256#014eab533f25fe65621963f712ecaf3b86fe840859ab6f4c675200c73d02e6d1#ytZ8/L,:MtZ5cMCe5IJX#%0a Admin = true%0a Nick = username%0a AltNick = username_%0a Ident = username%0a LoadModule = chansaver%0a LoadModule = controlpanel%0a%0a %3cNetwork example>%0a LoadModule = simple_away%0a Server = +6697 %0a %3cChan #channel>%0a %3c/Chan>%0a %3c/Network>%0a%3c/User>%0a@]%0a%0aMake sure you read the [[|ZNC wiki]] to understand the meaning of each option.%0a%0aYou must replace with your actual hostname.%0a%0aIn the listeners, you must replace @@ and @@2001:db8::@@ with your server's [[IP/myaddress|public IPv4 and IPv6 address]].%0a%0a'''NOTE''': Do '''not''' replace @@ This is [[localhost/intro|localhost]] and must not be changed.%0a%0aWe recommended you use ports 1337 for plaintext, 31337 for SSL, and 1338 for web. This convention is followed on the public servers on IRCNow. Note that znc binds to port 1338 without SSL for the web server. We later use [[openbsd/relayd|relayd]] to provide TLS acceleration on port 443.%0a%0a'''WARNING''': Within the same listener, do '''not''' listen to both IPv4 and IPv6. You need separate listeners for each.%0a%0aFor the username block, use the defaults that ZNC's makeconf generated. Don't edit or delete the values that ZNC generated automatically.%0a%0aPlease read the [[|ZNC wiki]] to understand the meaning of each option.%0a%0a!! Ident%0a%0aNotice the above config loads the identfile module by default. This is necessary to provide proper ident using [[oidentd/ZNC|oidentd]]. You will need to configure [[oidentd/ZNC|oidentd]] for the module to work.%0a%0a!! Packet Filter%0a%0aIf [[pf/intro|packet filter]] is set to deny all incoming connects, you can add this rule to /etc/pf.conf:%0a%0a[@%0apass in log quick proto tcp to port {http https} keep state (max-src-conn 300, max-src-conn-rate 300/60) #relayd web%0apass in log quick proto tcp to port {1337 31337} keep state (max 3000, max-src-conn 300) #bnc%0a@]%0a%0aTo load the new ruleset:%0a%0a[@%0a# pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf%0a@]%0a%0a!! Starting ZNC%0a%0aTo run znc:%0a%0a[@%0a# export HOME=/home/znc%0a# /usr/sbin/chroot -u znc -g znc /home/znc znc >>/var/log/znc.log 2>&1 &%0a@]%0a%0a!! Recreate znc.conf%0a%0aIf at any time you mess up the configuration, move your current znc.conf to%0aa new location (to back it up), then rerun the makeconf command again:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas mv /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/configs/{znc.conf,znc.conf.bak}%0a$ doas chroot -u znc -g znc /home/znc znc --makeconf%0a@]%0a%0a!! Changing Password%0aIf you forget the password you set during the --makeconf, you can generate a new one like this:%0a%0a[@%0a# /usr/sbin/chroot -u znc -g znc /home/znc znc --makepass %0a[ ** ] Type your new password.%0a[ ?? ] Enter password: %0a[ ?? ] Confirm password: %0a[ ** ] Kill ZNC process, if it's running.%0a[ ** ] Then replace password in the %3cUser> section of your config with this:%0a%3cPass password>%0a Method = sha256%0a Hash = 49396054dc8263b573d11c9c01e43f89ee772f6dc89b3c630e6dffa9acea4a3e%0a Salt = ovexwSL50cC?jE2eCM?x%0a %3c/Pass>%0a[ ** ] After that start ZNC again, and you should be able to login with the new password.%0a@]%0a%0aThe example output above shows the hash generated for a password of "password". This gives you the password block you need to add to your [[|/home/znc/home/znc/.znc/configs/znc.conf]] file. %0a'''NOTE:''' You'll need to replace the original generated Pass = line. The new user section of your config will look something like this:%0a%0a[@%0a%3cUser username>%0a %3cPass password>%0a Method = sha256%0a Hash = 49396054dc8263b573d11c9c01e43f89ee772f6dc89b3c630e6dffa9acea4a3e%0a Salt = ovexwSL50cC?jE2eCM?x%0a %3c/Pass>%0a Admin = true%0a Nick = username%0a AltNick = username_%0a Ident = username%0a LoadModule = chansaver%0a LoadModule = controlpanel%0a%0a %3cNetwork example>%0a LoadModule = simple_away%0a Server = +6697 %0a %3cChan #channel>%0a %3c/Chan>%0a %3c/Network>%0a%3c/User>%0a@]%0a%0a!! Editing Config%0a%0aThe best way to edit the conf file is by [[bouncer/bouncer|logging in to znc]] with your IRC client, then using the *status or *controlpanel module. You can also use the [[znc/webpanel|webpanel]] once it has been set up.%0a%0aSometimes, however, it may be necessary to edit your configuration file directly and then reload it (rehash).%0a%0a!!! Shutting down and restarting%0a%0aIf the only person using ZNC is yourself, you can easily shut down ZNC, edi the conf, then restart ZNC.%0a%0a[@%0a# pkill -U znc%0a@]%0a%0aThis will kill all processes run by the user znc, which should kill the bouncer. Then edit the znc.conf file, and restart ZNC as described above.%0a%0a!!! Live rehash%0a%0aIf you have other users connected to a public ZNC, or you cannot afford to take ZNC offline, you may need to rehash ZNC. First, [[bouncer/bouncer|log in to znc]] with your IRC client, then save the config:%0a%0a[@%0a/msg *status saveconfig%0a@]%0a%0aNext, edit [[|/home/znc/home/znc/.znc/configs/znc.conf]]. Finally, send a rehash message over IRC to ZNC:%0a%0a[@%0a/msg *status rehash%0a@]%0a%0aWe add a [[openbsd/cron|cron job]] to have ZNC restart every 5 minutes. ZNC will only start if no other ZNC instance is running, so this is safe:%0a%0a[@%0a# echo "HOME=/home/znc" >> /var/cron/tabs/root%0a# echo "*/5 * * * * /usr/sbin/chroot -u znc -g znc /home/znc znc >>/var/log/znc.log 2>&1 &" >> /var/cron/tabs/root%0a@]%0a%0a!! Testing ZNC%0a%0aTo test the connection in plaintext ('''warning''': insecure), consult the [[netcat/irc|netcat irc guide]].%0a%0aTo test the connection using SSL, run:%0a%0a[@%0a$ openssl s_client -connect]%0a%0aReplace with your actual hostname. Check to make sure you have the proper SSL cert configured. Once an SSL session has been established, consult the [[netcat/irc|netcat irc guide]].%0a%0a!! Web Panel%0a%0aUse [[znc/relayd|relayd]] to allow visitors to use port 443 to access the ZNC web panel.%0a%0a!! Control Panel%0a%0aSee [[znc/usage]] for help on how to use the controlpanel.%0a%0a(:if false:)%0a!! rc.d script%0a%0aCreate /etc/rc.d/znc:%0a%0a[@%0a#!/bin/ksh%0a#%0a# $OpenBSD: znc,v 1.2 2020/01/21 19:27:07 rpe Exp $%0a%0adaemon_pidfile="/home/znc/home/znc/.znc/"%0adaemon="env HOME=/home/znc /usr/sbin/chroot -u znc -g znc /home/znc znc"%0a%0aservice_stop() {%0a if [ -f $daemon_pidfile ]; then%0a pid=$(sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' $daemon_pidfile)%0a kill $pid%0a fi%0a}%0a%0acase "$1" in%0a stop)%0a service_stop%0a ;;%0aesac%0a%0a. /etc/rc.d/rc.subr%0a%0arc_reload=NO%0a%0arc_cmd $1%0a@]%0a%0a[@%0adoas chmod +x /etc/rc.d/znc%0a@]%0a%0a!! Automatic start%0a%0aThis script will automatically restart znc in case it crashes.%0a%0a[@%0adoas mkdir /usr/local/project_name/%0adoas touch /usr/local/project_name/ chmod +x /usr/local/project_name/]%0a%0a[@%0a#!/bin/sh%0a%0aSERVICE_NAME="znc"%0aSERVICE_USER="znc"%0aSERVICE_PID="/home/znc/home/znc/.znc/"%0a%0aif ! pgrep -u $SERVICE_USER -x "$SERVICE_NAME" > /dev/null%0athen%0a if [ -f $SERVICE_PID ]; then%0a rm -f $SERVICE_PID%0a rcctl -d restart $SERVICE_NAME%0a fi%0afi%0a@]%0a%0a# echo "*/2 * * * * /usr/local/project_name/ 2>&1 &" >> /var/cron/tabs/root%0a%0a(:ifend:)%0a%0a!! Custom vhosts%0a%0a'''WARNING''': do '''not''' set individual IPv6 addresses for a user's%0abindhost. Do not set a user's bindhost to be something like 2605:6400:10::.%0aIf you specify an IPv6 address for the bindhost, that user can *only* connect%0ato networks that support IPv6. IPv4-only networks completely fail.%0a%0aIt is better to set the bindhost to be Then, for%0athe [[openbsd/nsd|nameserver]], create an AAAA record and an A record. That%0away, the bindhost will use IPv6 if the network is IPv6-only, and IPv4 if it%0ais an IPv4-only network. This solution is more flexible and allows your user%0ato fall back to IPv4 when IPv6 is not supported.%0a%0aIf a user requests to change their vhost, do not edit the bindhost -- all you need to do is update the rDNS record (see the [[openbsd/buyvm|buyvm web panel]]. Don't delete the bindhost or the DNS A/AAAA records.