1 #Replace example with your team name
6 #Botnow will connect to this address and port; default
11 hostname = example.com
14 bnchostname = bnc.example.com
17 mailhostname = example.com
20 webpanel = https://bnc.example.com
23 webmail = https://mail.example.com
25 #External IP addresses, plaintext and ssl port
33 #Your IPv6 subnet length
36 #Routing prefix for your IPv6 network
37 #NOTE: routing prefix must be less than or equal to the subnet above
40 #Nick and password of bot.
41 #NOTE: username and password must match the ircd oper block *and* znc account
45 #List of channels for requesting bouncers
48 #List of staff nicks; comment out to avoid highlights
51 #List of team channels on localnet; comment out to disable
52 teamchans = #example-team
54 #List of networks to connect to
55 networks = example liberachat oftc rizon dalnet efnet undernet ircnet
58 mailfrom = support@example.com
62 modules = BNC DNS Mail Shell VPN SQLite Hash Help
64 #Uncomment to require admin approval for new accounts
68 terms = Example is part of the IRCNow Federation https://ircnow.org. Rules: no porn, no illegal drugs, no violent threats, no slander, no libel, no illegal gambling, no copyright infringement, no spam, no illegal cracking, and no DDoS. Only one account per person. Don't share passwords. Full terms: https://wiki.ircnow.org/index.php?n=Terms.Terms
70 #Comment out the line below
71 die = You did not configure botnow.conf!
73 #####################################
74 # Advanced Options Below #
75 # Do not edit unless needed #
76 #####################################
78 #Number of words in password
81 #Time in seconds before captcha expires
85 #zonedir = /var/nsd/zones/master/
87 #ZNC install directory
88 #zncdir = /home/znc/home/znc/
90 #Network Interface Config File
91 #hostnameif = /etc/hostname.vio0
94 #ikedconf = /etc/iked.conf