commit - 398022631a573a2b8de7811cacb6c202e90f263e
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blob + 92e6613b8305a9246e5f1e6d918bda65835925f4
--- doc/Modes.txt
+++ doc/Modes.txt
mode since description
- q 20 User is channel owner can only be set by a service, other
- owner and irc op. Can promote other users to q, a, o, h, v.
- a 20 User is channel admin and can promote other users to v, h, o
+ q 20 User is channel owner. This mode can only be set by an IRC
+ service, other owner or IRC operator. Channel owners can
+ promote other users to all levels: q, a, o, h, v. Prefix: "~".
+ a 20 User is channel admin and can promote other users to v, h, o.
+ Prefix: "&".
o 0.2.0 User is channel operator and can op/kick/... other members.
+ Prefix: "@".
h 20 User is half op and can set channel modes imntvIbek and kick
- voiced and normal users.
+ voiced and normal users. Prefix: "%".
v 0.2.0 User is "voiced" and can speak even if channel is moderated.
+ Prefix: "+".