%0a%0aFor example, suppose the vhost was formerly If the%0auser wants to change it to, you just need to update the rDNS, but leave the znc bindhost as and keep%0athe A/AAAA records for's AAAA record is working, and the rDNS has been configured properly, you can reconnect the user (either the user types @@/znc connect@@ or you type @@/msg *controlpanel reconnect %3cusername> %3cnetwork>@@), and the vhost will update properly.%0a%0aKeeping the old A/AAAA record and bindhost working will make it easier if the%0auser changes vhosts or if their 3rd party dns server for fails%0afor whatever reason. This method will allow the user to still connect.%0aOtherwise, if the 3rd party dns server fails for (which%0afrequently happens with cheap, free dns services), users will be unable to%0aconnect and blame you. %0a!! Troubleshooting%0a%0aIf your user is getting disconnected, these are the most likely causes:%0a%0a# mismatch of ports or SSL (using plaintext on 6697 or SSL on 6667)%0a# SSL is not supported%0a# user has a server password where none belongs (most likely he confused server password with nickserv password)%0a# ident is not working%0a# ircd bans a certain username or ident for no good reason (the ircd mistakenly assumes your connection is a bot and glines it)%0a# typo of server name or IP address%0a# dns lookup error%0a%0aYou may be need to install icu4c-68.2v0.%0a%0a!!! IPv4/IPv6 mismatch%0a%0aIf a znc user has a bindhost that is IPv6 only but the network is IPv4 only, or vice versa, it will not connect.%0a%0aTo prevent this, you '''must''' use a symbolic hostname (such as for the bindhost. Each hostname needs a single [[dns/records|A record]] and a single [[dns/records|AAAA record]] in the [[nsd/zone|DNS zone]]. If any part is misconfigured, users will be unable to connect.%0a%0aTo check if any bindhosts are incorrectly using fixed IPv6 or IPv4 addresses, run:%0a%0a[@%0a# sed -nE '/.*(\%3cBindHost|\%3cDCCBindHost) = (.*:.*|[0-9.]+)/s//\2/p' /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/configs/znc.conf%0a@]%0a%0aIf you see IP addresses like the following, then your bindhosts are incorrectly set to use IPv4 or IPv6 addreses directly instead of symbolic hostnames:%0a%0a[@%0a192.168.1.1%0a2001:db8::%0a@]%0a%0a!!! Bindhost Errors%0a%0aA quick way to check if there are DNS errors is to run%0athe following two commands:%0a%0a[@%0a# sed -nE '/.*(\%3cBindHost|\%3cDCCBindHost) = (.*)/s//\2/p' /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/configs/znc.conf | xargs -n 1 -t host%0a@]%0a%0aEvery hostname should have both an IPv4 and IPv6 address. The IPv4 address should match your [[openbsd/ddos|DDoS-filtered]] public address. Each IPv6 address should be unique.%0a%0aIf you see duplicate entries (the same hostname returns multiple IPv6 addresses), you must delete the duplicate [[dns/vhost|DNS entries]].%0a%0aHere are error messages that indicate there are DNS problems with the bindhost:%0a%0a[@%0ahost;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached%0a@]%0a%0aThere is an error because means that the DNS server could not be reached.%0a%0a[@%0ahost not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)%0a@]%0a%0aThis indicates there are no DNS records for the bindhost.%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas grep -i host /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/configs/znc.conf | grep -v > ~/bindhost%0a$ vi ~/bindhost%0a@]%0a%0aThen with vi:%0a%0a[@%0a:%25s_.* = _host _g%0a@]%0a%0aThen:%0a%0a[@%0a$ sh ~/bindhost%0a@]%0a%0aIf you see any records there with only a single IPv4 address but no IPv6, or a single IPv6 but no IPv4, or any NXDOMAIN responses, you need to fix your DNS records. There should be exactly one shared IPv4 and one unique IPv6 for each hostname, and zero NXDOMAIN responses.