commit - 8902697ccceb74b8d7a113de1b7dbbad5905e305
commit + 87877d714fc8fdec1f079812bd8bd53c80389446
blob - ae83bbf264c165e07c089dfc36ac84e771111036
blob + 0f4be858d5a3dc9e0eb36bf1440ce501909a747b
--- lib/BotNow/
+++ lib/BotNow/
use OpenBSD::Unveil;
use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
use lib qw(./lib);
-use IRCNOW::IO qw(readarray);
+use IRCNOW::IO qw(:DEBUG readarray);
require "BotNow::SQLite";
require "BotNow::Hash";
require "BotNow::DNS";
my $webpanel = $conf{webpanel};
my @networks;
-use constant {
- NONE => 0,
- ERRORS => 1,
- WARNINGS => 2,
- ALL => 3,
`doas chmod g+r /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/`;
my @users;
main::cbind("pub", "-", "bnc", \&mbnc);
main::putserv($bot, "PRIVMSG $chan :Cloneuser created");
} elsif ($text =~ /^User (.*) added!$/) {
- main::debug(ALL, "User $1 created");
+ debug(ALL, "User $1 created");
} elsif ($text =~ /^Password has been changed!$/) {
- main::debug(ALL, "Password changed");
+ debug(ALL, "Password changed");
} elsif ($text =~ /^Queued network (.*) of user (.*) for a reconnect.$/) {
- main::debug(ALL, "$2 now connecting to $1...");
+ debug(ALL, "$2 now connecting to $1...");
} elsif ($text =~ /^Admin = false/) {
foreach my $chan (@teamchans) {
main::putserv($bot, "PRIVMSG $chan :ERROR: $nick is not admin");
die "ERROR: $nick is not admin";
} elsif ($text =~ /^Admin = true/) {
- main::debug(ALL, "$nick is ZNC admin");
+ debug(ALL, "$nick is ZNC admin");
} elsif ($text =~ /(.*) = (.*)/) {
my ($key, $val) = ($1, $2);
- main::debug(ALL, "ZNC: $key => $val");
+ debug(ALL, "ZNC: $key => $val");
} else {
- main::debug(ERRORS, "Unexpected 290 $hostmask $text");
+ debug(ERRORS, "Unexpected 290 $hostmask $text");
# }
# } else { print "ERROR: $line\n"; }
# #TODO ERRORS not defined??
- ## } else { main::debug(ERRORS, "ERROR: $line"); }
+ ## } else { debug(ERRORS, "ERROR: $line"); }
# }
# return $tree;