commit 292a01cae7d2e3537d4747944c621c9c6393a88e from: jrmu date: Thu May 09 04:01:16 2024 UTC Daily backup commit - b1b3910bb3f2bd73da8209669194daff923724c6 commit + 292a01cae7d2e3537d4747944c621c9c6393a88e blob - e323b1adcacd39069743a7e7e57c25c3dbcb44af blob + d1372d71a8aa654d3d7b14a67992a139eb984d75 --- wiki.d/.pageindex +++ wiki.d/.pageindex @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +Team.Team:1715202803: Router.Hardware Sysop.Hardware Ircnow.Services : hardware services ircnow router sysop title team page +Ircnow.Services:1715202696: : services archives biboumbi chessd ircnow gopher radio docs xmpp wiki host gitd mail and org old web got dns 11 12 ml 10 9 8 6 5 4 3 7 +Unix.Reading:1715182284: : dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i1 pd_rhf_dp_s_all_spx_wp_26 olp_aod_redir_impl1 interconnections internetworking implementation communications interpretation architectures 9781555582739 revolutionary 9780470287156 9780684832678 9780143122791 9780134190440 understanding professional transactions cryptography interprocess 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[==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Explorer]] . . . @2023-10-28T17:29:29Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2024]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:33:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:02:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2023]] . . . @2023-09-06T07:48:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Perl]] . . . @2023-07-02T21:08:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Education]] . . . @2023-06-10T06:13:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Codeforce]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 01:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Pioneer]] . . . August 14, 2022, at 05:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Newdeal]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Daughtersofliberty]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Womenstem]] . . . July 21, 2022, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Media]] . . . July 15, 2022, at 05:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2022]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:04 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Nsf]] . . . June 20, 2022, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Metrics]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Team]] . . . May 12, 2022, at 03:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Networks]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Ally]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Dogfood]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Status]] . . . January 03, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Projects]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Sonsofliberty]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2021]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Status2022]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 05:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Opsofliberty]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 05:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Victorycpus]] . . . October 30, 2021, at 08:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Settler]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 04:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Oper]] . . . October 12, 2021, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Diversity]] . . . October 09, 2021, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Linux]] . . . October 08, 2021, at 04:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Todo]] . . . August 17, 2021, at 08:41 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/PioneerTldr]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Constitution]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Stable]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/VicePresident]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Sheriff]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Ambassador]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 07:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/CodeForce]] . . . March 29, 2021, at 12:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Goals]] . . . March 06, 2021, at 09:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Chatforce]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 02:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Howtoask]] . . . March 03, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Netizen]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/IRCitizen]] . . . February 15, 2021, at 05:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/OpofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Allies]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/OpsofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 02:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Partners]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Sysadmins]] . . . January 24, 2021, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Ilines]] . . . January 11, 2021, at 09:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Censorship]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Pentesters]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Coders]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Helpers]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Finances]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Testing]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Contact]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 03:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Partners2]] . . . December 29, 2020, at 02:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Helper]] . . . November 28, 2020, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Course]] . . . August 21, 2020, at 05:01 AM by [[~gry]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Training]] . . . August 20, 2020, at 05:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Federation]] . . . August 03, 2020, at 12:19 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a -time=1712863773 +rev=1338 +text=* [[Ircnow/Services]] . . . @2024-05-08T21:11:36Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Milestones]] . . . @2024-04-11T19:29:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Servers]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:59:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:57:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/SSHFingerprints]] . . . @2023-12-17T18:47:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Minutemin]] . . . @2023-12-10T17:51:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Explorer]] . . . @2023-10-28T17:29:29Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2024]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:33:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:02:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2023]] . . . @2023-09-06T07:48:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Perl]] . . . @2023-07-02T21:08:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Education]] . . . @2023-06-10T06:13:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Codeforce]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 01:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Pioneer]] . . . August 14, 2022, at 05:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Newdeal]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Daughtersofliberty]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Womenstem]] . . . July 21, 2022, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Media]] . . . July 15, 2022, at 05:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2022]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:04 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Nsf]] . . . June 20, 2022, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Metrics]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Team]] . . . May 12, 2022, at 03:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Networks]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Ally]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Dogfood]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Status]] . . . January 03, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Projects]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Sonsofliberty]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Roadmap2021]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Status2022]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 05:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Opsofliberty]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 05:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Victorycpus]] . . . October 30, 2021, at 08:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Settler]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 04:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Oper]] . . . October 12, 2021, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Diversity]] . . . October 09, 2021, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Linux]] . . . October 08, 2021, at 04:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Todo]] . . . August 17, 2021, at 08:41 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/PioneerTldr]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Constitution]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Stable]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/VicePresident]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Sheriff]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Ambassador]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 07:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/CodeForce]] . . . March 29, 2021, at 12:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Goals]] . . . March 06, 2021, at 09:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Chatforce]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 02:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Howtoask]] . . . March 03, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Netizen]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/IRCitizen]] . . . February 15, 2021, at 05:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/OpofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Allies]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/OpsofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 02:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Partners]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Sysadmins]] . . . January 24, 2021, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Ilines]] . . . January 11, 2021, at 09:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Censorship]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Pentesters]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Coders]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Helpers]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Finances]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Testing]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Contact]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 03:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Partners2]] . . . December 29, 2020, at 02:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Helper]] . . . November 28, 2020, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Course]] . . . August 21, 2020, at 05:01 AM by [[~gry]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Training]] . . . August 20, 2020, at 05:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow/Federation]] . . . August 03, 2020, at 12:19 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a +time=1715202696 blob - 87bc3a28afcf540cad487d9a1b700ece4de9b60b blob + 0158c599fea448d30769064fad61bea0c3ccadae --- wiki.d/Site.AllRecentChanges +++ wiki.d/Site.AllRecentChanges @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ charset=UTF-8 ctime=1596101899 host= name=Site.AllRecentChanges -rev=12978 -text=* [[Openbsd.Dump]] . . . @2024-05-07T17:10:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Inbox]] . . . @2024-05-07T15:47:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Iked]] . . . @2024-05-06T21:00:14Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Homestead]] . . . @2024-05-06T05:49:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Almanack]] . . . @2024-05-06T05:49:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Bootcamp]] . . . @2024-05-06T05:48:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Restore]] . . . @2024-05-05T22:30:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Providers]] . . . @2024-05-04T04:13:44Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Prosody]] . . . @2024-05-02T13:20:46Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.MTA-STS]] . . . @2024-05-01T17:38:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Fstab]] . . . @2024-04-30T13:00:51Z by [[~mkf]]: [=mention ro=]%0a* [[Ffs.Intro]] . . . @2024-04-30T12:56:49Z by [[~mkf]]: [=hehe=]%0a* [[Gnus.Connect]] . . . @2024-04-30T12:31:49Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Configure]] . . . @2024-04-26T23:56:58Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=fix find command to also lock down dirs=]%0a* [[Dovecot.Install]] . . . @2024-04-26T23:55:07Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=fix find command to also lock down dirs=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mlmmj]] . . . @2024-04-25T18:41:36Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.HomePage]] . . . @2024-04-24T19:00:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ln.Shell]] . . . @2024-04-24T16:07:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ssh.Fingerprints]] . . . @2024-04-23T15:02:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.DumpBackupWithSCP]] . . . @2024-04-15T09:27:31Z by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Mariadb.Install]] . . . @2024-04-13T18:06:28Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openbsd]] . . . @2024-04-13T18:02:19Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Fics.Admin]] . . . @2024-04-12T19:01:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade75]] . . . @2024-04-11T20:42:45Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade]] . . . @2024-04-11T19:37:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Milestones]] . . . @2024-04-11T19:29:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Markets]] . . . @2024-04-11T17:15:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Swapctl.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T07:06:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Disklabel.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T06:49:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Newfs.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T06:20:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mount.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T06:19:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fdisk.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T00:09:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Disklabel]] . . . @2024-04-10T23:43:12Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Disklabel.Partitioning]] . . . @2024-04-10T23:22:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Softraid.Install]] . . . @2024-04-09T23:30:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Softraid.Rebuild]] . . . @2024-04-09T21:56:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Backups]] . . . @2024-04-09T21:50:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Fdisk]] . . . @2024-04-09T21:33:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Psybnc.Install]] . . . @2024-04-09T19:17:04Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Psybnc]] . . . @2024-04-09T19:14:35Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade75]] . . . @2024-04-09T05:59:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmctl.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-09T05:30:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Install]] . . . @2024-04-09T05:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Intro]] . . . @2024-04-09T01:30:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.Acceleration]] . . . @2024-04-08T20:52:31Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert to uncommented code block=]%0a* [[SiteAdmin.AuthUser]] . . . @2024-04-08T20:33:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Check]] . . . @2024-04-08T20:30:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Snac]] . . . @2024-04-08T16:30:46Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade]] . . . @2024-04-07T23:32:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Crontab.Edit]] . . . @2024-04-07T23:22:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install75]] . . . @2024-04-07T22:53:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install]] . . . @2024-04-07T22:28:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Vps]] . . . @2024-04-07T17:26:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Atactl.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-07T10:57:16Z by [[~mkf]]: [=add sleep command=]%0a* [[Vmctl.Disk]] . . . @2024-04-06T23:08:15Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmctl.Reinstall]] . . . @2024-04-06T22:59:10Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Outofmemory]] . . . @2024-04-06T21:03:39Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dmesg.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-06T20:15:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dmesg]] . . . @2024-04-06T20:15:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Users]] . . . @2024-04-06T19:10:58Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Yiming]] . . . @2024-04-06T04:59:28Z by [[~Yiming]]: [=Create New Page=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Singleuser]] . . . @2024-04-03T23:51:20Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostname.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-03T23:38:15Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hier]] . . . @2024-04-03T23:23:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Intro]] . . . @2024-04-03T20:32:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dd.Iso]] . . . @2024-04-03T20:30:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Resolv.Conf]] . . . @2024-04-03T20:09:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Localtime]] . . . @2024-04-03T16:39:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bootconf]] . . . @2024-04-03T07:35:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Chess]] . . . @2024-04-01T01:40:42Z by [[~maxxe]]: [==]%0a* [[Router.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T23:16:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sysop.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T22:05:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Team]] . . . @2024-03-31T22:02:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Servers]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:59:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:57:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Oddprotocol.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:54:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nastycode.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:42:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Planetofnix.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:40:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsdforall.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:40:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Thunderbird]] . . . @2024-03-30T12:51:26Z by [[~Yiming]]: [=Update=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Akkoma]] . . . @2024-03-25T04:31:17Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pleroma]] . . . @2024-03-25T04:30:19Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.Wss]] . . . @2024-03-20T22:13:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=Thanks to miniontoby!=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysctl]] . . . @2024-03-18T16:56:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenSSH.Connect]] . . . @2024-03-16T21:22:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rcd.Configure]] . . . @2024-03-14T14:14:37Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Link]] . . . @2024-03-14T09:25:10Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Bittorrent]] . . . @2024-03-13T03:17:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pmwiki]] . . . @2024-03-12T15:21:47Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Bio]] . . . @2024-03-09T21:29:57Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Rcctl]] . . . @2024-03-09T18:16:03Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Loginconf]] . . . @2024-03-09T16:40:33Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ngircd]] . . . @2024-03-09T16:35:20Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Change]] . . . @2024-03-01T18:04:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Overview]] . . . @2024-02-20T00:38:00Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Erc]] . . . @2024-02-19T19:25:28Z by [[~kiliro]]: [=Add better format Summary: Add better formatin=]%0a* [[Site.SideBar]] . . . @2024-02-19T17:49:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Bouncer]] . . . @2024-02-19T16:34:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Icecast]] . . . @2024-02-12T17:38:08Z by [[~mkf]]: [=minor changes=]%0a* [[Donations.Donations]] . . . @2024-02-11T04:47:30Z by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Cwm.Configure]] . . . @2024-02-10T20:34:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Drawterm]] . . . @2024-02-10T17:15:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Wsconsctl.Usage]] . . . @2024-02-10T06:50:02Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Easy]] . . . @2024-02-04T18:52:09Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Static]] . . . @2024-02-04T03:21:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.TheloungeWebircClient]] . . . @2024-02-01T13:39:12Z by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Panic]] . . . @2024-01-20T22:18:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssh.Totp]] . . . @2024-01-16T07:17:39Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix101.Unix101]] . . . @2024-01-11T17:22:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Atheme.Install]] . . . @2024-01-01T15:24:17Z by [[~rahl]]: [=Atheme is written in C=]%0a* [[Rio.Customize]] . . . @2023-12-30T21:33:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade74]] . . . @2023-12-28T21:05:35Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Lists]] . . . @2023-12-26T20:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Xboard.Connect]] . . . @2023-12-26T01:05:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Reading]] . . . @2023-12-22T01:00:20Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[I2Pd.Install]] . . . @2023-12-20T06:00:49Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[9C.Exits]] . . . @2023-12-18T15:10:37Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bitlbee]] . . . @2023-12-18T10:06:57Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Authsrv]] . . . @2023-12-18T09:11:44Z by [[~mkf]]: [=delete empty page=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Icechat]] . . . @2023-12-18T09:09:46Z by [[~mkf]]: [=remove duplicate article (see Bouncer.IceChat)=]%0a* [[Ircnow.SSHFingerprints]] . . . @2023-12-17T18:47:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Memes]] . . . @2023-12-16T19:19:09Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Minutemin]] . . . @2023-12-10T17:51:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.UbuntuIso]] . . . @2023-12-04T20:16:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Sysupgrade]] . . . @2023-12-02T14:59:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Openaccess]] . . . @2023-12-01T03:16:51Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Tcache]] . . . @2023-11-30T02:41:15Z by [[~Tcache]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshd.Disablepassword]] . . . @2023-11-29T05:00:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wraith]] . . . @2023-11-25T18:49:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Host]] . . . @2023-11-24T22:51:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hunchentoot.Install]] . . . @2023-11-24T19:50:41Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pkg]] . . . @2023-11-19T01:35:10Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syspatch.Syspatch]] . . . @2023-11-19T01:33:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install73]] . . . @2023-11-18T05:32:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install74]] . . . @2023-11-18T05:06:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade74]] . . . @2023-11-16T00:15:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcltls]] . . . @2023-11-06T20:19:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Olympics.Games]] . . . @2023-11-05T18:39:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Security]] . . . @2023-11-04T18:45:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Linux.Reading]] . . . @2023-11-01T03:47:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Tools]] . . . @2023-10-28T17:41:59Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Explorer]] . . . @2023-10-28T17:29:29Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Intro]] . . . @2023-10-28T17:04:45Z by [[~redrum88]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.PFStable]] . . . @2023-10-27T19:07:16Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Revise ICMP section in accordance with RFCs. Fix icmp6 syntax issue.=]%0a* [[Znc.Chroot]] . . . @2023-10-26T16:51:57Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2024]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:33:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:02:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.DKIM]] . . . @2023-10-19T19:11:28Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Add this note here too (already present in DNS.Mail)=]%0a* [[DNS.Mail]] . . . @2023-10-19T19:09:57Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Change so _dkimsign is used for /etc/mail/dkim. _dovecot never needs to access that folder.=]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Replace]] . . . @2023-10-19T17:19:19Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Fix IndentationError, although the script seems to have other issues (blank output)=]%0a* [[Police.Intro]] . . . @2023-10-08T05:05:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.DNSSEC]] . . . @2023-10-08T02:32:13Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=nitpick: Restart/Reload rather than Restart/reload=]%0a* [[Unbound.Configure]] . . . @2023-10-07T23:19:54Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Edit after revert to include more accurate information, discussed with jrmu=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm-NowWithInit]] . . . @2023-10-07T05:20:56Z by [[~Maddie]]: [=[Minor]: Cleaned ansible code for more efficency.=]%0a* [[C.Cprimer]] . . . @2023-10-05T18:57:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Hidden]] . . . @2023-10-04T18:19:36Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Add authorization section for hidden services=]%0a* [[Openbsd.FilePermissions]] . . . @2023-10-04T02:15:54Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Replace `$ doas` with `#`=]%0a* [[Dns.TroubleshootingDNS]] . . . @2023-10-03T06:23:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Troubleshooting]] . . . @2023-10-03T06:21:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Anope]] . . . @2023-10-03T02:51:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ramfs]] . . . @2023-09-27T15:43:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Loginconf]] . . . @2023-09-22T14:40:06Z by [[~Yonle]]: [=Probably need some revertion.=]%0a* [[Hosting.Providers]] . . . @2023-09-12T04:58:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Repo]] . . . @2023-09-10T23:25:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2023]] . . . @2023-09-06T07:48:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.CPAN]] . . . @2023-09-05T03:25:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9pideas]] . . . @2023-09-03T18:58:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9gridchan]] . . . @2023-09-03T06:16:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Acmemail]] . . . @2023-09-01T18:05:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Account]] . . . @2023-09-01T17:09:51Z by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Date]] . . . @2023-09-01T13:46:05Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Shell]] . . . @2023-08-27T18:52:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Why9]] . . . @2023-08-25T17:15:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Splinternet]] . . . @2023-08-24T02:31:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.PKI]] . . . @2023-08-23T19:47:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.IP]] . . . @2023-08-23T00:12:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Inter9]] . . . @2023-08-23T00:11:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Irc]] . . . @2023-08-22T14:15:24Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=spelling=]%0a* [[9.Rcpu]] . . . @2023-08-21T17:21:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.FNS]] . . . @2023-08-19T17:30:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.PNS]] . . . @2023-08-19T17:05:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Reading]] . . . @2023-08-17T18:18:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9C.Intro]] . . . @2023-08-15T22:57:20Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hw.X230]] . . . @2023-08-15T12:46:43Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Reading]] . . . @2023-08-14T02:37:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Irc]] . . . @2023-08-07T01:37:18Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=correct (unused) USER parameters=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade71]] . . . @2023-07-27T20:09:43Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=using both -U and -u at the same time is pointless=]%0a* [[Profiles.Yonle]] . . . @2023-07-17T15:08:57Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCModules]] . . . @2023-07-16T20:56:32Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added links to more modules=]%0a* [[Pbug.Bio]] . . . @2023-07-08T13:53:57Z by [[~pbug]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DebianIso]] . . . @2023-07-05T19:58:36Z by [[~TheLion]]: [==]%0a* [[Certbot.Nginx]] . . . @2023-07-04T13:58:54Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Vpn]] . . . @2023-07-04T05:59:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Perl]] . . . @2023-07-02T21:08:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Manifesto]] . . . @2023-07-02T18:39:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Configure]] . . . @2023-07-02T06:47:04Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.VpnIos]] . . . @2023-07-01T21:21:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Terms.Terms]] . . . @2023-06-30T14:35:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Announce]] . . . @2023-06-29T23:11:19Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Biboumi]] . . . @2023-06-27T10:13:30Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Cronjobs]] . . . @2023-06-17T04:44:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Orangepi3lts]] . . . @2023-06-12T00:06:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Xenodm]] . . . @2023-06-11T16:30:39Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [=OpenBSD, xorg, xenodm, monitors=]%0a* [[Team.Welcome]] . . . @2023-06-10T15:37:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Education]] . . . @2023-06-10T06:13:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.RDNS]] . . . @2023-06-10T05:27:27Z by [[~jacobk]]: [=fix link to Ipv6rdns=]%0a* [[Ngircd.Sins]] . . . @2023-06-09T20:20:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Bugs]] . . . @2023-06-09T19:46:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Jujube]] . . . @2023-06-08T21:38:47Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Update domain name=]%0a* [[Ikiwiki.Install]] . . . @2023-06-07T22:48:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Limits]] . . . @2023-06-06T20:12:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm]] . . . @2023-06-06T05:52:47Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Universal]] . . . @2023-05-31T19:02:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gnost-relay]] . . . @2023-05-31T10:53:55Z by [[~Yonle]]: [=There's a reason why i connect to IPv6 instead of IPv4=]%0a* [[Freedom.Radio]] . . . @2023-05-29T16:10:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Config]] . . . @2023-05-29T03:16:54Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=cleanup and added instructions for changing tmux hotkey from ^b:=]%0a* [[Got.RemoteRepo]] . . . @2023-05-28T04:26:48Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[C101.C101]] . . . @2023-05-25T14:31:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.BBB]] . . . @2023-05-24T15:03:59Z by [[~devune]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Privacy]] . . . @2023-05-22T19:09:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Psotnic.Install]] . . . @2023-05-22T16:03:20Z by [[~devune]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DevuanIso]] . . . @2023-05-21T18:54:36Z by [[~pbug]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Ircnow]] . . . @2023-05-19T21:54:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Setup to match Ianj's version.