%0a%0a!!! Missing libraries%0a%0aIf you are get errors such as:%0a%0a[ znc: can't load library ''%0a@]%0a%0aThen you may be on the wrong OpenBSD version (6.9 or earlier); or you did not apply [[openbsd/syspatch|syspatch]]; or you did not upgrade all dependencies:%0a%0a[@%0a$ doas syspatch%0a$ doas pkg_add -Uu%0a@]%0a%0aDelete the build folder and compile again.%0a +time=1724464617 title=Chroot ZNC +author:1724464617=jrmu +diff:1724464617:1716841949:=105,106c105,106%0a%3c :stacksize-cur=256M:\%0a%3c :stacksize-max=256M:\%0a---%0a> :stacksize-cur=48M:\%0a> :stacksize-max=48M:\%0a122c122%0a%3c The current and maximum stack size controls how much stack memory a user can use. We set it at 256M to give ZNC plenty of room.%0a---%0a> The current and maximum stack size controls how much stack memory a user can use. We set it at 48M to give ZNC plenty of room.%0a +host:1724464617= author:1716841949=jrmu diff:1716841949:1698339117:=3,10c3,6%0a%3c In this guide, we will install ZNC inside a [[chroot/intro|chroot]].%0a%3c %0a%3c [[|ZNC]] is an IRC bouncer. It runs on a server and stays%0a%3c connected after you turn off your computer or phone. It saves chat messages%0a%3c and replays them when you reconnect, and also helps to hide your IP address.%0a%3c If you have a [[openbsd/ddos|DDoS protected IP address]], it can protect you%0a%3c against attacks. Finally, it allows you to customize your hostmask.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> In this guide, we will install ZNC inside a chroot.%0a> %0a> [[|ZNC]] is an IRC bouncer. It runs on a server and stays connected after you turn off your computer or phone. It saves chat messages and replays them when you reconnect, and also helps to hide your IP address. If you are running it on IRCNow, your server may also offer [[openbsd/ddos|DDoS protection]] to keep you online.%0a> %0a13,19c9,12%0a%3c You will want to set up [[Znc/Install|ZNC]] once without a chroot, as a%0a%3c normal user without root powers. This will give you a better understanding of%0a%3c how ZNC works before you attempt a more complex, chrooted install.%0a%3c %0a%3c Next, read the [[chroot/intro|introduction to chroots]] to get familiar with%0a%3c the concept of chroots. In this guide, we use a chroot for extra security.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> You will want to set up [[Znc/Install|ZNC]] once without a chroot, as a normal user without root powers. This will give you a better understanding of how ZNC works before you attempt a more complex, chrooted install.%0a> %0a> Next, read the [[chroot/intro|introduction to chroots]] to get familiar with the concept of chroots. In this guide, we use a chroot for extra security.%0a> %0a22,25c15,16%0a%3c If you are offering a public ZNC service for many users, you will want to get%0a%3c a [[openbsd/ddos|ddos-filtered IPv4 address]] and an IPv6 subnet from your%0a%3c internet provider ([[openbsd/buyvm|BuyVM guide]]).%0a%3c %0a---%0a> If you are offering a public ZNC service for many users, you will want to get a ddos-filtered IPv4 address and an IPv6 subnet from your internet provider ([[openbsd/buyvm|BuyVM guide]]).%0a> %0a28,32c19,22%0a%3c The installation below was tested on [[openbsd/syspatch|OpenBSD 7.5 stable]].%0a%3c ZNC will run inside a chroot at /home/znc.%0a%3c %0a%3c Before beginning the installation, check to make sure you are using OpenBSD 7.5 and that your system is patched:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> The below installation was tested on [[openbsd/syspatch|OpenBSD 7.1 stable]]. ZNC will run inside a chroot at /home/znc.%0a> %0a> Before beginning the installation, check to make sure you are using OpenBSD 7.1 and that your system is patched:%0a> %0a35c25%0a%3c OpenBSD 7.5 GENERIC#79 amd64%0a---%0a> OpenBSD 7.1 GENERIC#443 amd64%0a47,48c37,38%0a%3c '''WARNING''': OpenBSD 7.5 (and later) may contain a bug that causes ZNC to crash with a segmentation fault. To avoid this, we recommend applying a [[znc/patch|custom patch to ZNC]].%0a%3c %0a---%0a> '''WARNING''': OpenBSD 6.9 (and later) may contain a bug that causes ZNC to crash with a segmentation fault. To avoid this, we recommend applying a [[znc/patch|custom patch to ZNC]].