Commit Diff

commit - d35c0137b794ce2e2de025baeba7aaa3912adec9
commit + bf84670aaad3371060868b5664ab26706425b16c
blob - /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
+++ doc/en/sample-ngircd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# $Id: sample-ngircd.conf,v 1.1 2002/11/08 23:24:54 alex Exp $
+# This is a sample configuration for the ngIRCd, which must adept to the
+# local preferences and needs.
+# Comments are started with "#" or ";".
+# Author: Alexander Barton, <>
+# Translation by Ilja Osthoff, <>
+	# In the [global] section of this file, there is the place of the
+	# main server configuration. Needed is only the variable "Name",
+	# Info you can adjust, if you like to. For all the others variables,
+	# you can use the defaults, this means you can leave it by default.
+	# Server name in the IRC-network
+	Name =
+	# Info-text of the server. This will be shown i.e. by a WHOIS- or
+	# LINKS-request.
+	Info = Server Info Text
+	# Information about the server and administrator in the ADMIN-request
+	;AdminInfo1 = Description
+	;AdminInfo2 = Location
+	;AdminEMail = admin@irc.server
+	# Ports, on which the server will listen. There may be more than
+	# one port, separated with ";". (Default: 6667)
+	;Ports = 6667, 6668, 66694
+	# Textfile with the "message of the day" (MOTD). This will be shown
+	# on a user connection with the server.
+	;MotdFile = /usr/local/etc/ngircd.motd
+	# User-ID, under which the server is started (for that the server
+	# must be started with root-rights). You can use the name of the
+	# user or the numerical ID.
+	# ATTENTION: the configuration and the MOTD file must be readable
+	# by this user, otherwise RESTART won't work!
+	;ServerUID = 65534
+	# Group-ID, under which the server is running (for that the server
+	# must be started with root-rights). You can use the name of the
+	# group or the numerical ID.
+	;ServerGID = 65534
+	# After <PingTimeout> seconds, the server will send a ping after
+	# inactivity of this client.
+	;PingTimeout = 120
+	# If there is an answer of a client, to which the ping was sended,
+	# not after <PongTimeout> seconds, it will be disconnected.
+	;PongTimeout = 20
+	# The server tries every <ConnectRetry> seconds, not yet connected
+	# or not anymore connected servers to connect.
+	;ConnectRetry = 60
+	# Should IRC-operators be allowed to use the MODE command even if
+	# they are not(!) channel-operators?
+	;OperCanUseMode = no
+	# Maximum number of simultanous connection the server is allowed
+	# to accept (<=0 unlimited):
+	;MaxConnections = -1
+	# In this [operator]-section, there will be the configuration of
+	# the name and password of an IRC operator. There may be more than
+	# one operator-block (for each operator one).
+	# ID of the operator (may be different of the nick)
+	;Name = TheOper
+	# Password of the operator
+	;Password = ThePwd
+	# In this [Server] section, there is the configuration of the
+	# servers, which are allowed to connect to your own server.
+	# There may be more than one server-block.
+	# If you configured a port for the connection, then the ngIRCd
+	# tries to connect to this port. If not, it waits for the other
+	# server.
+	#
+	# Server-groups:
+	# The ngIRCd allows "server-groups": that means, that you can assign
+	# server-groups for every server, to which you want the ngIRCd to
+	# connect to. If one server of a server-group won't answer, the
+	# ngIRCd tries the next one of this group.
+	# ATTENTION: Server-groups will only work if you defined a port!
+	# Hostname of the server
+	;Host =
+	# IRC-name of the server
+	;Name =
+	# Port of the server, to which the ngIRCd should connect. If you
+	# assign no port, the ngIRCd waits for an answer of that server.
+	;Port = 6666
+	# Password for the connection
+	;Password = ThePwd1
+	# Group of that server (optional)
+	;Group = 123
+	# In the [Channel] there can be defined "persistent channels". This
+	# means, that the server creates the channel and even if all users
+	# left this channel, it will persist. There may be more than one
+	# block. Signed with the mode "P", which  can be set or unset, like
+	# normal modes.
+	# Name of the channel
+	;Name = #TheName
+	# Topic for the channel
+	;Topic = a great topic
+	# Channel-modes
+	;Modes = tn
+# -eof-
blob - 4220c5522a6ddf7f28019bf74553c4c62220328c
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--- doc/sample-ngircd.conf
+++ doc/sample-ngircd.conf
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Id: sample-ngircd.conf,v 1.13 2002/11/08 23:09:26 alex Exp $
+# $Id: sample-ngircd.conf,v 1.14 2002/11/08 23:24:54 alex Exp $
 # Das ist eine Beispiel-Konfiguration fuer den ngIRCd, die an die
@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
 # Kommentare werden mit "#" oder ";" eingeleitet.
+# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+# | Please note: English translations of some of the german documentation |
+# | files can be found in the directory "doc/en" -- please have a look!   |
+# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
 # Autor: Alexander Barton, <>
 # Erweiterungen von Ilja Osthoff, <>