commit - c49bee8d0b46dec85b11e4c0363e614fedc57093
commit + 3cf845fbfb0d4f8063d127afab51876b8627a537
blob - c5b935f2297fd9c1478a3548bf65e57e69083ad8
blob + 095c0466327cd7db69b8b37cff5f4f68c98f679f
--- src/ngircd/conn.c
+++ src/ngircd/conn.c
* Naehere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitter der Datei COPYING. Eine Liste
* der an ngIRCd beteiligten Autoren finden Sie in der Datei AUTHORS.
- * $Id: conn.c,v 1.81 2002/10/10 15:01:12 alex Exp $
+ * $Id: conn.c,v 1.82 2002/10/14 22:21:00 alex Exp $
* connect.h: Verwaltung aller Netz-Verbindungen ("connections")
fd_set read_sockets, write_sockets;
struct timeval tv;
time_t start, t;
- INT i;
+ INT i, idx;
start = time( NULL );
while(( ! NGIRCd_Quit ) && ( ! NGIRCd_Restart ))
/* Fehler (z.B. Interrupt) */
if( errno != EINTR )
- Log( LOG_EMERG, "select(): %s!", strerror( errno ));
+ Log( LOG_EMERG, "Conn_Handler: select(): %s!", strerror( errno ));
Log( LOG_ALERT, "%s exiting due to fatal errors!", PACKAGE );
exit( 1 );
/* Koennen Daten geschrieben werden? */
for( i = 0; i < Conn_MaxFD + 1; i++ )
- if( FD_ISSET( i, &write_sockets )) Handle_Write( Socket2Index( i ));
+ if( ! FD_ISSET( i, &write_sockets )) continue;
+ /* Es kann geschrieben werden ... */
+ idx = Socket2Index( i );
+ if( ! idx ) continue;
+ if( ! Handle_Write( idx ))
+ {
+ /* Fehler beim Schreiben! Diesen Socket nun
+ * auch aus dem Read-Set entfernen: */
+ FD_CLR( i, &read_sockets );
+ }
/* Daten zum Lesen vorhanden? */
if( close( My_Connections[Idx].sock ) != 0 )
- Log( LOG_ERR, "Error closing connection %d with %s:%d - %s!", Idx, inet_ntoa( My_Connections[Idx].addr.sin_addr ), ntohs( My_Connections[Idx].addr.sin_port), strerror( errno ));
+ Log( LOG_ERR, "Error closing connection %d (socket %d) with %s:%d - %s!", Idx, My_Connections[Idx].sock, inet_ntoa( My_Connections[Idx].addr.sin_addr ), ntohs( My_Connections[Idx].addr.sin_port), strerror( errno ));
- Log( LOG_INFO, "Connection %d with %s:%d closed.", Idx, inet_ntoa( My_Connections[Idx].addr.sin_addr ), ntohs( My_Connections[Idx].addr.sin_port ));
+ Log( LOG_INFO, "Connection %d (socket %d) with %s:%d closed.", Idx, My_Connections[Idx].sock, inet_ntoa( My_Connections[Idx].addr.sin_addr ), ntohs( My_Connections[Idx].addr.sin_port ));
+ /* Socket als "ungueltig" markieren */
+ FD_CLR( My_Connections[Idx].sock, &My_Sockets );
+ FD_CLR( My_Connections[Idx].sock, &My_Connects );
+ My_Connections[Idx].sock = NONE;
if( c ) Client_Destroy( c, LogMsg, FwdMsg, TRUE );
Conf_Server[My_Connections[Idx].our_server].lasttry = time( NULL ) - Conf_ConnectRetry + RECONNECT_DELAY;
- FD_CLR( My_Connections[Idx].sock, &My_Sockets );
- FD_CLR( My_Connections[Idx].sock, &My_Connects );
- My_Connections[Idx].sock = NONE;
+ /* Connection-Struktur loeschen (=freigeben) */
+ Init_Conn_Struct( Idx );
} /* Conn_Close */
/* Fehler! */
if( errno != EINTR )
- Log( LOG_ALERT, "select() failed: %s!", strerror( errno ));
+ Log( LOG_ALERT, "Try_Write: select() failed: %s (con=%d, sock=%d)!", strerror( errno ), Idx, My_Connections[Idx].sock );
Conn_Close( Idx, "Server error!", NULL, FALSE );
return FALSE;
/* Ein Client Socket: entweder ein User oder Server */
idx = Socket2Index( Sock );
- Read_Request( idx );
+ if( idx > NONE ) Read_Request( idx );
+ else Log( LOG_DEBUG, "Handle_Read: can't get connection for socket %d!", Sock );
} /* Handle_Read */
INT len, res, err;
- assert( Idx >= 0 );
+ assert( Idx >= NONE );
assert( My_Connections[Idx].sock > NONE );
if( FD_ISSET( My_Connections[Idx].sock, &My_Connects ))
/* PASS und SERVER verschicken */
Conn_WriteStr( Idx, "PASS %s %s", Conf_Server[My_Connections[Idx].our_server].pwd, NGIRCd_ProtoID );
- Conn_WriteStr( Idx, "SERVER %s :%s", Conf_ServerName, Conf_ServerInfo );
- return TRUE;
+ return Conn_WriteStr( Idx, "SERVER %s :%s", Conf_ServerName, Conf_ServerInfo );
assert( My_Connections[Idx].wdatalen > 0 );
if( len < 0 )
/* Oops, ein Fehler! */
- Log( LOG_ERR, "Write error (buffer) on connection %d: %s!", Idx, strerror( errno ));
- Conn_Close( Idx, "Write error (buffer)!", NULL, FALSE );
+ Log( LOG_ERR, "Write error on connection %d (socket %d): %s!", Idx, My_Connections[Idx].sock, strerror( errno ));
+ Conn_Close( Idx, "Write error!", NULL, FALSE );
return FALSE;
- /* Freie Connection-Struktur suschen */
+ /* Freie Connection-Struktur suchen */
for( idx = 0; idx < MAX_CONNECTIONS; idx++ ) if( My_Connections[idx].sock == NONE ) break;
if( idx >= MAX_CONNECTIONS )
for( idx = 0; idx < MAX_CONNECTIONS; idx++ ) if( My_Connections[idx].sock == Sock ) break;
- assert( idx < MAX_CONNECTIONS );
- return idx;
+ if( idx >= MAX_CONNECTIONS ) return NONE;
+ else return idx;
} /* Socket2Index */
if( len < 0 )
/* Fehler beim Lesen */
- Log( LOG_ERR, "Read error on connection %d: %s!", Idx, strerror( errno ));
+ Log( LOG_ERR, "Read error on connection %d (socket %d): %s!", Idx, My_Connections[Idx].sock, strerror( errno ));
Conn_Close( Idx, "Read error!", "Client closed connection", FALSE );