%0a> %0a59,60c49,50%0a%3c Due to a bug in OpenBSD 7.5, we have applied a [[znc/patch|custom patch to ZNC]]:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Due to a bug in OpenBSD 6.9, we have applied a [[znc/patch|custom patch to ZNC]]:%0a> %0a63c53%0a%3c $ ftp> $ ftp $ tar xvzf znc-1.9.0a.tar.gz%0a---%0a> $ tar xvzf znc-1.8.2b.tar.gz%0a79c69%0a%3c $ cd znc-1.9.0%0a---%0a> $ cd znc-1.8.2%0a112,113c102,103%0a%3c '''WARNING''': Use tabs and '''not''' spaces. Spaces will fail and as a result, znc will not get the file resources it needs.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> '''WARNING''': Use tabs and not spaces. Spaces will fail and as a result, znc will not get the file resources it needs.%0a> %0a116,121c106,107%0a%3c Each time znc creates a new connection for a user, it requires at least one%0a%3c file descriptor. So, if your file descriptor limit is set too low, znc will%0a%3c be unable to make new connections to networks. openfiles sets the maximum%0a%3c number of open file descriptors per process. -cur specifies the current limit%0a%3c and -max specifies the maximum limit.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Each time znc creates a new connection for a user, it requires at least one file descriptor. So, if your file descriptor limit is set too low, znc will be unable to make new connections to networks. openfiles sets the maximum number of open file descriptors per process. -cur specifies the current limit and -max specifies the maximum limit.%0a> %0a124,127c110,111%0a%3c @@maxproc@@ limits how many processes a user in this class can create. We set%0a%3c the maximum to infinity and the current amount to 4096. @@tc=daemon@@ means%0a%3c that the default values will come from the @@daemon@@ login class.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> @@maxproc@@ limits how many processes a user in this class can create. We set the maximum to infinity and the current amount to 4096. @@tc=daemon@@ means that the default values will come from the @@daemon@@ login class.%0a> %0a143,144c127,128%0a%3c [[grep/usage|grep]] searches for the line that begins with @@znc@@ in [[|/etc/passwd]].%0a%3c %0a---%0a> [[grep/usage|grep]] searches for the line that begins with @@znc@@ in [[|/etc/passwd]].%0a> %0a186,187c170,171%0a%3c Press ctrl+d to signal the end of file to logout and change znc's login shell back to /sbin/nologin. Then, while inside znc-1.9.0, run the script as root:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Press ctrl+d to signal the end of file to logout and change znc's login shell back to /sbin/nologin. Then, while inside znc-1.8.2, run the script as root:%0a> %0a191c175%0a%3c $ cd ~/znc-1.9.0%0a---%0a> $ cd ~/znc-1.8.2%0a348,349c332,333%0a%3c Version = 1.9.0%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Version = 1.8.2%0a> %0a531a516,517%0a> %0a> %0a619a606%0a> %0a658,668c645,648%0a%3c '''WARNING''': do '''not''' set individual IPv6 addresses for a user's%0a%3c bindhost. Do not set a user's bindhost to be something like 2605:6400:10::.%0a%3c If you specify an IPv6 address for the bindhost, that user can *only* connect%0a%3c to networks that support IPv6. IPv4-only networks completely fail.%0a%3c %0a%3c It is better to set the bindhost to be Then, for%0a%3c the [[openbsd/nsd|nameserver]], create an AAAA record and an A record. That%0a%3c way, the bindhost will use IPv6 if the network is IPv6-only, and IPv4 if it%0a%3c is an IPv4-only network. This solution is more flexible and allows your user%0a%3c to fall back to IPv4 when IPv6 is not supported.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> '''WARNING''': do '''not''' set individual IPv6 addresses for a user's bindhost. Do not set a user's bindhost to be something like 2605:6400:10::. If you specify an IPv6 address for the bindhost, that user can *only* connect to networks that support IPv6. IPv4-only networks completely fail.