=]%0a* [[NewsNow.NewsNow]] . . . @2023-05-18T12:51:42Z by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Masterslave]] . . . @2023-05-18T10:44:43Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Configure]] . . . @2023-05-17T19:46:17Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [=add url to Nsd.Masterslave=]%0a* [[Botnow.Install]] . . . @2023-05-09T19:17:22Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=added bots tag=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Ircrc]] . . . @2023-05-09T04:40:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.Cookbooks]] . . . @2023-05-04T21:30:21Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.MlmmjWebArchiver]] . . . @2023-05-04T00:33:10Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added missing instructions for installing mhonarc=]%0a* [[Lists.Ircnow]] . . . @2023-05-03T21:11:00Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added Jobs and some formatting=]%0a* [[Bots.Basicbot]] . . . @2023-04-30T21:47:44Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=fixed missing ; in my $mod={}=]%0a* [[Bots.BasicbotWiki]] . . . @2023-04-30T02:59:37Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Initial post=]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Perl]] . . . @2023-04-29T22:38:05Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Perl101.Perl101]] . . . @2023-04-29T22:34:22Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Tmux]] . . . @2023-04-29T21:32:15Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Initial wikigroup page with pagelist and links to other related tools=]%0a* [[Hardware.Ps2]] . . . @2023-04-28T08:01:37Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hardware.Ethernet]] . . . @2023-04-26T04:23:15Z by [[~mkf]]: [=importing this new found information, thanks cinap.=]%0a* [[9.Cheatsheet]] . . . @2023-04-26T04:06:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mutt.Connect]] . . . @2023-04-23T20:19:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.GroupsTagsCategories]] . . . @2023-04-22T16:12:01Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiFormatting]] . . . @2023-04-22T06:27:30Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiGroups]] . . . @2023-04-22T06:04:14Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiTips]] . . . @2023-04-22T05:11:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.InterMap]] . . . @2023-04-22T04:41:45Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Tips for using interMap links to other data sources=]%0a* [[Cherry.Cherry]] . . . @2023-04-22T03:53:28Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Botnow.Botnow]] . . . @2023-04-22T02:20:54Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Irssi]] . . . @2023-04-22T00:51:13Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Translator]] . . . @2023-04-21T15:29:21Z by [[~forero]]: [==]%0a* [[Course-unix100.Course-unix100]] . . . @2023-04-21T04:08:32Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Sylpheed.Connect]] . . . @2023-04-20T06:21:36Z by [[~initfree]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop191.Install]] . . . @2023-04-19T16:03:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=updated version number=]%0a* [[WikiTips.Markup]] . . . @2023-04-19T04:01:20Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added notes on markdown cookbook=]%0a* [[OpenSSH.Keygen]] . . . @2023-04-19T00:30:11Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=softened the language on setting a passphrase to 'should set' instead of 'always set'=]%0a* [[Password.Schemes]] . . . @2023-04-17T20:46:42Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.KnownIssues]] . . . @2023-04-10T22:02:38Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Fics.Install]] . . . @2023-04-08T01:47:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Limitsbot]] . . . @2023-04-02T01:49:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.TLSMulti]] . . . @2023-03-31T14:16:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Tournament]] . . . @2023-03-28T00:50:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Ilines]] . . . @2023-03-26T07:00:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Bots]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:16:10Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Eggdrop]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:12:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.DuckHunt]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:11:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.BotZNC]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:10:26Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop184.Install]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:04:13Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Botnow]] . . . @2023-03-24T17:57:43Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added redirect link for botnow=]%0a* [[9.9p]] . . . @2023-03-23T12:00:13Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade72]] . . . @2023-03-22T02:48:07Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Simple stub to upgrade68=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade69]] . . . @2023-03-22T02:45:25Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Doas.Configure]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:29:02Z by [[~boxette]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade71]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:24:24Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade70]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:23:31Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade68]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:19:01Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added drop screen definitions and info re sysupgrade=]%0a* [[Terms.Privacy]] . . . @2023-03-21T20:09:01Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Test]] . . . @2023-03-21T16:12:17Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.TCLErorrWhileExecutingPackage]] . . . @2023-03-21T03:01:23Z by [[~GuardiaN]]: [==]%0a* [[Xmpp.Xmpp]] . . . @2023-03-20T16:59:36Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Letsencrypt.Expired]] . . . @2023-03-19T03:46:41Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=add command for counting certs=]%0a* [[Hardware.Psp]] . . . @2023-03-16T18:44:50Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Cloud9p.Roadmap]] . . . @2023-03-16T09:29:23Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pgp.Create]] . . . @2023-03-13T14:54:27Z by [[~baytuch]]: [=Added export pub key=]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Cheatsheet]] . . . @2023-03-12T09:52:16Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Minetest]] . . . @2023-03-12T05:12:30Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added web assembly client link=]%0a* [[9front.Netsurf]] . . . @2023-03-10T15:08:21Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Dovecot.SharedMailboxes]] . . . @2023-03-10T14:16:57Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Squirrelmail.Install]] . . . @2023-03-10T00:33:25Z by [[~pos]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Xfnw]] . . . @2023-03-07T21:55:06Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=update expiration=]%0a* [[FreeIRC.About]] . . . March 05, 2023, at 03:51 PM by [[~kilroy]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.OpenTracker]] . . . March 03, 2023, at 04:37 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.ZNC]] . . . February 28, 2023, at 02:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Changeident]] . . . February 28, 2023, at 02:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [=This was suggested by another author, but because the solution is not permanent, we move it to a sep=]%0a* [[Acme-client.Configure]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 10:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert as I'm not sure if /etc/daily.local is better=]%0a* [[Stagit.Install]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 05:24 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gotweb]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 05:04 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Install]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 01:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert erroneous change=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Codeforce]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 01:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Baytuch.Bio]] . . . February 17, 2023, at 12:00 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Configure]] . . . February 17, 2023, at 11:39 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Plermoa]] . . . February 16, 2023, at 04:52 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [=Redirect=]%0a* [[Akkoma.Install]] . . . February 09, 2023, at 12:49 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Google.Sins]] . . . February 08, 2023, at 05:13 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Googledanger]] . . . February 08, 2023, at 05:01 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Outreachkids]] . . . February 08, 2023, at 04:34 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mosh]] . . . February 07, 2023, at 11:30 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Usage]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:38 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Mkf.Wikiv1]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Openweb]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:15 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Youtubedanger]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:10 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Paster.Install]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 10:22 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Anope.Install]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 09:46 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Password.Hashes]] . . . February 04, 2023, at 07:27 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=formatting fixes=]%0a* [[Chess.Chessgogi]] . . . February 04, 2023, at 03:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Passwords]] . . . February 03, 2023, at 07:49 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Password.Management]] . . . February 03, 2023, at 07:44 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.Ipv4rDNS]] . . . February 01, 2023, at 08:31 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [=added note to clarify what address needs to be specified.=]%0a* [[Dovecot.SharedFolders]] . . . January 31, 2023, at 06:03 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=renaming to sharedMailboxes=]%0a* [[Soju.Install]] . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=minor changes on style=]%0a* [[Lilywhitebot.Install]] . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:23 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[SendMoneyToSplinter0616Outlook.Com]] . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:19 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Biboumi.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:10 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Texlive.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Rcctl.Rcctl]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:00 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Configure]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:59 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hopm.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:32 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unrealircd]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:27 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Unrealircd.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pleroma.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:18 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gomuks.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:08 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gotweb.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:02 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Webnews.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:57 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Php.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Mlmmj.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Fiche.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:44 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Prosody.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:42 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bitlbee.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:36 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[TigerVNC.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:30 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[NodeJS.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:27 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Xfce.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:17 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:08 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vipw]] . . . January 18, 2023, at 11:01 PM by [[~zen]]: [=added two spaces=]%0a* [[Grep.Usage]] . . . January 18, 2023, at 10:54 PM by [[~zen]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Networks]] . . . January 12, 2023, at 06:36 PM by [[~kilroy]]: [=Updated Sturtz IRC=]%0a* [[Znc.Install]] . . . January 07, 2023, at 11:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rspamd.Configure]] . . . January 03, 2023, at 04:55 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Dovecot.Pigeonhole]] . . . December 30, 2022, at 04:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=style 2=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Quota]] . . . December 29, 2022, at 06:51 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Miniontoby]] . . . December 26, 2022, at 07:26 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Created=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Minetest]] . . . December 26, 2022, at 07:23 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Added more ways to install=]%0a* [[Splinter0616Outlook.Com]] . . . December 25, 2022, at 02:37 AM by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Oper]] . . . December 25, 2022, at 12:03 AM by [[~forero]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Honk]] . . . December 17, 2022, at 08:45 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Yonle.Bio]] . . . December 13, 2022, at 05:18 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Camping.Gear]] . . . December 12, 2022, at 04:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vhost.Vhost]] . . . December 12, 2022, at 03:36 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [==]%0a* [[Vhost.Ircnow]] . . . December 12, 2022, at 03:13 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [ is not an ircnow domain=]%0a* [[I2Pd.Tunnels]] . . . December 06, 2022, at 02:52 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [=There we go. =]%0a* [[I2pd.Tunnels]] . . . December 06, 2022, at 02:45 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Unwind.Configure]] . . . November 26, 2022, at 09:23 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=add unwind=]%0a* [[Debian.Install]] . . . November 13, 2022, at 11:43 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [=writing=]%0a* [[Lemon.Lemon]] . . . November 10, 2022, at 01:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.JmIRC]] . . . November 04, 2022, at 06:18 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [=Added screenshots about setup=]%0a* [[Bouncer.XChat]] . . . October 16, 2022, at 11:09 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=XChat is unmaintained=]%0a* [[Eggdrop.VHost]] . . . October 02, 2022, at 01:05 PM by [[~sulieztya]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.VhostTCL]] . . . October 02, 2022, at 07:06 AM by [[~sulieztya]]: [==]%0a* [[He.IPv6Certification]] . . . September 16, 2022, at 05:32 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=create page=]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Education]] . . . September 14, 2022, at 07:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[About.AboutUs]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 06:42 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAndSafety.LegalAndSafety]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:19 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAndSafety.LegalAmpSafety]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:17 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAmpSafety.Subheading]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:15 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[Acmesh.Configure]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:03 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Added (currently a WIP)=]%0a* [[Dehydrated.Configure]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 02:52 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Add dehydrated=]%0a* [[Profiles.Izzyb]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:28 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Site.EditForm]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:22 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=Make Author none editable field=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Geomyidae]] . . . September 10, 2022, at 02:31 AM by [[~akoizumi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.INN]] . . . September 10, 2022, at 02:23 AM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Fix some types=]%0a* [[Heading.Subheading]] . . . September 07, 2022, at 07:23 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop193.Install]] . . . September 07, 2022, at 04:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Pioneer]] . . . August 14, 2022, at 05:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.VsFTP]] . . . August 10, 2022, at 03:18 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=snipped unneeded output=]%0a* [[C.Scanf]] . . . August 10, 2022, at 09:51 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.CertsReissue]] . . . August 08, 2022, at 05:35 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Usage]] . . . August 04, 2022, at 01:12 AM by [[~tiramisu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pgp.Upload]] . . . August 01, 2022, at 01:21 PM by [[~jan6]]: [ uses a superior implementation, less vulnerable to various issues=]%0a* [[Lemon.Packages]] . . . July 30, 2022, at 07:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Ellisisland]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 07:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Newdeal]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Daughtersofliberty]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Womenstem]] . . . July 21, 2022, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.RC]] . . . July 20, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Troubleshoot]] . . . July 20, 2022, at 03:58 PM by [[~jlj]]: [=Added notes about how I resolved the first two errors, on nastycode=]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Nickserv]] . . . July 19, 2022, at 10:05 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Chroot.Intro]] . . . July 18, 2022, at 04:23 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Media]] . . . July 15, 2022, at 05:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Linuxstrongswan]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Acme-client.AutoRenew]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:50 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Apmd]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:36 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2022]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:04 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Android]] . . . July 01, 2022, at 12:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.Myipaddress]] . . . June 30, 2022, at 09:51 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.Blacklists]] . . . June 25, 2022, at 06:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Linux]] . . . June 23, 2022, at 07:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.Vpn]] . . . June 23, 2022, at 06:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Nsf]] . . . June 20, 2022, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Debate]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Metrics]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Records]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 05:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Alpine]] . . . June 13, 2022, at 05:42 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Arch]] . . . June 12, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~g1n]]: [=Added article about Arch Linux setup on VMM=]%0a* [[Znc.Patch]] . . . June 12, 2022, at 12:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unveil.Intro]] . . . June 12, 2022, at 12:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pledge.Intro]] . . . June 12, 2022, at 12:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bsdrd]] . . . June 09, 2022, at 07:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vnc.Vnc]] . . . June 08, 2022, at 04:04 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Added RealVNC Viewer to the list (might need some more extra stuff, but yeah its fine)=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Growfs]] . . . June 01, 2022, at 12:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Static-v2]] . . . May 23, 2022, at 06:29 AM by [[~theguest]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Team]] . . . May 12, 2022, at 03:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Minetest]] . . . May 10, 2022, at 10:48 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Emoji]] . . . May 10, 2022, at 10:23 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Nsd]] . . . May 10, 2022, at 12:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opsofliberty.Bootcamp]] . . . May 09, 2022, at 08:38 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ports]] . . . May 09, 2022, at 05:54 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Ssl]] . . . May 08, 2022, at 03:30 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=fixed the text=]%0a* [[Codeforce.Training]] . . . May 03, 2022, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Civics.Intro]] . . . May 03, 2022, at 01:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.EdgeRouter-Lite]] . . . April 28, 2022, at 02:50 PM by [[~pufferf]]: [==]%0a* [[Math.Reading]] . . . April 27, 2022, at 08:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install71]] . . . April 24, 2022, at 09:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Botnow]] . . . April 24, 2022, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Buyvm.Ipv6]] . . . April 24, 2022, at 06:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Rss]] . . . April 23, 2022, at 04:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Testing]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 09:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Registrars]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 09:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gopher]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 08:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Adduser]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 08:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Signify.Verify]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Route]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:23 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ntpd.Configure]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ntpd]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmmlinux]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Linux]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Iked]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Team]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 04:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Networks]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Announce]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ally]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Chroot]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install70]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 06:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[CodeForce.Bootcamp]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 06:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Vmm]] . . . April 15, 2022, at 12:20 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Update: report from PiRATA=]%0a* [[Minutemin.Minutemin]] . . . April 06, 2022, at 02:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.CGI]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~gtlsgamr]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Censord]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dns]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Zncflaws]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 05:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Debiandanger]] . . . April 04, 2022, at 04:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Tls]] . . . April 04, 2022, at 04:25 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Website]] . . . April 03, 2022, at 11:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Soju.Guide]] . . . April 02, 2022, at 03:46 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Nitter.Install]] . . . April 02, 2022, at 01:08 AM by [[~fallback]]: [=first nitter install page=]%0a* [[Debiankaios.Bio]] . . . April 01, 2022, at 05:10 PM by [[~debiankaios]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Irc]] . . . March 30, 2022, at 12:40 PM by [[~m16]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Reading]] . . . March 29, 2022, at 10:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Services]] . . . March 25, 2022, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syslogd.Configure]] . . . March 25, 2022, at 04:07 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ddos]] . . . March 24, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ddos.Intro]] . . . March 24, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.ZNC]] . . . March 19, 2022, at 07:31 AM by [[~fallback]]: [==]%0a* [[ISCABBS.DownloadingAndInstalling]] . . . March 15, 2022, at 10:42 PM by [[~Mandarax]]: [==]%0a* [[ISCABBS.ISCABBS]] . . . March 15, 2022, at 09:24 PM by [[~Mandarax]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.History]] . . . March 14, 2022, at 06:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Exhibit]] . . . March 13, 2022, at 11:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Dogfooding]] . . . March 10, 2022, at 05:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Doxing.Defense]] . . . March 05, 2022, at 08:54 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mlmmj-archivist.Install]] . . . March 03, 2022, at 05:26 AM by [[~error]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.IRCBridge]] . . . February 28, 2022, at 02:59 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix101.Vi]] . . . February 27, 2022, at 08:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vi.Intro]] . . . February 27, 2022, at 04:16 PM by [[~Limits]]: [=Add Introduction to Vi=]%0a* [[Irc201.Irc201]] . . . February 27, 2022, at 04:21 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ideas]] . . . February 23, 2022, at 05:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.WikiSandbox]] . . . February 22, 2022, at 11:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wesnothd]] . . . February 21, 2022, at 06:28 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=Wesnothd=]%0a* [[9.Audio]] . . . February 20, 2022, at 08:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Xonotic]] . . . February 20, 2022, at 07:43 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=A xonotic server has apperad! pt.2=]%0a* [[PuTTY.PuTTYgen]] . . . February 16, 2022, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ircnowd]] . . . February 14, 2022, at 06:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Stopm.Stopm]] . . . February 14, 2022, at 06:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Police.Fingerprints]] . . . February 12, 2022, at 02:09 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=ip addresses should be sorted with sort -V=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Police]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:36 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Dns]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:39 AM by [[~nixdork]]: [=Fix typo=]%0a* [[Dns.BindResolver]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:30 AM by [[~nixdork]]: [=First draft of bind resolver howto=]%0a* [[Botnow.SqliteViews]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 02:00 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [==]%0a* [[AncientWisdom.Bio]] . . . February 07, 2022, at 01:18 PM by [[~AncientWisdom]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Questions]] . . . February 05, 2022, at 09:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Server]] . . . February 05, 2022, at 08:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.SlackwareIso]] . . . February 03, 2022, at 10:53 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Slackware 15.0 x86 stable is released=]%0a* [[Duplicity.Usage]] . . . February 02, 2022, at 10:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Encryptfile]] . . . February 02, 2022, at 09:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openrsync.Usage]] . . . January 29, 2022, at 09:04 AM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=update from rsync to openrsync=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpip]] . . . January 24, 2022, at 05:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Synclient.Configure]] . . . January 24, 2022, at 06:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Install]] . . . January 22, 2022, at 06:57 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Asterisk.Install]] . . . January 19, 2022, at 05:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ndb]] . . . January 16, 2022, at 06:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.U9fs]] . . . January 16, 2022, at 06:23 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.FQDN]] . . . January 15, 2022, at 10:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.DNSSec]] . . . January 14, 2022, at 02:53 AM by [[~pyr3x]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Locale]] . . . January 12, 2022, at 01:23 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Autocomplete]] . . . January 11, 2022, at 01:44 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=updated url=]%0a* [[Gpg.Verify]] . . . January 08, 2022, at 09:48 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Add description=]%0a* [[Mlmmj.Archive]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 10:52 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Hostowner]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 11:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Dogfood]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Chording]] . . . January 03, 2022, at 02:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Status]] . . . January 03, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Server]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 05:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Census.Census]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bncnow.Bncnow]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Projects]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircfs.Intro]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 10:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnowd.Ircnowd]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Marketing]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sonsofliberty]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pkgadd.CheckUpdates]] . . . January 01, 2022, at 04:29 AM by [[~pyr3x]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2021]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sftp]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sftp.Chroot]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Status2022]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 05:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.UTF8]] . . . December 28, 2021, at 08:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Uim]] . . . December 26, 2021, at 01:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshwifty.Install]] . . . December 23, 2021, at 02:49 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=created=]%0a* [[Nsd.Zone]] . . . December 23, 2021, at 10:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Hosting]] . . . December 23, 2021, at 03:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenSSH.RSAkeys]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wifi]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 02:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Recordaudio]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 01:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 11:30 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [=fix some grammatical errors=]%0a* [[Parec.Record]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sox.Concat]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ffmpeg.Recordscreen]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[JuiceSSH.Connect]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 01:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Independent]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MacScreenSharing.Connect]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 11:57 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Partdisk]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 11:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Usage]] . . . December 17, 2021, at 04:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Federation]] . . . December 17, 2021, at 02:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Chanop]] . . . December 14, 2021, at 04:58 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Todo]] . . . December 03, 2021, at 07:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pylink.Chroot]] . . . December 02, 2021, at 02:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pylink.Install]] . . . December 02, 2021, at 02:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Marriage]] . . . December 02, 2021, at 06:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hosting.Hosting]] . . . December 01, 2021, at 02:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mc.Usage]] . . . November 29, 2021, at 07:53 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[PuTTY.Connect]] . . . November 29, 2021, at 12:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Email]] . . . November 29, 2021, at 04:19 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Texlive.Sinhala]] . . . November 28, 2021, at 06:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MailWindows.Connect]] . . . November 27, 2021, at 03:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gajim.Biboumi]] . . . November 27, 2021, at 01:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mcabber.Connect]] . . . November 26, 2021, at 01:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ChatSecure.Connect]] . . . November 26, 2021, at 11:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9pfs]] . . . November 24, 2021, at 02:00 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DebianInstall]] . . . November 24, 2021, at 11:44 AM by [[~nicoz]]: [==]%0a* [[Siskin.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 04:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dino.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 02:10 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Monal.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 10:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Xabber.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 10:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.DMARC]] . . . November 22, 2021, at 10:52 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[StorkIM.Connect]] . . . November 21, 2021, at 05:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Conversations.Connect]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 05:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Yaxim.Connect]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 05:09 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Adium.Connect]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 07:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.AlmaLinux]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 06:47 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Psi.Connect]] . . . November 17, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pidgin.Connect]] . . . November 17, 2021, at 10:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gajim.Connect]] . . . November 17, 2021, at 08:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Training]] . . . November 16, 2021, at 03:30 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[Opera.Connect]] . . . November 16, 2021, at 12:12 AM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[0dev.0dev]] . . . November 12, 2021, at 03:00 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.RockyLinux]] . . . November 11, 2021, at 10:51 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Openrelay]] . . . November 11, 2021, at 10:37 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Sandbox.0dev]] . . . November 11, 2021, at 01:45 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Mirror]] . . . November 07, 2021, at 05:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.OpenIKED]] . . . November 07, 2021, at 03:45 PM by [[~gloNO]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Got]] . . . November 07, 2021, at 03:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Opsofliberty]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 05:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Emacs.Emacs]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 04:39 PM by [[~LohanG]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Support]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 03:53 PM by [[~LohanG]]: [=added libera=]%0a* [[Vmm.Plan9]] . . . November 05, 2021, at 09:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=???=]%0a* [[9.Stone]] . . . November 04, 2021, at 04:09 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Zuke]] . . . November 04, 2021, at 04:01 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Drawtermssh]] . . . November 04, 2021, at 03:54 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [=ssh bad >:[=]%0a* [[Netcat.Http]] . . . November 03, 2021, at 02:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Telnet.Http]] . . . November 03, 2021, at 02:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Relayd]] . . . November 03, 2021, at 10:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Admin]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 05:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Debug]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Usage]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:09 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Rewrite]] . . . October 31, 2021, at 10:30 PM by [[~hydragyrum]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Sysupdate]] . . . October 31, 2021, at 10:21 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Debian]] . . . October 31, 2021, at 12:34 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Victorycpus]] . . . October 30, 2021, at 08:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Settler]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 04:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Nginxphpfpm]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 12:26 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Nginx]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 12:18 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Homerouter]] . . . October 26, 2021, at 05:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Netcat]] . . . October 25, 2021, at 03:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Plan9ini]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 04:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Newconfig]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~tool]]: [==]%0a* [[Lua.Minetest-1]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 10:30 AM by [[~debiankaios]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Links]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 06:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Keybindings]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 06:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=heheheheheh=]%0a* [[Xdefaults.Configure]] . . . October 23, 2021, at 02:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[TigerVNC.SSH]] . . . October 23, 2021, at 11:56 AM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ssh]] . . . October 22, 2021, at 12:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan4Iso]] . . . October 21, 2021, at 04:29 PM by [[~debiankaios]]: [=changed beowulf_3.1.1 to chimaera_4.0.0=]%0a* [[9.101]] . . . October 20, 2021, at 04:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fvwm.Configure]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 10:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.KISSmo]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:58 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.Download]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:53 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.About]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:52 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.Install]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:44 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Repo]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 08:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Anoncvs]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 04:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Commit]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 03:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Cvsweb]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 03:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Cvsfs]] . . . October 15, 2021, at 12:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade70]] . . . October 15, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=humans are easily confused.=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ilines]] . . . October 15, 2021, at 02:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan-ISO]] . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:50 AM by [[~siva]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan-Simple]] . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:48 AM by [[~siva]]: [=Tutorial Created=]%0a* [[Cvs.Intro]] . . . October 13, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Synapse.Install]] . . . October 12, 2021, at 02:49 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Created=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Oper]] . . . October 12, 2021, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Diversity]] . . . October 09, 2021, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Linux]] . . . October 08, 2021, at 04:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.ResetPassword]] . . . October 07, 2021, at 03:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Terms.Vps]] . . . October 06, 2021, at 12:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.JSDrawterm]] . . . September 30, 2021, at 06:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Fonts]] . . . September 28, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install69]] . . . September 27, 2021, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Guide]] . . . September 26, 2021, at 02:28 PM by [[~Miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[License.IrcnowV2]] . . . September 21, 2021, at 03:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dhcpd.Configure]] . . . September 15, 2021, at 04:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Router]] . . . September 14, 2021, at 12:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Weechat.Relay]] . . . September 11, 2021, at 05:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gry.Bio]] . . . September 11, 2021, at 02:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hopm.Telnet]] . . . September 10, 2021, at 06:13 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Wraith.Chroot]] . . . September 10, 2021, at 06:11 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Skins]] . . . September 06, 2021, at 07:58 AM by [[~mkf]]: [="Huh, pmwiki has a bug." no numbered list if use monospaced text. :(=]%0a* [[Seamonkey.Connect]] . . . August 28, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Wikistyle]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 03:29 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.EmailAndroidEmailApp]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 02:37 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Shortcuts]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Haiku]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mailopenproxy]] . . . August 25, 2021, at 08:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Two-FactorAuth]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:39 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=login.db compiling is no longer recommended.=]%0a* [[Vmm.DragonflyBSD]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=logs=]%0a* [[Vmm.NetBSD]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:01 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=better logs?=]%0a* [[DNS.Ipv6rDNS]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 11:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pipes.Redirection]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 03:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Redirection]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 03:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rbldnsd.Install]] . . . August 22, 2021, at 07:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=wiki-ish.=]%0a* [[Netcat.Smtp]] . . . August 22, 2021, at 06:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=byebye=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Npppd]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 01:43 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Shell]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 11:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tls.CA]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 11:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Imap]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 04:05 AM by [[~AncientWisdom]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Todo]] . . . August 17, 2021, at 08:41 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.GuixIso]] . . . August 16, 2021, at 05:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.VoidIso]] . . . August 16, 2021, at 06:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gophernicus]] . . . August 15, 2021, at 02:06 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gazette.Gazette]] . . . August 15, 2021, at 01:14 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=a bit polishing=]%0a* [[EmailTray.Connect]] . . . August 15, 2021, at 12:11 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Konversation]] . . . August 14, 2021, at 02:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Squirrelmail.Connect]] . . . August 14, 2021, at 04:47 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Termius.Connect]] . . . August 14, 2021, at 04:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openhttpd]] . . . August 13, 2021, at 07:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ConnectBot.Keys]] . . . August 12, 2021, at 06:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Monopolydanger]] . . . August 11, 2021, at 07:01 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[ConnectBot.Connect]] . . . August 11, 2021, at 04:34 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Termux.Connect]] . . . August 11, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Web101.Web101]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 04:20 PM by [[~craziness]]: [=started web101=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pppoe]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 11:56 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[MacTerminal.Connect]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 10:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fdroid.Install]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 09:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Sshfingerprints]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 08:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sshkeys]] . . . August 09, 2021, at 04:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.9front]] . . . August 09, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.WinIRC]] . . . August 09, 2021, at 06:03 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[IP.Myaddress]] . . . August 07, 2021, at 05:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[SerFISH.Connect]] . . . August 06, 2021, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshwifty.Connect]] . . . August 06, 2021, at 05:00 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Squirrelmail]] . . . August 06, 2021, at 10:32 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.NickServ]] . . . August 05, 2021, at 07:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Medals.Intro]] . . . August 04, 2021, at 08:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dnszones]] . . . August 03, 2021, at 09:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Zonefile]] . . . August 03, 2021, at 09:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Clients]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 02:54 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Ifconfig]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 12:59 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Matterbridge]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 12:33 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.I18n]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 09:12 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Alt]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 07:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Simple]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 07:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Install]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 05:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vhost]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 02:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Thunderirc.Hardware]] . . . August 01, 2021, at 01:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Lecturify.Hardware]] . . . August 01, 2021, at 01:27 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Congress.Procedure]] . . . August 01, 2021, at 06:41 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Chroot]] . . . July 31, 2021, at 02:47 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syslogd.Remote]] . . . July 30, 2021, at 03:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmmuser]] . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmminstall]] . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmm]] . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCAdmin]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCSupport]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Troubleshoot]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Troubleshoot]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Kill.Usage]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ps.Usage]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Vhost]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Host.Usage]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 01:57 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Php]] . . . July 27, 2021, at 02:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.IRCFreeHomesteadVPS]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.PioneerTldr]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Pioneer]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 04:22 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dig]] . . . July 25, 2021, at 06:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.RDNS]] . . . July 23, 2021, at 06:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Wordpress.Install]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:59 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.All]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:37 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Lemon.Todo]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:21 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Guide]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:02 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=client -> clients=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sic]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 05:57 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=first edit.=]%0a* [[Minutemin.Progress]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 08:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rsync.Usage]] . . . July 19, 2021, at 02:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openrsync]] . . . July 18, 2021, at 02:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Znc]] . . . July 16, 2021, at 10:43 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Become]] . . . July 14, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Bearcode]] . . . July 14, 2021, at 09:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Staticnet]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 05:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dovecot]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 02:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Relayd]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 02:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Spf]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 03:08 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Eggdrop]] . . . July 02, 2021, at 03:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Http]] . . . June 30, 2021, at 04:44 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Oldsoftware]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:56 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Xmlflaws]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:54 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Wikipediadanger]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:51 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.DCC]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Matrixflaws]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Webirc]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Nodejstrap]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ircv3defense]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:45 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Newdisk]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[AndroidEmail.AndroidEmail]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ed]] . . . June 28, 2021, at 04:04 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unbound]] . . . June 27, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Religion]] . . . June 27, 2021, at 02:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Union]] . . . June 26, 2021, at 01:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Firstamendment]] . . . June 26, 2021, at 11:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dkimproxy]] . . . June 25, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MIF.Test]] . . . June 25, 2021, at 12:42 PM by [[~nsturtz]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade69]] . . . June 25, 2021, at 05:46 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Opensmtpd]] . . . June 23, 2021, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.NgircdLink]] . . . June 22, 2021, at 07:50 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=delete=]%0a* [[File.File]] . . . June 22, 2021, at 07:43 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=linking=]%0a* [[Debate.Linuxflaws]] . . . June 20, 2021, at 08:03 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=making hyperlinks=]%0a* [[Freedom.Destiny]] . . . June 18, 2021, at 05:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Doas]] . . . June 13, 2021, at 01:19 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Freedom]] . . . June 13, 2021, at 09:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Press]] . . . June 13, 2021, at 09:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Shell]] . . . June 11, 2021, at 09:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Constitution]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Rights]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[IPv4.Overview]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Bash]] . . . June 09, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[PowerShell.Connect]] . . . June 09, 2021, at 11:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Code.Code]] . . . June 08, 2021, at 05:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=better formating=]%0a* [[Grape.DonateUs]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 03:41 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Books]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 12:46 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Grape]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 11:39 AM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pfa]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 03:49 AM by [[~navic]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Debian]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 07:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [="LOL"=]%0a* [[DNS.Dnswl]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.SMTP]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 09:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dkim.Dkimsign]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 09:07 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Torsocks]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.VpnMac]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 05:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wordpress]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 04:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.SPF]] . . . June 03, 2021, at 01:27 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[HostServ.Rules]] . . . June 01, 2021, at 08:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ACKFlood]] . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:20 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.SSDP]] . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:18 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Anycast]] . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Networks]] . . . May 27, 2021, at 04:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Rules]] . . . May 26, 2021, at 06:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Power]] . . . May 26, 2021, at 04:38 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Money]] . . . May 25, 2021, at 03:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Takeover]] . . . May 25, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Freenode]] . . . May 25, 2021, at 01:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Atomic]] . . . May 24, 2021, at 03:22 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=spacing=]%0a* [[Minetest.Updating]] . . . May 24, 2021, at 08:10 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=monospaced commands=]%0a* [[Shell.Putty]] . . . May 24, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dmarc]] . . . May 21, 2021, at 09:22 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Optimize]] . . . May 19, 2021, at 04:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Stable]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.VicePresident]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sheriff]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ambassador]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 07:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Guide]] . . . May 17, 2021, at 03:37 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Install]] . . . May 16, 2021, at 06:49 AM by [[~mkf]]: [="$"=]%0a* [[Tmux.Share]] . . . May 15, 2021, at 02:27 AM by [[~mistera]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Security]] . . . May 14, 2021, at 03:14 AM by [[~caesar]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Vision]] . . . May 13, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=added home page, removed "..."s=]%0a* [[Minetest.Worldbackup]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Texturestyle]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 11:00 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Serverlocations]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Addingarenas]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 10:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relay.Relay]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 09:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Install-bej]] . . . May 11, 2021, at 05:26 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm-Arthur]] . . . May 07, 2021, at 12:28 PM by [[~Arthur]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Chroot69]] . . . May 06, 2021, at 03:36 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [=back to 6.9 to see real changes=]%0a* [[Dig.Usage]] . . . May 04, 2021, at 02:36 AM by [[~sarah]]: [==]%0a* [[Bgpd.Configure]] . . . May 03, 2021, at 06:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Unix]] . . . April 29, 2021, at 03:39 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Simpleurl]] . . . April 29, 2021, at 02:46 PM by [[~punk]]: [==]%0a* [[Gpl.Flaws]] . . . April 24, 2021, at 04:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Windows]] . . . April 18, 2021, at 07:38 PM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Libertyordeath]] . . . April 17, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Economy]] . . . April 15, 2021, at 02:32 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vim.Vim]] . . . April 11, 2021, at 11:14 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Duty]] . . . April 11, 2021, at 04:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.License]] . . . April 04, 2021, at 02:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[EthicalSource.HolierThanThou]] . . . April 04, 2021, at 01:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Rmsboycott]] . . . April 03, 2021, at 01:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Libertyordeath]] . . . April 02, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fig.Fig]] . . . March 31, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~chewy]]: [==]%0a* [[Coconut.Coconut]] . . . March 29, 2021, at 12:28 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.CodeForce]] . . . March 29, 2021, at 12:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ClawsMail.Connect]] . . . March 29, 2021, at 08:42 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Madeonirc]] . . . March 27, 2021, at 11:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Devs]] . . . March 27, 2021, at 11:41 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Code]] . . . March 24, 2021, at 03:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cherry.Todo]] . . . March 23, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~Oz]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Independence]] . . . March 22, 2021, at 01:13 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Founders]] . . . March 20, 2021, at 01:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Teams]] . . . March 18, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=banana=]%0a* [[Vhost.Freedns]] . . . March 16, 2021, at 12:22 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Freedom]] . . . March 15, 2021, at 01:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsd.Labor]] . . . March 15, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Discriminatory]] . . . March 15, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsd.Hope]] . . . March 14, 2021, at 11:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Publicdomain]] . . . March 14, 2021, at 10:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Linux.Flaws]] . . . March 14, 2021, at 05:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Browser]] . . . March 12, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Abuse.Code]] . . . March 09, 2021, at 03:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Congress.Documents]] . . . March 07, 2021, at 04:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Goals]] . . . March 06, 2021, at 09:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Chatforce]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 02:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Bash]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 10:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[User.Welcome]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 07:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Immigrant.Welcome]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 06:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mail.Openrelay]] . . . March 04, 2021, at 03:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mail.Test]] . . . March 04, 2021, at 03:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Game]] . . . March 04, 2021, at 10:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Recruit]] . . . March 04, 2021, at 09:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Howtoask]] . . . March 03, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Netizen]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Servers.Rights]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 12:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Enterprise]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 11:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Creed]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ln.Intro]] . . . February 25, 2021, at 12:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Leafnode.Install]] . . . February 25, 2021, at 10:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Todo]] . . . February 23, 2021, at 10:47 AM by [[~quofan]]: [==]%0a* [[Relays.Relays]] . . . February 22, 2021, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[PSFTP.Connect]] . . . February 21, 2021, at 03:57 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Outlook.Connect]] . . . February 21, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[AppleMail.Connect]] . . . February 20, 2021, at 04:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Thunderbird.Pgp]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 04:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Ircnow]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:45 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=2021=]%0a* [[Thunderbird.Connect]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Mac]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Training]] . . . February 18, 2021, at 06:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Openforeveryone]] . . . February 16, 2021, at 04:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.IRCitizen]] . . . February 15, 2021, at 05:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[IPv6.Overview]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tcpip.Overview]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Syspatch]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Netadmin]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 10:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Religion]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 10:37 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Independence]] . . . February 13, 2021, at 04:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Leafnode]] . . . February 12, 2021, at 01:40 PM by [[~chewy]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Pylink]] . . . February 12, 2021, at 01:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Opportunity]] . . . February 11, 2021, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Republic]] . . . February 11, 2021, at 06:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Achurch.Install]] . . . February 10, 2021, at 04:33 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pylink]] . . . February 08, 2021, at 08:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.OpofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Allies]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Dueprocess]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Checks]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Rulebylaw]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Startupdream]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Federation]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 11:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Selfadmin]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 11:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.OpsofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 02:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Software]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Opportunity]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Workethic]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Ethic]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Privacy]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 07:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Policy]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 04:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Serversrights]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:43 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Serverrights]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Fork]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:39 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Lanofopportunity]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 01:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Opentoall]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 01:17 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Refuge]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 09:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Providers]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 04:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Guava]] . . . February 03, 2021, at 02:30 AM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Stable]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 02:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Base64]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 06:37 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unboundadblock]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pfbadhost]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Delphinusdnsd]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 01:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Mango]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:01 PM by [[~nix]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Abuse]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Censorship]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:23 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Firstamendment]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Phishing]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Audit]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 04:46 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ongoing]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 01:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Partners]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Todo]] . . . January 30, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pear.Pear]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 06:09 PM by [[~dennis]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Httpopenproxy]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 11:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Zncadmin]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 10:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Rbldns]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 05:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Setuid]] . . . January 28, 2021, at 06:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.PFTesting]] . . . January 25, 2021, at 03:28 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCDaily]] . . . January 25, 2021, at 11:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Irssi]] . . . January 25, 2021, at 07:08 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sysadmins]] . . . January 24, 2021, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.UnixPhilosophy]] . . . January 18, 2021, at 05:05 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.XTerm]] . . . January 17, 2021, at 01:48 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=copyright=]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Statement]] . . . January 17, 2021, at 02:44 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Outlook]] . . . January 16, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~Zouheir]]: [==]%0a* [[Plum.Todo]] . . . January 16, 2021, at 12:09 AM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ipsec]] . . . January 13, 2021, at 10:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Plum.Plum]] . . . January 12, 2021, at 03:02 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Slrn]] . . . January 12, 2021, at 02:40 PM by [[~Noxturnix]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.CPAN]] . . . January 12, 2021, at 01:48 PM by [[~Dima]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Todo]] . . . January 11, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ilines]] . . . January 11, 2021, at 09:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Netcat]] . . . January 09, 2021, at 02:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Perl]] . . . January 09, 2021, at 02:04 PM by [[~dima]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Perl]] . . . January 09, 2021, at 01:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fig.Log]] . . . January 07, 2021, at 11:23 AM by [[~dima]]: [=test=]%0a* [[Fig.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pear.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Team]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Censorship]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Pentesters]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Coders]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Banana.Todo]] . . . January 04, 2021, at 09:41 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=znc=]%0a* [[Users.CategoryMirrory]] . . . January 04, 2021, at 01:10 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Test]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 08:17 PM by [[~category_mirrory]]: [==]%0a* [[Users.Categorymirrory]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 08:12 PM by [[~category_mirrory]]: [=wrong caps=]%0a* [[Banana.Banana]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 02:39 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Orange]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 02:10 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Backup]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 01:46 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Appledanger]] . . . January 02, 2021, at 01:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Tasks]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 07:52 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Helpers]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Finances]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tutorial.Tutorial]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 03:25 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Testing]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sshbackdoor]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Packages]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 10:48 AM by [[~nix]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Contact]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 03:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pf-bnc]] . . . December 29, 2020, at 06:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Partners2]] . . . December 29, 2020, at 02:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Mozilladanger]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Controlcomputer]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Facebookdanger]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Slackdanger]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Freespeech]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ethicalflaws]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Hatespeech]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Monero]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.WhyNotC]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:43 PM by [[~searchsocial]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Python]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Cash]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Uberdanger]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Microsoftdanger]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Accessibility]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Zoomdanger]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Applications]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 06:21 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Dillo]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Basilisk]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Directory]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Packages]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Amplification]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 05:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.UDPFlood]] . . . December 18, 2020, at 10:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpdump]] . . . December 18, 2020, at 09:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpackflood]] . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.RSTFlood]] . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpresetflood]] . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ssdp]] . . . December 15, 2020, at 12:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Igloo]] . . . December 14, 2020, at 09:39 AM by [[~Noxturnix]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.Terms]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 01:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pf]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 12:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install68]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade67]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 04:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade68]] . . . December 11, 2020, at 10:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dokuwiki]] . . . December 10, 2020, at 02:23 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=code blocks fixed=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Acme-client]] . . . December 09, 2020, at 06:47 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=fixed troubleshooting links=]%0a* [[Freedom.Christian]] . . . December 08, 2020, at 01:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Finances]] . . . December 08, 2020, at 01:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Sshkeys]] . . . December 07, 2020, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install67]] . . . December 06, 2020, at 11:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Buyvm]] . . . December 06, 2020, at 02:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opernbsd.Buyvm]] . . . December 04, 2020, at 12:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.WeeChat]] . . . December 02, 2020, at 12:43 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.SimpleIRC]] . . . December 02, 2020, at 12:31 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Militia]] . . . December 02, 2020, at 04:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Third]] . . . December 01, 2020, at 01:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Oidentd]] . . . November 30, 2020, at 11:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Helper]] . . . November 28, 2020, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Hexchat]] . . . November 27, 2020, at 12:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloud]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.AdiIRC]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.RevolutionIRC]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.KiwiIRC]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.KVIrc]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IceChat]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudiOS]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudAndroid]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudWeb]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Catalog]] . . . November 23, 2020, at 07:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Checklist]] . . . November 20, 2020, at 12:44 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Acopm]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 03:32 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Achurch]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 02:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vi]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 12:51 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sudo]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 12:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Denomination]] . . . October 23, 2020, at 09:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Intro]] . . . October 10, 2020, at 08:22 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircweb.Ircweb]] . . . October 05, 2020, at 01:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Http2irc.Http2irc]] . . . October 05, 2020, at 01:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Easyapp]] . . . September 29, 2020, at 12:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Nl]] . . . September 17, 2020, at 08:43 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Dutch correct page=]%0a* [[Grape.Guide]] . . . September 16, 2020, at 08:42 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Id]] . . . September 08, 2020, at 09:51 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Orange.Ru]] . . . September 07, 2020, at 11:29 PM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Bouncer.MIRC]] . . . September 06, 2020, at 03:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Bncnow]] . . . September 04, 2020, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Cgit]] . . . September 01, 2020, at 05:51 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Notes]] . . . August 27, 2020, at 03:38 AM by [[~gry]]: [=expanded=]%0a* [[Shell.ShellSSHKEYS]] . . . August 25, 2020, at 10:00 PM by [[~gry]]: [=permissions added=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Irccloud]] . . . August 24, 2020, at 12:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[GrapeTeam.Tracker]] . . . August 24, 2020, at 10:16 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[GrapeTeam.GrapeTeam]] . . . August 24, 2020, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Course]] . . . August 21, 2020, at 05:01 AM by [[~gry]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bchs]] . . . August 20, 2020, at 07:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Todo]] . . . August 20, 2020, at 06:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: on_is_active php_session_active squirrelmailing sqsession_start troubleshooting authentication session_status config_default webmail_access modifications configuration unfortunately accessibility administrator webmail_error compatibility acceleration default_pref organization replacement disposition alternative information sourceforge permissions certificate interactive configuring preferences letsencrypt development compatible javascript configtest connection additional nameserver configured afterwards extracting attempting installing documents complains openhttpd functions localhost opensmtpd challenge supported subdomain receiving databases recommend necessary following languages delimiter directory debugging fusername essential addresses installed chrooted smtphost projects browsers normally location provides tlsmulti 26214400 required remember original security listener optional settings sendmail properly software specific licensed messages brackets instance writable services browsing defaults drawback continue opening control dovecot fastcgi already contact defines example initial unbound folders unusual request plugins general command servers defined private options however records contrib include restart because nologin disable exiting keypair baytuch strings misused charset appears content instead openbsd release sending mt_rand another subject version tarball warning charlie without changes resolve foxtrot uploads written client relayd needed return logout syntax longer cannot latest htdocs braces rather offset typing before themes ircnow frames across making should switch please detect secure invert readme global create update system locale report serial delete femail myname daemon lookup socket number errors trying issues actual stable inline attach master reload touch could color chown check chmod needs first intro shell rcctl php74 mkdir books hosts write above https there false using might every ascii happy delta curly array fatal bravo query where since which setup exist works notes saved files press alpha enter means class block title index chain strip lines known worry based ifend about zones this doas 2001 imap will well page your real acme make sure that aaaa ipv4 does fccf want 1008 2602 than sbin chsh help bind body some copy runs both must logs like when ctrl type echo xvzf find uses html many wiki easy fees more exec text once were have made mime done next move into ipv6 pop3 menu sign quit full motd hide give edit time www ssl etc var 127 day see has 162 bad gpl 451 fix ksh 644 zip its 755 ftp net way crt 634 usr 403 src nsd fpm dns max few db8 143 via by gz 22 cd rx 38 87 mv 80 9 -time=1715101833 +rev=12982 +text=* [[Team.Team]] . . . @2024-05-08T21:13:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Services]] . . . @2024-05-08T21:11:36Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Reading]] . . . @2024-05-08T15:31:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dump]] . . . @2024-05-07T17:10:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Inbox]] . . . @2024-05-07T15:47:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Iked]] . . . @2024-05-06T21:00:14Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Homestead]] . . . @2024-05-06T05:49:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Almanack]] . . . @2024-05-06T05:49:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Bootcamp]] . . . @2024-05-06T05:48:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Restore]] . . . @2024-05-05T22:30:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Providers]] . . . @2024-05-04T04:13:44Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Prosody]] . . . @2024-05-02T13:20:46Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.MTA-STS]] . . . @2024-05-01T17:38:03Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Fstab]] . . . @2024-04-30T13:00:51Z by [[~mkf]]: [=mention ro=]%0a* [[Ffs.Intro]] . . . @2024-04-30T12:56:49Z by [[~mkf]]: [=hehe=]%0a* [[Gnus.Connect]] . . . @2024-04-30T12:31:49Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Configure]] . . . @2024-04-26T23:56:58Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=fix find command to also lock down dirs=]%0a* [[Dovecot.Install]] . . . @2024-04-26T23:55:07Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=fix find command to also lock down dirs=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mlmmj]] . . . @2024-04-25T18:41:36Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.HomePage]] . . . @2024-04-24T19:00:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ln.Shell]] . . . @2024-04-24T16:07:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ssh.Fingerprints]] . . . @2024-04-23T15:02:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.DumpBackupWithSCP]] . . . @2024-04-15T09:27:31Z by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Mariadb.Install]] . . . @2024-04-13T18:06:28Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openbsd]] . . . @2024-04-13T18:02:19Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Fics.Admin]] . . . @2024-04-12T19:01:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade75]] . . . @2024-04-11T20:42:45Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade]] . . . @2024-04-11T19:37:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Milestones]] . . . @2024-04-11T19:29:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Markets]] . . . @2024-04-11T17:15:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Swapctl.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T07:06:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Disklabel.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T06:49:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Newfs.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T06:20:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mount.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T06:19:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fdisk.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-11T00:09:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Disklabel]] . . . @2024-04-10T23:43:12Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Disklabel.Partitioning]] . . . @2024-04-10T23:22:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Softraid.Install]] . . . @2024-04-09T23:30:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Softraid.Rebuild]] . . . @2024-04-09T21:56:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Backups]] . . . @2024-04-09T21:50:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Fdisk]] . . . @2024-04-09T21:33:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Psybnc.Install]] . . . @2024-04-09T19:17:04Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Psybnc]] . . . @2024-04-09T19:14:35Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade75]] . . . @2024-04-09T05:59:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmctl.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-09T05:30:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Install]] . . . @2024-04-09T05:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Intro]] . . . @2024-04-09T01:30:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.Acceleration]] . . . @2024-04-08T20:52:31Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert to uncommented code block=]%0a* [[SiteAdmin.AuthUser]] . . . @2024-04-08T20:33:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Check]] . . . @2024-04-08T20:30:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Snac]] . . . @2024-04-08T16:30:46Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade]] . . . @2024-04-07T23:32:49Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Crontab.Edit]] . . . @2024-04-07T23:22:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install75]] . . . @2024-04-07T22:53:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install]] . . . @2024-04-07T22:28:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Vps]] . . . @2024-04-07T17:26:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Atactl.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-07T10:57:16Z by [[~mkf]]: [=add sleep command=]%0a* [[Vmctl.Disk]] . . . @2024-04-06T23:08:15Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmctl.Reinstall]] . . . @2024-04-06T22:59:10Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Outofmemory]] . . . @2024-04-06T21:03:39Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dmesg.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-06T20:15:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dmesg]] . . . @2024-04-06T20:15:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Users]] . . . @2024-04-06T19:10:58Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Yiming]] . . . @2024-04-06T04:59:28Z by [[~Yiming]]: [=Create New Page=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Singleuser]] . . . @2024-04-03T23:51:20Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostname.Usage]] . . . @2024-04-03T23:38:15Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hier]] . . . @2024-04-03T23:23:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Intro]] . . . @2024-04-03T20:32:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dd.Iso]] . . . @2024-04-03T20:30:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Resolv.Conf]] . . . @2024-04-03T20:09:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Localtime]] . . . @2024-04-03T16:39:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bootconf]] . . . @2024-04-03T07:35:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Chess]] . . . @2024-04-01T01:40:42Z by [[~maxxe]]: [==]%0a* [[Router.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T23:16:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sysop.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T22:05:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Servers]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:59:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:57:34Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Oddprotocol.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:54:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nastycode.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:42:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Planetofnix.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:40:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsdforall.Hardware]] . . . @2024-03-31T21:40:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Thunderbird]] . . . @2024-03-30T12:51:26Z by [[~Yiming]]: [=Update=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Akkoma]] . . . @2024-03-25T04:31:17Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pleroma]] . . . @2024-03-25T04:30:19Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.Wss]] . . . @2024-03-20T22:13:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=Thanks to miniontoby!=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysctl]] . . . @2024-03-18T16:56:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenSSH.Connect]] . . . @2024-03-16T21:22:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rcd.Configure]] . . . @2024-03-14T14:14:37Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Link]] . . . @2024-03-14T09:25:10Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Bittorrent]] . . . @2024-03-13T03:17:53Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pmwiki]] . . . @2024-03-12T15:21:47Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Bio]] . . . @2024-03-09T21:29:57Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Rcctl]] . . . @2024-03-09T18:16:03Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Loginconf]] . . . @2024-03-09T16:40:33Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ngircd]] . . . @2024-03-09T16:35:20Z by [[~geze]]: [==]%0a* [[Ifconfig.Change]] . . . @2024-03-01T18:04:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Overview]] . . . @2024-02-20T00:38:00Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Erc]] . . . @2024-02-19T19:25:28Z by [[~kiliro]]: [=Add better format Summary: Add better formatin=]%0a* [[Site.SideBar]] . . . @2024-02-19T17:49:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Bouncer]] . . . @2024-02-19T16:34:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Icecast]] . . . @2024-02-12T17:38:08Z by [[~mkf]]: [=minor changes=]%0a* [[Donations.Donations]] . . . @2024-02-11T04:47:30Z by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Cwm.Configure]] . . . @2024-02-10T20:34:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Drawterm]] . . . @2024-02-10T17:15:50Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Wsconsctl.Usage]] . . . @2024-02-10T06:50:02Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Easy]] . . . @2024-02-04T18:52:09Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Static]] . . . @2024-02-04T03:21:58Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.TheloungeWebircClient]] . . . @2024-02-01T13:39:12Z by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Panic]] . . . @2024-01-20T22:18:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssh.Totp]] . . . @2024-01-16T07:17:39Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix101.Unix101]] . . . @2024-01-11T17:22:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Atheme.Install]] . . . @2024-01-01T15:24:17Z by [[~rahl]]: [=Atheme is written in C=]%0a* [[Rio.Customize]] . . . @2023-12-30T21:33:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade74]] . . . @2023-12-28T21:05:35Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Lists]] . . . @2023-12-26T20:16:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Xboard.Connect]] . . . @2023-12-26T01:05:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[I2Pd.Install]] . . . @2023-12-20T06:00:49Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[9C.Exits]] . . . @2023-12-18T15:10:37Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bitlbee]] . . . @2023-12-18T10:06:57Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Authsrv]] . . . @2023-12-18T09:11:44Z by [[~mkf]]: [=delete empty page=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Icechat]] . . . @2023-12-18T09:09:46Z by [[~mkf]]: [=remove duplicate article (see Bouncer.IceChat)=]%0a* [[Ircnow.SSHFingerprints]] . . . @2023-12-17T18:47:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Memes]] . . . @2023-12-16T19:19:09Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Minutemin]] . . . @2023-12-10T17:51:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.UbuntuIso]] . . . @2023-12-04T20:16:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Sysupgrade]] . . . @2023-12-02T14:59:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Openaccess]] . . . @2023-12-01T03:16:51Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Tcache]] . . . @2023-11-30T02:41:15Z by [[~Tcache]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshd.Disablepassword]] . . . @2023-11-29T05:00:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wraith]] . . . @2023-11-25T18:49:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Host]] . . . @2023-11-24T22:51:07Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hunchentoot.Install]] . . . @2023-11-24T19:50:41Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pkg]] . . . @2023-11-19T01:35:10Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syspatch.Syspatch]] . . . @2023-11-19T01:33:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install73]] . . . @2023-11-18T05:32:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install74]] . . . @2023-11-18T05:06:51Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade74]] . . . @2023-11-16T00:15:28Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcltls]] . . . @2023-11-06T20:19:24Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Olympics.Games]] . . . @2023-11-05T18:39:36Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Security]] . . . @2023-11-04T18:45:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Linux.Reading]] . . . @2023-11-01T03:47:13Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Tools]] . . . @2023-10-28T17:41:59Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Explorer]] . . . @2023-10-28T17:29:29Z by [[~hed0x]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Intro]] . . . @2023-10-28T17:04:45Z by [[~redrum88]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.PFStable]] . . . @2023-10-27T19:07:16Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Revise ICMP section in accordance with RFCs. Fix icmp6 syntax issue.=]%0a* [[Znc.Chroot]] . . . @2023-10-26T16:51:57Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2024]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:33:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap]] . . . @2023-10-23T03:02:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.DKIM]] . . . @2023-10-19T19:11:28Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Add this note here too (already present in DNS.Mail)=]%0a* [[DNS.Mail]] . . . @2023-10-19T19:09:57Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Change so _dkimsign is used for /etc/mail/dkim. _dovecot never needs to access that folder.=]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Replace]] . . . @2023-10-19T17:19:19Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Fix IndentationError, although the script seems to have other issues (blank output)=]%0a* [[Police.Intro]] . . . @2023-10-08T05:05:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.DNSSEC]] . . . @2023-10-08T02:32:13Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=nitpick: Restart/Reload rather than Restart/reload=]%0a* [[Unbound.Configure]] . . . @2023-10-07T23:19:54Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Edit after revert to include more accurate information, discussed with jrmu=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm-NowWithInit]] . . . @2023-10-07T05:20:56Z by [[~Maddie]]: [=[Minor]: Cleaned ansible code for more efficency.=]%0a* [[C.Cprimer]] . . . @2023-10-05T18:57:29Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Hidden]] . . . @2023-10-04T18:19:36Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Add authorization section for hidden services=]%0a* [[Openbsd.FilePermissions]] . . . @2023-10-04T02:15:54Z by [[~sylv1a]]: [=Replace `$ doas` with `#`=]%0a* [[Dns.TroubleshootingDNS]] . . . @2023-10-03T06:23:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Troubleshooting]] . . . @2023-10-03T06:21:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Anope]] . . . @2023-10-03T02:51:27Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ramfs]] . . . @2023-09-27T15:43:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Loginconf]] . . . @2023-09-22T14:40:06Z by [[~Yonle]]: [=Probably need some revertion.=]%0a* [[Hosting.Providers]] . . . @2023-09-12T04:58:26Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Repo]] . . . @2023-09-10T23:25:41Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2023]] . . . @2023-09-06T07:48:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.CPAN]] . . . @2023-09-05T03:25:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9pideas]] . . . @2023-09-03T18:58:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9gridchan]] . . . @2023-09-03T06:16:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Acmemail]] . . . @2023-09-01T18:05:18Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Account]] . . . @2023-09-01T17:09:51Z by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Date]] . . . @2023-09-01T13:46:05Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Shell]] . . . @2023-08-27T18:52:33Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Why9]] . . . @2023-08-25T17:15:16Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Splinternet]] . . . @2023-08-24T02:31:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.PKI]] . . . @2023-08-23T19:47:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.IP]] . . . @2023-08-23T00:12:14Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Inter9]] . . . @2023-08-23T00:11:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Irc]] . . . @2023-08-22T14:15:24Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=spelling=]%0a* [[9.Rcpu]] . . . @2023-08-21T17:21:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.FNS]] . . . @2023-08-19T17:30:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.PNS]] . . . @2023-08-19T17:05:01Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Reading]] . . . @2023-08-17T18:18:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9C.Intro]] . . . @2023-08-15T22:57:20Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hw.X230]] . . . @2023-08-15T12:46:43Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Reading]] . . . @2023-08-14T02:37:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Irc]] . . . @2023-08-07T01:37:18Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=correct (unused) USER parameters=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade71]] . . . @2023-07-27T20:09:43Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=using both -U and -u at the same time is pointless=]%0a* [[Profiles.Yonle]] . . . @2023-07-17T15:08:57Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCModules]] . . . @2023-07-16T20:56:32Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added links to more modules=]%0a* [[Pbug.Bio]] . . . @2023-07-08T13:53:57Z by [[~pbug]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DebianIso]] . . . @2023-07-05T19:58:36Z by [[~TheLion]]: [==]%0a* [[Certbot.Nginx]] . . . @2023-07-04T13:58:54Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Vpn]] . . . @2023-07-04T05:59:40Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Perl]] . . . @2023-07-02T21:08:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Manifesto]] . . . @2023-07-02T18:39:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Configure]] . . . @2023-07-02T06:47:04Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.VpnIos]] . . . @2023-07-01T21:21:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Terms.Terms]] . . . @2023-06-30T14:35:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Announce]] . . . @2023-06-29T23:11:19Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Biboumi]] . . . @2023-06-27T10:13:30Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Cronjobs]] . . . @2023-06-17T04:44:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Orangepi3lts]] . . . @2023-06-12T00:06:06Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Xenodm]] . . . @2023-06-11T16:30:39Z by [[~Posterdati]]: [=OpenBSD, xorg, xenodm, monitors=]%0a* [[Team.Welcome]] . . . @2023-06-10T15:37:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Education]] . . . @2023-06-10T06:13:37Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.RDNS]] . . . @2023-06-10T05:27:27Z by [[~jacobk]]: [=fix link to Ipv6rdns=]%0a* [[Ngircd.Sins]] . . . @2023-06-09T20:20:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Bugs]] . . . @2023-06-09T19:46:55Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Jujube]] . . . @2023-06-08T21:38:47Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Update domain name=]%0a* [[Ikiwiki.Install]] . . . @2023-06-07T22:48:44Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Limits]] . . . @2023-06-06T20:12:08Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm]] . . . @2023-06-06T05:52:47Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Universal]] . . . @2023-05-31T19:02:56Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gnost-relay]] . . . @2023-05-31T10:53:55Z by [[~Yonle]]: [=There's a reason why i connect to IPv6 instead of IPv4=]%0a* [[Freedom.Radio]] . . . @2023-05-29T16:10:59Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Config]] . . . @2023-05-29T03:16:54Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=cleanup and added instructions for changing tmux hotkey from ^b:=]%0a* [[Got.RemoteRepo]] . . . @2023-05-28T04:26:48Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[C101.C101]] . . . @2023-05-25T14:31:30Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.BBB]] . . . @2023-05-24T15:03:59Z by [[~devune]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Privacy]] . . . @2023-05-22T19:09:22Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Psotnic.Install]] . . . @2023-05-22T16:03:20Z by [[~devune]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DevuanIso]] . . . @2023-05-21T18:54:36Z by [[~pbug]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Ircnow]] . . . @2023-05-19T21:54:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Setup to match Ianj's version.=]%0a* [[NewsNow.NewsNow]] . . . @2023-05-18T12:51:42Z by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Masterslave]] . . . @2023-05-18T10:44:43Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.Configure]] . . . @2023-05-17T19:46:17Z by [[~Naglfar]]: [=add url to Nsd.Masterslave=]%0a* [[Botnow.Install]] . . . @2023-05-09T19:17:22Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=added bots tag=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Ircrc]] . . . @2023-05-09T04:40:42Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.Cookbooks]] . . . @2023-05-04T21:30:21Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.MlmmjWebArchiver]] . . . @2023-05-04T00:33:10Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added missing instructions for installing mhonarc=]%0a* [[Lists.Ircnow]] . . . @2023-05-03T21:11:00Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added Jobs and some formatting=]%0a* [[Bots.Basicbot]] . . . @2023-04-30T21:47:44Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=fixed missing ; in my $mod={}=]%0a* [[Bots.BasicbotWiki]] . . . @2023-04-30T02:59:37Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Initial post=]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Perl]] . . . @2023-04-29T22:38:05Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Perl101.Perl101]] . . . @2023-04-29T22:34:22Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Tmux]] . . . @2023-04-29T21:32:15Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Initial wikigroup page with pagelist and links to other related tools=]%0a* [[Hardware.Ps2]] . . . @2023-04-28T08:01:37Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hardware.Ethernet]] . . . @2023-04-26T04:23:15Z by [[~mkf]]: [=importing this new found information, thanks cinap.=]%0a* [[9.Cheatsheet]] . . . @2023-04-26T04:06:46Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mutt.Connect]] . . . @2023-04-23T20:19:43Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.GroupsTagsCategories]] . . . @2023-04-22T16:12:01Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiFormatting]] . . . @2023-04-22T06:27:30Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiGroups]] . . . @2023-04-22T06:04:14Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.WikiTips]] . . . @2023-04-22T05:11:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[WikiTips.InterMap]] . . . @2023-04-22T04:41:45Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Tips for using interMap links to other data sources=]%0a* [[Cherry.Cherry]] . . . @2023-04-22T03:53:28Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Botnow.Botnow]] . . . @2023-04-22T02:20:54Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Irssi]] . . . @2023-04-22T00:51:13Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Translator]] . . . @2023-04-21T15:29:21Z by [[~forero]]: [==]%0a* [[Course-unix100.Course-unix100]] . . . @2023-04-21T04:08:32Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Sylpheed.Connect]] . . . @2023-04-20T06:21:36Z by [[~initfree]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop191.Install]] . . . @2023-04-19T16:03:48Z by [[~jrmu]]: [=updated version number=]%0a* [[WikiTips.Markup]] . . . @2023-04-19T04:01:20Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added notes on markdown cookbook=]%0a* [[OpenSSH.Keygen]] . . . @2023-04-19T00:30:11Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=softened the language on setting a passphrase to 'should set' instead of 'always set'=]%0a* [[Password.Schemes]] . . . @2023-04-17T20:46:42Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.KnownIssues]] . . . @2023-04-10T22:02:38Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Fics.Install]] . . . @2023-04-08T01:47:11Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Limitsbot]] . . . @2023-04-02T01:49:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relayd.TLSMulti]] . . . @2023-03-31T14:16:54Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Tournament]] . . . @2023-03-28T00:50:21Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Ilines]] . . . @2023-03-26T07:00:25Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Bots]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:16:10Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Eggdrop]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:12:34Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.DuckHunt]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:11:04Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.BotZNC]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:10:26Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop184.Install]] . . . @2023-03-25T04:04:13Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Bots.Botnow]] . . . @2023-03-24T17:57:43Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added redirect link for botnow=]%0a* [[9.9p]] . . . @2023-03-23T12:00:13Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade72]] . . . @2023-03-22T02:48:07Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Simple stub to upgrade68=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade69]] . . . @2023-03-22T02:45:25Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Doas.Configure]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:29:02Z by [[~boxette]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade71]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:24:24Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade70]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:23:31Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade68]] . . . @2023-03-22T01:19:01Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added drop screen definitions and info re sysupgrade=]%0a* [[Terms.Privacy]] . . . @2023-03-21T20:09:01Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Test]] . . . @2023-03-21T16:12:17Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.TCLErorrWhileExecutingPackage]] . . . @2023-03-21T03:01:23Z by [[~GuardiaN]]: [==]%0a* [[Xmpp.Xmpp]] . . . @2023-03-20T16:59:36Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Letsencrypt.Expired]] . . . @2023-03-19T03:46:41Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=add command for counting certs=]%0a* [[Hardware.Psp]] . . . @2023-03-16T18:44:50Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Cloud9p.Roadmap]] . . . @2023-03-16T09:29:23Z by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pgp.Create]] . . . @2023-03-13T14:54:27Z by [[~baytuch]]: [=Added export pub key=]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Cheatsheet]] . . . @2023-03-12T09:52:16Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Minetest]] . . . @2023-03-12T05:12:30Z by [[~izzyb]]: [=Added web assembly client link=]%0a* [[9front.Netsurf]] . . . @2023-03-10T15:08:21Z by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Dovecot.SharedMailboxes]] . . . @2023-03-10T14:16:57Z by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Squirrelmail.Install]] . . . @2023-03-10T00:33:25Z by [[~pos]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Xfnw]] . . . @2023-03-07T21:55:06Z by [[~xfnw]]: [=update expiration=]%0a* [[FreeIRC.About]] . . . March 05, 2023, at 03:51 PM by [[~kilroy]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.OpenTracker]] . . . March 03, 2023, at 04:37 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.ZNC]] . . . February 28, 2023, at 02:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Changeident]] . . . February 28, 2023, at 02:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [=This was suggested by another author, but because the solution is not permanent, we move it to a sep=]%0a* [[Acme-client.Configure]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 10:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert as I'm not sure if /etc/daily.local is better=]%0a* [[Stagit.Install]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 05:24 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gotweb]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 05:04 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Install]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 01:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [=Revert erroneous change=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Codeforce]] . . . February 26, 2023, at 01:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Baytuch.Bio]] . . . February 17, 2023, at 12:00 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Configure]] . . . February 17, 2023, at 11:39 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Plermoa]] . . . February 16, 2023, at 04:52 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [=Redirect=]%0a* [[Akkoma.Install]] . . . February 09, 2023, at 12:49 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Google.Sins]] . . . February 08, 2023, at 05:13 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Googledanger]] . . . February 08, 2023, at 05:01 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Outreachkids]] . . . February 08, 2023, at 04:34 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mosh]] . . . February 07, 2023, at 11:30 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Route.Usage]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:38 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Mkf.Wikiv1]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Openweb]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:15 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Youtubedanger]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 02:10 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Paster.Install]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 10:22 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Anope.Install]] . . . February 06, 2023, at 09:46 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Password.Hashes]] . . . February 04, 2023, at 07:27 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=formatting fixes=]%0a* [[Chess.Chessgogi]] . . . February 04, 2023, at 03:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Passwords]] . . . February 03, 2023, at 07:49 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Password.Management]] . . . February 03, 2023, at 07:44 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.Ipv4rDNS]] . . . February 01, 2023, at 08:31 PM by [[~izzyb]]: [=added note to clarify what address needs to be specified.=]%0a* [[Dovecot.SharedFolders]] . . . January 31, 2023, at 06:03 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=renaming to sharedMailboxes=]%0a* [[Soju.Install]] . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=minor changes on style=]%0a* [[Lilywhitebot.Install]] . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:23 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[SendMoneyToSplinter0616Outlook.Com]] . . . January 24, 2023, at 11:19 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Biboumi.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:10 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Texlive.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Rcctl.Rcctl]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 08:00 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Configure]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:59 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Hopm.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:32 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unrealircd]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:27 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Unrealircd.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pleroma.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:18 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gomuks.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:08 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gotweb.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 07:02 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Webnews.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:57 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Php.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Mlmmj.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Fiche.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:44 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Prosody.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:42 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bitlbee.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:36 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[TigerVNC.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:30 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[NodeJS.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:27 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Xfce.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:17 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Install]] . . . January 20, 2023, at 06:08 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vipw]] . . . January 18, 2023, at 11:01 PM by [[~zen]]: [=added two spaces=]%0a* [[Grep.Usage]] . . . January 18, 2023, at 10:54 PM by [[~zen]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Networks]] . . . January 12, 2023, at 06:36 PM by [[~kilroy]]: [=Updated Sturtz IRC=]%0a* [[Znc.Install]] . . . January 07, 2023, at 11:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rspamd.Configure]] . . . January 03, 2023, at 04:55 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Dovecot.Pigeonhole]] . . . December 30, 2022, at 04:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=style 2=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Quota]] . . . December 29, 2022, at 06:51 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Profiles.Miniontoby]] . . . December 26, 2022, at 07:26 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Created=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Minetest]] . . . December 26, 2022, at 07:23 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Added more ways to install=]%0a* [[Splinter0616Outlook.Com]] . . . December 25, 2022, at 02:37 AM by [[~SplinTer]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Oper]] . . . December 25, 2022, at 12:03 AM by [[~forero]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Honk]] . . . December 17, 2022, at 08:45 AM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Yonle.Bio]] . . . December 13, 2022, at 05:18 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Camping.Gear]] . . . December 12, 2022, at 04:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vhost.Vhost]] . . . December 12, 2022, at 03:36 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [==]%0a* [[Vhost.Ircnow]] . . . December 12, 2022, at 03:13 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [ is not an ircnow domain=]%0a* [[I2Pd.Tunnels]] . . . December 06, 2022, at 02:52 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [=There we go. =]%0a* [[I2pd.Tunnels]] . . . December 06, 2022, at 02:45 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Unwind.Configure]] . . . November 26, 2022, at 09:23 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=add unwind=]%0a* [[Debian.Install]] . . . November 13, 2022, at 11:43 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [=writing=]%0a* [[Lemon.Lemon]] . . . November 10, 2022, at 01:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.JmIRC]] . . . November 04, 2022, at 06:18 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [=Added screenshots about setup=]%0a* [[Bouncer.XChat]] . . . October 16, 2022, at 11:09 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=XChat is unmaintained=]%0a* [[Eggdrop.VHost]] . . . October 02, 2022, at 01:05 PM by [[~sulieztya]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.VhostTCL]] . . . October 02, 2022, at 07:06 AM by [[~sulieztya]]: [==]%0a* [[He.IPv6Certification]] . . . September 16, 2022, at 05:32 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=create page=]%0a* [[Shelllabs.Education]] . . . September 14, 2022, at 07:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[About.AboutUs]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 06:42 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAndSafety.LegalAndSafety]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:19 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAndSafety.LegalAmpSafety]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:17 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[LegalAmpSafety.Subheading]] . . . September 13, 2022, at 05:15 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[Acmesh.Configure]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:03 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Added (currently a WIP)=]%0a* [[Dehydrated.Configure]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 02:52 PM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Add dehydrated=]%0a* [[Profiles.Izzyb]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:28 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [==]%0a* [[Site.EditForm]] . . . September 11, 2022, at 06:22 AM by [[~izzyb]]: [=Make Author none editable field=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Geomyidae]] . . . September 10, 2022, at 02:31 AM by [[~akoizumi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.INN]] . . . September 10, 2022, at 02:23 AM by [[~akoizumi]]: [=Fix some types=]%0a* [[Heading.Subheading]] . . . September 07, 2022, at 07:23 PM by [[~zleap]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop193.Install]] . . . September 07, 2022, at 04:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Pioneer]] . . . August 14, 2022, at 05:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.VsFTP]] . . . August 10, 2022, at 03:18 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=snipped unneeded output=]%0a* [[C.Scanf]] . . . August 10, 2022, at 09:51 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.CertsReissue]] . . . August 08, 2022, at 05:35 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.Usage]] . . . August 04, 2022, at 01:12 AM by [[~tiramisu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pgp.Upload]] . . . August 01, 2022, at 01:21 PM by [[~jan6]]: [ uses a superior implementation, less vulnerable to various issues=]%0a* [[Lemon.Packages]] . . . July 30, 2022, at 07:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Ellisisland]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 07:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Newdeal]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Daughtersofliberty]] . . . July 27, 2022, at 06:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Womenstem]] . . . July 21, 2022, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.RC]] . . . July 20, 2022, at 06:55 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Troubleshoot]] . . . July 20, 2022, at 03:58 PM by [[~jlj]]: [=Added notes about how I resolved the first two errors, on nastycode=]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Nickserv]] . . . July 19, 2022, at 10:05 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Chroot.Intro]] . . . July 18, 2022, at 04:23 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Media]] . . . July 15, 2022, at 05:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Linuxstrongswan]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Acme-client.AutoRenew]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:50 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Apmd]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:36 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2022]] . . . July 03, 2022, at 11:04 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Android]] . . . July 01, 2022, at 12:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.Myipaddress]] . . . June 30, 2022, at 09:51 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unbound.Blacklists]] . . . June 25, 2022, at 06:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Linux]] . . . June 23, 2022, at 07:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.Vpn]] . . . June 23, 2022, at 06:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Nsf]] . . . June 20, 2022, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Debate]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Metrics]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 04:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Records]] . . . June 19, 2022, at 05:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Alpine]] . . . June 13, 2022, at 05:42 PM by [[~fossdev]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Arch]] . . . June 12, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~g1n]]: [=Added article about Arch Linux setup on VMM=]%0a* [[Znc.Patch]] . . . June 12, 2022, at 12:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unveil.Intro]] . . . June 12, 2022, at 12:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pledge.Intro]] . . . June 12, 2022, at 12:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bsdrd]] . . . June 09, 2022, at 07:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vnc.Vnc]] . . . June 08, 2022, at 04:04 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Added RealVNC Viewer to the list (might need some more extra stuff, but yeah its fine)=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Growfs]] . . . June 01, 2022, at 12:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hostnameif.Static-v2]] . . . May 23, 2022, at 06:29 AM by [[~theguest]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Team]] . . . May 12, 2022, at 03:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Minetest]] . . . May 10, 2022, at 10:48 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Emoji]] . . . May 10, 2022, at 10:23 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Nsd]] . . . May 10, 2022, at 12:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opsofliberty.Bootcamp]] . . . May 09, 2022, at 08:38 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ports]] . . . May 09, 2022, at 05:54 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Ssl]] . . . May 08, 2022, at 03:30 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=fixed the text=]%0a* [[Codeforce.Training]] . . . May 03, 2022, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Civics.Intro]] . . . May 03, 2022, at 01:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.EdgeRouter-Lite]] . . . April 28, 2022, at 02:50 PM by [[~pufferf]]: [==]%0a* [[Math.Reading]] . . . April 27, 2022, at 08:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install71]] . . . April 24, 2022, at 09:55 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Botnow]] . . . April 24, 2022, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Buyvm.Ipv6]] . . . April 24, 2022, at 06:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Rss]] . . . April 23, 2022, at 04:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Testing]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 09:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Registrars]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 09:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gopher]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 08:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Adduser]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 08:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Signify.Verify]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Route]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:23 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ntpd.Configure]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ntpd]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmmlinux]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Linux]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Iked]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 05:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Team]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 04:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Networks]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Announce]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ally]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Chroot]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 04:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install70]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 06:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[CodeForce.Bootcamp]] . . . April 19, 2022, at 06:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Vmm]] . . . April 15, 2022, at 12:20 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Update: report from PiRATA=]%0a* [[Minutemin.Minutemin]] . . . April 06, 2022, at 02:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.CGI]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~gtlsgamr]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Censord]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dns]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Zncflaws]] . . . April 05, 2022, at 05:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Debiandanger]] . . . April 04, 2022, at 04:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Tls]] . . . April 04, 2022, at 04:25 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Website]] . . . April 03, 2022, at 11:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Soju.Guide]] . . . April 02, 2022, at 03:46 PM by [[~Yonle]]: [==]%0a* [[Nitter.Install]] . . . April 02, 2022, at 01:08 AM by [[~fallback]]: [=first nitter install page=]%0a* [[Debiankaios.Bio]] . . . April 01, 2022, at 05:10 PM by [[~debiankaios]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Irc]] . . . March 30, 2022, at 12:40 PM by [[~m16]]: [==]%0a* [[Chess.Reading]] . . . March 29, 2022, at 10:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Services]] . . . March 25, 2022, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syslogd.Configure]] . . . March 25, 2022, at 04:07 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ddos]] . . . March 24, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ddos.Intro]] . . . March 24, 2022, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.ZNC]] . . . March 19, 2022, at 07:31 AM by [[~fallback]]: [==]%0a* [[ISCABBS.DownloadingAndInstalling]] . . . March 15, 2022, at 10:42 PM by [[~Mandarax]]: [==]%0a* [[ISCABBS.ISCABBS]] . . . March 15, 2022, at 09:24 PM by [[~Mandarax]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.History]] . . . March 14, 2022, at 06:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Exhibit]] . . . March 13, 2022, at 11:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Dogfooding]] . . . March 10, 2022, at 05:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Doxing.Defense]] . . . March 05, 2022, at 08:54 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mlmmj-archivist.Install]] . . . March 03, 2022, at 05:26 AM by [[~error]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.IRCBridge]] . . . February 28, 2022, at 02:59 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix101.Vi]] . . . February 27, 2022, at 08:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vi.Intro]] . . . February 27, 2022, at 04:16 PM by [[~Limits]]: [=Add Introduction to Vi=]%0a* [[Irc201.Irc201]] . . . February 27, 2022, at 04:21 AM by [[~suzerain]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ideas]] . . . February 23, 2022, at 05:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.WikiSandbox]] . . . February 22, 2022, at 11:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wesnothd]] . . . February 21, 2022, at 06:28 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=Wesnothd=]%0a* [[9.Audio]] . . . February 20, 2022, at 08:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Xonotic]] . . . February 20, 2022, at 07:43 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=A xonotic server has apperad! pt.2=]%0a* [[PuTTY.PuTTYgen]] . . . February 16, 2022, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ircnowd]] . . . February 14, 2022, at 06:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Stopm.Stopm]] . . . February 14, 2022, at 06:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Police.Fingerprints]] . . . February 12, 2022, at 02:09 PM by [[~xfnw]]: [=ip addresses should be sorted with sort -V=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Police]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:36 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Dns]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:39 AM by [[~nixdork]]: [=Fix typo=]%0a* [[Dns.BindResolver]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 07:30 AM by [[~nixdork]]: [=First draft of bind resolver howto=]%0a* [[Botnow.SqliteViews]] . . . February 10, 2022, at 02:00 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [==]%0a* [[AncientWisdom.Bio]] . . . February 07, 2022, at 01:18 PM by [[~AncientWisdom]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Questions]] . . . February 05, 2022, at 09:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Server]] . . . February 05, 2022, at 08:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.SlackwareIso]] . . . February 03, 2022, at 10:53 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Slackware 15.0 x86 stable is released=]%0a* [[Duplicity.Usage]] . . . February 02, 2022, at 10:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Encryptfile]] . . . February 02, 2022, at 09:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openrsync.Usage]] . . . January 29, 2022, at 09:04 AM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=update from rsync to openrsync=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpip]] . . . January 24, 2022, at 05:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Synclient.Configure]] . . . January 24, 2022, at 06:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Install]] . . . January 22, 2022, at 06:57 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Asterisk.Install]] . . . January 19, 2022, at 05:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ndb]] . . . January 16, 2022, at 06:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.U9fs]] . . . January 16, 2022, at 06:23 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.FQDN]] . . . January 15, 2022, at 10:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Nsd.DNSSec]] . . . January 14, 2022, at 02:53 AM by [[~pyr3x]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Locale]] . . . January 12, 2022, at 01:23 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Autocomplete]] . . . January 11, 2022, at 01:44 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=updated url=]%0a* [[Gpg.Verify]] . . . January 08, 2022, at 09:48 PM by [[~Naglfar]]: [=Add description=]%0a* [[Mlmmj.Archive]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 10:52 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Hostowner]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 11:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Dogfood]] . . . January 06, 2022, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Chording]] . . . January 03, 2022, at 02:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Status]] . . . January 03, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Server]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 05:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Census.Census]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bncnow.Bncnow]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Projects]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircfs.Intro]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 10:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnowd.Ircnowd]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Marketing]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sonsofliberty]] . . . January 02, 2022, at 06:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pkgadd.CheckUpdates]] . . . January 01, 2022, at 04:29 AM by [[~pyr3x]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Roadmap2021]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sftp]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sftp.Chroot]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Status2022]] . . . December 30, 2021, at 05:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.UTF8]] . . . December 28, 2021, at 08:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Uim]] . . . December 26, 2021, at 01:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshwifty.Install]] . . . December 23, 2021, at 02:49 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=created=]%0a* [[Nsd.Zone]] . . . December 23, 2021, at 10:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openhttpd.Hosting]] . . . December 23, 2021, at 03:06 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenSSH.RSAkeys]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wifi]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 02:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Recordaudio]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 01:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 11:30 AM by [[~xfnw]]: [=fix some grammatical errors=]%0a* [[Parec.Record]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sox.Concat]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ffmpeg.Recordscreen]] . . . December 22, 2021, at 07:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[JuiceSSH.Connect]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 01:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Independent]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MacScreenSharing.Connect]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 11:57 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Partdisk]] . . . December 20, 2021, at 11:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Usage]] . . . December 17, 2021, at 04:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Federation]] . . . December 17, 2021, at 02:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Chanop]] . . . December 14, 2021, at 04:58 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Todo]] . . . December 03, 2021, at 07:52 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Pylink.Chroot]] . . . December 02, 2021, at 02:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pylink.Install]] . . . December 02, 2021, at 02:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Marriage]] . . . December 02, 2021, at 06:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hosting.Hosting]] . . . December 01, 2021, at 02:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mc.Usage]] . . . November 29, 2021, at 07:53 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[PuTTY.Connect]] . . . November 29, 2021, at 12:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Email]] . . . November 29, 2021, at 04:19 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Texlive.Sinhala]] . . . November 28, 2021, at 06:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MailWindows.Connect]] . . . November 27, 2021, at 03:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gajim.Biboumi]] . . . November 27, 2021, at 01:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mcabber.Connect]] . . . November 26, 2021, at 01:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ChatSecure.Connect]] . . . November 26, 2021, at 11:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.9pfs]] . . . November 24, 2021, at 02:00 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.DebianInstall]] . . . November 24, 2021, at 11:44 AM by [[~nicoz]]: [==]%0a* [[Siskin.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 04:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dino.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 02:10 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Monal.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 10:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Xabber.Connect]] . . . November 23, 2021, at 10:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.DMARC]] . . . November 22, 2021, at 10:52 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[StorkIM.Connect]] . . . November 21, 2021, at 05:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Conversations.Connect]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 05:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Yaxim.Connect]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 05:09 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Adium.Connect]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 07:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.AlmaLinux]] . . . November 20, 2021, at 06:47 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Psi.Connect]] . . . November 17, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pidgin.Connect]] . . . November 17, 2021, at 10:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Gajim.Connect]] . . . November 17, 2021, at 08:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Training]] . . . November 16, 2021, at 03:30 PM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[Opera.Connect]] . . . November 16, 2021, at 12:12 AM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[0dev.0dev]] . . . November 12, 2021, at 03:00 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.RockyLinux]] . . . November 11, 2021, at 10:51 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Opensmtpd.Openrelay]] . . . November 11, 2021, at 10:37 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Sandbox.0dev]] . . . November 11, 2021, at 01:45 AM by [[~dodocrypto]]: [==]%0a* [[Got.Mirror]] . . . November 07, 2021, at 05:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.OpenIKED]] . . . November 07, 2021, at 03:45 PM by [[~gloNO]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Got]] . . . November 07, 2021, at 03:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Opsofliberty]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 05:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Emacs.Emacs]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 04:39 PM by [[~LohanG]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Support]] . . . November 06, 2021, at 03:53 PM by [[~LohanG]]: [=added libera=]%0a* [[Vmm.Plan9]] . . . November 05, 2021, at 09:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=???=]%0a* [[9.Stone]] . . . November 04, 2021, at 04:09 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Zuke]] . . . November 04, 2021, at 04:01 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Drawtermssh]] . . . November 04, 2021, at 03:54 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [=ssh bad >:[=]%0a* [[Netcat.Http]] . . . November 03, 2021, at 02:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Telnet.Http]] . . . November 03, 2021, at 02:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Relayd]] . . . November 03, 2021, at 10:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Admin]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 05:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Debug]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Usage]] . . . November 02, 2021, at 03:09 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Rewrite]] . . . October 31, 2021, at 10:30 PM by [[~hydragyrum]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Sysupdate]] . . . October 31, 2021, at 10:21 PM by [[~meeekeeef]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Debian]] . . . October 31, 2021, at 12:34 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Victorycpus]] . . . October 30, 2021, at 08:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Settler]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 04:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Nginxphpfpm]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 12:26 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Debian.Nginx]] . . . October 29, 2021, at 12:18 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Homerouter]] . . . October 26, 2021, at 05:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Netcat]] . . . October 25, 2021, at 03:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Plan9ini]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 04:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Newconfig]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~tool]]: [==]%0a* [[Lua.Minetest-1]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 10:30 AM by [[~debiankaios]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Links]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 06:29 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Keybindings]] . . . October 24, 2021, at 06:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=heheheheheh=]%0a* [[Xdefaults.Configure]] . . . October 23, 2021, at 02:40 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[TigerVNC.SSH]] . . . October 23, 2021, at 11:56 AM by [[~Hawk]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Ssh]] . . . October 22, 2021, at 12:54 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan4Iso]] . . . October 21, 2021, at 04:29 PM by [[~debiankaios]]: [=changed beowulf_3.1.1 to chimaera_4.0.0=]%0a* [[9.101]] . . . October 20, 2021, at 04:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fvwm.Configure]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 10:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.KISSmo]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:58 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.Download]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:53 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.About]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:52 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[KISSmo.Install]] . . . October 18, 2021, at 09:44 AM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Repo]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 08:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Anoncvs]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 04:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Commit]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 03:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Cvsweb]] . . . October 17, 2021, at 03:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Cvsfs]] . . . October 15, 2021, at 12:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade70]] . . . October 15, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=humans are easily confused.=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ilines]] . . . October 15, 2021, at 02:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan-ISO]] . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:50 AM by [[~siva]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Devuan-Simple]] . . . October 14, 2021, at 09:48 AM by [[~siva]]: [=Tutorial Created=]%0a* [[Cvs.Intro]] . . . October 13, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Synapse.Install]] . . . October 12, 2021, at 02:49 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Created=]%0a* [[Ircnow.Oper]] . . . October 12, 2021, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Diversity]] . . . October 09, 2021, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Linux]] . . . October 08, 2021, at 04:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.ResetPassword]] . . . October 07, 2021, at 03:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Terms.Vps]] . . . October 06, 2021, at 12:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.JSDrawterm]] . . . September 30, 2021, at 06:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[9.Fonts]] . . . September 28, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install69]] . . . September 27, 2021, at 05:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cvs.Guide]] . . . September 26, 2021, at 02:28 PM by [[~Miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[License.IrcnowV2]] . . . September 21, 2021, at 03:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dhcpd.Configure]] . . . September 15, 2021, at 04:02 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Router]] . . . September 14, 2021, at 12:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Weechat.Relay]] . . . September 11, 2021, at 05:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gry.Bio]] . . . September 11, 2021, at 02:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Hopm.Telnet]] . . . September 10, 2021, at 06:13 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Wraith.Chroot]] . . . September 10, 2021, at 06:11 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Skins]] . . . September 06, 2021, at 07:58 AM by [[~mkf]]: [="Huh, pmwiki has a bug." no numbered list if use monospaced text. :(=]%0a* [[Seamonkey.Connect]] . . . August 28, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Wikistyle]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 03:29 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.EmailAndroidEmailApp]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 02:37 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Tmux.Shortcuts]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Haiku]] . . . August 27, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Mailopenproxy]] . . . August 25, 2021, at 08:19 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Two-FactorAuth]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:39 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=login.db compiling is no longer recommended.=]%0a* [[Vmm.DragonflyBSD]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:31 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=logs=]%0a* [[Vmm.NetBSD]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 07:01 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=better logs?=]%0a* [[DNS.Ipv6rDNS]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 11:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pipes.Redirection]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 03:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Redirection]] . . . August 23, 2021, at 03:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rbldnsd.Install]] . . . August 22, 2021, at 07:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=wiki-ish.