commit - 22fcf01f8d9246d0839cf4b722c008a730cabf86
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# KPsm
Kissmo perl version
+## Setting up and Running the KISSmo Perl
-Demo version here:
+To set up and run the Perl code you provided, follow the steps below. This guide assumes you are using a Unix-like system (e.g., Linux or macOS) and have Perl installed.
+### Step 1: Install Required Modules
-Modules needed to install:
+Before running the code, you need to install the required Perl modules. Open your terminal and execute the following command:
-cpan install Mojolicious::Lite
-cpan install File::Slurp
-cpan install DBD::SQLite
+`cpanm Mojolicious DBI File::Slurp`
+This command uses the `cpanm` tool to install the necessary modules (`Mojolicious`, `DBI`, and `File::Slurp`). If you don't have `cpanm` installed, you can install it by running `cpan App::cpanminus`.
-perl daemon -m production -l
+### Step 2: Create the SQLite Database
+The code uses an SQLite database to store the pastes. Create an empty SQLite database file named `pastes.db` in the same directory as the Perl script. You can do this with the following command:
+`touch pastes.db`
+### Step 3: Run the Perl Script
+Once you have installed the modules and created the database file, you can run the Perl script. Open your terminal and navigate to the directory containing the script (`cd path/to/script`). Then execute the following command:
+`perl daemon -m production -l`
+This command starts the Mojolicious application as a daemon process. You should see output similar to:
+`[Sun Jun 23 12:34:56 2023] [info] Listening at "http://ip:7878"`
+### Step 4: Access the Application
+Open a web browser and visit `http://ip:7878` to access the application. You should see a web page with a text area where you can enter your content.
+### Step 5: Test the Application
+You can test the application by entering some content in the text area and clicking the "Create paste" button. The application will generate a unique ID for the paste and display the paste's details.
+### Step 6: Accessing Raw Paste Data
+To access the raw content of a paste, you can click the "RAW" button on the paste's detail page.
+That's it! You have successfully set up and run the Perl script. You can continue using the application by creating and accessing pastes through the web interface.
+**Note**: Remember to keep the terminal running while you want the application to be accessible. You can stop the application by pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal.