commit - 6b83d1740eb892c90f92fac55d9bbc362346feb5
commit + 95428a72ffb5214826b61d5e77f860e7ef6a6c9e
blob - 8bce8496e1c249cb1f5773ad940eada7ea97fc2c
blob + f41f1d8e8e477bfafc61d04d2e5587b0bbd80e2c
--- contrib/Debian/changelog
+++ contrib/Debian/changelog
+ngircd (14-0ab3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed "Conflicts:" line in debian/control: missing comma.
+ -- Alexander Barton <> Mon, 4 May 2009 11:21:55 +0200
ngircd (14-0ab2) unstable; urgency=low
* Add new "ngircd-full-dbg" package including degug code and both
blob - fa393ec42c9aa91b90208f1ebf8caddcc59c8732
blob + 13163ce3a02fac066db8beddc387c996ff67bbbb
--- contrib/Debian/control
+++ contrib/Debian/control
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Provides: ircd
-Conflicts: ngircd ngircd-dbg
+Conflicts: ngircd, ngircd-dbg
Description: A lightweight daemon for the Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
ngIRCd is a free open source daemon for the Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
network. It is written from scratch and is not based upon the original
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Provides: ircd
-Conflicts: ngircd ngircd-full
+Conflicts: ngircd, ngircd-full
Description: A lightweight daemon for the Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
ngIRCd is a free open source daemon for the Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
network. It is written from scratch and is not based upon the original