Commit Briefs

Alexander Barton

New connection option CONN_RFC1459.

This new connection option CONN_RFC1459 indicates that the peer on this link only supports the IRC protocol as defined in RFC 1459 and that the compatibility mode (e. g. for outgoing commands like NICK) should be used.

Florian Westphal

TLS/SSL support: code changes.

This adds the required code to enable ssl/tls support during compile and run time, respectively.

Florian Westphal

IPv6 support.

all references to struct sockaddr/in_addr have been removed from src/ngircd. libngipaddr (in src/ipaddr/) hides all the gory details. See src/ipaddr/ng_ipaddr.h for API description.

Florian Westphal

- change return type of Conn_InitListeners to unsigned

- remove minor whitespace damage

Florian Westphal

removed obsolete "int Conn_MaxFD"

Florian Westphal

merge new resolver code

Alexander Barton

Removed "U" unsignet suffix: caused problems with older compilers and is

not necessary for this constants.

Florian Westphal

make Conn_NewListener local to conn.c

Florian Westphal

use dynamic io buffers

Florian Westphal

conn.h: option filed in CONNECTION struct is now UINT16.

conn-func.h: add accessor Macros Conn_OPTION_ADD( conn, CONN_OPTION ) Conn_OPTION_DEL( conn, CONN_OPTION ) Conn_OPTION_ISSET( conn, CONN_OPTION ) To add, remove or test for a certain option field attribute (e.g. CONN_ISCLOSING) These Macros should be used instead of accessing conn->options directly.

Florian Westphal


use stdbool.h / inttypes.h if available.

Alexander Barton

New function Conn_SyncServerStruct().

Alexander Barton

- new link "option" constant: CONN_ISCLOSING

Alexander Barton

- new file header format (in english).

Alexander Barton

- neue Befehle: Conn_StartTime(), Conn_SendQ(), Conn_RecvQ(), Conn_SendMsg(),

Conn_RecvMsg(), Conn_SendBytes[Zip](), Conn_RecvBytes[Zip]().

Alexander Barton

- neue Funktionen: Conn_SetOption(), Conn_UnsetOption(), Conn_Options().

- wenn mit zlib-Support: Conn_InitZip().

Alexander Barton

- neue Funktion Conn_SetServer().

Alexander Barton

- neue Funktion Conn_ResetPenalty().

Alexander Barton

- neue Funktion Conn_SetPenalty() zum Setzen von sog. "Penalty Zeiten";

wird bisher nur beim Connect verwendet (eine Sekunde).

Alexander Barton

- Anpassungen an pre-ANSI-Compiler,

- Includes aufgeraumt: Header includieren keine anderen mehr.

Alexander Barton

- externe portab-Header werden nicht mehr benoetigt/benutzt, dadurch

einige Aenderungen an diversen Source-Dateien und Headern. - Dateien enthalten keine CVS-History mehr.

Alexander Barton

- neue Funktion Conn_LastPing().

Alexander Barton

- viele neue Befehle (WHOIS, ISON, OPER, DIE, RESTART),

- neuen Header "defines.h" mit (fast) allen Konstanten. - Code Cleanups und viele "kleine" Aenderungen & Bugfixes.

Alexander Barton

- "Code Cleanups".

Alexander Barton

- CONN_ID wird definiert.