Commit Diff

commit - 40e3daf560799df1d16629b35078979583cb4349
commit + 7871a904d766e325bd2ce94dd8bea37f45198771
blob - d0f0780f549a18b00f7f439d2336f7dcbcd147c7
blob + 516a4a4c914bd45138c9cea81e19d6ba2e1d920d
--- doc/Protocol.txt
+++ doc/Protocol.txt
@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ The following <serverflags> are defined at the moment:
 - H: The server supports the "enhanced server handshake", see section II.2
      for a detailed description.
+- M: Changing client "metadata" (hostname, real name, ...) using the
+     METADATA command is supported.
 - o: IRC operators are allowed to change channel- and channel-user-modes
      even if they aren't channel-operator of the affected channel.
@@ -194,13 +197,35 @@ received from the client using the set <client-charset
 encoding (UTF-8), and all message data which is to be sent to the client
 from the server encoding (UTF-8) to <client-charset>.
-The list of supported <client-charset>'s is implementation dependent.
+The list of supported client character sets is implementation dependent.
 If a client sets its <client-charset> to the server encoding (UTF-8),
 it disables all conversions; the connection behaves as if no CHARCONV
 command has been sent at all in this session.
+II.6 Update client "metadata"
+     Command: METADATA
+  Parameters: <target> <key> <value>
+     Used by: servers only
+The METADATA command is used on server-links to update "metadata" information
+of clients, like the hostname, the info text ("real name"), or the user name.
+The server updates its client database according to the received <key> and
+<value> parameters, and passes the METADATA command on to all the other
+servers in the network that support this command (see section II.1 "Register
+new server link", <serverflag> "M"), even if it doesn't support the given
+<key> itself: unknown <key> names are ignored silently!
+The following <key> names are defined:
+ - "host": the hostname of a client (can't be empty)
+ - "info": info text ("real name") of a client
+ - "user": the user name of a client (can't be empty)
 III. Numerics used by IRC+ Protocol