%0a> %0a> It is better to set the bindhost to be Then, for the [[openbsd/nsd|nameserver]], create an AAAA record and an A record. That way, the bindhost will use IPv6 if the network is IPv6-only, and IPv4 if it is an IPv4-only network. This solution is more flexible and allows your user to fall back to IPv4 when IPv6 is not supported.%0a> %0a671,675c651,652%0a%3c For example, suppose the vhost was formerly If the%0a%3c user wants to change it to, you just need to update the rDNS to%0a%3c, but leave the znc bindhost as and keep%0a%3c the A/AAAA records for %0a---%0a> For example, suppose the vhost was formerly If the user wants to change it to, you just need to update the rDNS to, but leave the znc bindhost as and keep the A/AAAA records for> %0a678,683c655,656%0a%3c Keeping the old A/AAAA record and bindhost working will make it easier if the%0a%3c user changes vhosts or if their 3rd party dns server for fails%0a%3c for whatever reason. This method will allow the user to still connect.%0a%3c Otherwise, if the 3rd party dns server fails for (which%0a%3c frequently happens with cheap, free dns services), users will be unable to%0a%3c connect and blame you. %0a---%0a> Keeping the old A/AAAA record and bindhost working will make it easier if the user changes vhosts or if their 3rd party dns server for fails for whatever reason. This method will allow the user to still connect. Otherwise, if the 3rd party dns server fails for (which frequently happens with cheap, free dns services), users will be unable to connect and blame you. %0a> %0a host:1716841949= blob - 08a2bfc24179f82b0ae288e661be45b60ea92cfc blob + 6d5d2259d5b71d444239a33d4b361246134fba1f --- wiki.d/Znc.RecentChanges +++ wiki.d/Znc.RecentChanges @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ version=pmwiki-2.3.20 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20230121 charset=UTF-8 ctime=1614444529 -host= +host= name=Znc.RecentChanges -rev=152 -text=* [[Znc/Patch]] . . . @2024-06-01T16:45:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Support]] . . . @2024-05-28T00:07:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Admin]] . . . @2024-05-28T00:06:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Chroot]] . . . @2024-05-27T20:32:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Install]] . . . January 07, 2023, at 11:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Relayd]] . . . November 03, 2021, at 10:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Debug]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Usage]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:09 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/I18n]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 09:12 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Troubleshoot]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Chroot69]] . . . May 06, 2021, at 03:36 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [=back to 6.9 to see real changes=]%0a -time=1717260330 +rev=153 +text=* [[Znc/Chroot]] . . . @2024-08-24T01:56:57Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Patch]] . . . @2024-06-01T16:45:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Support]] . . . @2024-05-28T00:07:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Admin]] . . . @2024-05-28T00:06:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Install]] . . . January 07, 2023, at 11:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Relayd]] . . . November 03, 2021, at 10:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Debug]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Usage]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:09 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/I18n]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 09:12 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Troubleshoot]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc/Chroot69]] . . . May 06, 2021, at 03:36 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [=back to 6.9 to see real changes=]%0a +time=1724464617