
IPv6 support. all references to struct sockaddr/in_addr have been removed from src/ngircd. libngipaddr (in src/ipaddr/) hides all the gory details. See src/ipaddr/ng_ipaddr.h for API description.

Implemented IRC commands INFO, USERS (dummy), and SUMMON (dummy).

Make IRC_WHO also search username/servername/hostname. Dana Dahlstrom reported that IRC_WHO did not follow RFC 2812, Section 3.6.1. Specifically: - IRC_WHO did not send "G" flag instead if "H" if client was away - did not search username/servername/hostname etc. if argument was not a channel. Fix all of the above and tidy things up a bit. Also add IRC_WHO test script contributed by Dana.

Updated NEWS to reflect ChangeLog.

Updated NEWS to reflect ChangeLog.

Updated NEWS and ChangeLog files.

Introduce option to configure the maximum nick name lenth in ngircd.conf - New configuration option "MaxNickLength" to specify the allowed maximum length of user nick names. Note: must be unique in an IRC network! - Enhanced the IRC+ protocol to support an enhanced "server handshake" and enable server to recognice numeric 005 (ISUPPORT) and 376 (ENDOFMOTD). See doc/Protocol.txt for details.

Updates NEWS to reflect changes in CVS HEAD

Updated documentation to include changes of ngIRCd 0.10.2.

Updated documentation.

Updated ChangeLog/NEWS to reflect release of ngIRCd 0.10.1.

Updated files from ngIRCd 0.10.0.

Synchronized documentation with branch-0-10-x ...

Updated documentation from CVS branch-0-9-x.

Prepare documentation for release 0.9.0 ...

Implemented IRC function "WHOWAS".

Used a spellchecker :-)

New configuration option "OperServerMode".

Implemented support for "secret channels" (channel mode "s").

New configuration option "Mask" for [Operator] sections to limit OPER command.

New configuration variable "PidFile", section "[Global]": if defined, the server writes its process ID (PID) to this file. Default: off. Idea by Florian Westphal, <>.

Added support for the Howl ( Rendezvous API, in addition to the API of Apple (Mac OS X).

Updated documentation: note ngIRCd 0.8.0 :-)

New "chroot" feature (from Benjamin Pineau), introducing new configuration variables "ChrootDir" and "MotdPhrase".

Updated documentation.

Updated some copyright notices to include the year 2004.

The type of service (TOS) of all sockets is set to "interactive" now.

Added optional support for IDENT lookups (configure switch "--with-ident").

Changes from branch-0-7-x for version 0.7.5.

New configuration option "MaxConnectionsIP".

New configuration option "Listen" to bind the server to a specific ip.

Updated documentation.

Updated documentation (for release 0.7.1).

- Updated documentation.

Updated documentation.

Updated documentation.

Updated documentation.

Updated documentation.

- Updated documentation.

- Updated documentation.

- Updated documentation.

- Updated documentation.

- Updated documentation.

- Updated documentation.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert ...

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aus branch-0-4-x uebernommen.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert (uebernommen aus branch-0-4-x).

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Aktualisierungen.

- Dokumentation aktualisiert.

- Aktualisierungen.

- NEWS und ChangeLog aktualisiert.

- Aktualisierungen.

*** empty log message ***

*** empty log message ***

*** empty log message ***

- Version 0.2.0

*** empty log message ***

*** empty log message ***

- Aktualisierungen ...

- README, NEWS und ChangeLog aktualisiert.

*** empty log message ***

*** empty log message ***

- Copyright-Texte angepasst ;-)

- Dokumentation ergaenzt und verbessert.

Initial revision