=]%0a* [[Netcat.Smtp]] . . . August 22, 2021, at 06:58 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=byebye=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Npppd]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 01:43 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Shell]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 11:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tls.CA]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 11:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Imap]] . . . August 21, 2021, at 04:05 AM by [[~AncientWisdom]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Todo]] . . . August 17, 2021, at 08:41 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.GuixIso]] . . . August 16, 2021, at 05:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.VoidIso]] . . . August 16, 2021, at 06:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Gophernicus]] . . . August 15, 2021, at 02:06 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Gazette.Gazette]] . . . August 15, 2021, at 01:14 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=a bit polishing=]%0a* [[EmailTray.Connect]] . . . August 15, 2021, at 12:11 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Konversation]] . . . August 14, 2021, at 02:46 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Squirrelmail.Connect]] . . . August 14, 2021, at 04:47 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Termius.Connect]] . . . August 14, 2021, at 04:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openhttpd]] . . . August 13, 2021, at 07:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ConnectBot.Keys]] . . . August 12, 2021, at 06:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Monopolydanger]] . . . August 11, 2021, at 07:01 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[ConnectBot.Connect]] . . . August 11, 2021, at 04:34 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Termux.Connect]] . . . August 11, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Web101.Web101]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 04:20 PM by [[~craziness]]: [=started web101=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pppoe]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 11:56 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[MacTerminal.Connect]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 10:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fdroid.Install]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 09:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Sshfingerprints]] . . . August 10, 2021, at 08:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sshkeys]] . . . August 09, 2021, at 04:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.9front]] . . . August 09, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.WinIRC]] . . . August 09, 2021, at 06:03 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[IP.Myaddress]] . . . August 07, 2021, at 05:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[SerFISH.Connect]] . . . August 06, 2021, at 05:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Sshwifty.Connect]] . . . August 06, 2021, at 05:00 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Squirrelmail]] . . . August 06, 2021, at 10:32 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.NickServ]] . . . August 05, 2021, at 07:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Medals.Intro]] . . . August 04, 2021, at 08:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dnszones]] . . . August 03, 2021, at 09:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Zonefile]] . . . August 03, 2021, at 09:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Clients]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 02:54 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Ifconfig]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 12:59 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Matterbridge]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 12:33 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.I18n]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 09:12 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Almanack.Alt]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 07:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Simple]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 07:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Eggdrop.Install]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 05:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vhost]] . . . August 02, 2021, at 02:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Thunderirc.Hardware]] . . . August 01, 2021, at 01:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Lecturify.Hardware]] . . . August 01, 2021, at 01:27 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Congress.Procedure]] . . . August 01, 2021, at 06:41 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Chroot]] . . . July 31, 2021, at 02:47 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Syslogd.Remote]] . . . July 30, 2021, at 03:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmmuser]] . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmminstall]] . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vmm]] . . . July 29, 2021, at 05:24 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCAdmin]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCSupport]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ZNC.Troubleshoot]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Troubleshoot]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 06:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Kill.Usage]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ps.Usage]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Vhost]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 03:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Host.Usage]] . . . July 28, 2021, at 01:57 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Php]] . . . July 27, 2021, at 02:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.IRCFreeHomesteadVPS]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.PioneerTldr]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 06:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Pioneer]] . . . July 26, 2021, at 04:22 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dig]] . . . July 25, 2021, at 06:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.RDNS]] . . . July 23, 2021, at 06:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Wordpress.Install]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:59 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.All]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:37 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Lemon.Todo]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:21 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Irc.Guide]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 06:02 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=client -> clients=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sic]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 05:57 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=first edit.=]%0a* [[Minutemin.Progress]] . . . July 21, 2021, at 08:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Rsync.Usage]] . . . July 19, 2021, at 02:30 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Openrsync]] . . . July 18, 2021, at 02:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Znc]] . . . July 16, 2021, at 10:43 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Become]] . . . July 14, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Bearcode]] . . . July 14, 2021, at 09:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Staticnet]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 05:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dovecot]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 02:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Relayd]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 02:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Spf]] . . . July 12, 2021, at 03:08 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Eggdrop]] . . . July 02, 2021, at 03:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openssl.Http]] . . . June 30, 2021, at 04:44 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Oldsoftware]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:56 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Xmlflaws]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:54 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Wikipediadanger]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:51 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.DCC]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:49 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Matrixflaws]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Webirc]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Nodejstrap]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ircv3defense]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:45 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Newdisk]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[AndroidEmail.AndroidEmail]] . . . June 29, 2021, at 03:11 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ed]] . . . June 28, 2021, at 04:04 PM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unbound]] . . . June 27, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Religion]] . . . June 27, 2021, at 02:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Union]] . . . June 26, 2021, at 01:01 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Firstamendment]] . . . June 26, 2021, at 11:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dkimproxy]] . . . June 25, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[MIF.Test]] . . . June 25, 2021, at 12:42 PM by [[~nsturtz]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade69]] . . . June 25, 2021, at 05:46 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Opensmtpd]] . . . June 23, 2021, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.NgircdLink]] . . . June 22, 2021, at 07:50 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=delete=]%0a* [[File.File]] . . . June 22, 2021, at 07:43 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=linking=]%0a* [[Debate.Linuxflaws]] . . . June 20, 2021, at 08:03 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=making hyperlinks=]%0a* [[Freedom.Destiny]] . . . June 18, 2021, at 05:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Doas]] . . . June 13, 2021, at 01:19 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Freedom]] . . . June 13, 2021, at 09:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Press]] . . . June 13, 2021, at 09:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Shell]] . . . June 11, 2021, at 09:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Constitution]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:48 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netizen.Rights]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 03:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[IPv4.Overview]] . . . June 10, 2021, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ksh.Bash]] . . . June 09, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[PowerShell.Connect]] . . . June 09, 2021, at 11:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Code.Code]] . . . June 08, 2021, at 05:24 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=better formating=]%0a* [[Grape.DonateUs]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 03:41 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Books]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 12:46 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Grape]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 11:39 AM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pfa]] . . . June 06, 2021, at 03:49 AM by [[~navic]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Debian]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 07:48 PM by [[~mkf]]: [="LOL"=]%0a* [[DNS.Dnswl]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Netcat.SMTP]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 09:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dkim.Dkimsign]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 09:07 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tor.Torsocks]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vpn.VpnMac]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 05:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Wordpress]] . . . June 04, 2021, at 04:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[DNS.SPF]] . . . June 03, 2021, at 01:27 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[HostServ.Rules]] . . . June 01, 2021, at 08:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ACKFlood]] . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:20 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.SSDP]] . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:18 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Anycast]] . . . May 29, 2021, at 06:01 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ambassador.Networks]] . . . May 27, 2021, at 04:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Rules]] . . . May 26, 2021, at 06:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Power]] . . . May 26, 2021, at 04:38 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Money]] . . . May 25, 2021, at 03:29 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freenode.Takeover]] . . . May 25, 2021, at 05:28 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Freenode]] . . . May 25, 2021, at 01:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Atomic]] . . . May 24, 2021, at 03:22 PM by [[~mkf]]: [=spacing=]%0a* [[Minetest.Updating]] . . . May 24, 2021, at 08:10 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=monospaced commands=]%0a* [[Shell.Putty]] . . . May 24, 2021, at 06:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dmarc]] . . . May 21, 2021, at 09:22 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vmm.Optimize]] . . . May 19, 2021, at 04:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Stable]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~mkf]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.VicePresident]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sheriff]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ambassador]] . . . May 18, 2021, at 07:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pf.Guide]] . . . May 17, 2021, at 03:37 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Install]] . . . May 16, 2021, at 06:49 AM by [[~mkf]]: [="$"=]%0a* [[Tmux.Share]] . . . May 15, 2021, at 02:27 AM by [[~mistera]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Security]] . . . May 14, 2021, at 03:14 AM by [[~caesar]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Vision]] . . . May 13, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~mkf]]: [=added home page, removed "..."s=]%0a* [[Minetest.Worldbackup]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Texturestyle]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 11:00 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Serverlocations]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 10:59 AM by [[~AES]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Addingarenas]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 10:58 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Relay.Relay]] . . . May 12, 2021, at 09:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ngircd.Install-bej]] . . . May 11, 2021, at 05:26 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Hopm-Arthur]] . . . May 07, 2021, at 12:28 PM by [[~Arthur]]: [==]%0a* [[Znc.Chroot69]] . . . May 06, 2021, at 03:36 AM by [[~bejelentkezni]]: [=back to 6.9 to see real changes=]%0a* [[Dig.Usage]] . . . May 04, 2021, at 02:36 AM by [[~sarah]]: [==]%0a* [[Bgpd.Configure]] . . . May 03, 2021, at 06:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Unix]] . . . April 29, 2021, at 03:39 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pmwiki.Simpleurl]] . . . April 29, 2021, at 02:46 PM by [[~punk]]: [==]%0a* [[Gpl.Flaws]] . . . April 24, 2021, at 04:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Iked.Windows]] . . . April 18, 2021, at 07:38 PM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Libertyordeath]] . . . April 17, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minetest.Economy]] . . . April 15, 2021, at 02:32 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vim.Vim]] . . . April 11, 2021, at 11:14 PM by [[~monaco]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Duty]] . . . April 11, 2021, at 04:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.License]] . . . April 04, 2021, at 02:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[EthicalSource.HolierThanThou]] . . . April 04, 2021, at 01:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Rmsboycott]] . . . April 03, 2021, at 01:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jrmu.Libertyordeath]] . . . April 02, 2021, at 12:56 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fig.Fig]] . . . March 31, 2021, at 10:15 AM by [[~chewy]]: [==]%0a* [[Coconut.Coconut]] . . . March 29, 2021, at 12:28 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.CodeForce]] . . . March 29, 2021, at 12:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[ClawsMail.Connect]] . . . March 29, 2021, at 08:42 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Madeonirc]] . . . March 27, 2021, at 11:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Devs]] . . . March 27, 2021, at 11:41 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Code]] . . . March 24, 2021, at 03:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Cherry.Todo]] . . . March 23, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~Oz]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Independence]] . . . March 22, 2021, at 01:13 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Founders]] . . . March 20, 2021, at 01:40 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Teams]] . . . March 18, 2021, at 09:47 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=banana=]%0a* [[Vhost.Freedns]] . . . March 16, 2021, at 12:22 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Freedom]] . . . March 15, 2021, at 01:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsd.Labor]] . . . March 15, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Discriminatory]] . . . March 15, 2021, at 06:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bsd.Hope]] . . . March 14, 2021, at 11:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Publicdomain]] . . . March 14, 2021, at 10:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Linux.Flaws]] . . . March 14, 2021, at 05:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[NewsNow.Browser]] . . . March 12, 2021, at 08:00 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Abuse.Code]] . . . March 09, 2021, at 03:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Congress.Documents]] . . . March 07, 2021, at 04:50 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Goals]] . . . March 06, 2021, at 09:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Chatforce]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 02:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Bash]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 10:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[User.Welcome]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 07:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Immigrant.Welcome]] . . . March 05, 2021, at 06:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mail.Openrelay]] . . . March 04, 2021, at 03:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mail.Test]] . . . March 04, 2021, at 03:07 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Game]] . . . March 04, 2021, at 10:16 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Recruit]] . . . March 04, 2021, at 09:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Howtoask]] . . . March 03, 2021, at 12:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Netizen]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Servers.Rights]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 12:37 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Enterprise]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 11:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Creed]] . . . February 28, 2021, at 03:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ln.Intro]] . . . February 25, 2021, at 12:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Leafnode.Install]] . . . February 25, 2021, at 10:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Todo]] . . . February 23, 2021, at 10:47 AM by [[~quofan]]: [==]%0a* [[Relays.Relays]] . . . February 22, 2021, at 04:22 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[PSFTP.Connect]] . . . February 21, 2021, at 03:57 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Outlook.Connect]] . . . February 21, 2021, at 03:23 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[AppleMail.Connect]] . . . February 20, 2021, at 04:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Thunderbird.Pgp]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 04:44 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[License.Ircnow]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:45 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=2021=]%0a* [[Thunderbird.Connect]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Mac]] . . . February 19, 2021, at 09:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Minutemin.Training]] . . . February 18, 2021, at 06:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Openforeveryone]] . . . February 16, 2021, at 04:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.IRCitizen]] . . . February 15, 2021, at 05:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[IPv6.Overview]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:09 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tcpip.Overview]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Syspatch]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 11:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Netadmin]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 10:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Religion]] . . . February 14, 2021, at 10:37 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Independence]] . . . February 13, 2021, at 04:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Leafnode]] . . . February 12, 2021, at 01:40 PM by [[~chewy]]: [==]%0a* [[Oidentd.Pylink]] . . . February 12, 2021, at 01:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Opportunity]] . . . February 11, 2021, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Marketing.Republic]] . . . February 11, 2021, at 06:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Achurch.Install]] . . . February 10, 2021, at 04:33 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pylink]] . . . February 08, 2021, at 08:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.OpofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:53 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Allies]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:47 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Dueprocess]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Checks]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Rulebylaw]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Startupdream]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 12:12 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Federation]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 11:44 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Selfadmin]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 11:26 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.OpsofLiberty]] . . . February 06, 2021, at 02:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Software]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Opportunity]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Workethic]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix.Ethic]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 08:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Privacy]] . . . February 05, 2021, at 07:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team.Policy]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 04:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Serversrights]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:43 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Serverrights]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Fork]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 02:39 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Lanofopportunity]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 01:24 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Opentoall]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 01:17 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Refuge]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 09:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Dns.Providers]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 04:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Guava]] . . . February 03, 2021, at 02:30 AM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Stable]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 02:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Base64]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 06:37 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Unboundadblock]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pfbadhost]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 04:29 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Delphinusdnsd]] . . . February 02, 2021, at 01:51 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Mango]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:01 PM by [[~nix]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Abuse]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Censorship]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:23 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Firstamendment]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Phishing]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 05:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Audit]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 04:46 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ongoing]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 01:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Partners]] . . . January 31, 2021, at 12:32 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Todo]] . . . January 30, 2021, at 11:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pear.Pear]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 06:09 PM by [[~dennis]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Httpopenproxy]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 11:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Zncadmin]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 10:00 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Rbldns]] . . . January 29, 2021, at 05:45 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Setuid]] . . . January 28, 2021, at 06:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.PFTesting]] . . . January 25, 2021, at 03:28 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.ZNCDaily]] . . . January 25, 2021, at 11:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Irssi]] . . . January 25, 2021, at 07:08 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Sysadmins]] . . . January 24, 2021, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.UnixPhilosophy]] . . . January 18, 2021, at 05:05 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.XTerm]] . . . January 17, 2021, at 01:48 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=copyright=]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Statement]] . . . January 17, 2021, at 02:44 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[Email.Outlook]] . . . January 16, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~Zouheir]]: [==]%0a* [[Plum.Todo]] . . . January 16, 2021, at 12:09 AM by [[~st13g]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ipsec]] . . . January 13, 2021, at 10:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Plum.Plum]] . . . January 12, 2021, at 03:02 PM by [[~wiz]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Slrn]] . . . January 12, 2021, at 02:40 PM by [[~Noxturnix]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.CPAN]] . . . January 12, 2021, at 01:48 PM by [[~Dima]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Todo]] . . . January 11, 2021, at 05:13 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Ilines]] . . . January 11, 2021, at 09:55 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Netcat]] . . . January 09, 2021, at 02:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[OpenBSD.Perl]] . . . January 09, 2021, at 02:04 PM by [[~dima]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Perl]] . . . January 09, 2021, at 01:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Fig.Log]] . . . January 07, 2021, at 11:23 AM by [[~dima]]: [=test=]%0a* [[Fig.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Pear.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:05 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Jujube.Team]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Todo]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 01:04 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Censorship]] . . . January 06, 2021, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Pentesters]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:17 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Coders]] . . . January 05, 2021, at 11:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Banana.Todo]] . . . January 04, 2021, at 09:41 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=znc=]%0a* [[Users.CategoryMirrory]] . . . January 04, 2021, at 01:10 AM by [[~category_mirror]]: [==]%0a* [[UsersCategoryMirrory.Test]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 08:17 PM by [[~category_mirrory]]: [==]%0a* [[Users.Categorymirrory]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 08:12 PM by [[~category_mirrory]]: [=wrong caps=]%0a* [[Banana.Banana]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 02:39 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Orange]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 02:10 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Backup]] . . . January 03, 2021, at 01:46 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Appledanger]] . . . January 02, 2021, at 01:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Grape.Tasks]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 07:52 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Helpers]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Finances]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 04:15 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Tutorial.Tutorial]] . . . January 01, 2021, at 03:25 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Testing]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:58 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sshbackdoor]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 12:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Mango.Packages]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 10:48 AM by [[~nix]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Contact]] . . . December 30, 2020, at 03:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pf-bnc]] . . . December 29, 2020, at 06:30 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Partners2]] . . . December 29, 2020, at 02:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Mozilladanger]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:05 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Controlcomputer]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Facebookdanger]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 03:01 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Slackdanger]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:56 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Freespeech]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Ethicalflaws]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:31 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Hatespeech]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Monero]] . . . December 27, 2020, at 02:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.WhyNotC]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:43 PM by [[~searchsocial]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Python]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:21 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Cash]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:18 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Uberdanger]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:16 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Microsoftdanger]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:15 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Accessibility]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:14 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Zoomdanger]] . . . December 26, 2020, at 06:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Applications]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 06:21 PM by [[~fizi]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Dillo]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Basilisk]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Directory]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 01:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Guava.Packages]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 06:14 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Amplification]] . . . December 19, 2020, at 05:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.UDPFlood]] . . . December 18, 2020, at 10:39 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpdump]] . . . December 18, 2020, at 09:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpackflood]] . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.RSTFlood]] . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Tcpresetflood]] . . . December 17, 2020, at 10:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Ssdp]] . . . December 15, 2020, at 12:59 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Igloo]] . . . December 14, 2020, at 09:39 AM by [[~Noxturnix]]: [==]%0a* [[Main.Terms]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 01:35 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Pf]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 12:03 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install68]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Upgrade67]] . . . December 13, 2020, at 04:02 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sysupgrade68]] . . . December 11, 2020, at 10:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Dokuwiki]] . . . December 10, 2020, at 02:23 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=code blocks fixed=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Acme-client]] . . . December 09, 2020, at 06:47 PM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=fixed troubleshooting links=]%0a* [[Freedom.Christian]] . . . December 08, 2020, at 01:12 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Finances]] . . . December 08, 2020, at 01:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Shell.Sshkeys]] . . . December 07, 2020, at 10:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Install67]] . . . December 06, 2020, at 11:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Buyvm]] . . . December 06, 2020, at 02:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Opernbsd.Buyvm]] . . . December 04, 2020, at 12:06 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.WeeChat]] . . . December 02, 2020, at 12:43 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.SimpleIRC]] . . . December 02, 2020, at 12:31 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Militia]] . . . December 02, 2020, at 04:18 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Third]] . . . December 01, 2020, at 01:49 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Oidentd]] . . . November 30, 2020, at 11:42 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Helper]] . . . November 28, 2020, at 02:21 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.Hexchat]] . . . November 27, 2020, at 12:52 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloud]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:53 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.AdiIRC]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:42 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.RevolutionIRC]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:35 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.KiwiIRC]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:34 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.KVIrc]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:33 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IceChat]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:27 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudiOS]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudAndroid]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Bouncer.IRCCloudWeb]] . . . November 24, 2020, at 11:19 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Third.Catalog]] . . . November 23, 2020, at 07:52 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Checklist]] . . . November 20, 2020, at 12:44 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Openbsd.Acopm]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 03:32 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Achurch]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 02:25 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Vi]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 12:51 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Sudo]] . . . November 04, 2020, at 12:38 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Freedom.Denomination]] . . . October 23, 2020, at 09:20 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Vps.Intro]] . . . October 10, 2020, at 08:22 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircweb.Ircweb]] . . . October 05, 2020, at 01:10 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Http2irc.Http2irc]] . . . October 05, 2020, at 01:04 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Easyapp]] . . . September 29, 2020, at 12:13 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Nl]] . . . September 17, 2020, at 08:43 AM by [[~miniontoby]]: [=Dutch correct page=]%0a* [[Grape.Guide]] . . . September 16, 2020, at 08:42 AM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Id]] . . . September 08, 2020, at 09:51 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Orange.Ru]] . . . September 07, 2020, at 11:29 PM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[Bouncer.MIRC]] . . . September 06, 2020, at 03:59 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Debate.Bncnow]] . . . September 04, 2020, at 04:36 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Cgit]] . . . September 01, 2020, at 05:51 PM by [[~baytuch]]: [==]%0a* [[Orange.Notes]] . . . August 27, 2020, at 03:38 AM by [[~gry]]: [=expanded=]%0a* [[Shell.ShellSSHKEYS]] . . . August 25, 2020, at 10:00 PM by [[~gry]]: [=permissions added=]%0a* [[Bouncer.Irccloud]] . . . August 24, 2020, at 12:20 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[GrapeTeam.Tracker]] . . . August 24, 2020, at 10:16 AM by [[~gry]]: [=+=]%0a* [[GrapeTeam.GrapeTeam]] . . . August 24, 2020, at 10:13 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Course]] . . . August 21, 2020, at 05:01 AM by [[~gry]]: [==]%0a* [[Openbsd.Bchs]] . . . August 20, 2020, at 07:11 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Ircnow.Todo]] . . . August 20, 2020, at 06:48 AM by [[~jrmu]]: on_is_active php_session_active squirrelmailing sqsession_start troubleshooting authentication session_status config_default webmail_access modifications configuration unfortunately accessibility administrator webmail_error compatibility acceleration default_pref organization replacement disposition alternative information sourceforge permissions certificate interactive configuring preferences letsencrypt development compatible javascript configtest connection additional nameserver configured afterwards extracting attempting installing documents complains openhttpd functions localhost opensmtpd challenge supported subdomain receiving databases recommend necessary following languages delimiter directory debugging fusername essential addresses installed chrooted smtphost projects browsers normally location provides tlsmulti 26214400 required remember original security listener optional settings sendmail properly software specific licensed messages brackets instance writable services browsing defaults drawback continue opening control dovecot fastcgi already contact defines example initial unbound folders unusual request plugins general command servers defined private options however records contrib include restart because nologin disable exiting keypair baytuch strings misused charset appears content instead openbsd release sending mt_rand another subject version tarball warning charlie without changes resolve foxtrot uploads written client relayd needed return logout syntax longer cannot latest htdocs braces rather offset typing before themes ircnow frames across making should switch please detect secure invert readme global create update system locale report serial delete femail myname daemon lookup socket number errors trying issues actual stable inline attach master reload touch could color chown check chmod needs first intro shell rcctl php74 mkdir books hosts write above https there false using might every ascii 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configured especially consulting forwarding foreground plaintext correctly debugging fullchain openhttpd available forwarded verbosity splitting listening challenge following selective remaining instances directory stacksize newsyslog openfiles service1 service2 searches increase database disabled protocol symlinks starting services tlsmulti sortable requests complete template filtered properly networks rotation addition location listener expanded multiple messages concepts example keypair listens finally backlog running private www6tls warning openbsd respond content produce provide verbose replace hosting devices android earlier maximum inspect enabled another domains openssl syslogd reverse headers td76656 without archive default already missing labeled records address option actual relayd handle relays create nabble wwwtls define packet turned before client please border append serves common public errors either cannot number blocks syntax bottom daemon assume entire typing failed simply sample second notice output https certs class there check rcctl first pfctl width guide login fails queue where names large which value match avoid above ports using based wrong entry lines close title below doesn three users index known third proxy while strip 8020 sure 8001 8002 icmp 4096 have make 2001 need will both that ipv6 them this want acme they ipv4 your edit what sack time doas then must logs html 7691 into send busy wish from real upon look test like stop ones auto when well root load last says also ddos etc 443 crt sub see are any ip4 ios tcp org man cur 96m 128 its won var may nsd set dns how pem 100 dvv 127 168 192 ip6 db8 of n7 by ln= Relayd.Acceleration:1628324627: Pf.Guide Leafnode.Install Tcpip.Sockets Openbsd.Znc Openhttpd.Configure Openhttpd.Hosting Telnet.Http Znc.Chroot Openbsd.Netcat Acme-client.Configure Openssl.Http : troubleshooting acknowledgments eavesdropping configuration dramatically introduction acceleration permissions server_addr connections simpletable server_port remote_addr certificate integration application transparent forwarding encryption webhosting configured foreground indication afterwards especially commentary splitting openhttpd plaintext challenge openfiles forwarded stacksize listening selective necessary directory fullchain providing debugging correctly sometimes following newsyslog verbosity available instances location service1 service2 symlinks protocol possible searches template requests listener filtered bouncers sortable database rotation addition increase messages balancer networks properly features plumbing normally exposing leafnode starting disabled complete private example produce keypair openbsd missing warning running replace address labeled default records openssl sockets install android devices verbose td76656 archiv= blob - be97e17f8f302810e39413b1be923bd068103280 blob + 09e290c8dd37529f9d624898b83e1845f7a884db --- wiki.d/SiteAdmin.Blocklist-MoinMaster +++ 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@2023-11-04T18:45:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team/Announce]] . . . @2023-06-29T23:11:19Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team/Welcome]] . . . @2023-06-10T15:37:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team/Networks]] . . . January 12, 2023, at 06:36 PM by [[~kilroy]]: [=Updated Sturtz IRC=]%0a* [[Team/Testing]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 09:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team/Policy]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 04:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team/Vps]] . . . August 01, 2020, at 04:03 AM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a -time=1711922543 +rev=47 +text=* [[Team/Team]] . . . @2024-05-08T21:13:23Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team/Security]] . . . @2023-11-04T18:45:38Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team/Announce]] . . . @2023-06-29T23:11:19Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team/Welcome]] . . . @2023-06-10T15:37:17Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team/Networks]] . . . January 12, 2023, at 06:36 PM by [[~kilroy]]: [=Updated Sturtz IRC=]%0a* [[Team/Testing]] . . . April 20, 2022, at 09:45 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team/Policy]] . . . February 04, 2021, at 04:08 PM by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Team/Vps]] . . . 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Richard Stevens (Author), Gary R. Wright (Author)%0a * Publisher : Addison-Wesley Professional; 6th printing edition (January 1, 1995)%0a * Language : English%0a * Hardcover : 1174 pages%0a * ISBN-10 : 020163354X%0a * ISBN-13 : 978-0201633542 %0a %0a# * TCP/IP Illustrated: v. 3: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP and the Unix Domain Protocols (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) 1st Edition%0a * by W. Richard Stevens (Author), Gary R. Wright (Author)%0a * Publisher : Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition (January 1, 1996)%0a * Language : English%0a * Hardcover : 328 pages%0a * ISBN-10 : 0201634953%0a * ISBN-13 : 978-0201634952 %0a %0a# * UNIX Network Programming 1st Edition%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0139498763%0a * ISBN-10: 0139498761%0a * Publisher : Prentice Hall; 1st edition (January 23, 1990)%0a * Language : English%0a * %0a# * UNIX Network Programming, Volume 2: Interprocess Communications, Second Edition 2nd Edition%0a * Publisher : Prentice Hall; 2nd edition (August 1, 1998)%0a * Language : English%0a * Hardcover : 400 pages%0a * ISBN-10 : 0130810819%0a * ISBN-13 : 978-0130810816%0a * %0a# * Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) First Edition%0a * Publisher : Addison-Wesley; First Edition (May 1, 1992)%0a * Language : English%0a * Hardcover : 768 pages%0a * ISBN-10 : 0201563177%0a * ISBN-13 : 978-0201563177%0a * %0a# * TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 1: The Protocols (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)%0a * Publisher : Addison-Wesley Professional (January 1, 1994)%0a * Language : English%0a * Hardcover : 576 pages%0a * ISBN-10 : 0201633469%0a * ISBN-13 : 978-0201633467 %0a%0a# * The Daemon, the Gnu, and the Penguin%0a * by Salus, Peter H., Reed, Jeremy C.%0a * Publisher: Reed Media Services (September 1, 2008)%0a * ISBN-10: 097903423X%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0979034237%0a%0a# * Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet%0a * by Katie Hafner%0a * Publisher: Simon & Schuster; First Paperback Edition (January 21, 1998)%0a * ISBN-10 : 9780684832678%0a * ISBN-13 : 978-0684832678%0a %0a# * The Unix Programming Environment%0a * by Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike%0a * Publisher: Prentice-Hall; 1st edition (November 1, 1983)%0a * ISBN-10: 013937681X%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0139376818 %0a %0a# * The Practice of Programming (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)%0a * Kernighan, Brian; Pike, Rob%0a * Publisher: Addison-Wesley; 1st edition (February 4, 1999)%0a * ISBN-10: 020161586X%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0201615869 %0a %0a# * Lion's Commentary on UNIX with Source Code (Paperback)%0a * John Lions%0a %0a# * The AWK Programming Language%0a * Aho, Alfred V., Kernighan, Brian W., Weinberger, Peter J.%0a %0a# * Unix: A History and a Memoir (Paperback)%0a * Brian W Kernighan%0a * ISBN-10: 1695978552%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1695978553 %0a %0a# * The Idea Factory: Bell Labs%0a * Jon Gertner%0a * ASIN: 0143122797%0a * Publisher: Penguin Books; Reprint edition (February 26, 2013)%0a * ISBN-10: 9780143122791%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0143122791%0a %0a# * [[|The Cathedral & the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary 1st Edition]]%0a * by Eric S. Raymond (Author)%0a * Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1st edition (January 15, 2001)%0a * Language: English%0a * Paperback: 241 pages%0a * ISBN-10: 0596001088%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0596001087 %0a %0a# * Lions' Commentary on Unix 6th Edition%0a * by John Lions%0a * Publisher: Peer to Peer Communications/ Annabook; 6th edition (August 1, 1977) %0a * ISBN-13: 978-1573980135%0a * ISBN-10: 1573980137%0a %0a# * The Design of the UNIX Operating System 1st Edition%0a * by Maurice Bach (Author)%0a * Publisher: Pearson; 1st edition (May 27, 1986)%0a * ISBN-10: 0132017997%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0132017992 %0a %0a# * [[|Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) second edition]]%0a * Publisher: The MIT Press; second edition (September 1, 1996)%0a * ISBN-10: 0262510871%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0262510875 %0a %0a# * Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age 1st Edition%0a * by Paul Graham (Author)%0a * Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1st edition (June 22, 2010)%0a * ISBN-10: 1449389554%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1449389550 %0a %0a# * Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools 2nd Edition%0a * by Alfred Aho (Author), Monica Lam (Author), Ravi Sethi (Author), Jeffrey Ullman (Author)%0a * Publisher: Addison Wesley; 2nd edition (August 31, 2006)%0a * ISBN-10: 0321486811%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0321486813 %0a %0a# * [[|Foundations of Computer Science: C Edition (Principles of Computer Science Series) New edition]]%0a * by Alfred V. Aho (Author), Jeffrey D. Ullman (Author)%0a %0a# * C Programming Language, 2nd Edition 2nd Edition%0a * by Brian W. Kernighan (Author), Dennis M. Ritchie (Author)%0a * Publisher: Pearson; 2nd edition (March 22, 1988)%0a * ISBN-10: 0131103628%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0131103627 %0a %0a# * The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn Hardcover – May 26, 2020%0a * by Richard W. Hamming (Author), Bret Victor (Foreword)%0a * Publisher: Stripe Press (May 26, 2020)%0a * ISBN-10: 1732265178%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1732265172 %0a%0a# * Linux and the Unix Philosophy%0a * by Mike Garcarz (Author)%0a * Publisher: Digital Press (2003)%0a * ISBN-10: 1555582737%0a * ISBN-13: 9781555582739 %0a%0a# * Applied Cryptography (2nd Edition)%0a * by Bruce Schneier (Author)%0a * Publisher: Wiley%0a * ISBN 0471128457%0a%0a# * The Book of PF, 3rd Edition%0a * by Peter N. M. Hansteen (Author)%0a * No Starch Press (October 2014) 248 pp.%0a * ISBN-10: 1-59327-589-7%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1-59327-589-1%0a%0a# * Httpd and Relayd Mastery%0a * by Michael W. Lucas%0a * May 2017, 232 pp.%0a * ISBN-10: 1-54675-206-4%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1-54675-206-6%0a%0a# * SSH Mastery, 2nd Edition%0a * by Michael W. Lucas%0a * February 2018, 242 pp.%0a * ISBN-10: 1642350028%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1642350029%0a%0a# * Absolute OpenBSD. 2nd Edition!%0a * by Michael W. Lucas%0a * Publisher: No Starch Press (April 15, 2013)%0a * Pages: 536%0a * ISBN-10: 1593274769%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1-59327-476-4%0a%0a# * IPsec: The New Security Standard for the Internet, Intranets and Virtual Private Networks%0a * by Naganand Doraswamy and Dan Harkins%0a * Publisher: Prentice Hall (July 26, 1999)%0a * ISBN-10: 0130118982%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0130118981%0a%0a# * Secure Architectures with OpenBSD%0a * by Brandon Palmer, Jose Nazario.%0a * April 2004, 520 pp.%0a * ISBN 03-21193-66-0%0a%0a# * The Elements of Programming Style%0a * by Brian W. Kernighan and P. J. Plauger%0a%0a# * DNSSEC Mastery%0a * by Michael W. Lucas%0a * May 2013, 130 pp.%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1484924471%0a * ISBN-10: 1484924479%0a%0a# * SSH, The Secure Shell.%0a * by Daniel J. Barrett and Richard Silverman%0a * The Definitive Guide. OpenSSH is covered in detail.%0a# * Document Formatting and Typesetting on the UNIX System, 2nd Ed.,%0a * by Narain Gehani%0a * Silicon Press%0a * ISBN 0-9615336-2-5%0a# * Document Formatting and Typesetting on the UNIX System Volume II: grap, mv, ms, and troff%0a * by Narain Gehani, Steven Lally.%0a * Silicon Press%0a * ISBN 0-9615336-3-3%0a# * DHCP %0a * by Ted Lemon and Ralph E. Droms %0a%0a%0a%0a%0a%0a%0a%0a %0a(:if false:)%0a# * Go Programming Language, The (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) 1st Edition%0a * by Alan Donovan (Author), Brian Kernighan (Author)%0a * ASIN: 0134190440%0a * Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition (October 26, 2015)%0a * ISBN-10: 9780134190440%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0134190440 %0a(:ifend:)%0a -time=1703206820 +text=# * The Design and Implementation of the 4.4Bsd Operating System 1st Edition%0a * Publisher : Addison-Wesley; 1st edition (April 30, 1996)%0a * Language : English%0a * Hardcover : 580 pages%0a * ISBN-10 : 0201549794%0a * ISBN-13 : 978-0201549799%0a * %0a# * TCP/IP Illustrated: The Implementation, Vol. 2 6th printing Edition%0a * by W. Richard Stevens (Author), Gary R. Wright (Author)%0a * Publisher : Addison-Wesley Professional; 6th printing edition (January 1, 1995)%0a * Language : English%0a * Hardcover : 1174 pages%0a * ISBN-10 : 020163354X%0a * ISBN-13 : 978-0201633542 %0a %0a# * TCP/IP Illustrated: v. 3: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP and the Unix Domain Protocols (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) 1st Edition%0a * by W. Richard Stevens (Author), Gary R. Wright (Author)%0a * Publisher : Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition (January 1, 1996)%0a * Language : English%0a * Hardcover : 328 pages%0a * ISBN-10 : 0201634953%0a * ISBN-13 : 978-0201634952 %0a %0a# * UNIX Network Programming 1st Edition%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0139498763%0a * ISBN-10: 0139498761%0a * Publisher : Prentice Hall; 1st edition (January 23, 1990)%0a * Language : English%0a * %0a# * UNIX Network Programming, Volume 2: Interprocess Communications, Second Edition 2nd Edition%0a * Publisher : Prentice Hall; 2nd edition (August 1, 1998)%0a * Language : English%0a * Hardcover : 400 pages%0a * ISBN-10 : 0130810819%0a * ISBN-13 : 978-0130810816%0a * %0a# * Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) First Edition%0a * Publisher : Addison-Wesley; First Edition (May 1, 1992)%0a * Language : English%0a * Hardcover : 768 pages%0a * ISBN-10 : 0201563177%0a * ISBN-13 : 978-0201563177%0a * %0a# * TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 1: The Protocols (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)%0a * Publisher : Addison-Wesley Professional (January 1, 1994)%0a * Language : English%0a * Hardcover : 576 pages%0a * ISBN-10 : 0201633469%0a * ISBN-13 : 978-0201633467 %0a%0a# * The Daemon, the Gnu, and the Penguin%0a * by Salus, Peter H., Reed, Jeremy C.%0a * Publisher: Reed Media Services (September 1, 2008)%0a * ISBN-10: 097903423X%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0979034237%0a%0a# * Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet%0a * by Katie Hafner%0a * Publisher: Simon & Schuster; First Paperback Edition (January 21, 1998)%0a * ISBN-10 : 9780684832678%0a * ISBN-13 : 978-0684832678%0a %0a# * The Unix Programming Environment%0a * by Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike%0a * Publisher: Prentice-Hall; 1st edition (November 1, 1983)%0a * ISBN-10: 013937681X%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0139376818 %0a %0a# * The Practice of Programming (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)%0a * Kernighan, Brian; Pike, Rob%0a * Publisher: Addison-Wesley; 1st edition (February 4, 1999)%0a * ISBN-10: 020161586X%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0201615869 %0a %0a# * Lion's Commentary on UNIX with Source Code (Paperback)%0a * John Lions%0a %0a# * The AWK Programming Language%0a * Aho, Alfred V., Kernighan, Brian W., Weinberger, Peter J.%0a %0a# * Unix: A History and a Memoir (Paperback)%0a * Brian W Kernighan%0a * ISBN-10: 1695978552%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1695978553 %0a %0a# * The Idea Factory: Bell Labs%0a * Jon Gertner%0a * ASIN: 0143122797%0a * Publisher: Penguin Books; Reprint edition (February 26, 2013)%0a * ISBN-10: 9780143122791%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0143122791%0a %0a# * [[|The Cathedral & the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary 1st Edition]]%0a * by Eric S. Raymond (Author)%0a * Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1st edition (January 15, 2001)%0a * Language: English%0a * Paperback: 241 pages%0a * ISBN-10: 0596001088%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0596001087 %0a %0a# * Lions' Commentary on Unix 6th Edition%0a * by John Lions%0a * Publisher: Peer to Peer Communications/ Annabook; 6th edition (August 1, 1977) %0a * ISBN-13: 978-1573980135%0a * ISBN-10: 1573980137%0a %0a# * The Design of the UNIX Operating System 1st Edition%0a * by Maurice Bach (Author)%0a * Publisher: Pearson; 1st edition (May 27, 1986)%0a * ISBN-10: 0132017997%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0132017992 %0a %0a# * [[|Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) second edition]]%0a * Publisher: The MIT Press; second edition (September 1, 1996)%0a * ISBN-10: 0262510871%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0262510875 %0a %0a# * Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age 1st Edition%0a * by Paul Graham (Author)%0a * Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1st edition (June 22, 2010)%0a * ISBN-10: 1449389554%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1449389550 %0a %0a# * Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools 2nd Edition%0a * by Alfred Aho (Author), Monica Lam (Author), Ravi Sethi (Author), Jeffrey Ullman (Author)%0a * Publisher: Addison Wesley; 2nd edition (August 31, 2006)%0a * ISBN-10: 0321486811%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0321486813 %0a %0a# * [[|Foundations of Computer Science: C Edition (Principles of Computer Science Series) New edition]]%0a * by Alfred V. Aho (Author), Jeffrey D. Ullman (Author)%0a %0a# * C Programming Language, 2nd Edition 2nd Edition%0a * by Brian W. Kernighan (Author), Dennis M. Ritchie (Author)%0a * Publisher: Pearson; 2nd edition (March 22, 1988)%0a * ISBN-10: 0131103628%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0131103627 %0a %0a# * The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn Hardcover – May 26, 2020%0a * by Richard W. Hamming (Author), Bret Victor (Foreword)%0a * Publisher: Stripe Press (May 26, 2020)%0a * ISBN-10: 1732265178%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1732265172 %0a%0a# * Linux and the Unix Philosophy%0a * by Mike Garcarz (Author)%0a * Publisher: Digital Press (2003)%0a * ISBN-10: 1555582737%0a * ISBN-13: 9781555582739 %0a%0a# * Applied Cryptography (2nd Edition)%0a * by Bruce Schneier (Author)%0a * Publisher: Wiley%0a * ISBN 0471128457%0a%0a# * The Book of PF, 3rd Edition%0a * by Peter N. M. Hansteen (Author)%0a * No Starch Press (October 2014) 248 pp.%0a * ISBN-10: 1-59327-589-7%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1-59327-589-1%0a%0a# * Httpd and Relayd Mastery%0a * by Michael W. Lucas%0a * May 2017, 232 pp.%0a * ISBN-10: 1-54675-206-4%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1-54675-206-6%0a%0a# * SSH Mastery, 2nd Edition%0a * by Michael W. Lucas%0a * February 2018, 242 pp.%0a * ISBN-10: 1642350028%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1642350029%0a%0a# * Absolute OpenBSD. 2nd Edition!%0a * by Michael W. Lucas%0a * Publisher: No Starch Press (April 15, 2013)%0a * Pages: 536%0a * ISBN-10: 1593274769%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1-59327-476-4%0a%0a# * IPsec: The New Security Standard for the Internet, Intranets and Virtual Private Networks%0a * by Naganand Doraswamy and Dan Harkins%0a * Publisher: Prentice Hall (July 26, 1999)%0a * ISBN-10: 0130118982%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0130118981%0a%0a# * Secure Architectures with OpenBSD%0a * by Brandon Palmer, Jose Nazario.%0a * April 2004, 520 pp.%0a * ISBN 03-21193-66-0%0a%0a# * The Elements of Programming Style%0a * by Brian W. Kernighan and P. J. Plauger%0a%0a# * DNSSEC Mastery%0a * by Michael W. Lucas%0a * May 2013, 130 pp.%0a * ISBN-13: 978-1484924471%0a * ISBN-10: 1484924479%0a%0a# * SSH, The Secure Shell.%0a * by Daniel J. Barrett and Richard Silverman%0a * The Definitive Guide. OpenSSH is covered in detail.%0a# * Document Formatting and Typesetting on the UNIX System, 2nd Ed.,%0a * by Narain Gehani%0a * Silicon Press%0a * ISBN 0-9615336-2-5%0a# * Document Formatting and Typesetting on the UNIX System Volume II: grap, mv, ms, and troff%0a * by Narain Gehani, Steven Lally.%0a * Silicon Press%0a * ISBN 0-9615336-3-3%0a# * DHCP %0a * by Ted Lemon and Ralph E. Droms %0a%0a# * IP Switching and Routing Essentials%0a * by Thomas, Stephen A.%0a * * Interconnections: Bridges, Routers%0a * by Perlman, Radia%0a * * The All-New Switch Book: The Complete Guide to LAN Switching Technology%0a * by Seifert, Rich, Edwards, James%0a * ISBN 9780470287156%0a * %0a(:if false:)%0a# * Go Programming Language, The (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) 1st Edition%0a * by Alan Donovan (Author), Brian Kernighan (Author)%0a * ASIN: 0134190440%0a * Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition (October 26, 2015)%0a * ISBN-10: 9780134190440%0a * ISBN-13: 978-0134190440 %0a(:ifend:)%0a +time=1715182284 +author:1715182284=jrmu +diff:1715182284:1703206820:=220,230d219%0a%3c %0a%3c # * IP Switching and Routing Essentials%0a%3c * by Thomas, Stephen A.%0a%3c * # * Interconnections: Bridges, Routers%0a%3c * by Perlman, Radia%0a%3c * # * The All-New Switch Book: The Complete Guide to LAN Switching Technology%0a%3c * by Seifert, Rich, Edwards, James%0a%3c * ISBN 9780470287156%0a%3c * +host:1715182284= author:1703206820=jrmu diff:1703206820:1693978569:=50,51c50,51%0a%3c # * TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 1: The Protocols (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)%0a%3c * Publisher : Addison-Wesley Professional (January 1, 1994)%0a---%0a> # * TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 1: The Protocols (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) 20775th Edition%0a> * Publisher : Addison-Wesley Professional; 20775th edition (January 1, 1994)%0a56c56,57%0a%3c %0a---%0a> *> %0a58,67c59%0a%3c * by Salus, Peter H., Reed, Jeremy C.%0a%3c * Publisher: Reed Media Services (September 1, 2008)%0a%3c * ISBN-10: 097903423X%0a%3c * ISBN-13: 978-0979034237%0a%3c %0a%3c # * Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet%0a%3c * by Katie Hafner%0a%3c * Publisher: Simon & Schuster; First Paperback Edition (January 21, 1998)%0a%3c * ISBN-10 : 9780684832678%0a%3c * ISBN-13 : 978-0684832678%0a---%0a> * Salus, Peter H.%0a182,183c174%0a%3c * Publisher: No Starch Press (April 15, 2013)%0a%3c * Pages: 536%0a---%0a> * April 2013, 536 pp.%0a186,191d176%0a%3c %0a%3c # * IPsec: The New Security Standard for the Internet, Intranets and Virtual Private Networks%0a%3c * by Naganand Doraswamy and Dan Harkins%0a%3c * Publisher: Prentice Hall (July 26, 1999)%0a%3c * ISBN-10: 0130118982%0a%3c * ISBN-13: 978-0130118981%0a host:1703206820= blob - 5d0b8e955b8f2d6c8e62963b61e7e6b704a46a4b blob + bfaea25026b27f86f11353892d8dd5c73653ac81 --- wiki.d/Unix.RecentChanges +++ wiki.d/Unix.RecentChanges @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ version=pmwiki-2.3.20 ordered=1 urlencoded=1 agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20230121 charset=UTF-8 ctime=1612514370 -host= +host= name=Unix.RecentChanges -rev=86 -text=* [[Unix/Reading]] . . . @2023-12-22T01:00:20Z by [[~jrmu]]: [==]%0a* [[Unix/History]] . . . 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