Commit Diff

commit - 888c52468373e3680fa1138830643848675779e5
commit + 24183b1a918d7475f9fac28a10c6ae49c93e24b3
blob - 72e2eda5e0da83c7e3aa6935eaec6709028a1d42
blob + 49a84f654c984e8222ad7e4af92755e6b23e2331
--- doc/Commands.txt
+++ doc/Commands.txt
@@ -479,12 +479,16 @@ Status and Informational Commands
 	 - RFC 2812, 3.4.6 "Time message"
-	TRACE [<server>]
+	TRACE [<target>]
 	Find the route to a specific server and send information about its
 	peers. Each server that processes this command reports back to the
 	sender about it: the replies from pass-through servers form a chain
 	which shows the route to the destination.
+	.
+	<target> can be a server name, the nickname of a client connected to
+	a specific server, or a mask matching a server name in the network.
+	The server of the current connection is used when <target> is omitted.
 	 - RFC 2812, 3.4.8 "Trace message"