commit - ecd8ede0168e19cdd076be1d3dc29b538db36ab5
commit + fc937c40bfe1e133f4cbe986ee5573b0625c9856
blob - 6a06fb052ae8c67b865bdd47cb4b1102e20aefbc
blob + b6ef931db04dd3f3d8b46f37afcd1280d6edaa1a
--- bin/
+++ bin/
my $shellname = shift || 'blacklock';
my @users = qw( izzyb nathan ashley );
my $domain = '';
+my $custDomain = '';
my %config=(
shellname => $shellname,
ipv4 => '',
ipv6 => '2602:fccf:1:1191::',
domain => $domain,
+ custDomain => $custDomain,
my $shellConfig = new IRCNOW::ConfigNow( %config );
#use Data::Dumper;
blob - 85a6741b472c420bba08903374d9d07528282bba
blob + 353311442c58b050666e1e4c40df60192da1100e
--- lib/IRCNOW/ConfigNow/Module/
+++ lib/IRCNOW/ConfigNow/Module/
-acme_client => qq{
+package IRCNOW::ConfigNow::Module::AcmeClient;
+use base qw{IRCNOW::ConfigNow::Module};
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $options = {@_};
+ my $domain = $options->{vars}->{domain} || die "{domain} is a reqired option for IRCNOW::ConfigNow::Module::Prosody";
+ return $class->SUPER::new( vars => $options->{vars}, files=>{
+ acme_client => {
+ filename => "/etc/acme-config.conf",
+ varlist => [qw(shellname domain)],
+ type => 'shell',
+ template => sub {
+ my ($shellname, $domain) = @_;
+ return qq{
domain $shellname.$domain {
domain key "/etc/ssl/private/$shellname.$domain.key"
domain full chain certificate "/etc/ssl/$shellname.$domain.fullchain.pem"
sign with letsencrypt
-dns => {
- filename => "/var/nsd/zones/master/$shellname
- varlist => [qw(shellname ipv4 ipv6)],
- template => qq{
+ },
+ },
+ dns => {
+ filename => "/var/nsd/zones/master/$domain",
+ varlist => [qw(shellname ipv4 ipv6)],
+ type => 'shell',
+ template => qq{
%s 3600 IN A %s
3600 IN AAAA %s
+ },
+ });
blob - /dev/null
blob + c183b6611386b7a91bbb2afce49e8ad7f37e6d61 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ lib/IRCNOW/ConfigNow/Module/
+package IRCNOW::ConfigNow::Module::CustDomain;
+use base qw{IRCNOW::ConfigNow::Module};
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $options = {@_};
+ my $domain = $options->{vars}->{custDomain} || die "{custDomain} is a reqired option for IRCNOW::ConfigNow::Module::CustDomain";
+ return $class->SUPER::new( vars => $options->{vars}, files=>{
+ dns_soa => {
+ filename => "/var/nsd/zones/master/$domain",
+ varlist => [qw{custDomain ipv4 ipv6}],
+ type => 'custDomain',
+ template => sub {
+ my ($custDomain,$ip4,$ip6) = @_;
+warn "writing custdomain";
+ return qq{
+\$ORIGIN $custDomain.
+$custDomain. 86400 IN SOA ns1.$custDomain. admin.$custDomain. (
+ 2023030501 1800 7200 1209600 3600 )
+ 3600 IN MX 10 mail
+ 3600 IN A $ip4
+ 3600 IN AAAA $ip6
+ 3600 IN NS ns1
+ 3600 IN NS ns2
+ns1 3600 IN A $ip4
+ 3600 IN AAAA $ip6
+ns2 3600 IN A $ip4
+ 3600 IN AAAA $ip6
+mail 3600 IN A $ip4
+ 3600 IN AAAA $ip6
+imap 3600 IN A $ip4
+ 3600 IN AAAA $ip6
+smtp 3600 IN A $ip4
+ 3600 IN AAAA $ip6
+www 3600 IN A $ip4
+ 3600 IN AAAA $ip6
+xmpp 3600 IN A $ip4
+ 3600 IN AAAA $ip6
+ },
+ },
+ acme_client => {
+ filename => "/etc/acme-config.conf",
+ varlist => [qw(custDomain)],
+ type => 'custDomain',
+ template => sub {
+ my ($domain) = @_;
+ return qq{
+domain $domain {
+ alternative names {mail.$domain imap.$domain smtp.$domain www.$domain xmpp.$domain}
+ domain key "/etc/ssl/private/$domain.key"
+ domain full chain certificate "/etc/ssl/$domain.fullchain.pem"
+ sign with letsencrypt
+ },
+ },
+ });
blob - 8313c0351fb7e61e41288518e9203c12969db67b
blob + 7b0e6b8c69c6a167232339aa6f1569d7357224b8
--- lib/IRCNOW/
+++ lib/IRCNOW/
if (exists $options->{type} and (lc( $options->{type} ) eq 'shell')) {
+ $self->mod_load('acme','IRCNOW::ConfigNow::Module::AcmeClient');
+ $self->mod_load('custDomain','IRCNOW::ConfigNow::Module::CustDomain');
return $self;
delete $self->{vars}->{username};
+ # Output for $type = "custDomain"
+ if (exists $self->{vars}->{custDomain}) {
+warn "custDomain: $filename";
+ # generate output for type = 'custDomain'
+ my $out = $obj->output($filename, 'custDomain');
+ $output .= $out if defined $out;
+ }
- $self->write_file($filename,$output);
+ if (length($output)>0) { # Should we support empty files?
+ $self->write_file($filename,$output);
+ }
return 1;